
The wife of a generation of famous generals Zuo Quan remarried after his sacrifice, but he called herself his daughter-in-law, for him to seek revenge for him, before acquaintance, after marriage and life, heaven and man forever separated four, and rehabilitated his husband

author:Fourteen says history

Everyone knows that the founding of New China was not easy, and our current life is inseparable from the efforts and sacrifices of the warriors. These warriors are both famous and unknown, just as the warriors said today may not be familiar to everyone, or even have not heard of, that is, Zuo Quan, a senior general of the former Eighth Route Army, and his wife Liu Zhilan.

Zuo Quan and his wife Liu Zhilan can be regarded as a good couple in the chaotic world, but the heavens are not willing, the couple only has three years of fate, in fact, strictly speaking, not even three years, Zuo Quan died heroically in the battle with the Japanese army, leaving only his young wife and one-year-old daughter.

The wife of a generation of famous generals Zuo Quan remarried after his sacrifice, but he called herself his daughter-in-law, for him to seek revenge for him, before acquaintance, after marriage and life, heaven and man forever separated four, and rehabilitated his husband

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="29" >, before acquaintance</h1>

Zuo Quan, born on March 15, 1905, a native of Hunan, formerly known as Zuo Jiquan, was a first-term student of the Whampoa Military Academy, who was very capable and had studied in the Soviet Union. During his middle school years, he came into contact with Marxism, and homeism planted the seeds in his heart.

Zuo Quan joined the Communist Party of China through the introduction of Comrade Chen Geng during his military school, and then participated in and commanded a series of battles, and as his experience increased, his ability became more and more outstanding.

It was just that at that time, he did not care much about the marriage situation, and the people of the country did not have a good life, but only wanted to devote themselves to the major events of saving the country. Coupled with his high vision, it led to the fact that he was 34 years old or did not have a caring person, and the comrades in the army were very anxious for him. Later, everyone found several for him, and he was not very satisfied.

The wife of a generation of famous generals Zuo Quan remarried after his sacrifice, but he called herself his daughter-in-law, for him to seek revenge for him, before acquaintance, after marriage and life, heaven and man forever separated four, and rehabilitated his husband

Before he knew Comrade Liu Zhilan, Comrade Liu Zhilan was already very famous. At that time, Comrade Liu Zhilan was very active during the 12.9 Movement, and was the leader of the Minxian Of the Women's Affiliated Middle School of the Beijing Normal University, and his ability was very outstanding, not only good looking, but also reading a lot of books, and even her calligraphy works became the posters of the students of the Female Affiliated Middle School of the Beijing Normal University.

The wife of a generation of famous generals Zuo Quan remarried after his sacrifice, but he called herself his daughter-in-law, for him to seek revenge for him, before acquaintance, after marriage and life, heaven and man forever separated four, and rehabilitated his husband

According to the descriptions of many old comrades, Liu Zhilan was rated as "the number one beauty among the leaders' wives" at that time, and he was a very good classmate with Commander-in-Chief Peng Dehuai's lover Pu Anxiu. When she was in school, she was adored by many people of the opposite sex, and many people were fascinated by her excellent talent and appearance. Later, she came to Yan'an to work, active and talented, and soon The husband and wife of Mr. and Mrs. Zhu, who were worried about their comrades-in-arms, noticed.

The wife of a generation of famous generals Zuo Quan remarried after his sacrifice, but he called herself his daughter-in-law, for him to seek revenge for him, before acquaintance, after marriage and life, heaven and man forever separated four, and rehabilitated his husband

After the mediation of Commander-in-Chief Zhu De and his wife, Zuo Quan also noticed Liu Zhilan, and as soon as he had time, he secretly observed Liu Zhilan and found that this female comrade was really as good as Zhu Zong said, and she was also like-minded with herself, and he couldn't help but have a heart of admiration for Comrade Liu. And Comrade Liu Zhilan also felt that zuo quan was good, so the two were together. It was 1939, Liu Zhilan was 22 years old, Zuo Quan was 34 years old, and the two were happily married.

The wife of a generation of famous generals Zuo Quan remarried after his sacrifice, but he called herself his daughter-in-law, for him to seek revenge for him, before acquaintance, after marriage and life, heaven and man forever separated four, and rehabilitated his husband

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="32" > second, married life</h1>

The day after the wedding, they started a new job, and both of them were so busy that they could only get together on weekends. The couple can be said to be less and more together, and the time to really be together is actually less than a year, so for the hard-won time together, the two are very cherished.

The next year, their daughter Zuo Taibei was born, but Zuo Quan was so busy that he didn't even have time to see his daughter when she was born. At that time, it was a difficult time in 1940, when his daughter was born in May, and Zuo Quan was preparing for the Hundred Regiments War in August. So Liu Zhilan returned to Yan'an with his daughter, and the two could not see each other.

