
Don't treat cancer as rhinitis! Doctors remind: the body appears 4 symptoms, as soon as possible to eliminate nasopharyngeal cancer, nearly half of the world's nasopharyngeal cancer in China two, do not treat nasopharyngeal cancer as rhinitis to treat three, away from nasopharyngeal cancer, please do these 4 points

author:39 HealthNet

"I still have a family to feed and I don't want to give up this family..." Ah Zhong (pseudonym), who was lying in a hospital bed, was in pain.

Ah Zhong is a villager in Lelian Village, Xinquan Town, Liancheng County, Longyan, last year, just 30 years old, Ah Zhong suddenly had a constant nosebleed, went to the hospital for examination, and was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer.

Although it is difficult to accept, Ah Zhong still chooses to face it strongly for the sake of his family. Less than half a year after the diagnosis, Ah Zhong underwent 32 radiotherapy and 3 chemotherapy treatments. The cost of radiotherapy and chemotherapy is high, ah zhong family is in difficulty, and the more than 100,000 spent is borrowed by relatives and friends.

Don't treat cancer as rhinitis! Doctors remind: the body appears 4 symptoms, as soon as possible to eliminate nasopharyngeal cancer, nearly half of the world's nasopharyngeal cancer in China two, do not treat nasopharyngeal cancer as rhinitis to treat three, away from nasopharyngeal cancer, please do these 4 points

The doctor told him that the situation was not too bad and could be cured, but the follow-up treatment cost was expected to be 300,000 yuan. Every time he saw the medical bills, Ah Zhong felt sorry for his family, he should be the pillar of the family, but now it has become the biggest burden...

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" >, nearly half of the world's nasopharyngeal cancers are in China</h1>

Many people may not know how serious the situation of nasopharyngeal cancer in China is. According to the data released by WHO, China's nasopharyngeal cancer patients account for about half of the world's total, and in 2020, there will be 133,000 new cases of nasopharyngeal cancer worldwide, and China will account for 62,000 cases.

Professor Han Fei, deputy director of the Department of Radiotherapy of the Cancer Prevention and Control Center of Sun Yat-sen University, pointed out that the reason why the incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in China is so high is mainly due to the relationship between genes. In particular, Guangdong people may be the cause of gene deletion, have a predisposition to nasopharyngeal cancer, and the incidence is higher than in other regions. In addition, the incidence of nasopharyngeal cancer in Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi and Fujian also ranks among the top in the country.

Don't treat cancer as rhinitis! Doctors remind: the body appears 4 symptoms, as soon as possible to eliminate nasopharyngeal cancer, nearly half of the world's nasopharyngeal cancer in China two, do not treat nasopharyngeal cancer as rhinitis to treat three, away from nasopharyngeal cancer, please do these 4 points

Therefore, nasopharyngeal cancer is also known as "Guangdong cancer", according to statistics, the incidence of nasopharyngeal cancer in Guangdong residents is 20 times that of low-incidence areas, and the reasons for this are mainly related to the following aspects:

1. Heredity

Ma Jun, executive vice president of the Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, said that the influence of environmental factors such as climate and diet in Guangdong has led to the gradual formation of susceptibility genes for nasopharyngeal carcinoma in people living in Guangdong. Later, after large-scale marriage and continuous population migration, people in Guangdong brought nasopharyngeal cancer susceptibility genes to different places.

2. Environment

Ma Jun also pointed out that the high incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Guangdong is also related to pro-cancer factors in the environment.

The Guangdong region prefers salted fish, pickled foods such as wax flavor. Pickled food will produce nitrite in the process of pickling, and nitrite is easily converted into nitrosamine compounds after entering the human body, which has a carcinogenic effect. At the same time, after testing, the soil, water sources and rice in Guangdong contain more nickel elements, resulting in imbalance of trace elements in the environment, resulting in imbalance of trace elements in the body and further increasing the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer.

3. Virus

Li Zhizhong, a doctor of cancer biology at Duke University in the United States, said that the high incidence of nasopharyngeal cancer in the population in Guangdong is related to the EBV. Statistics found that more than 99% of patients with nasopharyngeal cancer are positive for Epstein-Barr virus infection.

The mainstream view also believes that the Epstein-Barr virus is an important factor in causing nasopharyngeal cancer. More critically, the Epstein-Barr virus prevalent in Guangdong has mutated into a high-risk subtype, and the risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in infected people is 11 times that of low-risk subtypes.

