
Why did Bigan have to die?

author:Talk about LQS

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Bi Gan, with seven exquisite hearts, loyal and loyal, flowing for hundreds of lifetimes. How did he die? The conclusion is that di Xin dug his heart to death.

Why kill him? Strange? It's actually quite strange.

The shang succession system was brothers and brothers, and junxue, hundred officials have been, to listen to Tsukasa, three years. What does that mean?

The older brother dies, the younger brother succeeds to the throne, the younger brother dies, and passes on to the older son of the older brother.

That would be strange, Bigan was Di Xin's uncle, how did he not become emperor? Wei Ziqi was also Di Xin's uncle, so why didn't he become emperor?

In addition, at the age of 20, Bi Gan began to assist Emperor Yi, that is, Shang Yi's father, and reigned for more than 40 years, until the year before Shang Yi was killed.

How many years did Di Xin reign? Baidu Baikeli said that 1075 BC - 1046 BC. That's 29 years. During this time, Yin Shang had been conquest of Dongyi, hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war were sent to Chaoge, and the national fortunes were booming.

To sum up, the historical process may be like this. Bigan and Di Xin cooperated for 28 years, the first three years all listened to Bigan, and for most of the rest of the time, the junxiang cooperated harmoniously, and finally the jun killed the phase, and the country was destroyed.

How can this be? The possible reasons are as follows (all guessed, without any basis):

1. Yin Shang's brother and brother should be a direct matter for concubines, and have nothing to do with Shu out. It is said that Chinese men are inferior to women and polygamous. Where there are things, men and women have always been equal, the male lord outside, the female lead is the division of labor is different, monogamous concubine system, husband and wife are equal, of course, the status of concubines is very low, that is basically not managed by the husband, but also the wife. Therefore, Bi Gan and Wei Zi Qi should have been Shu Out, which also explains why when King Wu of Zhou gave shang land to Shang's son Wu Geng, the merchant was overjoyed, because Wu Geng was a concubine.

2. Di Xin had led troops on the front line of the Conquest of Dongyi. Why? Di Xin is talented, smells very sensitive, and is very talented. Fighting beasts with bare hands, this combat power is not used, and it is estimated that it is also a waste. It can also explain why the Battle of Makino is almost 60 years old, and he is still driving the conquest.

3. The punishment of cannon branding, the punishment of cannon branding should be invented by Di Xin on the front line, in order to deal with foreign races or emphasize military discipline, the battle is over, but this thing is left behind.

4. The meat forest of the wine pond may be used for celebration, and it was originally obtained in the process of conquest. Look at the age difference, and Tang Ming Emperor fan Yang Guifei is the same, the old cow eats tender grass.

Therefore, things may be like this, Shu Chu Bi Gan presided over the government inside, thriftily and thriftily, transported grain and grass, Di Xin attacked the city outside, the imperial conquest, and expanded the territory. Finally winning, Di Xin returned to the dynasty, celebrated wantonly, sang night and night, and did not have the same way of thrift and thrift, and then was killed by Di Xin.

Wronged or not? Nor is it unjust. The injustice lies in the rabbit dead dog cooking, not in the fact that Liu Bang still wants to kill Xiao He, Xiao He self-defiled to protect himself.

Summary: Bi Gan's experience reminds that when the old minister encounters a new environment, it is not possible not to keep pace with the times.

Why did Bigan have to die?

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