
Li Shangyin's most sad poem is full of impermanence and desolation in life, word by word

author:Xie Xiaolou

In the past, when I read poetry, I liked Li Bai's dashing and Su Shi's open-mindedness, but now, I like Du Fu's depression and Li Shangyin's sadness more and more. In particular, Li Shangyin, always makes people feel related, probably after more consumption, the state of mind is getting closer and closer to Yishan, which is not a good thing, but how to be autonomous in life situation?

Today, I will read another poem by Li Shangyin that is extremely sad - "The Feast of the House on the Twenty-ninth day of July".

Li Shangyin's most sad poem is full of impermanence and desolation in life, word by word

According to Liu Xuekai Yu Shucheng's "Collected Poems of Li Shangyin", this poem was written in the fifth year of Da Zhong (851), in the spring and summer of this year, Li Shangyin's wife Wang Shi died of illness. The Chongrang Mansion is the residence of Li Shangyin's father-in-law Wang Maoyuan in the eastern capital Luoyang Chongrangfang.

Dew is like a slight shot down the front pond, and the wind passes back to the pond and ten thousand bamboo sorrows.

Xiàn:A fine Xiaoice grain formed by water vapor condensation.

Wind: Each work is "Moon", "Li Shangyin Poetry Collection" school work "Wind", the wind blows thousands of bamboo, the voice is sad, more poetic.

Back Pond: A pond that winds and turns.

The first couplet wrote before the pond dew cold, back to the pond wind cold, the wind blowing thousands of bamboo, issuing a sad sound. "What's so sad about bamboo? Meet it with my compassion, and see it as if it were sorrow. (Zhao Chenyi's "Seven Laws of Tang Poetry Notes on Shan Man Lou")

Li Shangyin's most sad poem is full of impermanence and desolation in life, word by word

The floating world was originally gathered and scattered, so what was the red fern?

"Floating world" sentence: Du Fu's poem: "Life is in the world, gathering and dispersing also moves." ”

Qú:Also known as hibiscus, another name for lotus. Off-the-top: Scattered look. Here alludes to the second sentence, "The wind passes back to the pond", and the fierce wind blows through the pond, and the lotus flowers in the pond are blown scattered.

These two sentences of the old life are low-minded, and it is true that the world is gathered and scattered, and the red aris is not human, why is it scattered?

These two sentences seem to surprise the dispersion of the red ferns, but in fact they are the gathering and dispersion of deep sorrow in the world. Not long after Li Shangyin lost his wife at this time, it can be seen that there is a deep sorrow and great pain in these two poems that is difficult to dissolve.

Melodious return to dreams only to see, the fall of the career alone wine.

Melodious: Erratic.

濩 [huò] falling: The original meaning is contouring, which means that the empty outline is useless, large and improper, and by extension, it means to be frustrated. Du Fu's poem "Five Hundred Words from Beijing to Fengxian County": "Actually into a fall, the white head Ganqikuo." ”

Li Shangyin's most sad poem is full of impermanence and desolation in life, word by word

The pursuit of life, but the peace of mind, the approval of others. These two poems of Li Shangyin are written about the loss of these two life pursuits.

The dream of returning home is the dream of returning home, the symbol of the inner search for peace, but the dream of return is erratic, and it is known that the pursuit of spiritual peace has become ethereal. However, the real coldness is that this pursuit, which is already difficult to obtain, has been understood by no one, no one can say, but only witnessed by the lone lamp of the long night.

Life is already very unbearable, and what is even more unbearable is that no one understands, and the life of frustration and decline is known only with turbid wine.

The lamp, which was originally warm, made the lonely person even more desolate.

Wine, which is supposed to be happy, makes frustrated people even more sad.

When his wife was there, Li Shangyin's inner wandering frustration may tell him that now that his wife is gone, his inner loneliness, frustration, unbearable, and desolation are only visible by the lamp, and he knows each other alone.

Will it be white-headed Changzhier, Songyang Pine Snow has a heart period.

SO: So, so.

Songyang: South of Songshan. Pine Snow: Symbolizes the integrity and character of the hermit. Heart period: mental interaction, two phases of expectation.

Tail Lian said, Do I have to drift like this all my life? I already longed for Songyang's Pine Snow and wanted to go into seclusion there.

Li Shangyin's most sad poem is full of impermanence and desolation in life, word by word

Does Li Shangyin really want to be a hermit? Obviously not, it's just that life has been so frustrated and desolate, and there is no possibility of improvement, so it is better to be a hermit, this is a complete disappointment in life, and it is an unbearable escape after facing heavy blows.

Li Shangyin's poems often have unbearable deep sorrow and great pain, and sometimes they are even too negative. But in the world, no one has ever been frustrated enough to be unbearable, and who is not lonely to know each other. In loneliness and frustration, reading Yishan's poems is also a kind of release, shedding tears of pain, getting up and continuing to move forward.

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