
From publicizing China and explaining China to leading the construction of a new international communication order

author:People's Daily News

People's Daily - Media Channel

In the course of its 70-year development, China's radio and television international communication has roughly gone through three historical stages of foreign propaganda, foreign communication, and international communication, and has made remarkable achievements in difficult exploration and tortuous development, accumulated valuable experience, and explored the laws and roads of international radio and television communication that conform to Chinese characteristics. Looking back on this development process, summarizing lessons learned, and creating a public opinion environment conducive to peaceful development for China's radio and television international communication in the new era, serving the construction of the "Belt and Road", and disseminating the value recognition of a community with a shared future for mankind, it is of great enlightenment and significance.

[Keywords] international communication; development history; value recognition; win-win cooperation

Radio and television media is the most important way for all countries in the world to transmit information and understand each other, and is an important carrier for foreign cultural exchanges. In the 70 years since the founding of New China, radio and television international communication has adhered to the party's correct leadership, adhered to the path of development with Chinese characteristics, persisted in exploring and practicing the law of international communication, and successive generations of radio and television workers have not forgotten their original intentions and forged ahead, promoting the sustained development of China's radio and television international communication from weak to strong, and has become a veritable radio and television international communication power.

I. The course of the development of radio and television international communication in New China in the past seventy years

Chinese People's Foreign Broadcasting was founded on December 3, 1941 as a Japanese radio broadcast by Yan'an Xinhua Radio Station, and was renamed "Beijing Radio Station" on April 10, 1950. The international dissemination of radio and television in New China, starting from foreign broadcasting, has gradually grown from small to large, and has experienced the initial development stage from simply facing foreigners at home to facing foreign audiences, from monolingual to multilingual, from sending programs and exchanging programs to short-wave wireless transmission coverage. On April 18, 1978, Beijing Radio was renamed China Radio International, and in order to allow foreign listeners to have an adaptation process, the original call sign was still used for foreign broadcasting, until 1987, when the foreign caller party was in line with the Chinese name, the English name was China Radio International, abbreviated as CRI. External television, on the other hand, started from scratch and began in 1958, initially mainly based on delivery and communication. From 1963 to 1965, China participated in the second, third and fourth international television festivals hosted by Arab countries for three consecutive years to exchange television programs on a larger scale. After the 1963 science and education film "Golden Bee and Red Bell Worm" won the second prize of the tv festival educational film, the 1964 science and education film "Shrimp" won the second prize of the educational film, and the 1965 science and education film "Water And Land Cotton Squat Seedling" won the first prize of the educational film. In 1965, China Radio and Television Institutions signed radio and television cooperation agreements with radio and television institutions in 19 countries. Beijing Radio sent 316 text programs to broadcasters in 27 countries and 203 music programs to 29 countries (a total of 3337 minutes and 4 seconds); Beijing Television sent a total of 473 TV clips to 30 countries throughout the year.

As of the Cultural Revolution, the first generation of radio and television international communication workers actively explored the law of foreign communication in practice, persisted in "walking on their own," summarized the basic law of foreign communication that "there is a difference between inside and outside, and a difference between outside the outside," initially established radio and television external communication institutions, and achieved certain results in publicizing China and cracking down on international anti-China and anti-Chinese forces. However, in general, due to the dominant position of propaganda thinking, the situation of not talking about the object, skills, and strategy in foreign propaganda and reporting occurs from time to time, making it often more effective for external communication, and it is difficult to receive the expected effect. In February 1972, the Chinese side rented color TELEVISION equipment from the United States to assist the three major US broadcasters in broadcasting radio and television signals from President Nixon's visit to China, which was the first time that radio and television reports were transmitted from China to the world through international communication satellites. During the Cultural Revolution, this was a special case. In that period of external communication, because it did not understand the media contact and content selection habits of Western audiences, it often fell into the misunderstanding of "everything must be disseminated, but nothing can be disseminated". The indiscriminate accumulation and dissemination of domestic political terms and some idiomatic phrases is not only incomprehensible to foreigners, but even overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots feel incomprehensible. At that time, there were often letters from patriotic Chinese and overseas Chinese reflecting that they could not understand or understand China's radio and television programs, and expressed concern about the propaganda practices from the motherland. The one-way transmission of propaganda thinking is either "spreading but not understanding" or "passing through without believing". Because unilaterally instilling one's own discourse text, it will often cause the audience to resist and resent, and it is difficult to receive a good communication effect.

After the end of the Cultural Revolution, it began to rectify the chaos. Open the door of the country and see the gap between us and the world. The party and the government have soberly realized that in order to develop the economy, it is necessary to spread China's voice to all parts of the world, let the world better understand China, display China's good image, and coordinate the development of soft power and hard power, so as to create an international environment conducive to China's economic development. Therefore, the relevant departments began to formulate the overall goal of the development of foreign radio and television at the national level: to achieve multilingual and regional broadcasting of radio and television programs, and to make major progress in overseas landing; to make CCTV and China Radio International become global media with important influence in the world media field, and to become the main channel for all countries in the world, especially In Europe and the United States, to understand China and the world; to form a global radio and television pattern with multi-level coverage, multilingual broadcasting, and multi-way landing, and "the West is strong and we are weak" in the field of international communication. The situation has changed.

