
Idiom allusion to Zhou Gong Ji Dan: holding the hair and spitting, punishing the front and the back

author:Meet Heluo

The memory that Luoyang can't erase is that of Zhou Gong, and the Luoyang people built the Zhou Gong Temple outside the Xiguan in the old city for people to visit and hang.

Ji Dan, the Duke of Zhou, was the fourth son of Ji Chang the King of Zhou Wen and the younger brother of Ji Fa the King of Zhou Wu, who twice assisted King Wu of Zhou in cutting silk and making liturgical music. Because Caiyi was in Zhou (Baoji, Shaanxi), he was called "Duke of Zhou" and was revered by Confucians as "Yuan Sheng". Zhou Gongdan was an outstanding politician, military figure, thinker, and educator in the early Western Zhou Dynasty.

After the death of King Wen of Zhou, Ji Fa the Prince of Zhou Wu ascended the throne, with Tai Gongwang (江尚, Jiang Ziya) as his state teacher and Zhou Gong as his assistant. Around King Wu of Zhou, Taigong Jiang Shang assisted King Wu in making a decision to kill and cut, and Duke Zhou assisted King Wu in paying attention to respecting morality and government, to put it bluntly, to do ideological and political work today, unite the princes, and unite the strength of the Zhou state.

At the Battle of Muye of the Zhou Shang Dynasty (c. 1046 BC), the Shang army was defeated, and the King of Lu ascended to Lutai and set himself on fire and died. The next day, the Duke of Zhou summoned the Da Yu (a weapon, also used as a ceremonial instrument) and summoned the [shào] Gong Ji Ji [shì] to take the Xiao Yu, around the King of Wu, officially declared the demise of Yin Shang and replaced it by the Zhou Dynasty.

Idiom allusion to Zhou Gong Ji Dan: holding the hair and spitting, punishing the front and the back

Luoyang Zhou Gong Temple

Zhou Gong built Luoyang. After the elimination of the Yin Shang, on the question of how to deal with the remnants of the Yin Shang and the upper nobility, king Wu divided the places directly ruled by the original Shang Dynasty into three parts, shao was controlled by the father of Wu Genglu, the son of the king of Sui, the wei was controlled by Cai Shudu, and the yong was controlled by Guan Shuxian, which was called "three prisons" in history (some people call guan uncles, cai uncles, and huo uncles "three prisons"). King Wu was deeply aware of the limitations of the Zhou Dynasty's Kyoto-Ho Jing (present-day Xi'an, Shaanxi, known as Zong Zhou) in managing the remnants of the Yin merchants, and from a strategic point of view, arranged for the summoning of the Duke to Luoyang to investigate the terrain and select a site to build a site for The Zhou (Luoyang). After the site selection was completed, Zhou Gongdan went to investigate and divinate, thinking that Luoyang could be built.

In the second year after the destruction of Yin Shang, Ji Fa the King of Zhou Wu died, and Ji Fa's son Ji Shu took the throne as king. King Cheng of Zhou was young, and the Duke of Zhou was regent of the state. Uncle Guan and Uncle Cai colluded with Wu Geng, the son of King Huan, and united with the Dongyi tribe to rebel against the Zhou Dynasty. On the orders of King Cheng, the Duke of Zhou raised an army to the east and successfully quelled the rebellion of the "Three Prisons", beheading Uncle Guan, killing Wu Geng, exiled Uncle Cai, ambushing the remnants of Yin Shang, and taking advantage of the victory to march to the east, destroying more than fifty countries such as Xiang (present-day Qufu, Shandong), and extending Zhou's power to the sea. King Keshang of Wu only struck at the core of the Shang Dynasty, and it was not until the Zhou Gongdong Expedition that it swept away its peripheral forces, and the princes were all zong shun zhou dynasty.

After the Eastern Crusade quelled the rebellion of the "Three Prisons", the expansion of the vast territory of the East urgently required the eastward shift of the center of gravity of rule. On the day of the fifth year of King Cheng of Zhou, the large-scale camp was officially built into Zhou Luoyi. On the fifth day of the first month of March, Zhao Gong first came to Luoyi, and after divination, determined the city site at the confluence of Jianshui and Luoshui, and then planned the specific location of the city, the Zongmiao, the Chao, and the city, and the plan was successful on May 11. The next day, Zhou Gong came to Luoyi, comprehensively inspected the xinyi plan, re-divination, and Bu Zhao indicated that the west of The Water and the East of The Stream, the new capital of Luoshui, was built. There is also a concise description of the process of Zhou Gong's construction of Luoyi in the Book of Shang, according to the "Shang Shu Zhao": One day in February 1039 BC, King Cheng of Zhou sent Taibao Zhao Gong to Luoyi to survey the base of the capital, known as "Xiang House". On March 5, Zhao Gong arrived in Luoyi, and after receiving the auspicious omen of the "Bu House", the foundation stone was officially laid. On March 12 of the same year, Zhou Gong came to Luoyi. On the twenty-first day, after a grand ceremony of sacrifice, he issued an order to the nobles of the Yin merchants and the chiefs of the princely states to build Luoyi. Since then, the prelude to the large-scale construction of "Dayi Week" has been unveiled.

