
Taste the Heihe 丨 Wang Su spirit zhao posterity

author:Pro-Black River HHTV

Wang Su's spirit showed posterity


Author: Liu Bangkun

Taste the Heihe 丨 Wang Su spirit zhao posterity

When you go to the border city of Heihe, you will soon find the name wangsu, a street near Heilongjiang, called Wangsu Street; the most influential cinema in Heihe, named Wang Su Cinema; a park near Heilongjiang called Wangsu Park... Who is Wang Su? He is the first secretary of the Heihe Central County Working Committee of the CPC, the first commander and political commissar of the Heihe Military Subdistrict; the martyr who sacrificed heroically for the liberation of Heihe; and the most unforgettable person in Heihe. He developed party members, mobilized the masses, and carried out the suppression of bandits in Heihe, staged the Heihe version of the story of "Lin Hai Snow Field" that can be sung and wept, and he made indelible contributions to the establishment of the party, the army, and the government in Heihe.

The place where Wang Su was sacrificed was in the village of Hou badger cave (now written as Hou Huan Dong) in the town of Aihui District, Heihe City. In 1999, I was working on a cable TV station, and one spring day, when we returned from an interview in Xigangzi Town, we passed by a village, and Lin Sheng, a reporter accompanying me, told me: Not far from here, there is a monument to the martyrdom of Wang Su. So he asked the driver Xiao Zhang to slow down and turn in. At the edge of the crop field at the west end of the village, there is a flat clearing with the monument to the martyr Wang Su built on the open space. This is the first time that we have known that there is a monument here, and of course it is also the first time that we have paid homage to it.

The design of the monument is unique, which shows the admiration of local leaders for Comrade Wang Su. On the outside of the monument is a reinforced concrete balustrade, which is about a meter high, and a cement pile is not far away. There is an open passage on the front, walking through the fence, and the rectangular monument in the middle is impressive. The monument is also made of reinforced concrete casting, and a black iron plate is embedded in the monument on the front, with seven large characters written on it " Wang Su Martyrs Martyrs' Martyrdom Place", marked below: June 1986 AD. June 1986 coincided with the 40th anniversary of Comrade Wang Su's sacrifice. On the back of the monument, a black iron plate reads: "On June 12, 1946, Comrade Wang Su, secretary of the Heihe District Central County Working Committee (Prefectural Committee) of the CPC, went to Bei'an for a meeting and was attacked by bandits on the way back to Heihe and unfortunately died here, and finally Chinese New Year's Eve two years old." The inscription indicates that this stele was jointly established by the Heihe Prefectural Committee and the Heihe Municipal Party Committee at that time.

In 2012, before the 100th anniversary of the birth of the martyr Wang Su, Aihui District considered that the original site was small in scale and in disrepair, and the buildings were aging and weathering, so they rebuilt the original site of the Martyrs' Martyrs Monument to Wang Su. When I went to the martyrdom site of Wang Su martyrdom, it was already 9 years after the reconstruction of the monument and 75 years after Wang Su's sacrifice, and it was Ben Lu, the director of the Radio and Television Station in Aihui District of Heihe City, who accompanied me.

Taste the Heihe 丨 Wang Su spirit zhao posterity

The reconstructed Monument to the Martyrdom of Wang Su is even more spectacular and solemn. The open area before entering the monument is a spacious square paved with prefabricated blocks and a flat walkway, surrounded by white jade piles connecting two iron chains, a birch forest in the distance, and three sassafras pine plants on the left-hand side of the monument, one of which is leafy and tall. The pine tree is evergreen, symbolizing the eternal spirit of martyrdom. The base of the entire monument is about five or six square meters, with five steps, which is a concrete structure. The surrounding fence is also made of white jade with a pattern carved into it. The monument is made of Han white jade, which is two or three meters high, and consists of two parts, one part is the base of the monument, which is inlaid with black marble, and the stone is engraved with a horizontal row of "June 12, 1946", which is the date of the heroic sacrifice of the martyr Wang Su; the other part is the stele, which is a spectacular rectangle, the front of the stele is inlaid with black marble, and the seven gilded characters of "Wang Su Martyrdom" are engraved with vertical rows, which are extremely eye-catching, looking at it, people can't help but feel nostalgic.

I visited the monument back and forth, left and right, and seriously, and also watched the text introduction stone stele, the stone plaque is also made of black marble, the front side introduces the martyrdom of Wang Su, and the back briefly describes the life of Wang Su martyr. With a sense of reverence, remember the martyr Wang Su...