The competition between the media, in the final analysis, is the competition for the quality of the program and its content. With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, China's radio and television broadcasting has accelerated its march to the world, and has played a positive and important role in promoting mutual learning among civilizations, cultural exchanges, economic and trade exchanges, and people-to-people ties with all countries and regions in the world. During the Wenchuan earthquake and the Beijing Olympic Games, the Chinese radio and television media carried out all-round, three-dimensional and transparent reports, showing the world the perseverance of the Chinese people and the achievements of China's reform and opening up, and its signal was widely adopted by the media of various countries, and the concept of "Green Olympics, Science and Technology Olympics, and Humanistic Olympics" was better disseminated. The professional broadcasting team trained by the Olympic report has become the main provider of international live broadcast signals for major sports events, and will often be active in the international arena in the future, showing the style of Chinese radio and television people. Focusing on improving international communication capabilities, Chinese radio and television institutions have strengthened research and development programs and improved content quality, and have successively launched a large number of excellent programs such as "Chinese Feelings", "News Vertical Line", "International Sharp Review", "China Public Opinion Field", covering more than 230 countries and regions, and 538 million overseas users of TV programs, improving the influence and competitiveness of China's radio and television international communication, building China's national image, enhancing national cultural soft power, It has played a pivotal role in building a new international order for information dissemination. In the new era, the reporting ability of major events and activities of China's radio and television has been verified and steadily improved again and again, such as the Hangzhou G20 Conference, the "Belt and Road" International Summit, the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations and other occasions continue to become the highlights of international communication, as a model of "home diplomacy", effectively expanding the international recognition of the community of human destiny.

Closely coordinating with the overall situation of the party's and the state's diplomatic work, the State Administration of Radio and Television has actively promoted the "going out project", strengthened the overall planning, optimized the communication layout, continuously strengthened competition with foreign media in cooperation and cooperation in competition, deeply implemented the "Silk Road Film and Television Bridge Project", "China-Africa Film and Television Cooperation Project", "Television China Theater" and other projects, and actively carried out the overseas landing of programs. According to incomplete statistics, since 2004, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has organized domestic film and television institutions to participate in international film and television festivals and exhibitions with the overall image of "China Joint Booth" for 48 consecutive times, creating an important brand of overseas marketing of Chinese film and television. China International Television Corporation sells more than 20,000 hours of various film and television programs overseas every year, which are broadcast in more than 200 countries and regions. In 2018, the total export value of China's film and television content products (including TV series, TV movies, animations, documentaries and variety shows) was about US$125 million, double that of 2013, practicing telling Chinese stories and spreading Chinese voices.

To build a world-class media that matches China's comprehensive national strength, we must adhere to China's position, have a world vision, and convey human feelings. The main media of foreign communication, represented by CCTV and China Radio International, have gradually explored a major reporting path of multilingual live broadcasting and multimedia linkage, and achieved good results in practice. The radio and television institutions of the border provinces and autonomous regions have forged ahead in a pioneering spirit, continuously strengthened exchanges and cooperation with neighboring countries and regions, and accelerated the pace of "going out." On the whole, China's radio and television international communication has formed a good situation in which the whole frequency covers the whole world, the local production is close to the local area, the rational layout of overseas institutions, and the coordination of peripheral communication, which fully demonstrates China's achievements in reform, opening up and economic construction, and improves the soft power and influence of culture.

2. New China's 70 years of basic experience in radio and television international communication

Looking at the development process of radio and television international communication in New China in the past 70 years, there have been difficult explorations and twists and turns, but the general trend is development and progress, from weak to strong. In different historical periods, although the concept of external communication has been interfered with by such tendencies as "internal generation and external generation", "emphasizing the inside over the outside", and "propagating the transmission of the generation", it is precisely because we have experienced the contrast between positive and negative aspects and paid enough price that we have more confidently understood the concepts, methods, means, voices and mentalities that radio and television international communication should have, and have become an experience that can be used as a reference for improving the international communication capabilities of China's radio and television in the new era.

1. Adhere to the framework of international communication with internal and external integration, differential treatment, and dissemination to effectiveness

Although the development of communication technology, especially the rise of the Internet, has broken the physical boundaries of the country and will continue to "spill over" internal propaganda, it is still impossible to equate internal propaganda with external propaganda, after all, the objects of external communication are different from domestic audiences. Starting from the proximity elements of communication, starting from the reality of different countries' ideologies, cultural traditions, values, customs and habits, and proceeding from the fact that the bilateral relations and public opinion atmosphere between various countries and China are not the same for China's concerns, international communication must pay attention to pertinence and differences in content selection and expression. Neither can we copy the practice of internal propaganda, nor can we unify external propaganda to different countries. At present, there is still a big imbalance in the dissemination of China's radio and television to different countries and different regions, and it is stronger for Africa and neighboring countries and weaker for European and American countries, so it is necessary to adhere to the principle of "difference between inside and outside" and "difference between outside and outside", constantly enrich and develop its connotation, guide it according to the situation, integrate internal and external, treat it differently, and strive for the best international communication results.

