
Is the new energy track on fire again? When will the month-end correction end?

author:Share road to Jane Yangping

Recently, heavy news about photovoltaics, new energy, and carbon neutrality has followed, and he Lifeng, the head of the National Development and Reform Commission, has accelerated the construction of large-scale wind power and photovoltaic bases, and encouraged local development and utilization. Develop hydropower according to local conditions。 The orderly development of nuclear power under the premise of ensuring safety.

On the evening of the 24th of the same day, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Opinions on The Complete, Accurate and Comprehensive Implementation of the New Development Concept to Do a Good Job in Carbon Neutrality." The document proposes: "Accelerate the promotion of pumped storage and large-scale application of new energy storage." Accelerate the formation of a new power installation development mechanism supported by energy storage and peak regulation capabilities。 Strengthen the research, demonstration and industrialization of new energy storage technologies such as electrochemistry and compressed air" and other measures to promote the development of the energy storage industry。 ”

This news completely made the recent hot new energy sector continue to rise, pushing up the Shanghai index station 3600 points, of which the high prosperity track was continuously sought after by funds, the Gem performance was relatively strong, photovoltaic, wind power, energy storage, lithium batteries and other energy sectors were strong throughout the day, Ningde era, BYD hit a record high.

Is the new energy track on fire again? When will the month-end correction end?

Among them, the energy storage sector set off a rising tide, and many shares rose by more than 10%. The "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of New Energy Storage" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration pointed out that by 2025, the new energy storage will be transformed from the initial commercialization to large-scale development, and the installed capacity should reach more than 30 million kilowatts. It is estimated that by 2030, China's energy storage market space will reach more than 1.2 trillion yuan, completely detonating the entire sector.

Is the new energy track on fire again? When will the month-end correction end?

From the trend point of view, the Shanghai index throughout the day shock strengthened, closed in the recent period of shock range highs 3610 area, since the National Day after the market volume continued to decline, the Shanghai index repeatedly tested the pressure above 3610/3615 failed, is currently close to the end of the month, showing a convergence triangle of finishing trend, from the figure we can see that the market is facing a change, if you can achieve a strong breakthrough, it is expected to open a new round of trends, on the contrary, there may be another bottoming action.

Is the new energy track on fire again? When will the month-end correction end?

On the other hand, the ChiNext board, which is relatively strong, due to the continuous rise of the weighted sector, led the index out of the bottom haze for two consecutive months, successfully stood at the 60-day moving average, and formed an effective breakthrough. The rise of the blue chip is expected to re-return the market to the style of white horse blue chips, the market is expected to further differentiate, and the time node of the reposition of the fund in the fourth quarter should be avoided as much as possible for the varieties that have risen too much in the early stage.

Is the new energy track on fire again? When will the month-end correction end?

In the future, it is recommended to reduce the position in this position, in the medium term, multi-party funds are constantly seeking new directions, trying to form a consensus continuously; from the current market action, the structural market will become the norm, it is expected that the repair of the oversold plate at the end of the year has more opportunities, pay attention to the white horse blue chip with a high safety margin at a low valuation level and the performance is expected to be corrected, and the high-prosperity track plate with policy support, such as new energy, photovoltaic, wind power, etc., while taking into account the price increase varieties with prosperity in the subdivision field.