
Learn to bully Einstein

author:Every day with a dream, laugh

Learn to bully Einstein

Legend has it that when Einstein was young, he handed his work to the teacher, who held up the bench with a look of disgust: I think there is nothing uglier in the world. The whole class burst into laughter. Xiao Ai was not moved, and calmly said: There are, and there are two. As he spoke, he pulled out two of the uglier ones. He explained that the teacher was already the best of the three. The audience was silent, and the laughter instantly turned into awe. This is the story in my primary school Chinese textbook, and it teaches me: Heaven rewards diligence, and diligence can make up for clumsiness.

In 2017, the Nobel Prize Committee posted Einstein's transcripts when he graduated from high school at the age of 17 on official Twitter. I didn't climb over the wall to see, this report card I found from Wan Weigang's "What is the Theory of Relativity". According to Wan Weigang, Xiao Ai's 5 courses such as physics, algebra, geometry, and history are all scored at 6 points, only French is 3 points, and the rest are 4 or 5 points. The results are quite good. Moreover, at the age of 16, Einstein was admitted to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, which enjoys the reputation of "the first school in Europe", but the college asked him to finish high school first. According to this, Wan Weigang believes that the story of the three benches is just folklore, because "such a story can give ordinary people hope ... But Einstein was really not an ordinary person. ”

In 1997, Apple launched a series of think different ads with long slogans that I only quoted two sentences, "To crazy people." Because only those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world... In order to truly change the world. "There were a lot of celebrities in the ads, most of them were Jobs's idols, and the first one was Einstein.

Even if you call me crazy, you are not allowed to call me a fool. Take you to know a real little Einstein, just end with this lyric I like.

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