
Yang Bo is the deputy mayor and acting district chief of Fangshan District in Beijing

author:Beijing News

Beijing News Express According to the WeChat public account of Beijing Fangshan, on the morning of September 28, the Standing Committee of the Eighth People's Congress of Fangshan District held its 52nd meeting, and the meeting decided that Yang Bo would be appointed deputy governor and acting district chief of the Fangshan District People's Government. Chen Qing, secretary of the district party committee, attended the meeting to explain and speak on the recommendations of the municipal party committee, and Liu Bing, secretary of the party leading group and director of the standing committee of the district people's congress, presided over the meeting.

Yang Bo is the deputy mayor and acting district chief of Fangshan District in Beijing

According to the decision of the municipal party committee, due to work adjustments, Comrade Guo Yanhong submitted a request to the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress to resign from the post of district chief of the Fangshan District People's Government; Li Baohu and Wang Yongmin submitted a request to the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress to resign from the post of deputy district chief of the Fangshan District People's Government. With the consent of the municipal party committee, Comrade Yang Bo was nominated as the district governor of the Fangshan District People's Government of Beijing Municipality, and three comrades Yuan Lin, Yin Hang, and Jin Lu were nominated as candidates for the deputy district chief of the Fangshan District People's Government of Beijing Municipality.

Chen Qing pointed out that the current readjustment of the leadership of the district government is a major event in the political life of the whole region. We must take a clear-cut stand in stressing politics, bear in mind the requirement that "to see Beijing, we must first look at politics," consciously unify our thinking and actions with the decisions of the municipal party committee, take the lead in stressing politics, taking the overall situation into account, observing discipline, making concerted efforts and cohesive efforts, and constantly promoting the healthy and sustainable development of all undertakings in the region. It is necessary to firmly grasp the important opportunities such as the implementation of the new round of chengnan action plan and the promotion of the construction of the "two districts," make overall plans to promote all kinds of work, unceasingly stress politics, hard work style, and strong implementation, turn the tremendous enthusiasm aroused by the celebration of the centenary of the founding of the party into a powerful force for officials to start a business, and continuously enhance the people's sense of happiness, gain, and security. Fully promote the high-quality development of "one district and one city" new Fangshan, make Fangshan contributions to the capital's construction of a world-class harmonious and livable capital, and show Fangshan's deeds.

In accordance with legal procedures, the meeting voted by secret ballot to appoint Yang Bo as deputy district chief and acting district chief of the Fangshan District People's Government; and three comrades Yuan Lin, Yin Hang, and Jin Lu were voted to be the deputy district chiefs of the Fangshan District People's Government.

After being unanimously voted by the meeting, Yang Bo, Yuan Lin, Yin Hang, and Jin Lu swore an oath to the Constitution.

Edited by Xin Jing