2. Persist in comprehensively, truthfully and objectively reporting China to the world and to China

In the Western discourse system, it is believed that the officially dominated media is easily subject to interest groups, pays attention to the uniformity of public opinion, and lacks independence and credibility. Therefore, when some Western media cite Chinese sources, they often label the words "state-run", implying that it belongs to government propaganda. Affected by this, Western people often instinctively adopt a skeptical and exclusionary attitude towards reports from China, which greatly weakens our communication effect. The reason for this is, on the one hand, that we are limited to the inherent prejudices of the West, and on the other hand, because we have violated the law of communication in the past and one-sidedly emphasized that we should focus on ourselves and replace communication with propaganda. Once the audience feels that they are passively accepting a certain point of view, it means a failure of communication. In fact, comprehensive, truthful and objective reporting is an important prerequisite for the media to establish credibility. Especially in the era of globalization, it has become increasingly impossible to block information, and violating the law will not only damage the credibility of the state and the media, but also provide excuses for all kinds of anti-China and chaotic rumors. Therefore, in the international communication in the new era, we must not only adhere to the principle of self-reliance, but also cannot speak to ourselves and detach ourselves from the international discourse system; we must introduce a changing China to the world, but also describe a complete and real world to the world; one-sided emphasis on self-domination will lose the audience, one-sided emphasis on the audience-oriented will lose itself, and the organic unity of the two will achieve good communication results.

3. Vigorously promote innovation in the discourse system and communication methods of international radio and television broadcasting

International communication is faced with a widely different foreign audience, and it is impossible to provide only a cookie-cutter press release, but to "prescribe the right medicine". First of all, there should be a difference in the selection of topics. Western Europeans care about China's economy, Eastern Europeans want to learn from China's housing reform and medical reform methods, Latin Americans pursue Chinese kung fu and Chinese characters, Africans pay attention to China's modernization process, and there are more Chinese in Southeast Asia, and they have a deep relationship with Chinese history and culture. The second is the difference in entry points, and the third is to bridge the cultural differences. Cultural differences constrain the dissemination of cognition, and for a long time, the propaganda discourse system we have formed has reached a time when it must be fundamentally changed. In order to tell the Chinese story and the Chinese dream well, the tone of international communication should change from propaganda discourse to communication discourse, from document discourse to communicative discourse, and from conclusive discourse to speculative discourse. The way of discourse expression should pursue "de-propaganda taste" and pay attention to "hard core and soft packaging". "De-propaganda" is not to abandon the political position, China's position and international expression are the direction we pursue. Building an international discourse dissemination system with Chinese characteristics and international vision is an inevitable requirement for realizing "going out".

4. Calmly respond to all kinds of China-related public opinion with the mentality of a major country and the posture of a defender of international order

China is playing an important role as a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of international order. In the context of globalization, China is not only changing itself, but also changing the world; China is influencing the world, and the world is also influencing China. It is precisely because China's economic development has brought about structural changes in the world that not only how to explain China to the world has become a major topic in China's radio and television international communication, but also how to understand and deal with all kinds of China-related public opinion has also become a major topic in China's radio and television international communication. First of all, in the case of some international forces talking about China, we must realize that China's economy has indeed made great progress since the beginning of reform and opening up, and at the same time it is in the midst of uneven and insufficient development in different regions and different fields. It is necessary to prevent our one-sided reports from being misjudged and used by others, to prevent questioning of the credibility of China's radio and television media, and to avoid one-sided positive reports that have a comprehensive negative effect. Therefore, international reports on China's national conditions should not only report on China's development and progress from the comparison of Its own vertical coordinates; but also reflect its gaps and deficiencies from the horizontal coordinates compared with those of developed countries and China's future goals to pursue; they should look at China from both China's perspective and the world's eyes; they should also look at Achievements from a historical perspective and see insufficient results from the perspective of the future; they should lower their stature and not be arrogant and arrogant, and they should also uphold the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation and never bend over backwards to seek perfection.

5. Build a foreign discourse system for a community with a shared future for mankind from an international perspective

To build a foreign discourse system for a community with a shared future for mankind, we must put China's propositions and deeds into an international perspective, consider the values of a community with a shared future for mankind, adhere to harmony but differences, respect and recognize the cultural differences of various countries, effectively respond to the widespread concerns of overseas audiences, and strive to show the good image of China's civilization, democracy, openness and progress, so as to win the understanding and recognition of the international community. Continuously strengthen the exchange and exchange of traditional Chinese culture and the achievements of other civilizations in the world, enrich the connotation of the foreign discourse system of the community of human destiny, summarize the expression of terms that can be accepted by China and foreign countries, and help foreign audiences better understand the concept of the community of human destiny. With the support of academic achievements with Chinese characteristics, we will refine new terms and value standards in theoretical research, with a broad vision, an open mind, and an open mind, compatible with international research results of similar disciplines, promote dialogue on an equal footing with different cultures, transcend civilizational estrangement with civilizational exchanges, transcend civilizational conflicts with civilizational tolerance, transcend civilizational self-appreciation with civilization coexistence, and promote the establishment of a more reasonable new order of international communication.

