
Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

author:History Talks Club

The complete video of the Battle of Guan Yu's North Province

The "Battle of Absolute Northern Province" was part of the "Battle of Nan County" in Jingzhou, which lasted for more than a year, and Guan Yu took 2,000 Eastern Wu soldiers and soldiers deep into the enemy's rear, and launched a series of guerrilla battles with Cao Wei Xu Huang, Le Jin, Wen Ping, Man Yu, Li Tong and other generals.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

The strange thing is that the battle between Guan Yu, the god of war, and so many Cao Wei macho men is not only not recorded in the main history, but even in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" there is no mention of it, such a good theme is not used, why is this?

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In the thirteenth year of Jian'an, Cao Cao, who had just appointed himself chancellor, exerted his spirit to conquer Jingzhou in the south, Liu Biao of Jingzhou fell ill and died, and his son Liu Chun surrendered to Kaicheng, Cao Cao took Jingzhou effortlessly, and then vainly tried to swallow Eastern Wu with a single blow, complete the hegemony of unifying the world, and go to Tongquetai as soon as possible to raise his life.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

Unexpectedly, the seemingly weak Sun Liu Alliance, Chibi took advantage of the time and place in the First World War, and actually counterattacked and overturned, Cao Cao was defeated, and suffered heavy losses, leaving only the general Cao Renzhen to guard Jiangling, and he himself withdrew to the north with a large army, and the whole was in a state of strategic contraction, while busy repairing, while busy appeasing the internal rebel forces.

Sun Liu's alliance, on the other hand, took the initiative to attack, wanting to take the whole of Jingzhou in one fell swoop with the power of great victory, and then plotted against the world.

However, whether it was going north or west, Zhou Yu could not avoid the Jiangling guarded by Cao Ren, so the two sides fought back and forth around Jiangling, a strategic place, for more than a year, and finally Cao Ren ran out of grain and grass and could only withdraw to the north.

Although the Battle of Chibi was a great victory for Sun Liu's alliance, it could not change the reality that Liu Bei had few generals and few soldiers, but since it was an "alliance", Liu Bei naturally had to contribute.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

The "Wu Lu" records that at that time, Zhou Yu asked Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to assist in the battle, liu Bei was weak and could only agree, so Zhang Fei brought a thousand soldiers to fight with Zhou Yu, while Guan Yu took the two thousand soldiers allocated by Zhou Yu to fight alone.

For more than a year, Zhang Fei was basically in a state of stealth, just following Zhou Yu to a situation, while Guan Yu led two thousand Eastern Wu soldiers to go deep into the Cao Wei control area in northern Jingzhou, and fought with real swords and real guns for more than a year, which was the Battle of Guan Yu's Absolute Northern Province.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei, at the suggestion of the military Zhuge Liang, took advantage of the fierce battle of the Southern Army to send Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun to lead the troops to capture the four counties of Jingnan.

Among them, the Battle of Changsha Guan Yu vs Huang Zhong was impressive, and in this battle Liu Bei not only took Changsha, but also got two generals, Huang Zhong and Wei Yan.

However, in the main history, Guan Yu at this time did not encounter Huang Zhong at all, but was going deep into the cao wei control area, busy with Xu Huang, Le Jin, Wen Ping, Man Yu, Li Tong and other Cao Wei generals, compared to changsha battle Huang Zhong, it was much more exciting.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

Why is there no record of such a wonderful battle in the history and interpretation? In fact, I think the reason is very simple, because this battle does not match Guan Yu's "temperament".

Let's first analyze the battle of the Absolute North Province from the clues in the main history.

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms and the Biography of Li Tong records: "Liu Bei and Zhou Yu surrounded Cao Ren at Jiangling and sent Guan Yu to the North Province. This is the origin of "Guan Yu Absolute North Province".

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms records that "later from Pingjing Prefecture, Liutun Xiangyang, Guan Yu, Su Fei, etc., all in short." ”

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms and the Biography of Xu Huang records: "He also favored Guan Yu in Hanjin, and Cao Ren attacked Zhou Yu at Jiangling. ”

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms records that "Yu Lejin befriended Guan Yu in search of his mouth, had meritorious service, entered the Marquis of Tingshouting, added a rebellion against the general, and attacked Yu Yu to weigh heavily on Hanjin, and burned his ship at Jingcheng." ”

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms li tong records: "Tong led the crowd to attack, dismounted and pulled out the antlers, and fought before, in order to meet the benevolent army and bravely crown the generals." ”

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

From the analysis of these biographies, in the battle of Nan County for more than a year, Guan Yu and Cao Wei's generals Cao Ren, Xu Huang, Man Yu, Wen Ping, Le Jin, Li Tong, etc. have fought many times, feeling that Guan Yu is like a street rat, beaten by this group of Cao Wei macho men, even the warships and heavy weights have been burned.

