
Comparison of the strength of the Sino-Japanese Air Forces before the War of Resistance Against Japan

author:Ancient books everyone

In a war of unprecedented scale and brutality in human history that broke out more than 70 years ago, almost all belligerents regarded air supremacy as a matter of paramount importance. Japan, which regards the occupation of China as its most important goal, is no exception, and it has made full preparations before invading China in an all-round way.

From 1935 to 1936, Japan's annual production capacity of aircraft reached more than 600, and there were seven aircraft manufacturers in the country, mainly Kawasaki, Nakajima, Mitsubishi and other companies, and the performance of their products occupied a leading position in the world. The Mitsubishi Group has begun to organize technicians to design the A6M1 fighter, the "Zero fighter" that later played a decisive role in the attack on Pearl Harbor. By the eve of the all-out invasion of China, Japan's aircraft manufacturers were able to meet the needs of the air force's front-line operations.

In the all-out invasion of China, the Japanese Air Force with the strongest assault power refers to the air forces of the Japanese Army and Navy, which are subordinate to the headquarters of the army and the navy, respectively. This affiliation allows it to be more closely integrated with ground forces and fleet combat operations.

As early as 1914 and 1928, the Japanese Army Air Force invaded Shandong, China twice with other troops, supported the Japanese Kwantung Army in occupying the northeast region of China in 1931, and supported the ground forces to participate in the invasion of Shanghai in 1932. In July 1937, after the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese Army Air Force was immediately changed to a wartime formation, and on the 15th it was organized into the Air Force Corps, and appointed Tokugawa Yoshitoshi, Japan's first flying pilot, as the commander of the corps. The Japanese Army Air Force is as follows:

The Japanese Army Air Corps is stationed in Tokyo

The 1st Flying Regiment is based in Gifu

The 1st Flying Wing (4 fighter squadrons) is stationed in Gifu

The 2nd Flying Wing (2 reconnaissance squadrons) is stationed in Gifu

The 3rd Flying Wing (3 reconnaissance aircraft squadrons) is stationed in Hachikaichi City

The Seventh Flying Wing (2 light and 2 heavy bomber squadrons each) is stationed in Hamamatsu

Stationed in Kagu Prefecture, Huining

13th Flight Wing (3 fighter squadrons) (Heilongjiang)

Second Flight Regiment

The 6th Flying Wing (1 fighter squadron, 2 bomber squadrons) is stationed in Pyongyang

Ninth Flying Wing (2 fighter and 2 light bomber squadrons) stationed in Huining (Heilongjiang)

The 3rd Aviation Regiment is stationed in Pingtung, Taiwan

The 8th Flying Wing (1 fighter and 1 reconnaissance aircraft squadron) is stationed in Pingtung, Taiwan

The 14th Flying Wing (2 heavy bomber squadrons) is stationed in Chiayi, Taiwan

The Aviation Corps is directly under its jurisdiction

The 4th Flying Wing (2 squadrons of fighters and 2 reconnaissance aircraft) was stationed in the big knife wash

The Fifth Flying Wing (2 squadrons of fighters and 2 reconnaissance aircraft) was stationed in Tachikawa

The Kwantung Army Flying Regiment is stationed in Changchun

Tenth Flying Wing

(3 mixed squadrons of bombers and reconnaissance aircraft) stationed in Qiqihar

The 11th Flying Wing (4 fighter squadrons) is stationed in Harbin

The Twelfth Flying Wing (4 heavy bomber squadrons) is stationed at Princess Ridge

The 16th Flying Wing (2 squadrons of fighters and reconnaissance aircraft) was stationed in Mudanjiang

The 15th Flying Wing (3 reconnaissance aircraft squadrons) is stationed in Changchun

In total, there are 20 fighter squadrons, 15 reconnaissance aircraft squadrons, 6 light bomber squadrons, 8 heavy bomber squadrons, and 3 mixed bomber and reconnaissance squadrons. The total number of combat aircraft is 900, excluding hundreds of training, transport and research aircraft of the Japanese Army Air Force.

By June 1938, for combat and command, the Japanese army added the Flying Group Command between the Aviation Corps Headquarters and the Aircraft Regiment, changed the combat units into flying teams, abolished the number of companies and brigades, and had two or three squadrons per aircraft team. In the early stage of the all-out war of aggression against China, most of the forces were thrown into the North China Battlefield.

The Japanese Naval Air Force invaded Shandong, China, in 1914 and took part in the invasion of Shanghai in 1932. On July 11, 1937, the Japanese Navy formed an ad hoc air force for operations against China, and its troops were organized and deployed as follows:

First Joint Air Force

Kisarazu Naval Air Force: 20 bombers, from Kisarazu in Chiba Prefecture to Omura in Nagasaki Prefecture and Jeju Airport in southern North Korea.