Taste the Heihe 丨 Wang Su spirit zhao posterity

Wang Su, formerly known as Wang Yuchun, was born in 1914 in Xinmin County, Liaoning Province. At the age of 15, he was admitted to the free Xinmin County Normal School. After the "9.18" incident, he could not bear the bullying of the Japanese invaders, followed his grandmother to Beiping, and was sponsored by his brother to enroll in Beiping Northeast Middle School. At the age of 20, he studied in the Russian language group of the Frontier Political Science Department of Northeastern University Law School with excellent results. During his time at the school, he actively participated in the "12.9" student movement and northeastern university students' petition to the south and other anti-Japanese rescue activities. After the "July 7" incident, Wang Su resolutely threw himself into the military and joined the political class of the 18th Group Army of the Eighth Route Army in Wutai County, Shanxi Province. Soon after, he was assigned to the Political Department of the Third Military Sub-district of Jin-Cha-Ji as a propaganda officer. In November 1937, he joined the Communist Party of China through the introduction of Wang Ping, the political commissar of the sub-district. He successively served as a battalion instructor of the Tenth Brigade of the Third Division, the chief of the Propaganda Section of the Third Division, and the director of the Political Department of the Second Regiment. Wang Su and his comrades-in-arms fought to the death against the Japanese invaders, and after hundreds of battles, they were born into death. In 1942, he was appointed as the political commissar of the Second Regiment of the Third Division, and in the same year he went to the Jin-Cha-Ji Party School to study, and then stayed in the school to work.

Taste the Heihe 丨 Wang Su spirit zhao posterity

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the CPC Central Committee formulated a strategic policy of developing to the north and defending to the south, and according to this policy, more than 20,000 cadres and more than 100,000 troops were sent to the northeast. On November 15, 1945, the Yan'an Cadre Regiment was formed to go to the northeast base area, and 195 members of the cadre regiment set off from Yan'an, the seat of the Party Central Committee, which lasted 75 days and traveled nearly 8,000 miles, and arrived in Bei'an in victory. The Jin-Cha-Ji Liberated Area and the Shandong Liberated Area also sent cadres to the northeast, among which the first batch of cadres formed in the Jin-Cha-Ji Liberated Area to go to the northeast was composed of more than 30 people, including Chen Dafan and Wang Kuncheng, who set off from Tang County, Hebei Province in September 1945, and the road was much closer than that from Yan'an to Bei'an, but because it was a march on foot, it also lasted a month, and after arduous trekking, it arrived in Bei'an in October 1945, including Wang Su, who was newly married. When he passed through his hometown in Liaoning, where he had been away for 14 years, his comrades advised him to go home to see his relatives, saying: "Now the task is urgent and there are few cadres, so let's wait until the situation is stable." "It shows the communists' feelings of giving up their small homes for everyone and forgetting selfishness."

After Chen Dafan and Wang Kuncheng arrived in Bei'an, they joined with local cadres and actively carried out work, and at that time Bei'an had already set up a temporary Nenjiang Provincial Working Committee (later renamed the Heilongjiang Provincial Working Committee, and the Yan'an Cadre Group arrived in Bei'an, where they joined forces with Jin-Cha-Ji cadres and local cadres to enrich and improve the Heilongjiang Provincial Working Committee of the CPC, and immediately established and established the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Government). After the Jin-Cha-Ji cadres arrived in Bei'an, the Provisional Nenjiang Provincial Working Committee decided that Comrade Wang Su would continue to go north and open up the Heihe River; he did not hesitate in the slightest, resolutely obeyed the organization's distribution, and led Li Yinquan, Wang Wenbin, He Xuedong, and five other people to enter the border city of Heihe, which was icy and snowy for the first time in mid-November, when bandits were still rampant. At that time, the population of the Heihe area was only more than 90,000 people, but there were more than 3,000 bandits, which was the most banditous place in Heilongjiang Province.

Wang Su was appointed as a member of the Provisional Nenjiang Provincial Working Committee of the Communist Party of China, secretary of the Working Committee of Heihe Central County of the Communist Party of China, and commander and political commissar of the Heihe Military Subdistrict. Together with the second group of 11 cadres led by Yue Lin on November 27 and the third group led by Xiao Jingruo and Li Lengzhai on December 25, he mobilized the masses, established people's power, created people's armed forces, and waged an arduous struggle against the murderous bandits under extremely difficult conditions.

