
Grade 3 Book Iv "Continue Writing Stories: Unforgettable Birthdays" 10 Excellent Sample Essays! Comments attached

author:Hui Qing poetry teaching

Composition guidance

First, how to continue the story according to the illustrations and prompts?

Illustrations and suggestive text can help us predict what happened and how things will turn out, allowing us to write an incomplete story in its entirety.

1. Observe the whole, understand the content of the picture and text, and deduce the relationship between the characters and the basic plot of the story.

2. Pay attention to details and speculate on the psychology of the characters.

3. Predict the multiple endings of the story based on life experience, and complete the story.

4. Write the story in the order in which things unfold.

Grade 3 Book Iv "Continue Writing Stories: Unforgettable Birthdays" 10 Excellent Sample Essays! Comments attached

2. Examination of questions. This exercise requires continuing to write the story, according to the pictures and texts given in the text, unfolding a reasonable imagination to write the next story completely.

Third, the selection of materials and ideas. If we want to express the meaning of the picture clearly and the content narrative is complete, we must make predictions on the basis of careful observation, write clearly the process of giving Li Xiaoming a birthday in the order of the development of things, and grasp the language, actions, demeanor, and psychological activities of the characters in the process of prediction to write things down concretely. When writing, you should set the order, what to write first, what to write later, and what to write last. In this way, only by writing articles can we achieve clarity in the chest and the fountain of thoughts.

Grade 3 Book Iv "Continue Writing Stories: Unforgettable Birthdays" 10 Excellent Sample Essays! Comments attached
Grade 3 Book Iv "Continue Writing Stories: Unforgettable Birthdays" 10 Excellent Sample Essays! Comments attached

4. Practice techniques

1. Observe carefully and determine the content. There are four pictures in this study, the last of which appears in the form of a question mark, and it is necessary to expand a rich imagination on the basis of careful observation, bold prediction, and complete the fourth picture in order to make the course of events have a completeness.

2. Expand your imagination and make bold predictions. If you want to write things clearly, you must first carefully observe who is on the map, what they are doing, and then expand your imagination and predict how the students will give Li Xiaoming a birthday.

3. Grasp the characters and describe them specifically. After understanding the meaning of the diagram, it is necessary to grasp the language, movements, demeanor and mental activities of the characters to describe them in detail.

4. Repeated modifications, exchange feelings. After the draft is written, read it while correcting the obvious errors with correction symbols, and then communicate with the students to tell who you like to write the story.

Ten excellent sample essays

Part 1: Special Birthday

Xiguang Experimental Primary School, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, Han Yimiao

"Jingle Bells..." After class, the students gathered around Zhang Lili and Wang Gang's desk, talking about the happy scene of their birthdays. Zhang Lili said triumphantly: "I just had my ninth birthday last week, and my mother bought me a big birthday cake."

Wang Gang also did not want to show weakness and said: "I have just celebrated my ninth birthday, and my birthday was spent by our whole family." ”

Everyone said a word to me, and they were all scrambling to introduce their birthday parties, and they were very happy. Only Li Xiaoming stood by and did not say a word. He returned to his seat, staring at the ceiling with his eyes glazed over, thinking silently: I am almost my birthday, but my parents are working in the field... The thought of his eyes turned red, and tears kept swirling in them.

Wang Gang found that Li Xiaoming was sullen and unhappy alone in his position, and he consulted with the table: "Li Xiaoming's parents are working in other places, and we can give him a special birthday." ”

Zhang Lili agreed with a smile while giving a thumbs up to Wang Gang's concern for the quality of his classmates.

In the blink of an eye, on Li Xiaoming's birthday, the students arranged the classroom early, and you saw that the door of the classroom was full of flowers: red like fire, pink like Xia, yellow Saijin, white like snow, beautiful. The classroom was full of balloons fluttering with the wind, and Wang Gang wrote on the blackboard: Li Xiaoming, I wish you a happy birthday. Everything was ready, at this time, the students responsible for observing Li Xiaoming's movements shouted: "Li Xiaoming has arrived at the school gate, everyone is ready!" ”

Li Xiaoming walked to the door of the classroom: Huh? Why is the door of the classroom still closed? Suddenly the door opened: "Happy Birthday!" He was startled.

