
Wang Jian, deputy director of the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau, and his party came to Fufu to investigate

author:Information News
Wang Jian, deputy director of the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau, and his party came to Fufu to investigate

Recently, Wang Jian, member of the party group and deputy director of the Hangzhou Municipal Audit Bureau, and 5 people came to our bureau to carry out research on deepening the transformation and development of investment auditing. Zhang Yongnan, secretary of the party group and director of our bureau, Yu Gao, deputy director of the bureau, and all middle-level cadres of the auditing development service center attended the forum.

After listening to the report on the investment audit transformation work of our bureau, Deputy Director Wang Jian highly affirmed the work done by our bureau to deepen the investment audit transformation, and he believed that Fuyang's transformation not only achieved the pioneering and innovative auditing according to law, but also served the localities, which was fully affirmed and valued by the district committee and district government. Fuyang's investment audit transformation work has provided a model for the audit bureaus of various districts and counties in Hangzhou to learn from and build confidence.

Wang Jian, deputy director of the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau, and his party came to Fufu to investigate

(Source: Hangzhou Fuyang District People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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