Third, the international dissemination of radio and television in the 70 years of New China is poised to develop

History has come to the historical node of the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, and China's radio and television international communication has ushered in a new opportunity for development. To implement the deployment of "promoting international communication capacity building, telling Chinese stories well, showing a true, three-dimensional, and comprehensive China, and improving the soft power of national culture" put forward in the report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee issued the "Program for Deepening the Reform of Party and State Institutions", which plans to merge CCTV (China International Television), The Central People's Radio, and China Radio International to form the Central Radio and Television Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the Central Radio and Television Station), with the unified external call sign "Voice of China". In April 2018, the main station was officially inaugurated. General Secretary Xi Jinping demanded: "Build the general station into a world-class new mainstream media." "Abide by the integrity of innovation, the new media platform construction and use well." The General Station attaches great importance to it, resolutely implements it, gives full play to the exclusive resource advantages of the former Central Three Stations, promotes the integration and development of radio and television and emerging media with the idea of "one game of chess", accelerates the capacity building of international communication, and strives to build a world-class modern media aircraft carrier, and sends out more and stronger Chinese voices to the world. At the same time, the newly established State Administration of Radio and Television (hereinafter referred to as the State Administration of Radio and Television) will more effectively organize and coordinate the "going out project", actively expand overseas Internet marketing channels, support domestic radio, film and television institutions to participate in international radio, film and television festivals, participate in the supply of global news audio-visual products, participate in foreign digital television/network investment, construction and operation services, and further enhance the "going out" synergy.

1. Improve the national station position and build a world-class media aircraft carrier

The first thing the general station is facing is how to integrate the international communication resources, advantages and heritage that have been formed for a long time by the former three central stations (CCTV, CCTV, and Guoguang), take the "Voice of China" as a unified external call sign, quickly form an important force for international reporting, dare to speak out on international current affairs, be good at speaking out, and become a new brand and new image of China's international reporting with fruitful influence. The second is to complete the in-depth integration of Taiwan's resources and the rearrangement of Taiwan's overseas resources.

In the short time after its establishment, the general station planned, deeply integrated, and jointly exerted efforts to promote the overall sharing plan of the whole process from source collection, editing and broadcasting to publicity and promotion, and strived to create a new situation of "convergence of screen aggregation and resonance of the same frequency". The host team of the central broadcasters of the Central Broadcasting, the State Broadcasting And the CCTV announcers were reorganized, and the central broadcasters dubbed the "News Network"; the hosts and guests of the Central Broadcasting Broadcasting Corporation connected to the columns such as "China Public Opinion Field"; the hosts of the Central Broadcasting, the State Broadcasting, and the CCTV reporters and hosts appeared in the Boao Forum for Asia, the Qingdao SCO Summit, the Russian World Cup football tournament, the "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit, the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations, etc. with a unified logo; the "Three Micro And One End" video live stream sharing and distribution of the "Three Micro And One End" video of the China Broadcasting Network, the International Online, and the CCTV Mobile Network, International online fans participated in the interactive live broadcast of the program in real time; various major reports launched "CCTV Quick Review", exclusive V view, H5 page, original feature article and other products retweeted across the network, building a "whole process integration" product chain, and successfully creating 1 1 1gt; 3 Overall propagation momentum. The series of measures taken by the main station not only successfully spread relevant news and activities to the world, but also successfully demonstrated their professional quality and brand image. The task of joint planning, collective voice, and mobilization of resource integration in Taiwan has been basically completed.

The ensuing in-depth integration of resources in Taiwan, on the basis of taking stock of the "home base" of the main station, rearranging the overseas communication structure, merging duplicate institutions, integrating information resources, opening up emerging markets, and building a three-dimensional new system of radio and television international communication. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's radio and television international communication capacity has shown a rapid development trend. Up to now, CCTV has 6 international tv channels, more than 70 overseas journalist stations, including 3 overseas branches, 7 central reporter stations, 1 video news agency, 1 mobile news network and 1 audio-visual archive with about 1.3 million hours of video and audio materials, becoming the only television media in the world that continuously engages in international reporting in 6 UN working languages every day. The number of accounts on Facebook and Twitter has exceeded 77 million, of which Facebook fans have surpassed major media such as BBC News, CNN International, RT and Al Jazeera English, ranking first in the world. Its video materials have been adopted by nearly 2,000 television institutions in more than 90 countries and regions, and its programs have been broadcast in more than 170 countries and regions, and more than 70 overseas media have signed framework cooperation agreements and reached news exchange agreements with nearly 100 overseas institutions. Its China International Television Corporation has three channels in Indonesia and Cambodia, namely film, television, entertainment and documentary. Guoguang broadcasts globally in 65 languages, Mandarin Chinese and 4 dialects, and has opened 99 overseas branches in the capitals or important cities of 60 countries, covering a local population of about 500 million, of which more than 20 overseas stations have become the mainstream local stations. It has 32 foreign correspondent stations, 8 regional main stations, 23 overseas program production studios, dozens of broadcast Confucius classrooms and more than 4,000 overseas audience clubs, broadcasting nearly 3,000 hours of programs every day. It has opened more than 220 accounts in 44 languages on social media platforms at home and abroad, with a total of more than 120 million fans and more than 55 million overseas fans. Its "International Online" website has grown into the most Chinese online platform in 61 languages, with visitors from more than 180 countries and regions, an average of 19 million daily page views, and more than 17 million followers on facebook and Twitter. The number of websites linking the home pages of "International Online" websites in various languages is nearly 15,000 worldwide, and 18 global Internet radio stations have been launched. It can be said that a radio and television news gathering and editing integrated communication network with global radiation has been initially established, which is the international communication capability of the main station at present. In the stage of in-depth integration, it is necessary to play the banner of "Voice of China", and on the basis of full investigation and research, merge the reporter stations (including the main station) and sub-stations (production studios) set up by CCTV and Guoguang in the same city in the same country or region to form a more reasonable layout; complete the "four networks merger" of China Broadcasting Network, CCTV Network, International Online, and CCTV Mobile Network, cooperate with overseas social networks with a unified logo, and create localized integrated communication products; sort out, inherit, and share international communication experience, and allocate languages and personnel settings. Put the most suitable people in the most appropriate positions, mobilize the new forces to open up new channels and new fields of international communication.