The wife of a generation of famous generals Zuo Quan remarried after his sacrifice, but he called herself his daughter-in-law, for him to seek revenge for him, before acquaintance, after marriage and life, heaven and man forever separated four, and rehabilitated his husband

During the time when they could not see each other, as long as someone went to Yan'an, Zuo Quan would ask someone to bring something to his wife, and inside the things he brought were his letters and money to Liu Zhilan, so after 21 months, Zuo Quan's burden to Liu Zhilan never came again, because Comrade Zuo Quan had already sacrificed.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="33" ></h1>

In 1941, Zuo Quan, who had just finished the Hundred Regiments War, relied on his outstanding military ability to maneuver with the strength of only one regiment and the enemy in the defense of Huangyadong, and finally successfully repelled the enemy, while the ratio of casualties between the enemy and us was 6:1.

The wife of a generation of famous generals Zuo Quan remarried after his sacrifice, but he called herself his daughter-in-law, for him to seek revenge for him, before acquaintance, after marriage and life, heaven and man forever separated four, and rehabilitated his husband

In May 1942, in the face of the Japanese army's sweep of the Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Route Army was very passive. On the 22nd, the Japanese army discovered the location of the Eighth Route Army headquarters and quickly surrounded our army, but when it was dark, the Eighth Route Army headquarters decisively broke through. On the 25th, the Japanese army formed another encirclement circle against the Eighth Route Army, and this time General Zuo Quan strongly demanded that the rear be broken.

The wife of a generation of famous generals Zuo Quan remarried after his sacrifice, but he called herself his daughter-in-law, for him to seek revenge for him, before acquaintance, after marriage and life, heaven and man forever separated four, and rehabilitated his husband

By June, the headquarters had successfully broken through, and the rearguard troops commanded by Zuo Quan could also prepare to retreat, and suddenly a bomb landed near Zuo Quan, and General Zuo Quan did not dodge, coupled with the insufficient medical conditions at that time, General Zuo Quan died heroically, only 37 years old.

His wife Liu Zhilan is only 25 years old, and his daughter Zuo Taibei is less than two years old, so you can imagine how long and difficult the life of orphans and widows will be. Although they don't spend much time with their husbands, they love each other no less than other couples. When she learned of her husband's death, Liu Zhilan was so sad that for the next year she was very confused, sometimes not even believing that her husband had died.

The wife of a generation of famous generals Zuo Quan remarried after his sacrifice, but he called herself his daughter-in-law, for him to seek revenge for him, before acquaintance, after marriage and life, heaven and man forever separated four, and rehabilitated his husband

Later, under the comfort of Mr. and Mrs. Zhu, she became strong. After that, she worked hard, raised her daughter, and gradually distanced herself from her husband's circle of friends before he died, and did not want to use her husband's sacrifice in exchange for something.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="35" >4</h1>

In fact, it was not until after the sacrifice of Comrade Zuo Quan that Liu Zhilan did not know that because of Wang Ming's influence, his husband was labeled a "Trotskyist" before his death, and the punishment for him was "staying in the party on probation", and he had been wearing this hat for more than ten years, which was a very serious punishment, after all, he was expelled from the party.

The wife of a generation of famous generals Zuo Quan remarried after his sacrifice, but he called herself his daughter-in-law, for him to seek revenge for him, before acquaintance, after marriage and life, heaven and man forever separated four, and rehabilitated his husband

After Liu Zhilan learned of this situation, he has been worrying about zuo quan's rehabilitation, trying to collect evidence and clarify the facts. Even after Zuo Quan's sacrifice for six years, she remarried Zuo Quan's secretary, Chen Shouzhong, she did not stop this matter, and insisted on it for decades, and continued to support Zuo Quan's parents, posing as Zuo Quan's daughter-in-law.

Finally, thanks to Liu Zhilan's efforts, the Central Committee rehabilitated Comrade Zuo Quan in 1982, took off the hat he had worn all his life, and the punishment was revoked. Liu Zhilan, who saw this result, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the people of the whole country were also touched by everything she had done, because everyone knew that in fact, she was not obliged to do such a thing for her deceased ex-husband, and perhaps Zuo Quan himself did not care.

The wife of a generation of famous generals Zuo Quan remarried after his sacrifice, but he called herself his daughter-in-law, for him to seek revenge for him, before acquaintance, after marriage and life, heaven and man forever separated four, and rehabilitated his husband

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="37" > summary</h1>

Some people may feel that nothing in the world is immutable, but from the story of Zuo Quan and Liu Zhilan, it is also the like-minded aspirations and love of the two that are eternal. Liu Zhilan once wrote in "For Eternal Memory" that Zuo Quan did not want to be personally influenced to work, nor did he want his wife to be just a wife, and he did not stop his wife's work, and even encouraged his wife to work.

The wife of a generation of famous generals Zuo Quan remarried after his sacrifice, but he called herself his daughter-in-law, for him to seek revenge for him, before acquaintance, after marriage and life, heaven and man forever separated four, and rehabilitated his husband

For these, Liu Zhilan has done it, not even using Zuo Quan's demands, and Liu Zhilan's behavior also shows that Zuo Quan's choice at that time was absolutely correct, she did not live up to Zuo Quan's hopes for her, if Zuo Quan is alive, Liu Zhilan must be his good wife and good comrade.

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