
Four Lolita Controls VS Four Uncle Controls

author:New Weekly
Four Lolita Controls VS Four Uncle Controls

The movie "Once Upon a Time in America".

Old men are obsessed with little Lolita, that is called "Lolita control", old men occupy the initiative; little Lolita is infatuated with old men, that is called "uncle control", more and more women do not deny that they are uncle control.

Text/Tan Shan Shan

Dante was madly in love with his Beatrice when she was only 9 years old, brilliant as a maiden, and it was in Florence in 1274, at a private banquet in the bright month of May, when she put on makeup, pearlescent, and was so cute that she wore a crimson dress. When Petrarch fell madly in love with his Laurine, she was nothing more than a 12-year-old blonde,glittering sexy girl, running in the wind, in pollen and dust, a fluttering flower that flew from the Volucluse Mountains to the beautiful plains as depicted in the painting. ”

In Lolita, the old man Humbert states these facts in order to justify his "being mesmerized by girls." The "girls" he referred to, between the ages of 9 and 14, had a "goddess-like" spirit, "a combination of innocence and trickery, cuteness and rudeness, blue anger and rose-colored laughter"; and men like himself were "enchanted travelers" who "let them always play around me, never grow up".

Between the old man and the little Lolita (yes, the name is from "Lolita"), it can be roughly divided into two major relationship patterns: one is "Lolita Control", the old man occupies the initiative; the other is "Uncle Control", and Little Lolita is obsessed with old men. In these two major relationship models, there are different forms of expression.

Four Lolita Controls VS Four Uncle Controls

Film Lolita (1997).

Lolita Control:

Lolita type, cultivation type, game type, muse type.

Junichi Watanabe said in "The Revolution of Maturity" that when a man reaches middle age, the older he is, the more stubborn he is and unwilling to change himself; and the most effective way to change these situations is to fall in love - men will naturally become younger when pursuing women, because they spend their hearts and minds on feelings, and the hormones in men's bodies are activated; moreover, love, especially with young women, can broaden their horizons and enrich their perspective on problems. "Falling in love triggered a brain revolution, triggered a physical revolution, and triggered a thinking revolution."

This is the concept of modern people. In ancient times, whether in the East or the West, men dominated the relationship between the sexes, and it was a common phenomenon for old men to marry little Lolita. Like the traditional Chinese literati, they can marry Xiao Loli one after another on the grounds of passing on the generations of the family—such as Yuan Ming, who married five concubines in a row to give birth to a son Yuan Chi; it can also be a good story—such as Zhang Xian, a Song dynasty poet who took an 18-year-old concubine at the age of 80, and the legend says that Su Shi ridiculed him with "Mandarin ducks are made into double nights, and a tree of pear blossoms presses begonias" to ridicule him.

"A tree of pear blossoms pressed begonias" has thus become a gentle saying of old and young people, and another translation of the movie "Lolita" is "a tree of pear blossoms pressing begonias". In fact, some experts have verified that this verse was not written by Su Shi, and it may be because he is good at humor that he let him carry this pot.

Four Lolita Controls VS Four Uncle Controls

The reason why the old man and little Lori are together can be desire, can be to provide shelter, can be dependence and need, or can be a game of passing years and youthful vitality. Depending on these different motivations, they can be divided into different types:

The first, the Lolita type, can be said to be the most typical relationship model for old men and little Lolita. Traditional old men look at Little Lolita more out of possessiveness and pets; old men like Humbert raise their fascination with Little Lolita to the level of aesthetics, believing that this is a manifestation of a "poet" temperament. Between the two, there is a kind of entanglement between seduction and seduction, control and counter-control. He was fascinated by her, for her willingness to marry her mother, who was not at all lovely, and willing to give everything for her, but what he was fascinated by was actually his own creation, a dream, the crazy and hot dream of an old man's self-righteousness.

The second type is the cultivation type. A typical example is the Hikari clan in The Tale of Genji, where he takes Kushao's own mother (Kirito Changing Clothes) and Ziji, who loves women (barnacles), into the deep house when she is less than 10 years old, and shapes her according to his own preferences, instilling in her the idea that "a woman does not need to specialize in a discipline, if she is full of knowledge, how is it appropriate for a woman's identity?" But it is not advisable not to understand it at all. As long as you are sincere and steady, thoughtful, and able to cope with everything independently, you are a good woman. This makes Zi Ji regard him as a father and brother from childhood, and when he grows up, he evolves into a friend, lover, husband and even master, and there is an unequal relationship between the two.

The loli cultivation process of the Light Source Clan is called the "Light Source Plan", which is actually a reflection of the Oedipus complex. The relationship between Gao Xiaosong and his ex-wife Xi Youmi can be called a kind of "Light Source Clan Plan", and the heroine's cultivation of small fresh meat in the Japanese drama "Sage's Love" is the "Reverse Light Clan Plan".

Four Lolita Controls VS Four Uncle Controls

Japanese drama "The Love of the Sage".

The third is the game type. Little Lori's youth and vitality are fatal temptations for old men who enter the second half of life, who love and envy the flesh of their youth. In the movie "Doomsday Eros", peter O'Toole plays an elderly drama actor who falls in love with little Lori Jessie, and he does not know whether he is in love with her, her youth, or the memory of his own youth.