Based on the construction of international first-class media and the improvement of the national team position, the general station should conform to the trend of mobile, social, intelligent and video network communication, break through the barriers between different media and different platforms, while consolidating the existing external communication channels, actively cooperate with foreign social media, with the help of their platforms and technologies, diversify the presentation of communication content, improve service functions, enter the mainstream population abroad in an all-round way, gather more loyal users, and expand the coverage and influence of China's international communication. Actively collect the wisdom of experts, scholars, industry insiders and the majority of users, through a large number of live broadcasts and massive micro-video release, comprehensively test the stability of the VGC (Global Journalist Video Backhaul) platform, open a new media portal for submission and solicitation, expand the selection of topics and manuscript sources, make interviews and reviews more targeted, and provide practical evaluation for the full realization of UGC (User Upload Content) function. From the integration of resources in Taiwan to the interconnection of "three micro and one end", from a draft to the whole network to form an original high-quality product chain of the "Iron Triangle", with the help of local communication, overseas branches, commercial websites and other means, to build a multi-platform, multi-angle radio and television integration and communication matrix, to achieve the deep integration and development of radio and television international communication and then to achieve the world-class goal to lay the foundation.

2. Open up the resources of national and local stations to form a greater synergy of external communication

In the past 70 years of New China, the international dissemination of radio and television has embarked on a path of "great external propaganda" carried out by state stations and local stations, forming a valuable communication heritage. The Great Wall of China Television Platform is an overseas broadcasting platform integrated by CCTV, local satellite TV and related overseas TV channels, and has built 9 platforms in the United States, Asia, Africa, Europe, Canada, Latin America, Southeast Asia, Australia, etc., forming a certain influence overseas. China Yellow River Television, hosted by Shanxi Radio and Television Station, has accumulated certain experience in promoting Chinese language teaching and opening a Confucius Institute for Television. Some provinces have taken advantage of their special geographical, personal connections and languages to actively carry out peripheral communication and media diplomacy activities with the dissemination of ethnic languages as the fulcrum, and have achieved practical results of sincerity and tolerance. For example, for Vietnam, there are Guangxi radio stations "Voice of Beibu Bay" and Yunnan Channel "Voice of Shangri-La", for Mongolia there is Inner Mongolia Station "Voice of the Grassland", Xinjiang Tv's Uyghur and Kyrgyz radio programs "Voice of China" have landed in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey respectively. Heilongjiang Radio and Television Station's "Hello, Russia" TV program has been disseminated in Russia's Asian region and some European regions, relying on the program to hold a number of bilateral cultural and sports exchange activities every year; Guangxi Television Station positioned "nationality, ASEAN, fashion", set up press stations in ten ASEAN countries, the program landed in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia some cities, held a large-scale theme interview activity of "New Ideas on the Sea • ASEAN Miles"; Shaanxi Radio and Television Station and domestic and foreign media held the "Silk Road Miles" activity every year. Deepen cultural exchanges and emotional identity in countries along the route; Sichuan Kangba Satellite TV's programs have landed in some parts of India and Nepal; Xiamen Satellite TV has set up Southeast Asian studios and workstations in Malaysia to transmit and exchange Hokkien programs to Southeast Asia; Jiangsu Radio and Television Station has launched the "China Time" project in Namibia to broadcast Chinese film and television dramas, and has established a paid channel "Zijin International Station" in Hong Kong with Hong Kong Telecom PCCW Media Co., Ltd., with subscribers involving Xinmatai and other countries and regions. Hunan Mango TV and China-Arab Satellite TV reached an in-depth strategic cooperation agreement. In addition, there are also radio and television stations acquired or founded overseas by overseas Chinese, such as Asia Business Satellite TV (UAE, 2006), European Chinese Radio (France, 2014), French Chinese Television (France, 2015), World Belt and Road Television (Thailand, 2018), etc., which play a unique role in people-to-people economic, trade and cultural exchanges. In the process of becoming bigger and stronger, the general station should actively coordinate with these institutions and forces, establish an information exchange and sharing mechanism, a coordination and response mechanism for major activities, etc., adhere to the advantages of complementary advantages and win-win cooperation, further give play to the advantages of multi-channel "going out", better practice the responsibility and mission of "connecting China and foreign countries and communicating the world", and jointly tell the Story of China and the World.

