
The anti-playing eagle is pecked by the eagle: the unexpected Dai Kasa zhongji

author:Jian Gujun

At about 6 p.m. on May 11, 1943, Dai Gathered 18 military command bureau leaders, including Shen Drunk, and secretly deployed a special mission: a large-scale search for hidden traitors in various organs in Chongqing.

Before the meeting ended, Dai Kasa announced and instructed: "This time it is not an exercise, but a real operation, the target is a real traitor, there is an organization, there are radios, there are central officials implicated, there are senior members of the bureau headquarters, there are staff of the inspection office, and there are modern girls." "When we left the conference room, it was 3:30 a.m. the next day.

The anti-playing eagle is pecked by the eagle: the unexpected Dai Kasa zhongji

At 6:00 a.m. on May 12, Shen, who had not closed his eyes all night, did not dare to slacken off in the slightest, and the first thing he did was to confine Gu Jeff, who was suspected of being a major traitor in the inspection and investigation of the Chongqing Garrison General Headquarters, according to Dai Kasa's deployment, and at the same time, he took a batch of pistols and arrest and search warrants and rushed back to the headquarters of the Luojiawan Military Command Bureau.

At exactly 10 a.m., the Military Command Bureau began a unified large-scale search and arrest operation, dispatching dozens of vehicles, hundreds of agents, and arresting more than 100 people in one day.

Shen Was the head of the action group at the time, tasked with monitoring and controlling the "General Organ of Traitors" in Huangjiaojuan, targeting Dongfang Bai, director of the Chongqing Police Department's Supervision Department.

Shen Drunken led people to wait there for a full 5 hours, seized Dongfang Bai, and escorted him to the Detention Center of the Military Command Bureau located in Wanglongmen. After capturing Dongfang Bai, according to the usual operation, Shen Drunk immediately conducted an extremely meticulous search of Dongfang Bai's office and residence, and checked until two o'clock in the evening, finding nothing.

The anti-playing eagle is pecked by the eagle: the unexpected Dai Kasa zhongji

In this operation, not only did more than 100 suspects be arrested in one fell swoop, but also searched the room of the daughter-in-law of Ju Zheng, president of the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan, and found nothing.

On the night of the mass arrest, Dai Kasa interrogated him separately overnight, not only commanding the battle, but also personally participating in a group of interrogations. However, the outcome of the matter was completely unexpected by Dai Kasa.

The means of interrogation by "Boss Dai" need not be said more, but after many days, it was found that some of the arrestees had more interactions with each other, and also found some romantic exchanges between men and women, but they could not find any clues of traitorous behavior.

For a time, the old fox Dai Kasa was in a dilemma, and he finally understood that the so-called traitorous problem was a counter-plan of the enemy and puppet envoys, and not only did he work in vain, but he also caused infighting and fighting in the military command bureau, and this farce became the laughing stock of the outside world. After the truth of the matter was clarified, Shen Drunken sighed: "When the fake is true, it is true and false, and there is nothing out of nothing." ”

The anti-playing eagle is pecked by the eagle: the unexpected Dai Kasa zhongji

In fact, after this incident began, Tang Zhong, who was then the head of the intelligence group of the old Chiang Kai-shek's attendants and part-time military command bureau, realized that Dai Kasa had been fooled, and it was likely to be "a case of traitors and anti-interlocutors."

That's exactly what happened.

It turned out that there was a section chief of the Communication Section of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Military Command named Duan Wenlan, who himself defected to the enemy and became a traitor, and in order to make meritorious contributions and be rewarded in front of the new master, he wrote a piece of intelligence to Dai Ka in a colorful way, saying that he had discovered a traitor organization.

Duan Wenlan listed a large number of people in the intelligence, and also made up that there was a secret radio station in juzheng's daughter-in-law's room, and Dai Kasa saw that the intelligence was written with a nose and an eye, which also involved several leaks that had occurred in the past.

Fortunately, after discovering that the situation was not right, Dai Kasa was finally able to stop the loss in time, and he did not order the killing, but only detained several of them, such as a female announcer of a commercial radio station in Chongqing, the cousin of cheng Zerun, the wife of the director of the Kuomintang Ordnance Industry Bureau, and Guan X, a radio operator, to the Military Tongsi Feng Prison, and were not released until after the victory of the War of Resistance.

The anti-playing eagle is pecked by the eagle: the unexpected Dai Kasa zhongji

So what is the end of the traitor Duan Wenlan?

Of course, he will not have a good ending, dare to blatantly play "Dai Boss" as a monkey, Duan Wenlan's courage is really admirable. After discovering that he had been deceived, Dai Kasa quietly ordered someone to control Duan Wenlan, and during the interrogation, he added the failure and humiliation of this operation to Duan Wenlan, and the other agents of the Military Command Bureau were no exception.

After 5 years of torture, Dai Kasa ordered Duan Wenlan to be shot, and the farce was finally over.

On New Year's Day 1944, at the regimental meeting of the Military Command Bureau, Dai Kasa said of the lessons of this plan:

"The most important thing in this year's work (referring to 1943) is 'rapid refinement'. When it comes to taking intelligence and judging intelligence, we need to be more refined. For modern warfare is entirely a struggle of intellect, a contest of forces. Fighting strength is still secondary, fighting wisdom is almost at its peak, if we are not careful, we will be fooled by others. ”

Although Dai Kasa's profound reflection showed his determination to be ashamed and then courageous, in the end it could not reverse the situation in which the Kuomintang lost the hearts of the people and the building was about to fall. In the process of fighting wits and courage with my underground party members, why did Dai Kasa suffer more than one such failure? I think the reason behind these failures should be his deep thinking.

The anti-playing eagle is pecked by the eagle: the unexpected Dai Kasa zhongji

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