Don't treat cancer as rhinitis! Doctors remind: the body appears 4 symptoms, as soon as possible to eliminate nasopharyngeal cancer, nearly half of the world's nasopharyngeal cancer in China two, do not treat nasopharyngeal cancer as rhinitis to treat three, away from nasopharyngeal cancer, please do these 4 points

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="43" > Second, do not treat nasopharyngeal cancer as rhinitis</h1>

Because rhinitis and nasopharyngeal cancer have similar symptoms, patients are easily confused, and doctors may misdiagnose.

Patients with rhinitis often have colds, nasal congestion has the characteristics of alternating, intermittent, usually with changes in position, generally worsened by the lower nostril nasal congestion when lying on the side, and good ventilation of the upper nostrils. Nasal congestion caused by nasopharyngeal cancer has significant characteristics, starting with one side of the nasal congestion, and gradually developing into bilateral nasal congestion as the disease progresses, which is progressive and persistent.

Don't treat cancer as rhinitis! Doctors remind: the body appears 4 symptoms, as soon as possible to eliminate nasopharyngeal cancer, nearly half of the world's nasopharyngeal cancer in China two, do not treat nasopharyngeal cancer as rhinitis to treat three, away from nasopharyngeal cancer, please do these 4 points

In addition to nasal congestion, Chen Pei, chief physician of the Department of Otolaryngology of Wuhan First Hospital, reminded everyone that nasopharyngeal cancer has other common symptoms and should be vigilant when it persists for two weeks.

1. Headache

Nasopharyngeal cancer will invade the bone, nerves, blood vessels, etc. at the base of the skull, causing headaches, which are unilateral and have the characteristics of persistence.

2. Hearing loss

When nasopharyngeal cancer occurs in the lateral wall of the nasopharynx or the mouth of the Eustachian tube, the Eustachian tube is constantly compressed, resulting in symptoms such as tinnitus, ear tightness, and hearing loss.

3. Snot with blood

When sucking the nose, the snot retracts, stains with blood, and then spits out from the oropharynx, that is, "pharyngeal nosebleed", which is easily mistaken for blood in the sputum, resulting in misdiagnosis.

4. Difficulty swallowing

Nasopharyngeal cancer continues to develop, and will gradually compress the glossopharyngeal nerve, vagus nerve, paraneal nerve and subglossal nerve, causing difficulty swallowing, paralysis of the vocal cords, hoarseness and so on.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" > third, stay away from nasopharyngeal cancer, please do these 4 points</h1>

In recent years, the incidence of nasopharyngeal cancer has become higher and higher, and Malaysian badminton star Li Zongwei and Well-known Hong Kong director Chen Musheng have all been targeted by nasopharyngeal cancer. In the face of nasopharyngeal cancer, prevention is more important than treatment, and we must do the following four things in our daily lives.

Maintain good living habits, eat less pickled foods, and quit smoking;

Prevent colds, pay attention to changes in the weather, increase or decrease clothing in time, and reduce the chance of viral infection.

Avoid inhaling toxic substances such as harmful fumes such as smog, kerosene lamp gas, insecticidal aerosols, etc.

Do a good job of screening, regular physical examination, if there are symptoms of suspected nasopharyngeal cancer, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible to find out the cause.

Don't treat cancer as rhinitis! Doctors remind: the body appears 4 symptoms, as soon as possible to eliminate nasopharyngeal cancer, nearly half of the world's nasopharyngeal cancer in China two, do not treat nasopharyngeal cancer as rhinitis to treat three, away from nasopharyngeal cancer, please do these 4 points

In particular, people at high risk of NASOPHARY, such as long-term smoking, a history of chronic NASOPHARyngeal disease, frequent exposure to oil fumes and toxic chemicals, a family history of NASOPHARY, painless lymphadenopathy of the neck of unexplained causes, and people aged 30-59 years living in areas with a high incidence of NASOPHARY should pay special attention. Not only should good habits be developed, but regular screenings should be carried out.

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is preventable and treatable, and the key lies in early prevention, early detection and early intervention. Especially people living in areas with a high incidence of nasopharyngeal cancer, we must play a twelve-point spirit, improve the awareness of prevention, and do a good job in prevention.

#谣零零计划 #


[1] The 5-year survival rate of nasopharyngeal carcinoma exceeds 80%, and the medium swelling exerts the nasopharyngeal cancer treatment technology to the extreme. Yangcheng Evening News Lingnan Famous Doctor.2021-03-21

[2] Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, why has it become a "Chinese characteristic"? 2017-02-07

[3] There are 7 signs of early nasopharyngeal cancer, did you know? 2020-08-31

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