3. Innovate the concept of international communication and promote the in-depth expansion of the "going out project"

Facing the new era, new tasks and new requirements, China's radio and television international communication should constantly innovate the mechanism concept and push the "going out project" to a new stage. Implement the differentiated communication of "one country, one policy" and even "one region, one policy", and select different communication contents, forms and methods according to the characteristics, habits and needs of audiences in different countries and regions to further improve the effectiveness of communication. We will do a good job in a series of activities such as the "Belt and Road Media Cooperation Forum", "China-ASEAN Media Exchange Year", "China-Russia Television Week", etc., drive the whole industry chain of radio, film and television to go out with key projects, and do a good job in the translation and promotion of the Silk Road International Film Festival/TV Week and the localization of Chinese film and television dramas. In terms of material selection, it is necessary to focus on telling the story of the countries along the "Belt and Road" praying for peace, development and win-win results, and to go beyond the previous tourism perspective, open up the fields of music, art, folklore, humanities, architecture, sports, health care, etc., and comprehensively introduce the development of China's economy, politics, culture, society, ecological and environmental protection, not only to tell the story of China's Silk Road, but also to tell the story of the Silk Road of the countries along the route. Operationally, it is necessary to integrate the national level of communication capacity building and local communication forces, and the national station should spend efforts to do a good job in reporting each other in both directions, and strive for the program to enter the mainstream foreign media for broadcasting in a cooperative manner; the ethnic language production and broadcasting institutions in the border provinces and regions should enter the same language areas of the target country by cooperating in running stations and running programs, and jointly serve the needs of the "Belt and Road" communication. In terms of techniques, it is necessary to highlight the key highlights, meet the needs of the audience, make the theme and expression of the work coincide with the local society, folklore, and style temperament, and tell the stories they want to hear and love in a language that the local people can hear and hear, and show the splendid civilization of the countries along the route. From the product itself to the product extension, looking for a common language, discussing topics of common concern, and truly becoming a spiritual companion that integrates China and foreign countries, blends emotions, and connects the past and present, and cultivates the sense of dependence and reputation of overseas audiences. In terms of coverage, we will promote the release of our audio and video programs and graphic manuscripts through multiple channels such as mainstream European and American broadcasters and their official websites, mainstream websites, and audience email subscriptions, forming a three-dimensional and cross-type communication coverage state.

Encourage and promote the upgrading and development of international communication, especially peripheral communication, from "going out" to "going in". That is, through the establishment of a stable bilateral cooperation mechanism, Chinese media can normalize access to neighboring countries and regions to cooperate with their mainstream radio and television institutions to shoot films, programs can enter the mainstream radio and television transmission networks abroad for broadcast, and interview and film crews can go into mainstream people and communities abroad to deeply understand each other's needs, and so on. The first season of the large-scale humanistic history throughout the media activity "Silk Road Journey" planned and implemented by Shaanxi Taitai started from Xi'an, went west along the ancient Silk Road, passed through China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Turkey, Greece, Italy and other countries, crossed the Eurasian continent, and finally arrived at the end of the Silk Road - Rome, the capital of Italy. Everywhere the delegation went, they had to give wooden road signs engraved with local Chinese characters and place names and jade seals made of Lantian jade, gifts with great Chinese cultural characteristics, which became a hot spot for the local people to see, and together with Zhang Qian's 67th generation grandson Zhang Lijun, who accompanied him, became the focus of local media reports. At this event, more than 3,000 original news articles were published by radio, television, newspapers and the Internet in countries along the Belt and Road, covering a population of 2 billion people. Heilongjiang TV through the satellite "Hello, Russia" program covers the whole territory of Russia and Asia and parts of Europe, and constantly improve its influence, in addition to regularly holding Heilongjiang TV Week in the local area, but also continue to expand the service function, through the Heilongjiang Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the University of Chinese Medicine signed a strategic cooperation agreement, jointly build a "medical and health service industry cooperation platform for Russia", and jointly produce and broadcast the medical program "Charming Chinese Medicine" with the Russian Khabarovsk Border Region Television Station, to create a Sino-Russian medical corridor. Let the traditional Chinese medicine culture become a bridge for the integration of Chinese and Russian people and the people' hearts. Practice has proved that the transformation of international communication from "going out" to "going in" is conducive to changing the passive acceptance of news/programs provided by our side in the past to the active follow-up and production of news/programs by the other side according to our media actions; it is conducive to narrowing the psychological distance between the chinese and foreign people and forming a friendly relationship of sincerity, benevolence, good neighborliness; and it is conducive to changing the previous "fighting for each other" into "win-win cooperation".

4. Promote people-to-people exchanges and personal role participation, and develop foreign discourse expression in multiple dimensions

In contemporary international relations, public diplomacy and people-to-people diplomacy are playing an increasingly important role. In many countries, people's concepts and attitudes can often influence the will and position of the country to a certain extent. The progress of human civilization is inseparable from the continuous convergence of the experience, knowledge and ideas of all peoples in the world. For countries with different ideologies, simply using government agencies to promote the integration of civilizations often encounters various obstacles, sometimes even in the opposite direction. For example, for developed countries in the West, the more we spend a lot of effort trying to go in, the more ineffective it is. At this time, trying to promote cultural exchanges and interaction between China and foreign countries with people-to-people exchanges can sometimes play a multiplier effect with half the effort. Therefore, for such countries and regions, it is necessary to open up tourism, study abroad, business and trade, win mutual trust between the two sides, build a foundation for friendly exchanges and in-depth cooperation, and then carry out public cultural exchanges and media interaction. Since the beginning of reform and opening up, Overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese in various localities have purchased and set up a number of television stations in Europe and Asia and other countries, independently carried out commercial and cultural activities, increased the influence of Chinese culture, and to a certain extent made up for the shortcomings of the official. One culture enters another cultural circle, and "who is saying" often has an important impact on the "persuasion effect". The theory of "two-level communication" advocates not rushing to make the two cultures collide head-on, but with the help of interpersonal communication and the cultivation of non-governmental opinion leaders, changing the practice of one country's official media in one-line indoctrination of communication to the people of other countries, and using the interactive dissemination of the field of public opinion, the goal of cultural integration and mutual learning is naturally achieved. Those who travel between China and foreign countries, study abroad, teach, and do business are potential new forces to promote people-to-people cultural exchanges. Domestic University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Yunnan Normal University, Guangxi University, Chengdu University and other universities and research institutions have media students recruited for Southeast Asia, these students return to their home countries are mostly engaged in related professional work, their teachers or lead the internship or lecture or research, often go deep into the hinterland of these countries, these are important support for us to carry out people-to-people diplomacy. With the help of bilateral familiar and friendly personal connections, it is convenient to understand the radio and television laws and customs of the target country, pave the way for the bridge of "people-to-people communication", complete the work that is not suitable for the official to do and is inconvenient to do, and explore a new path for radio and television to "go in".

