
Eason Chan sang with a song "Ten Years" to cry for a generation, the ancients used 6 poems to deeply love 1000 years and 10 years of love, life and death unforgettable 20 years of reunion, friendship is not separated for 30 years, family affection as it was written in the last fisherman's words

author:Favorite song lyrics

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Eason Chan sang with a song "Ten Years" to cry for a generation, the ancients used 6 poems to deeply love 1000 years and 10 years of love, life and death unforgettable 20 years of reunion, friendship is not separated for 30 years, family affection as it was written in the last fisherman's words

In 2003, Eason Chan's "Ten Years" came out like a healing medicine. In the red dust of the flower world, countless fragile hearts have been hit, and how many sleepless nights have been comforted, "Ten Years" represents the chaos of the mood and the endless bitterness.

Wei Hui once said: People will change, they will not know themselves, and this process is exactly ten years. This decade has pinned too many reverie, enmity, bitterness, regret, nostalgia, memories... Even painful!

Eason Chan's song just integrates these sustenance into it, singing the reluctance of a relationship and the non-abandonment of a period of time to the pain point in everyone's heart, making you feel like you are there. For more than a decade, this song has been sung non-stop, covered by countless stars, and has been singing and crying for a whole generation. When the familiar melody whispers in the street, we can't help but sing along:

Ten years ago

I don't know you, you don't belong to me

We were still with a stranger

Walk through the streets that are becoming more familiar

Ten years later

We were friends and could also greet

Just that kind of gentleness

There is no longer a reason to hug

A white cloud can create a leisurely dream, a round of light can soothe a clear thought, a beauty can dance a shadow, and ten years is a journey that must be experienced in life. Ten years, for you and me, is a long time; ten years, in heaven and earth, is only a fleeting moment

Ten years – these two words have a wonderful feeling: long and short, joyful and sad. In fact, about ten years, there are many beautiful and classic works in the poems, which span 1,000 years but are still affectionate, and today we will understand the most classic 8 poems.

<h1>1 decade of love, life and death unforgettable</h1>

Ten years of life and death are vague, not thinking, unforgettable.

Thousands of miles of lonely graves, nowhere to say desolate.

Even if they do not know each other, they are full of dust and sideburns.

At night, the ghost dream suddenly returned home, the small window, is grooming.

There are no words for each other, but there are thousands of tears.

It is expected that the intestines will be broken every year, the night of the bright moon, and the short Matsuoka.

——Su Shi, "Jiang Chengzi Yi Yi ZhengYue Twenty Night Dream"

When he was young, Su Shi was fortunate to meet the love of his life and lived together for 11 years. In those days, Wang Fu guided a playful genius into a literary giant, and put everything in his life in order. But life is always unsatisfactory, many accidents always come suddenly, just when the young Wang Fu died early.

Eason Chan sang with a song "Ten Years" to cry for a generation, the ancients used 6 poems to deeply love 1000 years and 10 years of love, life and death unforgettable 20 years of reunion, friendship is not separated for 30 years, family affection as it was written in the last fisherman's words

Since then, Su Shi has embarked on an uncertain career, walked thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and seen countless beautiful scenery, but he has never forgotten the initial love.

It was the 10th year after Wang Fu's death, and Su Shi, who was far away as Zhizhou, once again missed her deeply: Ten years ago, I stood by my side; ten years later, I was lonely, where are you? Even if I can reunite again, I am afraid that you will no longer recognize my face at this time, because I miss you too deeply, and I have already dusted and frosted.

Silver bed asphalt sycamore old, pink autumn slug sweep.

The incense picking line is even more expensive, and the jade warp cannot be said.

The cloister is an inch of love, and the moon is lonely.

The back lamp and the moon are in the shade, and it has been ten years of traces for ten years.

- Naranjand, "Yu Meiren"

Nalan is recognized by the world as one of the most affectionate men, he is only eight buckets tall, good-looking, jade tree wind. His father was a heavy courtier of the Kangxi Dynasty, the clan was the royal family, and he himself was Kangxi's imperial bodyguard, and this glorious and noble, noble bloodline and lineage could not bring him happiness.

With delicate feelings, he has a lonely and sad heart, but fortunately, the love he meets is so beautiful. Although his favorite cousin entered the palace, marrying back to lu was the fate of his parents and the words of a matchmaker, but fortunately, the two people had similar interests, like glue.

