
Wonderful New Poem: Zong Baihua's "Night"

Wonderful New Poem: Zong Baihua's "Night"


Feel my micro body

It's a little star

Brilliant stars

With the star stream

A while

And felt my heart

It's a mirror

The stars of the universe

Inside it's sparkling


Zong Baihua, formerly known as Zong Zhiyi ,字伯华, ya name "Buddha Head Sect". Born in 1897 in Xiaonanmen, Anqing, Anhui Province, his mother was Fang Bao, an essayist of the Tongcheng school, and his father was a modern educator and hydraulic scientist in the late Qing Dynasty.

Zong Baihua's life was "devoted to the search for the art world". His aesthetics take life consciousness and cosmic feelings as the core, take the mysterious enlightenment as the aesthetic experience method, take the art world as the value of the pursuit, pursue the freedom of life, the perfection of human nature and aesthetic transcendence, mark the art of life and the theory of artistic conception, and create the "life- art aesthetics". As the forerunner and pioneer of modern aesthetics in China, he is known as "a generation of aesthetic masters who integrate Chinese and Western art theories", established his own aesthetic system, and called mr. Zhu Guangqian the "Gemini Constellation" of the Chinese aesthetic community in the 20th century. Representative works include "Aesthetic Walk" and "Art Scene".

Zong Baihua is also a famous poet in modern China, because of the influence of Western "pantheism", Tang Dynasty sentences and Indian Tagore philosophical poems, his poems are full of ethereal and deep artistic conception and deep philosophy of life, expressing the exploration of the universe and life, the love of nature, and the yearning for love. His poetry collection "Small Poems of Liuyun" and Bingxin's "Stars" and "Spring Water" once swept the May Fourth poetry scene, pushing Chinese lyrical short poems to a climax.


The small poem lyrically describes the feeling of looking up at the starry sky on a summer night, and selects the two images of "little star" and "mirror", which poetically expresses the subtle life experience, which is timeless and causes people to think.

The poem consists of two verses. In the first verse, the author compares himself to a small star, "Yingran" in "Ten Thousand Stars" - emitting a faint light, with the flow of ten thousand stars, not only showing the humility and smallness of the individual in the vast universe, the individual self is like a trickle in the sea; it also enlightens people that the humble individual can only "shine" and immortalize if he embraces the vast and soft universe affectionately and integrates into the vast world. In the second verse, the author compares himself to a mirror, "the universe of ten thousand stars" is all brilliant in my heart, showing that although the universe is infinite, it can take in my heart, at this time, I am the universe, I am a unique existence.

The poem uses contrasting techniques to express the relationship between "I" and "world": "For the world, "I" is like a drop in the ocean, ordinary and insignificant; but from another point of view, the world is in my heart, and "I" is great. The "I" and the "world" are this kind of antagonistic and unified relationship.