
"Romance of the Three Kingdoms": Wang Yun died under the city wall because he did not accept Li Daoguo's surrender?

author:Mirror Youth
"Romance of the Three Kingdoms": Wang Yun died under the city wall because he did not accept Li Daoguo's surrender?

Wang Yunshi plotted to alienate Lü Bu and Dong Zhuo, and eventually Dong Zhuo died under Lü Bu's Fangtian painting, which also became a more classic bridge section of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. After Dong Zhuo's death, Situ Wang Yun breathed a fierce sigh of relief and knelt on the ground, thanking the heavens for blessings, Dong Thief had been eliminated, and the revival of the Great Han was promising.

After Dong Zhuo's death, his subordinates also had no main backbone and fled in a hurry. Lü Bu rebelled at once, was ordered to kill the thief, and was made a general of Fenwei by the Han Emperor. However, Dong Zhuo also had two generals under him, namely Li Dai and Guo Feng.

Originally, these people were all planning to surrender, but Wang Yun refused to accept the surrender of Li Guo and the two. Thinking that they have done all the bad things, they must be killed to the end. Chen Gong persuaded wang Yun for a long time, repeatedly telling Wang Yun that at this time, he could not kill them all, and he must accept the surrender of the two, otherwise the dog would jump the wall and cause trouble.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms": Wang Yun died under the city wall because he did not accept Li Daoguo's surrender?

But Wang Yun did not listen to it at all at this time, as the main plotter and victory party for the assassination of Dong Thief, at this time, in addition to Emperor Xian of Han, he occupied the highest position of the Han Dynasty, and he was a bit "floating". Later, Li Guo and his men did rebel and attacked, at this time Wang Yun's troops were simply not enough to resist, because of the suddenness of the incident, the people who went to inform Lü Bu had not yet left the doorway, Li Daoguo had already led his troops to fight under the city wall.

Wang Yun took Emperor Xian of Han to the city wall, but li Guo and the two of them asked Wang Yun to go out of the city in exchange for the peace of the others in the name of crusading against the state thieves. Wang Yun also asked: If I go out of the city, will you spare Your Majesty? Of course, Li Guo and the two said yes. At this time, Wang Yun was like being roasted on the fire, no matter how he advanced or retreated, he could not escape the reputation of "national thief", and only by sacrificing him could Emperor Xian of Han be saved. So he showed his loyalty for the last time, jumping down from the high walls.

But his death could not be exchanged for anything. Next, it became Li Daiguo who held Emperor Xian of Han hostage, Liu Xie once again became a puppet emperor, and the Han Dynasty was still in jeopardy.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms": Wang Yun died under the city wall because he did not accept Li Daoguo's surrender?

Judging from this incident, it can be seen that Wang Yun does not have tactical foresight, and he only has some literati "careful machines". Just as someone commented on Wang Yun, he said: There is little wisdom, but no great wisdom. He could come up with a beauty plan and a divisive plan to make Lü Bu and Dong Zhuo look at each other, but he did not have military talent and foresight. He was a Situ, and he could do a good job of drafting the emperor's will, but it was far from being able to lead the army to fight and even govern the country.

In fact, in the end, there is also a question of how to treat prisoners.

After all, at the beginning, Dong Zhuo was killed, and Li Daiguo was planning to surrender. Whether it is a true surrender or a false surrender, the victorious side should show a generous attitude, at least on the surface, to accept it, to give preferential treatment to the prisoners.

In the final analysis, "preferential treatment of prisoners" is actually a tactic of attacking the heart, which can not only divide the enemy, but also strengthen themselves.

Wang Yun did not accept Li Guo's surrender, so it caused the two dogs to jump the wall and rebel and attack the city. Suppose that at the beginning Wang Yun adopted a roundabout strategy, or followed Chen Gong's advice and accepted the surrender of the two, perhaps he could still get two generals to take advantage of. Taking a step back, if Li Guo and the two of them were pretending to surrender, they could also accept their surrender and then find a way to disperse their troops, which was much better than directly "hard to deal with" on the surface.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms": Wang Yun died under the city wall because he did not accept Li Daoguo's surrender?

It can be seen that in order to govern the country or to seek a great cause, in addition to boldness, we must also have strategy and foresight. On the other hand, it can also be seen that after Wang Yunmeiren's victory in the divisive plan, the reason why he "drifted" was also arrogance and conceit, he did not take Li Daoguo in his eyes, or had no concept of his own and the other side's military strength.

And Wang Yun has not yet possessed these. Finally, he jumped down from the city wall and fell into the reputation of martyrdom, which is also the best ending in the chaotic world.

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