Idiom allusion to Zhou Gong Ji Dan: holding the hair and spitting, punishing the front and the back

Wenfeng Pagoda in Luoyi Ancient City, Luoyang

According to the "Shang Shu Luohuan", in December of that year, Luoyi was initially completed. The Zhou Dynasty held a grand celebration ceremony. The Duke of Zhou led hundreds of officials to familiarize themselves with the etiquette in the old capital before following King Cheng to Xinyi. King Zhou Cheng began to receive princes in Xinyi with Yin ceremonies and sacrifice king Wen in Xindu Luoyi, and these ceremonies were very solemn and orderly.

The bronze he zun of the early Western Zhou Dynasty, whose inner bottom inscription records the instructions of the newly built Eastern Capital Chengzhou (present-day Luoyang, Henan) to his subordinate "Zong Xiaozi" during the five years of the reign of King Chengcheng of Zhou, which mentions that King Wu of Zhou decided to move the capital to Luoyi (present-day Luoyang, Henan), that is, "Zhaozi China", which corroborated with the records of the "Book of Shang" such as "Luo Zhen", "Zhao Zhen", and "Yi Zhou Shu Duyi" in the "Book of Shang", which is of great significance.

He Zun's inscription "Zhaozi China" is the earliest testimony to the unearthing of the word "China", indicating that Luoyang was the seat of ancient China, that is, in the middle of the world.

After the Eastern Expedition to suppress the rebellion and build Luoyi, the focus of Zhou Gong's work was to produce Zhou Li. Zhou Li, like Hong Fanjiu, is an institutional norm that stipulates what everyone should do, and it is also a summary of social experience. Just as Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, asked his uncle Sun Tong to formulate etiquette, it was a system that regulated a dynasty.

Liu Bang officially took the throne as emperor on the north bank of the Dingtao River in Shandong, with the state name of Han and the capital of Luoyang. In May, Liu Bang held a grand banquet at the Luoyang Nangong Palace to celebrate the establishment of the Han Dynasty, and the Qi people Lou Jing rushed from Shandong to Luoyang to suggest to Liu Bang that the capital be moved to Guanzhong. Liu Bang accepted Lou Jing's advice and moved the capital to Chang'an. After the weiyang palace was completed, Liu Bang feasted on the weiyang palace. Because most of the courtiers were born as cloth officials, everyone did not understand or get used to those tedious court etiquette. Sometimes at formal court banquets, everyone was often drunk, screaming and fighting with each other, unable to reflect the majesty of the emperor, Liu Bang was very annoyed by this, but he was unable to stop it. Shusun Tong, who was a doctor during the Qin Dynasty and knew the etiquette of the court, suggested to Liu Bang that a set of court etiquette should be formulated to improve the majesty of the emperor among the courtiers. Liu Bang agreed to Shusun Tong's suggestion and asked him to formulate a set of etiquette to restrain his subjects. Later, when changle palace was built, Liu Bang held a feast to celebrate, because he first trained the ministers according to the etiquette formulated by Uncle Sun Tong in advance, so at the banquet, everyone obeyed the prescribed etiquette, and no one dared to fight in front of Liu Bang. Liu Bang was very satisfied with the etiquette formulated by Uncle Sun Tong and said to everyone: "Today I experienced the majesty and honor of being an emperor!"

Zhou Gong was a saint in the minds of Confucius. Confucius maintained and devoted his life to restoring the ritual music culture and ritual music system of the Western Zhou Dynasty, collecting and disseminating the culture since the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the social system that Confucius most yearned for was also the social system of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the chief planner of these cultural systems was the Zhou Gong, so Confucius worshipped the Zhou Gong, regarded the Zhou Gong as a saint, and said that he often dreamed of him. In confucius's later years, when he was not in good health, he lamented: Even if I am decaying, I will no longer dream of seeing the Duke of Zhou.

Jia Yi, a great thinker of the early Han Dynasty, commented on the Duke of Zhou: "King Wen had great merit but did not succeed in his deeds, King Wu had great merits but did not succeed in his rule, and Zhou Gong combined great virtues and great deeds and great governance in one. Before Confucius, after the Yellow Emperor, there were people with great relations in China, and Zhou Gong was only one. ”

Idiom allusion to Zhou Gong Ji Dan: holding the hair and spitting, punishing the front and the back

Statue of Luoyang Longmen Grottoes

Idiom allusion 1: wò fà tǔ bǔ] is from the "History of the Zhou Dynasty".