At this time, the class leader walked forward with a small cake in both hands and said: This is the cake bought by the students with the pocket money they have saved.

In the beautiful singing, Li Xiaoming folded his hands and made a good wish. The class leader opened the blessings recorded by Li Xiaoming's parents in advance, and in the video, Li Xiaoming shed tears happily, and in order to express his gratitude, he sang a song "Singing and Smiling" to everyone.

The singing is sweet, and the feelings of the classmates are also sweet, which is really a special birthday.

Famous teacher's comments: Grasp the character language, action description, highlight the theme.

(Instructor: Wang Lingling)

Grade 3 Book Iv "Continue Writing Stories: Unforgettable Birthdays" 10 Excellent Sample Essays! Comments attached

Part 2: Unforgettable Birthdays

Guan Qing, the fourth primary school of Gu'an County, Langfang City, Hebei Province

Jingle Bells – After class, the students huddled together in groups of three or five, talking about birthdays.

Honghong said: "I had my ninth birthday last week, and my mother bought me a big birthday cake. ”

Then, Xiao Gang also said happily: "I have just celebrated my ninth birthday, and my birthday was spent by our whole family." ”

Everyone talked passionately about what you said, and only Li Xiaoming stood in the corner, bowing his head and not saying a word. Everyone came over and asked, "Li Xiaoming, how was your birthday?" ”

Li Xiaoming sat down in his seat in frustration and said, "I am also about to celebrate my birthday, but my parents are working in other places, and they may not be able to come back to spend my birthday with me." ”

Everyone dispersed after hearing what Li Xiaoming said. They returned to their seats, and Xiao Gang quietly said to Honghong, "Li Xiaoming's parents are working in the field, we can..."

On the day of Li Xiaoming's birthday, Li Xiaoming walked into the classroom in frustration, saw his classmates and teachers dressing up the classroom beautifully, with colored lights, balloons and a very big cake, the students suddenly jumped out, which frightened Li Xiaoming a lot, and everyone shouted in unison: "Li Xiaoming, happy birthday!" ”

Li Xiaoming's eyes were moist at once, and he could only say vigorously: "Thank you, thank you." ”

Everyone sang birthday songs together and happily ate cakes together. Li Xiaoming said with tears in his eyes: "This is my most memorable birthday." ”

Comments: Through careful observation of the pictures and rich imagination, the small author makes the development of the story reasonable and orderly, and highlights the image characteristics of the characters. The whole article is smooth, the layering is clear, and the feelings are real and delicate. At the end, Li Xiaoming said that this was his most memorable birthday, pointing out the theme and making the structure of the article more complete.

(Instructor: Zhang Feng)

Grade 3 Book Iv "Continue Writing Stories: Unforgettable Birthdays" 10 Excellent Sample Essays! Comments attached

Chapter Three: Unforgettable Birthdays

Huang Chun, Helong Primary School, Yeping Township, Ruijin City, Jiangxi Province

On this day, the weather was exceptionally clear, and several osmanthus trees in front of the classroom were swaying their graceful posture, as if they were discussing something. In the classroom, students gathered in pairs to discuss their birthdays.

Xiao Li said happily: "I had my ninth birthday last week, and my mother bought me a big birthday cake. ”

Xiao Gang hurriedly said, "I have just celebrated my ninth birthday, and my birthday was spent by our whole family." ”

Everyone talked excitedly about me. At this time, only Li Xiaoming listened silently, because his parents worked in other places and could not give him a birthday, so Li Xiaoming was even more sad when he heard this. He returned to his seat listlessly and said to himself, "I'm almost my birthday too." But Mom and Dad are working in the field, so do they have to celebrate their birthdays alone? ”

Everything Li Xiaoming said was heard by the attentive Xiao Gang. He mysteriously said to Xiaoli: "Li Xiaoming's parents are working in other places, and no one is celebrating his birthday, can we surprise him?" ”

"Good! Li Xiaoming's birthday is tomorrow. We secretly went to his house to celebrate his birthday, and tomorrow happened to be Saturday, and everyone had time to prepare. ”

Early in the morning, the two of them and other classmates came to Li Xiaoming's house, explained their intentions to his grandmother, and began to arrange it. Xiao Li and Xiao Gang wrote on the balloon: I wish Li Xiaoming a happy birthday. A big cake, placed on the coffee table, everything was laid out.