As the first leader of the Communist Party of China in Heihe, Comrade Wang Su made immortal contributions to the building of the party, the army, and the government in the Heihe area. He mobilized the masses among the workers and secretly recruited Zhang Quanshan and others to join the Communist Party of China; together with his colleagues, he formed the Heihe Regional People's Autonomous Army; he set out to establish the Heihe Regional Administrative Office and the Aihui County People's Government. During this period, he led the army and the people to win victories in the defense battles of Shangergong, Heihe, and Yaohun, repelled the armed invasion of bandits, and dealt a blow to the arrogance of bandits.

Wang Su was strict with himself and lenient with others; he carried with him only a small cloth bag wrapped in an old military uniform and an old pair of shirts worn during the War of Resistance, and there was nothing else; he gave the wounded the fruits he had eaten for recuperation, asked the wounded if their rations and allowances were enough, and often went deep into the company to urge the soldiers to bake cotton shoes to prevent frostbite, and to check whether the borrowed things from the common people were returned...

Taste the Heihe 丨 Wang Su spirit zhao posterity

On June 12, 1946, Wang Su held a meeting in Bei'an, the seat of the Heilongjiang Provincial Working Committee, and in a hurry to implement the spirit of the provincial party committee meeting, coupled with the complicated struggle situation in Heihe, he immediately took liu Guanglie, director of the political department of the newly appointed Heihe Military Sub-district, and Jiang Yan, staff officer of the military sub-district (Liu and Jiang were newlyweds), to Heihe by car. After arriving at Sun Wu, because the bandits on the road from Sun Wu to Heihe were infested at that time, everyone advised him to stay in Sun Wu for two days and then leave after finding out the bandits. However, Comrade Wang Su put his career first, refused the comrades' retention, and insisted on rushing back to Heihe immediately. He led several cadres and guards to return to Heihe from Sun Wujing Second Station, encountered bandit attacks halfway through, could not pass, and returned to Sun Wu. The second time I changed my route, I walked from the Heilongjiang River, returned to Heihe through The Four Seasons Tun and Sanjia Mountain, encountered bandits again halfway, and returned to Sun Wu. At this time, everyone advised him not to leave for the time being, and his sense of responsibility drove him to persist in walking, and in this case, the Provincial Working Committee decided to organize a part of the troops from the Third Brigade of bandits to escort him back to Heihe from the troops left by Sun Wu, still taking the route of the second station. When he arrived at Xigangzi, Comrade Wang Su felt that he was about to reach Heihe, and taking into account Sun Wu's defense needs and the fatigue of the troops, he decided not to let the troops continue to escort them, and ordered them to return to Sun Wu. When the car had just crossed the pine ditch and reached the vicinity of hou badger Dongtun, it was attacked by more than 20 bandits from Yang Qingshan bandits and Zhang Haibu, the guards and fighters in the two cars behind them were caught on fire with the bandits, and the car of Wang Su and 5 other people was intercepted by more than 50 bandits. Liu Guanglie, Jiang Yan, and others were shot one after another in the battle, heroically sacrificed, the car was damaged, the driver was also hit and injured, and the two cars behind were divided by bandits and could not come to reinforcements. Wang Su jumped out of the car, fought and retreated, and finally withdrew to an empty house in Hou badger Dongtun, Wang Su held a short gun and desperately resisted. Wang Su was not afraid of danger, fought with the bandits to the death, and engaged in a gun battle with the bandits, and the bandits could not attack for a long time, so they set the house on fire. The bullets ran out, Wang Su hid his weapon in the kang cave in the fireworks, burned the confidential documents he was carrying, and then rushed out of the grass house to prepare for a duel with the enemy, when the bandits fired evil bullets at him, and Wang Su fell in a pool of blood. When the horse team sent by the Heihe Military Sub-district arrived, the bandits had fled, and Wang Su had been shot in the head and chest, plus burns, and had already died heroically, and he was only 32 years old at the time of his death.

The blood of the martyrs stained the black soil, and the hero's arrogance swept through the blue sky.