During the Western Zhou Dynasty, King Cheng of Zhou inherited his father's legacy and divided the princes, and he made BoYao the Marquis of Lu (the State of Lu was the fiefdom of Ji Dan, the Duke of Zhou, and the first monarch of the State of Lu was Bo Bird, and the Duke of Zhou did not go to the feudal state to be the monarch, leaving an assistant to become the King), and when he was leaving, the Duke of Zhou warned the Bird bird: "I am the son of King Wen, the brother of King Wu, and the uncle of King Cheng, and my status among the people of the whole world is not low." But I wash my head once and hold my hair three times, eat a meal three times and spit out the food I am chewing, and get up to receive the Magi, so that I am afraid of losing the sages of the world. After you arrive in the country of Lu, you must not be arrogant because you have a land. ”

An outstanding politician, military, writer, and calligrapher of the Three Kingdoms and the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Cao Cao, the Emperor of Weiwu, wrote in the "Short Song Line" that "Zhou Gong spits and feeds, and the world returns to the heart." In a word, it can be said that the infinite admiration of future generations for Zhou Gong.

Idiom 1: "King Cheng feng bo bird Yu Lu, Zhou Gong admonition: 'Towards the end! Zi Qi is not proud of the country. The son of King Wuwen, the brother of King Wu, the uncle of King Cheng, and the world, I am not light in the world, but I hold my hair three times, and I spit and feed three times, and I am afraid of losing the people of the world. ’”

Idiom allusion to Zhou Gong Ji Dan: holding the hair and spitting, punishing the front and the back

Old photos of Luoyang (from the Internet)

Idiom allusion 2: Punishment of the former and the latter [chéng qián bì hòu] is from the Book of Poetry, Zhou Song, Xiao Yi.

After King Cheng of Zhou succeeded to the throne, because King Cheng was too small, king Wu's younger brother Duke Zhou was regent to assist in handling major state affairs.

In this regard, King Wu's other two younger brothers, Guan Shuxian and Cai Shudu, were very dissatisfied. They spread rumors everywhere, slandering the Duke of Zhou as trying to depose King Cheng and seize the throne. Zhou Gong was a loyal, honest, open-minded and generous man, and after hearing these rumors, in order not to provoke right and wrong, he left Kyoto and lived in a foreign country to avoid suspicion.

When Guan Shuxian and Cai Shudu saw that the Duke of Zhou had left King Cheng, they secretly colluded with Wu Geng, the son of King Yin Shang, to launch a rebellion in an attempt to usurp the throne.

King Zhou Chengwang received a secret tip and hurriedly summoned his ministers for consultation, but no one could come up with a way, so anxious that King Cheng did not know what to do.

A minister saw this and said, "Only Zhou Gong can handle this matter!" King Cheng immediately invited the Duke of Zhou back. When the Duke of Zhou came, King Cheng immediately ordered the Duke of Zhou to lead an army to the east to fight against the traitors. After three years of arduous conquest, the rebellion was finally put to rest by Zhou Ping. Then, the Duke of Zhou faithfully took care of the state affairs for King Cheng for several years, until King Cheng grew up and returned the power to him and let him take care of the government.

On the day of the official takeover of the imperial government, King Cheng went to the Zongmiao Temple to worship his ancestors. At the ceremony, King Cheng reviewed the lessons of past history and said, "I must learn from the punishments I have received before and act carefully so as not to suffer any more disasters." ”

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty entrusted Huo Guang to assist the crown prince and painted a portrait of the Duke of Zhou and warned Huo Guang to learn from the Duke of Zhou.

The two purposes adopted by the Communist Party of China in the Yan'an rectification movement that began in 1942 to oppose subjectivism, sectarianism, and the eight strands of the party are to punish the former and punish the latter, cure the sick and save people, and this is also an important policy adopted by correctly carrying out the struggle within the party.

The original idiom two: "Punish him and punish him for the future." ”

Idiom allusion to Zhou Gong Ji Dan: holding the hair and spitting, punishing the front and the back

Luoyang peony

Cao Cao's "Short Song Line":

"Sing to wine, life is geometric!" For example, the morning dew, going to the day is more bitter. It is unforgettable to be worried. How to relieve worries? Only Du kang. Qingqing Zizhen, leisurely my heart. But for the sake of the king, he has been groaning to this day. Yo yo deer singing, eating wild apples. I have guests, drummers and trumpeters. When will it be as clear as the moon? Sorrow comes from it, and it cannot be broken. The more strange it is, the more useless it is. Talk about the feast, and remember the old grace. Moon stars are rare, and black magpies fly south. Three turns around the tree, what branches can be relied on? The mountains are not tired of height, and the sea is not tired of being deep. Zhou Gong spits and feeds, and the world returns to its heart. ”

Cao Cao's "Short Song Line" is also the most successful advertisement for Luoyang Du Kang Wine.

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