Taking Guan Yu, the god of war, as a background, doesn't this add luster to the biography of Cao Wei's generals? Could it be that guan Yu really fought so badly and so humiliated in this battle?

As mentioned earlier, Guan Yu's northern route was part of the Battle of Nan County, a joint operation under the unified command of Zhou Yu by Sun Liu's combined forces, and Guan Yu's mode of operation was to lead two thousand soldiers of Eastern Wu into the area controlled by Cao Wei and launch a series of guerrilla operations behind enemy lines, the purpose of which was to disrupt the deployment of Cao Ren's army behind Cao Ren and prevent and delay Cao Ren's support for Cao Ren.

Therefore, when we look at the "Battle of the Absolute North Province", we cannot only talk about victory and defeat, but must be combined with the entire Battle of South County and the current situation in the world.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

First of all, let's look at the current situation in the world at that time.

Cao Cao's Battle of Chibi was greatly defeated, and even the newly arrived Jingzhou had to be spat out of the new, and the other territories were also surging undercurrents.

Before the Battle of Chibi, Cao Cao had persuaded Ma Teng, seeing that he could peacefully annex Liangzhou, but as a result, Cao Cao's Chibi was defeated, ma chao and Han had a different heart, and their confidence in opposing Cao Cao was greatly enhanced.

In Yangzhou, the local powerful Chen Lan and Mei Cheng in northern Jiangbei actively responded to Sun Quan and rebelled, which was quite loud, and Cao Cao had no choice but to send the general Zhang Liao to suppress it.

The court was also turbulent, and the ministers who opposed Cao Cao were also endlessly involved in Cao Cao's energy.

Faced with this situation, Cao Cao's immediate priority was to stabilize the interior, and there was no capital to maintain a strong position in Jingzhou at all, so Cao Cao sent six generals, Cao Cao, Cao Ren, Xu Huang, Le Jin, Man Yu, Wen Ping, and Li Tong, respectively, to guard Jiangling, Xiangyang, Danyang, Jiangxia, and Runan, forming a strong defensive line, and returning to the north to concentrate on rectifying the interior.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

Let's look at the situation of the Battle of South County.

After the Great Victory at Chibi, Sun Liu's allied forces, as the victorious side, if they wanted to further expand their results, first of all, they had to find a way to take Jiangling. It's just that Jiangling City is high and deep, and there is Cao Renzhen, the first defender of Cao Wei, who wants to attack it with a single blow, it is not easy, and the only way is to continue to attack the city with heavy troops.

This kind of solid siege warfare cannot be achieved in three or two days. In order to prevent the northern Cao army from supporting Jiangling, Zhou Yu, while maintaining high pressure on Jiangling, sent Guan Yu to lead his troops deep behind the enemy, with only one goal: to harass the Cao army, delay the support, and win without seeking a battle, but only to disrupt the deployment and rhythm of the Cao army.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

Although Guan Yu had the courage of a thousand men, he only had two thousand Eastern Wu soldiers in his hands, not only were there few people, but he was not a concubine unit, and his combat effectiveness could not be discussed at all. In order to accomplish the strategic goal, the best way is to fight a guerrilla war, shoot a shot, run away immediately, and then come back to another place.

Even if you are beaten continuously, it does not matter, there is no loss anyway. Guan Yu basically drove the boat somewhere, went ashore to say hello to Cao Jun, and then ran away. When encountering a small group of Cao Jun, he can fight if he can, but he can't continue to run.

Guan Yu was able to persist until Li Tong received Cao Ren's withdrawal from Gangneung, which showed that the Battle of Jeongbei Province was basically synchronized with the Battle of Nan County, and it was fought for more than a year. In this situation of strong enemies, Guan Yu basically achieved his strategic goals, which was really not easy.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

As a result of the Battle of NamGun, Cao Ren retreated to the north after more than a year of defending Gangneung, with li tong's support. So why didn't the surrounding Cao army support Jiangling for more than a year? Could it be that Cao Cao had already abandoned Jiangling?

Of course not. Although Cao Cao was defeated in the Battle of Chibi, it did not collapse, and its power was still beyond the reach of other princes, and Cao Cao's top priority was to stabilize the interior, so he was eager to retreat to the north.