Taste the Heihe 丨 Wang Su spirit zhao posterity

More than ten days after Wang Su's death, Huang Kecheng, according to Chen Yun's instructions, sent Hong Xuezhi, deputy commander of the Third Division of the New Fourth Army and commander of the Heilongjiang Provincial Military Region, to take over Wang Su's work. The Heilongjiang Provincial Working Committee decided that Hong Xuezhi would concurrently serve as the secretary of the prefectural party committee that had been renamed from the Heihe Central County Party Committee to the Heihe Prefectural Committee, and concurrently serve as the commander of the Heihe Military Subdistrict. Hong Xuezhi led a special regiment of the Third Division to continue to suppress the bandits, severely damaged the troops of the bandit leader Liu Guangcai in the Songshugou area of Sunke County, liberated Huma, Mohe and other counties, won a major victory in suppressing the bandits, and consolidated the newborn people's power. He supported the establishment of Heihe Bao, occupied the position of public opinion, and led the establishment of heihe Zhaolin joint school, trained cadres for heihe, and contributed to the stability of the nascent regime. Huang Kecheng, Hong Xuezhi, Zheng Guiqing, Mao Hefa, Ye Changgeng, Liao Zhongfu, Ran Ze, Zhao Chengfeng, Chen Bojun, Li Jingpu, Yang Guofu, Liu Qiren, and other founding generals who were awarded the ranks of major general, general, lieutenant general, and major general after the founding of New China, formulated strategies and dispatched troops for the purpose of suppressing bandits in Heihe, or strategizing; or effectively commanded, led their troops to attack and won a surprise victory. After a strong attack by wisdom, a bloody battle, and a sweep of the enemy's stubbornness, the bandit plague in the Heihe area and in the upper and middle reaches of the Heilongjiang River was finally completely eliminated.

Wang Su was the first person among the leading cadres of the Communist Party to enter Heihe to carry out the suppression of bandits, and Wang Su sacrificed his precious life for the cause of the liberation of Heihe and shed the last drop of blood. His heroic soul will not die, and will shine forever.

The people of Heihe will never forget the first leader of the Heihe region, and the people of Heihe will always remember Comrade Wang Su. After Wang Su's sacrifice, the people of Heihe held a solemn memorial service for Wang Su and buried his body in Highland Park. Since there were no decent clothes when Wang Su was sacrificed, and no clothing could be found at that time, the comrades used noodle bags to remake a military uniform for him to wear...

Taste the Heihe 丨 Wang Su spirit zhao posterity

In order to commemorate Comrade Wang Su forever, Hailan Park was renamed Wang Su Park. Inside the park, there is a triangular martyrs' tower engraved with the names, positions, ages, and places of origin of the martyrs who died for the liberation of the Black River. On the right is a bust of the martyr Wang Su, and the statue of Wang Su comes to life. Martyr Tadong, that is, the tomb of Wang Su martyr. The tombstone is engraved with the life of Comrade Wang Su, and at the entrance, there are two tombstones on the left and right, on which are written the eight characters of "Eternal History" and "Eternal Existence". Every year on the Qingming Festival and the anniversary of Comrade Wang Su's sacrifice, people come to visit the tombs of the martyrs and present a bouquet of flowers or wreaths for the martyrs to express people's nostalgia for the martyrs.

Taste the Heihe 丨 Wang Su spirit zhao posterity

In order to commemorate and commemorate Wang Su, Heihe was originally named a main street of Daxing Street, which was later changed to Wang Su Street; Heihe was originally named a major entertainment venue of Hailan Theater, which was later changed to Wang Su Cinema; and a road bridge near the place where Wang Su was killed was named Wang Su Bridge. Anyone who travels to Heihe will soon know Wang Su and know Wang Su.

Heihe people still remember the story of the "Heihe Bandits" staged in Heihe 75 years ago, and Heihe people still remember the young first party leader.

I hung in front of the monument to the martyrdom of Wang Su, feeling a thousand emotions and feeling uneasy. The heroic souls of the martyrs will always exist, and the spirit of the predecessors is still telling future generations. The spirit of Wang Su and others in sacrificing their lives and forgetting their lives and fighting hard to defend and build the frontier is still inspiring the people of the frontier to fight ceaselessly in order to become rich and strong.

Taste the Heihe 丨 Wang Su spirit zhao posterity
Taste the Heihe 丨 Wang Su spirit zhao posterity
Taste the Heihe 丨 Wang Su spirit zhao posterity

Image source: Dongzi Benlu

Some of the image sources are networked

Editor-in-charge: Han Shuo

Audit: Tianchong

Final Judge: Wu Weidong

Legal Counsel: Heilongjiang Cambridge Law Firm

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