
The form of the film and the variables of the direction do not mean that anyone can make a movie

author:Director of the Trail Line


Movies are an important spiritual product that satisfies people's expectations for a better life. In the creation and production of films in the new era, what kind of story to tell and what kind of position to uphold is a fundamental issue. Only by adhering to the people-centered creative orientation, taking root in the people, taking root in life, going into the depths of life, understanding the essence of life among the people, eating through the essence of life, writing for the people, lyricing for the people, and lyricing for the people, observing the people's lives, destinies, and emotions, and expressing the people's wishes, moods, and voices, can we dedicate ourselves to the people with fine films. Finding the right focus is the key to the high-quality development of China's film industry.

The form of the film and the variables of the direction do not mean that anyone can make a movie

The 21st century is the era of digital cinema, film technology has further lowered the threshold of film, raising many questions about its future; the connection of the global market makes people think that they have ushered in the peak of film development. Artistic and technical debates still exist inside and outside the film; and the Internet is changing the traditional mode of film production and viewing, and the form and direction of film are still very variable. But that doesn't mean that cinema is no longer a combination of art and technology, nor does it mean that anyone can make a movie. Only professional people do professional things, and only then can there be progress in Chinese films. Even if there are occasional individual cross-border and some achievements, this is the inevitable development of film, which does not mean that the film does not need professional talents and technology from now on.

The form of the film and the variables of the direction do not mean that anyone can make a movie

When it comes to the schedule of Chinese films, the most explosive is still the Spring Festival file. Originally, this glorious scene will continue in 2020, but unfortunately, because of the hateful epidemic, all the blockbusters in the Spring Festival file have been forced to collectively withdraw and abolish their martial arts. Movies are small, lives are big, and it is far more than the Chinese film industry that has been sacrificed. The most urgent thing at the moment is to use all forces to win this battle and defuse this crisis. Everyone no longer needs to wear masks to go out, everyone has the mood and courage to go out to entertain, and all cinemas in China will be revived.

In the Spring Festival of 2020, the Chinese film market was completely extinguished. It makes people feel extremely sorry, otherwise, Chinese films should once again witness the new year's day to break the global single-day box office record. Today's Chinese film market has not yet surpassed the United States, but the single-day box office record has long surpassed the United States, after all, China's population base and ticket prices are there. It is foreseeable that although the annual box office champion of Chinese films may still appear in the summer slot in the future, the highest single-day box office of Chinese films in the future will basically not escape the Spring Festival slot. Of course, the box office is only a number, what is important is the rapid rise and fall of the artistic and technical quality of Chinese films.

The form of the film and the variables of the direction do not mean that anyone can make a movie

A film that can truly glue business and culture to a high degree is the ultimate goal of film. Since ancient times, culture has often carried a certain particularity, personality and diversity, which is a unique feeling of an individual or a special group, and mass culture and cultural industry have often become the objects of criticism by cultural defenders. Business is business, and its profitable nature goes without saying. Really good movies actually use the most advanced technology, but they can't see the technology. Business often needs to pursue mass universality, with a certain degree of dissolution of the humanistic spirit. Art and technology, culture and commerce, these concepts give the film as one, and at the same time there is a certain contradiction and tension between each other, so that the creation and production of the film is always in such a divided situation in the process of bridging, integration and balance.

The form of the film and the variables of the direction do not mean that anyone can make a movie

During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Gengzi Rat, a Wuhan pneumonia swept across the land of China, after which the Spring Festival file was completely withdrawn, and the local rallies were canceled, and everything was mainly to control the epidemic. However, the only movie on the Line during the Spring Festival, the free network broadcast method, was strongly resisted by theaters around the world. The controversy over the internet of movies continues to ferment, and all cinemas hope to stop the free Internet premiere of movies, and conduct hearings and demonstrations in the industry, ban all kinds of zero-window screening modes outside movie theaters, clarify the window period between various types of screening terminals and the content of cinema screens, especially strictly supervise the network broadcast window period of films that are initially approved for approval as cinema films, and improve the industry standard system.