
Classic Goldfish Twelve Products (Ten Products: Cloud Brocade Three Colors)

author:Chinese ornamental fish

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Ten of the twelve classic goldfish products

October: Clouds and Brocade (Glowing Goldfish)

Flower language: Hibiscus. The wood hibiscus, which is not afraid of severe frost, symbolizes the steadfastness and purity of love, and lovers have always liked to leave it to their sweethearts.

Classic Goldfish Twelve Products (Ten Products: Cloud Brocade Three Colors)

Wood hibiscus blossoms of the flowers or white or pink or red, kyauknow if the hibiscus out of the water, like the petals of the hanjab, three changes a day, so also known as "three changes of flowers", its flowers bloom in late autumn, frost invasion dew ling but abundant and gorgeous, occupying the late autumn style, so also known as "frost repellent flower". Hibiscus dew is a kind of ethereal, elegant, noble and firm artistic conception. The splendid brocade body color of the three-color goldfish and the dashing swimming posture resemble the hibiscus flowers blooming in the water.

Classic Goldfish Twelve Products (Ten Products: Cloud Brocade Three Colors)

The three colors of the scales are a new variety that has emerged in recent years, with special color collocation, black, white and red color blocks are intertwined, and they are rendered with each other, just like the beauty of the colors used in Chinese paintings, and are also known as "landscape painting butterfly tail". The color is similar to the Showa tricolor in the Japanese koi. The tail of the fluorescence butterfly belongs to the hard scales, the main color is black, and the transparent scale goldfish is the opposite, the fish scales have a developed reflective substance, even in the weak light, still shining, the effect is unique, different from the traditional five-flowered goldfish, so it is named fluorine scales.

Classic Goldfish Twelve Products (Ten Products: Cloud Brocade Three Colors)

The three colors of the scales from Nanjing are called the three colors of cloud brocade. The three colors of the scales, especially the three colors of the butterfly tail, the reflective scales on the body are brilliant, and the inside is also faintly revealing red, blue, purple, blue, orange and other colors, just like the brocade woven of gold and silver and various color threads, beautiful and abnormal, so it is not too much to use cloud brocade to describe it. The name Yunjin Tricolor can better reflect the nobility and temperament of this breed.

Classic Goldfish Twelve Products (Ten Products: Cloud Brocade Three Colors)

If you compare the three kinds of goldfish, glowing goldfish and soft scaled goldfish, then the common denominator of these three goldfish is that their pigment cells are not evenly distributed in the scales, so the fish body presents a colorful color, and the difference is that the luminous layer in the scales of the five-flowered goldfish is at a normal level, and the reflective layer of the glowing goldfish is unusually developed, so the scales reflect a metallic luster, which can also shine in the weak light, and the reflective layer within the scales of the soft-scaled goldfish is missing. Therefore, the fish scales are transparent.

Classic Goldfish Twelve Products (Ten Products: Cloud Brocade Three Colors)
Classic Goldfish Twelve Products (Ten Products: Cloud Brocade Three Colors)

The three colors of the scales are suitable for raising in fresh and transparent water, and in places where there is enough light, it can reflect its beauty. If the light is insufficient, often the hue of the fish body appears to be relatively dull, and it does not show the reflective effect of the scales and the delicate color change very well. In addition, this goldfish is more suitable for side viewing.

Recommend a goldfish koi farm, some aquarists may have bought goldfish there, I heard that it is not bad.

Fishery owner: Mr. Han, 15083338586, WeChat: H783652546.

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