Eason Chan sang with a song "Ten Years" to cry for a generation, the ancients used 6 poems to deeply love 1000 years and 10 years of love, life and death unforgettable 20 years of reunion, friendship is not separated for 30 years, family affection as it was written in the last fisherman's words

The newlyweds are talented and feminine, and have had a beautiful period of envy. You can enjoy the flowers and drink together, and you can go on a hike together to see the lights. Unfortunately, Nalan only had four years of beautiful love, and Lu Shi unfortunately died when he gave birth, and he returned to his former loneliness and sadness.

So for the next ten years, he always walked silently alone to the flower path where he had once traveled together, where the moss marks were miserable, and he accidentally found the jade hairpin she had worn among the grasses, and the infinite sadness in his chest could not be expressed. I think of the romance of those previous years: I once dated under the lamp, afraid that people would see the back of the light, helpless and moonlight, had to hide under the shade of flowers.

Ten years ago, we traveled hand in hand;

Ten years later, I'm left alone!

<h1>20 years of reunion, friendship is not broken</h1>

Jiang Han was once a guest, and every drunk returned.

After the clouds parted, the water flowed for ten years.

The laughter is as old as ever, and the sideburns are spotted.

He yin north returned, Huai shang to Qiu Shan.

——Wei Yingwu, "Huai Shang Xihui Liang Chuan's Former Friend"

The best friendships always come when they are at their lowest, and the best friends always make friends when they are young. Wei Yingwu, who was born into a rich family, was only 15 years old and served as a close attendant of Tang Xuanzong with Sanwei Lang, entering and leaving the palace, and following Youxing, which can be described as a promising future.

Eason Chan sang with a song "Ten Years" to cry for a generation, the ancients used 6 poems to deeply love 1000 years and 10 years of love, life and death unforgettable 20 years of reunion, friendship is not separated for 30 years, family affection as it was written in the last fisherman's words

But soon the Anshi Rebellion broke out, and as a young man, he could only swim between Jianghuai and Huaihuai, running on the cusp of fate. It was at this time that he made many friends of high moral character, thus exercising his mental nature, beginning to read seriously, eating less, and often "burning incense and sweeping the floor and sitting".

This was the result of his successive positions such as Luoyang Cheng and Jingzhao Fu Gong Cao joining the army, and the highest achieved the history of Suzhou Assassination, which was later called "Wei Suzhou". Ten years apart and reunited, those friendships that will not drift apart will be the best gifts.

Ten years ago, we were two clouds that came together; ten years later, we were the water of the Middle Way Shunt! If we can, we will work together to navigate the stormy road ahead, and if we can, we will face all the challenges of the unknown together.

I live in beihai junnanhai, sending geese to pass on the book thank you can not.

Peach and plum spring wind a glass of wine, the night rain of the rivers and lakes ten years of lights.

The family is run but has four vertical walls, and the cure is not three folded.

I want to see the reading head is white, and the ape across the creek cries miasma creek vine.

—— Huang Tingjian, "Sending Huang Jifu"

Huang Jifu is Huang Tingjian's childhood friend in the same village, equivalent to a playmate who was together when wearing open crotch pants. This friendship did not disappear because they had not seen each other for more than ten years, but they were missed even more.

Eason Chan sang with a song "Ten Years" to cry for a generation, the ancients used 6 poems to deeply love 1000 years and 10 years of love, life and death unforgettable 20 years of reunion, friendship is not separated for 30 years, family affection as it was written in the last fisherman's words

Huang Jifu's character and talent made Huang Tingjian admire, but he was so talented that he was driven to the remote South China Sea to take up a post, making people feel that there was no longer any hope in life.

Huang Tingjian, who wrote this poem, was also suffering from belittling, and he envisioned that what happened to his friend Huang Jifu today might be his future fate. So Huang Tingjian used this poem not only to feel sad for his friends, but also to express his sadness about his future situation.

Ten years ago, the peach and plum spring breeze was infinitely beautiful; ten years later, the night rain in the rivers and lakes was only desolate! A friendship, a good friend may not be able to help you much in reality, but even if there are thousands of mountains and rivers, the communication between you will never be blocked.

<h1>30 years apart, family affection as before</h1>

A sound of sycamore leaves and a sound of autumn, a little bit of plantain and a little sorrow, three more return to the dream of three more after.

