
Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance

author:Micro community e-home communication



Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance

"Children, do you know how many legs an insect has?"

"I know, four?"

"No, all insects have six legs!"

On January 10, the young reporter of the Information Times came to the Grandview Rainforest Ecological Botanical Garden, walked into the jungle, had an intimate dialogue with nature, and felt the infinite charm of the rainforest.

Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance

"The bird on the water is so beautiful, what kind of animal is this?" "What's the name of that animal lying in a tree?" Entering the botanical garden, the young reporter was stimulated by this "natural ecosystem" with great biodiversity, full of curiosity about the animals and plants seen. Under the leadership of the explainer, the young reporters explored the forest adventures, wetland secrets, rainforest adventures, insect learning camps, desert imaginations, succulent forests and other attractions of the botanical garden one by one, and started their rainforest exploration journey.

Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance
Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance

"Ordinary stick insects are very good at camouflage insects, very good at mimetic, with perfect protective colors, can avoid the eyes of predators such as small bird mantises, and rely on 'hide-and-seek' to protect themselves."

"The leaf worm is another type of stick insect, which does not grow into slender branches like other stick insects, but like a piece of green leaf, usually hiding between the branches and leaves, and is used to escape the predators of predators."

In the insect learning camp, the explainer introduced in detail the characteristics and growth process of ordinary stick insects, giant spiny stick insects, leaf worms, "small" leafhoppers, caterpillars, jade ribbon butterflies, etc., and showed them to the young reporters one by one to watch carefully, and many small reporters also boldly took it over and put it on their hands to touch, and had a close contact with the insects, and felt the wonderful insect world at zero distance.

Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance
Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance
Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance
Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance
Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance

Get up close and personal with insects

Immediately after, the young reporters came to the mantis paradise, the "sickle killer" broad axe mantis, the "dead leaf pretender" dead leaf mantis, the "insect world's big-eyed" eye spot mantis, the ghost mantis, the orchid mantis... The different shapes of praying mantises opened the eyes of young journalists. The explanation teacher told the small reporter that the life cycle of the praying mantis is completed within one year, and the three stages of development of eggs, nymphs and adults in life are introduced, and the characteristics and living habits of various types of praying mantises are introduced, and the small reporter has a new understanding of this small animal.

Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance
Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance

Get up close and personal with praying mantises

Subsequently, the explainer distributed a ghost mantis larva to each young reporter and led everyone to make a mantis house for the larvae. Fix the branches on the plastic box, add sand, fruit and other items to create a good living environment for the mantis larvae, and finally put the larvae, cover the lid, and a warm mantis house will be made. After the event, the young reporter happily brought the mantis larvae home to feed.

Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance
Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance
Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance

Make a mantis house

Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance

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Haizhu | a rainforest adventure! The small reporter of the Information Times is close to nature at zero distance

[Photo and text reporter Wu Meifen] [Editor Deng Feifei]

Source: Haizhu eJiatong (WeChat: hzqejt)

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