And Jiangling is the transportation hub of the Yangtze River in the east, Jingzhou in the south, Tumbashu in the west, and the transportation hub along the Central Plains in the north, if Cao Cao still has the ambition to unify the world, he will definitely not give up easily.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

During the Battle of Nam Gun, the surrounding Cao army did not come to support Jiangling for three main reasons:

First, the situation in northern Jingzhou was unstable under Cao Cao's control.

Le Jin, Xu Huang and other generals were stationed in the north of Jingzhou, and after the Battle of Chibi, on the one hand, they had to defend Sun Liu's allied forces, on the other hand, they had to be busy suppressing local rebellions, and they also had to suffer from Guan Yu's guerrilla warfare, and they could not stop on their own side, where else could they support Cao Ren's Jiangling? It's good to keep your own turf.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

Secondly, it was Cao Ren's excellent defense in Gangneung.

At the beginning of the battle, Cao Ren did not blindly defend, but also took the initiative to attack, and the two sides attacked each other. Later, Cao Ren's reinforcements to Yiling were defeated, and many soldiers and horses were lost, so he began to defend Jiangling steadily.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

The Wu Lu records that "there is a lot of grain in Gangneung City, which is enough to cause disease. "It shows that Cao Ren is not short of soldiers, horses, food and grass at all, so there is no need to ask for support."

Until later, Zhou Yu was hit by an arrow, but still gritted his teeth and insisted on inspecting the military camp, cao Ren was shocked and withdrew. What was Cao Ren afraid of? I actually chose to withdraw my troops directly! You know, Cao Ren and Zhou Yu have been fighting for more than a year, and they are tired of seeing each other every day, how can they be so scared? This is not scientific.

From the analysis of the war situation and the current situation at that time, I think that Cao Ren's retreat was a very wise choice.

Because at that time, all parts of the north of Jingzhou were tired of dealing with local rebellions and Guan Yu's harassment, and if they had to support Cao Ren in addition to taking care of themselves, it would be difficult to ensure that the backyard would not be on fire, and Jiangling was initially full of food, but it could not withstand long-term consumption, so it was better to shrink the defense line and abandon Jiangling.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

Jiangling was a strategic place for Sun Liu's allied forces, but not for Cao Cao. Because there are xiangyang and Fancheng in the north, as long as these places are guarded, they can still ensure that Jingzhou is safe, which is completely acceptable to Cao Cao, so there is no need to die in Jiangling.

Judging from the historical data, it seems that the process of Zhou Yu's capture of Jiangling is very vague, and it feels that it is not he who broke through the city, but Cao Ren took the initiative to withdraw his troops, and when Cao Ren retreated, he was also very calm, which shows that Cao Cao has long left his back hand.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

The last reason why the surrounding Cao army did not come to support Jiangling was because of guan Yu's role in the Northern Province.

The Battle of Absolute North Province seems that all the generals of the Cao Army can crush Guan Yu, but in fact, there is no result at all. The jingxiang area has a dense water network, and Guan Yu took advantage of this to lead the Eastern Wu water army out of nowhere, resolutely implementing the policy of guerrilla warfare, and changing places with one shot, which caused people a headache.

The rise of anti-Cao forces in the northern part of Jingzhou also created a lot of room for Guan Yu's activities, making him feel like a fish and a good swimmer.

At the end of the battle, when Li Tong came to meet Cao Ren, in order to delay the time, Guan Yu and Li Tong fought a frontal battle. Of course, neither side made a dead hand, because Li Tong wanted to pick up Cao Ren, and Guan Yu was just trying to delay time.

In the end, the two sides passed each other, Li Tong successfully received the withdrawn Cao Ren, and Guan Yu also successfully completed the task of delaying time.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

"The Battle of Guan Yu's Absolute Northern Province" can be said to be quite rare in the ancient cold weapon period, and the classic guerrilla warfare was only influenced by the traditional concept of victory and defeat, because Guan Yu's continuous defeat was not counted in Guan Yu's biography, but its impact on the Battle of Nan County could not be ignored, and it also fully reflected Guan Yu's excellent military command ability.

Guan Yu's battle of the Northern Province, the six fierce generals of Cao Wei alone, why didn't they dare to write the history and the history?

Of course, the Battle of the Absolute North Province did not play a decisive role in the entire South County Campaign, guerrilla warfare could only be an auxiliary, and the final result depended on the frontal battlefield.

Finally, I also hope that everyone will talk about your views on the battle between Guan Yu and Absolute North Province in the comment area, and don't forget to pay attention to the likes, we will see you in the next issue.

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