The falling lanterns and chess pieces were not collected, and the sigh xinfeng was drowned against the brigade.

Ten years on the pillow, Jiangnan's two old worries, all to the heart.

- Xu Zaisi, "Narcissus Night Rain"

Xu Zaisi was a Yuanqu artist whose life is not recorded in detail. The book says that he was "intelligent and beautiful" and "traveled to noble scholars." Study the scriptures, read the history", but the highest position in his life was only jiaxing road official (barely counting the nine pin officials), but he was a very talented literati.

His whole life was turbulent and displaced in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions, "traveling to the rivers and lakes, not returning for ten years", although he was not far from his hometown, he rarely returned home to serve his parents.

Eason Chan sang with a song "Ten Years" to cry for a generation, the ancients used 6 poems to deeply love 1000 years and 10 years of love, life and death unforgettable 20 years of reunion, friendship is not separated for 30 years, family affection as it was written in the last fisherman's words

What is he worried about? Ten years of detention and travel life, there is no progress in the career, which increases the sadness of the parents at home. Late at night, Xu Zaisi, listening to the autumn rain, thinking about his parents at home, he has not seen him for ten years, and his worries come from his heart.

Many people dream of going to the farthest distance when they are teenagers, riding the fiercest horses and seeing the most beautiful scenery. Many people only look at how high we fly, but our parents have never cared about whether we are tired or not.

Ten years ago, I packed my bags and left for a long time; ten years later, it was difficult to see my father and mother at the end of the world... Take advantage of the fact that the time is still early, when the parents are still young, accompany them to see the scenery together, because only this family relationship will never fade.

After ten years of separation, we grew up and met.

Ask the surname surprised at first sight, call the name reminiscence of the old appearance.

Don't come to the sea, stop the twilight clock.

Tomorrow Baling Road, Akiyama is several times heavier.

——Li Yi, "Happy to See My Brother and Say Goodbye"

There is a relationship that is like friendship and some difference, that is, between relatives of the same age, especially between cousins and cousins: this relationship is inherently close because of blood, and similar in age can talk like friends.

Li Yi's poem is about reuniting with his cousin who has been separated for ten years, but he has to face parting. After a decade of separation in social turmoil, they unexpectedly met when they grew up. At first sight, I didn't know each other and asked for each other's first name and surname, and only after weighing the name did I remember my old face. I can't stop talking about the changes in the afterlife, and when the conversation stops, I have heard the bell of the temple at dusk. Tomorrow you have to climb the Baling Ancient Road again, and Akiyama is sad and I don't know how many weights are separated?

Eason Chan sang with a song "Ten Years" to cry for a generation, the ancients used 6 poems to deeply love 1000 years and 10 years of love, life and death unforgettable 20 years of reunion, friendship is not separated for 30 years, family affection as it was written in the last fisherman's words

Ten years ago, I didn't think about parting, and ten years later, I didn't dare to expect to be reunited! May the world be peaceful and prosperous, and there will never be any displacement of loved ones because of the upheaval and displacement.

<h1>4 written in the last fisherman's language</h1>

Everyone has only a few decades in their lives, the first decade is still waiting to be fed and ignorant, and the last ten years are lingering on the sickbed. The most colorful decades in life are only 2 or 3 years in total, maybe that decade you fought for yourself to make glorious years, maybe that decade you met the best confidant in the world, maybe that decade you ran an enviable family.

More than three thousand days and nights of grief and hatred suddenly looked back, but one sentence - the back lamp and the moon on the flower yin have been ten years of traces for ten years of heart. Eason Chan's "Ten Years" tells a story of love that makes an entire generation grieve and cry.

Eason Chan sang with a song "Ten Years" to cry for a generation, the ancients used 6 poems to deeply love 1000 years and 10 years of love, life and death unforgettable 20 years of reunion, friendship is not separated for 30 years, family affection as it was written in the last fisherman's words

These 6 poems about the decade correspond to love, friendship and affection, respectively, which one is more profound and moving because of the ten years. Let us cherish every decade of life, as Jia Dao wrote, "Ten years to sharpen a sword, the frost blade has not been tried." Today will show the king, who has an unfair affair" the same:

Ten years ago, obscurity waited to be tempered;

Ten years later, the first test became famous!

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