Xiao Gang quietly came to Xiaoming's room and shouted, "Little slacker! Little birthday star! Get up! ”

Li Xiaoming rubbed his confused eyes and said in amazement, "Uh, Xiao Gang, how did you come to my house?" ”

As soon as we arrived in the living room, everyone sang in unison: "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

When Li Xiaoming saw this, he was excited to leave tears and choked up: "This is the most memorable birthday I have ever had." Thank you! ......”

Outside the window, several magpies chirped joyful songs in the branches, as if infected by their friendship...

Comments: Use the environment to describe the beginning, more innovative, the end echoes the beginning, the structure is complete.

(Instructor: Zou Yun)

Chapter 4: Unforgettable Birthdays

Zhang Zhouxing, Maple Hill Primary School, Changsha, Hunan Province

In the distance, I heard laughter, piano sounds, singing, applause from the three (1st) classrooms... These sounds converge into an ocean of joy.

Why is it so lively? Today is not an important holiday, what is going on?

It turned out that today was Li Xiaoming's birthday, and everyone was holding a birthday party for him. It all started yesterday... Yesterday, as soon as the bell rang after the first class, everyone gathered around, only to hear Xiaoli happily say: "I just had my ninth birthday last week, and my mother bought me a big cake." ”

"I also just passed my ninth birthday," Xiao Qiang said triumphantly, "and my birthday was spent by our whole family." ”

"My ninth birthday was just yesterday, and my mom bought me a robot toy as a gift!"


Everyone was talking about it, and there was only one person who was sullen and unhappy, and that was Li Xiaoming. "I'm almost over my birthday too, but my parents are both working in the field..." Thinking of this, Li Xiaoming couldn't help but bury his head in the crook of his arm and sobbed quietly.

This scene was seen by the class leader, who returned to his seat and whispered to Xiaomei at the same table: "Li Xiaoming's parents are working in the field, and we can celebrate his birthday in the class." ”

Xiaomei nodded, "As the saying goes, many people have great power." Let's find a few people to help. ”

Therefore, they found a few classmates who wanted to be good with Li Xiaoming and arranged jobs for everyone.

The next day, Xiao Hua, who was in charge of the sentry, saw Li Xiaoming coming from a distance, and he whispered to everyone: "Quick! Hide it quickly! ”

When Li Xiaoming entered the classroom, he was very surprised because the classroom was empty. At this moment, everyone jumped out of their hiding places and shouted at Li Xiaoming: "Li Xiaoming, I wish you a happy birthday!" ”

The classroom resounded with enthusiastic cheers, colorful confetti scattered in the air, everyone sang and danced, jumped and made noise, thunderous applause, singing and laughing.

Looking at the exquisite gifts and bright smiling faces, Li Xiaoming was moved to tears, and while eating the birthday cake, he said to the students: "Thank you, this birthday is really special." ”

The blessings of his classmates will always warm him, and the friendship of his classmates will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

Comments: Flashbacks begin with innovation. The flow of emotions between the characters is natural.

(Instructor: Zhang Mengjuan )

Chapter 5: Unforgettable Birthdays

Li Youheng, the second affiliated primary school of the Pipeline Bureau Middle School of Langfang City, Hebei Province

After class, everyone is discussing their birthday.

Sun Lingling said happily: "I had my ninth birthday last week, and my mother bought me a big birthday cake. ”

"I also just had my ninth birthday, and it was our whole family."

Liu Xiaoshuo said happily. Everyone was talking nonsense, and it was not lively. Only Li Xiaoming walked away sullenly, thinking: Alas, I am about to have a birthday, but my parents are working in other places, who will accompany me to celebrate my birthday?

Later, the classmates all knew what was on his mind and secretly discussed how to celebrate Li Xiaoming's birthday.

The birthday finally arrived, the classmates came to the school early and began to divide the work, they wanted to give Li Xiaoming a surprise. Sun Lingling, Xiao Xiao and Ding Zi Tong drew the board newspaper, Lin Lin and a dozen classmates blew balloons, and Ozawa, Ye Xixi, Lynch qiqi and Wang Hao were busy sticking ribbons...

After ten minutes, Li Xiaoming finally came, and looked at the blackboard that read: "Happy birthday to Li Xiaoming!" I was stunned.