The Elegy by Spanish director Isabelle Cosette is a similar story, with the elder Ben Kingsley falling in love with the glamorous Penelope Cruz, whose sensuality and vitality symbolize the vitality and infinite possibilities of life, but whose erudition, wisdom and composure are diminished by his old age. Ironically, Penelope eventually fell terminally ill and her body became a dying body, but their relationship was reconciled at this point.

The fourth, the muse type. Seeking artistic inspiration in his passionate relationship with Lolita has been done by many artists, but Picasso's narcissism is probably unbeatable: "In my heart, no one occupies a really important place, for me, women are like dust floating in the sun, just a wave of a broom, they have to fly out of the door." 」 So, Frances Gilotte, who fell in love with Picasso at the age of 21, likened him to the legendary nobleman Bluebeard who had killed multiple wives and eventually broke up with him.

Four Lolita Controls VS Four Uncle Controls

The movie "Elegy".

Uncle Control:

Daddy, Pride and Prejudice,

Uncle Long-legged type, Stockholm syndrome type.

Someone changed the theme song of "Where Daddy Goes" to "Uncle Song": "Baby, baby, I am your uncle / Accompany you to watch the sunrise for a lifetime." The "Research Report on the Concept of Marriage and Love between Chinese Men and Women" released in 2013 has such data:

Among the women in the 18-25 age group, 70% of women have an "uncle control" complex, hoping to find a "big uncle" who is about 10 years older than their age when choosing a mate. However, the report also shows that although most of the women surveyed call themselves "uncle control", only 17% of them have actually fallen in love with "uncle", and the proportion of married people is even lower, and the age difference between husband and wife is only 2.7% over 10 years old. This is because high-quality uncles (such as Wu Xiubo) are scarce resources after all, and attractive old men can be called uncles, while old men without charm can only be called masters.

Four Lolita Controls VS Four Uncle Controls

Wu Xiubo and Tang Wei starred in the movie "Beijing Meets Seattle".

An article in the Taiwan edition of GQ Magazine summarized a formula for Little Lori to fall in love with her uncle: y= ax+b. y is Little Lori's love for uncle, a refers to uncle, x is personal charm, and b is wealth. The higher the x value, the stronger the attraction of the uncle; x = 0, then y = b, if the b value is high, it is also a good choice for little Lolita, after all, you can struggle for at least ten years.

Every woman has a little girl in her heart, hoping to be protected, and men of the same age cannot control this, so they call it "princess disease"; the uncle is because of his experience and knowledge, and women dare not do too much, but can enjoy the feeling of being cared for. Women who like uncles are either born weak women, or are small Lolita types of women on the outside, they hope to be protected and led on the road of life, and the men around them are best brothers and fathers.

Four Lolita Controls VS Four Uncle Controls

The movie "Desire Analysis".

Ma Jiahui, who is an "uncle" himself, wrote an article entitled "Why "Uncle Control"", reminding the little Lolitas: "Don't indulge in uncle, find an uncle, eat enough and leave, because that is a dangerous game, little sister, you can't afford to hurt." ”

Uncle control can also be subdivided into several types:

The first, the dry daddy type. In Yi Shu's novel "Xi Bao", the nearly ancient male protagonist says to xi bao, a 21-year-old heroine who is studying at Trinity College in Cambridge University: "You are the bright and good scenery of May, I am December." There is Santa Claus in December and I am a competent Santa Claus. ”

XiBao used the phrase "I always want to get a lot of love." If there is no love, a lot of money is also good" to explain the fact that you are "sugar daddy". Far more mature than her peers, she stubbornly struggles with the question of who falls in love with whom first, because this determines who is the stronger in the relationship between the two - since it is a buying and selling relationship, who falls in love with each other first is to lose.

Four Lolita Controls VS Four Uncle Controls

The movie The.

The second is arrogance and prejudice. According to the setting, the heroine of "Pride and Prejudice" Elizabeth is in her early twenties, and the male protagonist Darcy is over thirty years old, although the age gap is not large, but the mode of getting along between the two is quite typical. Rich bachelors are not too young, and because they are sought-after goods in the marriage market, they are naturally arrogant; Lori, who has no money, feels that her uncle is not easy to control, so she has to turn them away on the grounds of self-esteem. The love affair between Elizabeth's youngest sister, Lydia and Mr. Wickham, is a typical example of Lori being played by her uncle.

The third type, the long-legged uncle type, is also known as the mentor type. Uncle is like a male god descending from the sky, saving Little Lolita from confusion and embarrassment, and Little Lolita grows up and harvests love, such as Uncle Long-legged to Judy ("Uncle Long-legged"), Rochester to Jane Love ("Jane Love"), David to Jenny (movie "Growth Education"), Minister to "Dry Woman" Yugong Firefly (Japanese drama "Firefly Light").

Four Lolita Controls VS Four Uncle Controls

Film Jane Eyre (2011).

The fourth type, Stockholm syndrome. This genre is exemplified by the movie Midnight Gatekeeper: Luzia is imprisoned in a concentration camp while Lori is in love, becoming a sex slave for Nazi officer Max, forcing her to dance naked to please him. Years later, Luzia and Max are reunited, and the two fight like crazy beasts, and then the fight suddenly turns into completely out-of-control sex. Luzia's love for Max is typical of sadomasochism.

Four Lolita Controls VS Four Uncle Controls