Strengthening the role participation of individuals or enterprises in international occasions is conducive to the construction of external discourse power from multiple angles. On May 30, 2019 (20:00 local time on May 29, 2019), Liu Xin, anchor of CGTN, and Tracy Reagan, anchor of the commercial channel of Fox Television in the United States, conducted a "cross-ocean debate" on Sino-US economic and trade frictions in the channel's "Tracy Reagan PrimeTime" column. The 16-minute "Hin-Hsi Debate" between "My name is not China's state television, my name is Liu Xin" and the anchors of private Media in the United States, who also claim to be "only my own", set a precedent for public figures in Both China and the United States to use private media for public debate in their personal capacities. Its influence "may have played a special role in 1,000 pages of newspapers, 1,000 hours of broadcast time on radio and television, and sometimes remembered but not played." When considering the international communication layout in the new era, it is necessary to pay attention to the path of "opinion leaders (self-media content producers) → media international communication matrix (third-party communication platforms) → international audiences", and leverage folk wisdom to improve the diversity, interactivity and credibility of international communication channels. At the same time, it emphasizes the use of force, borrowing ships to go to sea, borrowing mouths to speak, and combining "I say" with "he said" to produce a resonance effect. Therefore, measures should be taken to support and guide experts, scholars, public figures, opinion leaders, and Internet celebrities to participate in international dialogues in their personal capacity, and to use the countries concerned or third-party communication platforms to discuss, exchange, and accept interviews on international hot topics, which is conducive to shaping China's image at multiple levels and in all directions.

5. With the help of new media communication platforms, we will deeply cultivate the new blue ocean of international communication

Conform to the development trend of media mobility, socialization, visualization, intelligence, and cross-platform communication, and actively promote the international communication application of online new media. On October 17, 2019, the 4th China-Arab Countries Radio and Television Cooperation Forum was held in Hangzhou. President Xi Jinping specially sent a congratulatory letter to the forum, in addition to the requirements for international exchanges and cooperation in radio and television, he also clearly proposed to "promote the integration and development of media, build smart radio and television media, and develop smart radio and television networks", which pointed out the direction for us to promote the high-quality and innovative development of radio and television. "The 'field of public opinion' formed in the current new media environment often has more popular support than the official public opinion field in shaping and publicizing the image of the country, and the dissemination is more efficient." Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, CCTV has integrated and launched news clients for various foreign language channels, and Guoguang has launched three aggregate English clients of "ChinaNews", "ChinaRadio" and "ChinaTV". During the second "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum, CGTN TV terminal, overseas media platform, mobile phone client and official website were linked at four ends to provide diversified interactive terminals for summit reporting, and achieved full coverage of the integration and dissemination of target groups. With the help of the strong interactivity of the three overseas media platforms of Facebook, Twitter and Youtu, the participatory and interesting activities in the agenda setting are extended to the media side, forming a considerable sharing stream, and the two-way interaction between the platform and the audience forms a complementary effect on the "one-way communication" of the official website and the TV side. The Mango TV international APP has reached 10.8 million downloads, covering Arab countries mainly saudi arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Under the tide of the rapid development of the Internet, although Facebook has fallen into the whirlpool of user privacy protection, there is no new weapon that can shake its international social media hegemony, and international media are still sparing no effort to compete for user turf. It is understood that in recent years, the audience of neighboring countries in Southeast Asia has migrated significantly from traditional media to new media. Taking Vietnam as an example, as of June 2018, Vietnam's mobile users accounted for 73% of the total population, of which 59 million Facebook users, is the seventh largest number of Facebook users in the world, facebook has become the main channel for Vietnamese people to obtain information. In addition, many young people also love to play Tik Tok (Douyin International Edition) and the accounts opened by Chinese media on Facebook are basically in English, Chinese to release information, and many people in the target countries cannot understand it. In the next step, the main station should give full play to the comprehensive advantages of the CRI language, provide information services in the corresponding languages for countries where Facebook users are popular, and rely on new media aggregation technology to provide bilateral people with bilingual information, audio and video, online translation, e-commerce, travel inquiries and other services, becoming an emotional link between people and people. At the same time, We will mobilize Internet companies to use well-known brands to open up overseas communication markets and create a new business card for the international dissemination of Chinese culture.