The moment he walked into the classroom, his classmates began to sing birthday songs. At the same time, Teacher Feng also walked into the classroom with a birthday cake.

Li Xiaoming was surprised and happy. He said to everyone, "Thank you, this is my most memorable birthday!" ”

Comments: The opening paragraph briefly introduces the events, the connection process is natural, and the continuation is slow.

(Instructor: Li Wenxin)

Chapter 6: Sweet Birthday

Next Wednesday is Li Xiaoming's birthday, but his parents called him to say that he had been too busy at work recently to come back to spend his birthday with him.

"Hey! When will I be able to celebrate my birthday with Mom and Dad like my classmates? He was expecting it inwardly.

Fast forward to Wednesday, in the morning, Li Xiaoming walked sullenly toward the school with his school bag on his back, and after a while he arrived at the door of the classroom. Hey? Why is the classroom door still closed? Haven't everyone come yet? As he thought about it, he prepared to push the classroom door.

Suddenly, the classroom door opened. "Li Xiaoming, happy birthday!" This sudden sound startled him.

Seeing his stunned look, the students laughed happily. At this time, the squad leader held a small and exquisite cake, walked up to Li Xiaoming and smiled, and said: "Xiaoming, happy birthday!" This is the birthday cake that my classmates bought for you with your pocket money, which represents the good wishes of the whole class to you. ”

The students also sang birthday songs for Li Xiaoming. Li Xiaoming took the cake and listened to the pleasant birthday song, so happy that he didn't know what to say. "Xiaoming, although your parents can't spend this birthday with you, but with us, we will all accompany you." The squad leader said seriously again. Li Xiaoming was very moved, and he nodded heavily.

Li Xiaoming happily finished eating this sweet cake, and felt that the sweetness flowed into his heart.

Comments: The small author recounted the scene of the students celebrating Li Xiaoming's birthday, thus expressing the main theme of mutual care between the students. The biggest highlight of the study is the use of four-word words, such as "sullen and unhappy", "sudden", "surprise" and other words, which are used very appropriately, and the language and psychological descriptions are also very real.

Chapter 7: Happy Birthday

Today is Li Xiaoming's birthday, but he looks listless. Why? It turned out that Li Xiaoming's parents were particularly busy working in other places and did not have time to come back to celebrate Li Xiaoming's birthday. After going to the canteen at noon to finish eating, Li Xiaoming prepared to return to the classroom.

As soon as he pushed open the classroom door, he was stunned: the blackboard was written with the words "Happy Birthday to Li Xiaoming", the windows in the classroom were wrapped with colorful ribbons by the students, and a large cake was placed on the podium.

Li Xiaoming couldn't believe his eyes, standing at the door of the classroom for half a day and not daring to come in. The class leader pulled Li Xiaoming to the podium, and a pleasant happy birthday song sounded in the classroom.

Looking at the enthusiastic smiling faces of the students, Li Xiaoming was moved to tears. In the cheers of everyone, Li Xiaoming began to cut the cake, the students held the cake while eating and laughing, and the classroom was full of laughter.

"I'm so happy today, thank you students!" Li Xiaoming's hearty laughter echoed in the classroom.

Comments: The beginning of the article simply explained the cause of the matter, and then specifically wrote the whole class to Li Xiaoming's birthday, the students' meticulous preparation and enthusiastic attitude are very touching, and the end expresses Li Xiaoming's gratitude to the students. The structure of the work is clear and well-detailed, showing the deep friendship between the students.

Chapter 8: Birthdays

After class, the students all ran to Li Mei and Wang Ming's seats to chat.

A classmate asked, "How did your birthday end?" ”

Li Mei said happily: "I had a birthday last week, and my mother bought me a big cake. ”

Wang Ming also rushed to say: "I also just turned nine, and the whole family celebrated my birthday together." ”

Liu Dong asked, "Is Li Xiaoming's birthday here?" ”

Li Xiaoming listened to Li Dong's words and silently returned to his seat. He looked out the window and thought: I'm getting my birthday too, but... Tears came out of my eyes at the thought of it.