6. Strengthen overseas marketing and personnel exchanges to comprehensively enhance international competitiveness

Select appropriate ways to carry out overseas audience market research, adapt to and cultivate overseas audience habits and market rules, establish a China radio, film and television international trading platform, and build an Internet-based Overseas promotion and marketing platform for Chinese radio, film and television through the establishment of cooperative relations with overseas new media platforms. At the same time, it will support the organization of relevant releases, forums, advertisements, exhibitions, screenings and other ground activities, enhance the ability of China's radio, film and television content products and services to participate in the international market competition, change the way China's radio, film and television go global, and realize the transformation from exchange-oriented to sales-based. Strengthen cultural market information services, help private radio, film, television and Internet enterprises understand overseas markets, and provide relevant information support for their products and services to go global. Guide, encourage and support state-owned and private radio, film and television enterprises to establish a modern market-oriented enterprise system and operating model, and improve the incentive mechanism for supporting them to go global. Deepen exchanges between Chinese and foreign radio, film and television personnel, increase the proportion of local personnel employed by radio, film and television institutions abroad, invite more artists from neighboring countries and regions to come to China to participate in the production of variety shows, let more foreign faces appear in China's foreign-related and China-related reports, more comprehensively promote cultural exchanges, narrow cultural differences, and enhance the international competitiveness of China's radio, film and television.

At the 28th Beijing International Radio, Film and Television Exhibition, the general station announced in a high profile that the standard-definition production system will be fully rolled off the production line on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the National Day. In order to meet the needs of live satellite service platforms, IPTV/digital TV and overseas broadcasting, it is still broadcast in HD to SD, and public channels and CGTN channels are retained. A stone stirs up a thousand waves, which is another valuable wealth from "going out" to "going in". According to the "5G 4K/8K AL" development plan, It is inevitable that China's off-line standard definition is inevitable, but its equipment is still durable and durable, and it is still undesirable for late-developing countries and regions. Around the launch of this batch of equipment, the general station should reveal a new chess game, with the help of companies or intermediary organizations to safely transport this batch of equipment to the surrounding areas and countries and regions along the "Belt and Road", supplemented by technical maintenance and talent training services, and conclude a relationship of sustainable cooperation.

Long winds and waves will sometimes hang directly on the clouds and sails to the sea. On September 1, 2019, the Voice of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area was officially launched. At the same time, the new logo "CMG" (the English name of the station is China Media Group) was also released for the first time. Although the English name of the main station has been used in a low-key manner for more than a year, the meaning of this release is still hotly debated. According to this English literal translation, China Media Group, cannot be translated back to the original meaning of Chinese. This also indicates that the international communication of Chinese radio and television in the new era will sail away, never turn back, break through all difficulties and obstacles, and reach the other side of the ideal.

IV. Conclusion

Over the past 70 years of New China, the international dissemination of radio and television has closely focused on the central deployment, served the overall diplomatic situation, and gone through the development process of showing China to the world, letting the world understand China, letting China go to the world, and letting China influence the world. At present, the world is in a major change situation unprecedented in a century, and exchanges and even collisions between different cultures are inevitable. Adhering to the concept of "mutual respect, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual learning, and win-win cooperation", strengthening open exchanges between different tribes in different countries of mankind in the midst of changes, constantly innovating the discourse system, and eliminating misunderstandings and misreading are the important responsibilities that international radio and television communication must bear. In the historical process of promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, the pattern and pattern of international communication are also undergoing profound changes, and inclusiveness, diversity, equality and dialogue are deconstructing the hegemony of unilateralist discourse and gradually becoming a consensus. As China further enters the world, on the one hand, it will face more and more misunderstandings and challenges, and on the other hand, the opportunity to change the public opinion environment and international perception will also come accordingly. Seizing opportunities, meeting challenges, and resolving crises is a process that the country and the international, society and science and technology, information and media are fully integrated, and the rebirth of purgatory is bound to go through. China's radio and television international communication should conform to the general trend of world development, exchange with all countries in the world on an equal footing with a more open mind, work together, and strive to promote dialogue among Chinese and foreign civilizations, mutual learning among civilizations and people-to-people bonds, and in this process, constantly learn from foreign communication experience and advanced technology, and realize the fundamental transformation from a media power to a media power as soon as possible.

To open up a new pattern of international communication in the new era, breakthroughs in big countries are the key, consolidating the surrounding areas is the first priority, and gathering talents is the prerequisite. We must make efforts to cultivate a large number of international media talents who understand China, know the world, and are good at communication, use language and methods that can be understood by international audiences, explain our positions and viewpoints, let the world better understand and accept China, and then enhance China's international influence, appeal and credibility, and contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to world peace and development.

(The author is secretary general of the Academic Committee of the China Federation of Radio and Television Social Organizations)


China Radio and Television Yearbook (Past Years)

Report on the Development of China's Radio, Film and Television (Past Years)

Radio and Television Reform and Innovation (Past Years)

"The General Trend of Chinese Radio and Television in the 21st Century", China Radio and Television Publishing House, 2012

"Ten Years of China's Radio and Television Reform and Development Review", China International Broadcasting Publishing House, 2012

Frontier Observations on Chinese Media, China International Broadcasting Press, 2013

Chinese Radio and Television Studies, China International Broadcasting Press, 2018

Chronicles of Chinese Radio and Television (Volume I), China Radio, Film and Television Publishing House, 2019

Television Studies (Calendar Year)

China Broadcasting (Past Years)

International Communication (Calendar Year)

The Media (Calendar Year)

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