Li Mei saw Li Xiaoming crying and asked, "Why did he cry?" Was it okay just now? I remember it was his birthday a few days later, and I should be happy. ”

Wang Ming said: "Li Xiaoming's parents are working in other places, let's celebrate his birthday together, how about it?" Li Mei immediately agreed.

On Li Xiaoming's birthday, when he walked to the door of the classroom, he found that the classroom door was closed, the curtains were also pulled down, and the classroom was black. He muttered, "What the hell are the students doing?" Did my classmates forget to go to school? Push open the door.

At this time, he was stunned: he saw Li Mei and Wang Ming smiling and squinting at the birthday cake with a birthday candle lit, and the classmates sang in unison" "Happy birthday to you...". He burst into tears of excitement and said, "Thank you..."

Li Xiaoming spent a happy birthday at the blessings of his classmates.

Comments: This article is a narrative narrative. The language is simple and accurate, describing the reasons and experiences of why the students helped Li Xiaoming celebrate his birthday, so that Li Xiaoming felt a different birthday. Clearly organized and central.

Chapter Nine: Birthdays

During the extracurricular activities, the students of the third grade class get together to talk about their birthdays.

Li Xiaohong said: "I had my ninth birthday last week, and my mother bought me a big birthday cake. ”

Li Xiaorui said: "I have just passed my ninth birthday, and my birthday was spent by our whole family. ”...... The attentive Xu Jialin found Li Xiaoming sitting in his seat in a daze, and he quickly said to his classmates: "Li Xiaoming's parents work in the field, we can ..."

Li Xiaoming's birthday finally arrived, we turned off the lights, lit the candles on the cake, the candle light reflected every cheerful smile, the atmosphere is very warm. We clapped our hands and sang birthday songs. After singing, Li Xiaoming closed his eyes, folded his hands, and silently made a wish. Li Xiaoming took a knife and cut the cake into pieces and distributed it to the students.

At this time, I stood up and said to everyone: "Today is Li Xiaoming's birthday, I send a dance that I have written and performed myself, and wish him a happy birthday!" Learn to progress! "With the excitement and passion of rock music, I kept dancing my arms and body, which was even more lively! Everyone applauded me and pushed Li Xiaoming's birthday to a climax...

We were talking, laughing, eating, all of them were happy, Li Xiaoming's birthday was so happy!

Comments: This article is narrative and organized, the language is fluent, and the emotions are sincere. Judging from the whole article, this birthday is really special. The little author and his classmates helped Li Xiaoming celebrate his birthday so that he could have a happy and happy birthday like everyone else.

Chapter 10: Celebrate your classmates' birthdays

After class, the students gathered to talk about their birthdays.

Vivi smiled and said, "I had a birthday last week, and my mother bought me a big birthday cake. ”

Ning Ning, who was at the same table, said excitedly: "I have just turned nine years old, and the whole family celebrates my birthday together." ”

The other students listened happily, and only Li Xiaoming showed a sad expression.

Xiaoming returned to his seat, looked out the window, and felt a little sad in his heart: "I am almost my birthday, but my parents are out of town, and no one celebrates my birthday." ”

The attentive Ning Ning discovered Xiaoming's loss, and he thought that there was no one to accompany Xiaoming to celebrate his birthday, so he said to Wei Wei, who was at the same table: "Li Xiaoming's parents are working outside the world, let's spend his birthday with him!" ”

Wei Wei heard that while smiling and agreeing, she gave a thumbs up to Ning Ning's quality of caring for her classmates.

The two of them mobilized the whole class to celebrate Xiaoming's birthday together, and everyone prepared their own elaborate small gifts for Xiaoming.

On the day of Xiaoming's birthday, the whole class bought him a delicious birthday cake, everyone also prepared a wonderful singing and dancing program for him, listening to the whole class singing "Happy Birthday Song", looking at the smiling faces of the students one by one, Xiaoming felt happy and smiled, he said: "This is the most memorable birthday I have ever had, thank you!" ”

Comments: The little author recounted his birthday in the classroom. At the beginning of the article, the scene of everyone talking about the birthday made Xiaoming feel sad, and finally wrote about the scene of the classmates celebrating Xiaoming's birthday together, which made him unforgettable. The narrative is complete and has a sense of truth.

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Grade 3 Book Iv "Continue Writing Stories: Unforgettable Birthdays" 10 Excellent Sample Essays! Comments attached

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