Kagoya Naval Air Force: 18 bombers and 14 fighters, stationed at Taipei Airport in Taiwan from Kagoshima Prefecture.

Second Joint Air Corps

Twelfth Air Force: 24 bombers and 12 fighters, stationed at Dalian Zhoushui Airport from Zobo in Oita Prefecture.

The 13th Air Force: 18 bombers, 12 fighters, and 1 transport aircraft, stationed at Dalian Zhoushui Airport from Omura, Nagasaki Prefecture.

21st Air Force: 6 reconnaissance aircraft on the water, stationed in North China from Kure Harbor in Hiroshima Prefecture.

22nd Air Force: 6 reconnaissance aircraft on the water, stationed in central and southern China from Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture.

First Air Force

There were 21 fighters, 12 bombers and 29 attack aircraft.

The aircraft carrier "Ryujun" and the aircraft carrier "Fengxiang" were stationed from Sasebo Port in the waters near the Ma'an Islands, about 135 kilometers east of Shanghai.

Second Air Force

The aircraft carrier Kaga, with 12 fighters, 12 bombers and 13 attack aircraft, moved from southern Korea into the waters near the Ma'an Islands.

The Japanese Naval Air Force still has a considerable part of its troops left in China, and its number of aircraft is not as good as that of the Army Air Force, but its equipment and quality are better than those of the Army Air Force. In the early stage of the all-out invasion of China, the main forces were thrown into the battlefields of East china and South China.

The performance of Japan's fighters and bombers on the Chinese battlefield was world-class at that time, whether it was its speed, lift limit, turning radius, cruising distance, or bomb load, onboard firepower, etc., which were incomparable to the combat aircraft of Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union and other countries. The aircraft used by Japan at the beginning of the all-out war of aggression against China were:

Mitsubishi A5M Type 96 carrier-based fighter. It was Japan's first-generation metal monoplane fighter, with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour, equipped with two machine guns, and able to climb to an altitude of 5,000 meters in 6 minutes. The aircraft was officially put into production in 1936. In mid-September 1937, Type 96 fighters stationed at the temporary airport of the Shanghai Gongda Spinning Mill and on the aircraft carrier "Kaga" began to participate in the war of aggression against China. Various variants of the Type 96 were later produced until they were later replaced by the Zero, producing a total of 1,094 aircraft.

Comparison of the strength of the Sino-Japanese Air Forces before the War of Resistance Against Japan

Zero fighter

Mitsubishi G3M Type 96 bomber. Developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, it has a speed of 315 kilometers per hour, and began production in 1936, and later produced various improved models, with a total of 1,000 aircraft. In the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, it was used to bomb Nanjing, Hangzhou, Nanchang and other places, and the Type 96 improved G3M2 could reach a speed of 373 kilometers per hour, equipped with four machine guns, and a turret firing backwards above the fuselage, equipped with a 20 mm cannon, which could carry 800 kilograms of bombs. At the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, most of these aircraft were converted into transport aircraft.

Japanese Mitsubishi Type 13 carrier-based light bomber

Comparison of the strength of the Sino-Japanese Air Forces before the War of Resistance Against Japan

The above two Type 96 aircraft were the most used aircraft by the Japanese Air Force in the early stage of the total invasion of China. In addition, there are Aichi 96-type carrier-based bombers produced by Aichi Company, with a total of 428 aircraft, mainly used in the East China Battlefield.

B4Y Type 96 carrier-based torpedo attack aircraft. Produced by the air technology plant, a total of 200 aircraft, mainly used in East China and South China.

Nakajima A4N Type 95 carrier-based fighter. Produced by the Nakajima Aircraft Factory, it was put into operation in 1936, with a total of 221 aircraft, and was also used in the war of aggression against China in the early days. A year later, the plant produced the Nakajima Type 97 fighter, which can reach a speed of 470 kilometers per hour and a ceiling of 12,250 meters, which is more superior in performance.

At that time, Japan had occupied northeast China for six years, the iron, coal, non-ferrous metals, machinery and equipment and labor of the three eastern provinces had been plundered and controlled by it, and Japan's scientific and technological level had reached the world's leading position, not only being able to continuously manufacture various types of aircraft for the needs of the war of aggression, but also solving a series of technical problems.

From the perspective of pilots, the pilots of Japan's army and navy aviation units have received strict formal training, coupled with the indoctrination of Bushido spirit, fighting fiercely, and fierce in nature, inhumane.

What was the situation of the Chinese Air Force at that time? Before the outbreak of the National War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Chinese Air Force was still in the initial stage of construction, and its strength was very weak. At that time, China lacked the ability to produce its own aircraft, and most of the aircraft were purchased from the United States, Italy, Germany and other countries, which were not only expensive, but also had a variety of models. The main aircraft are:

Hawker-2 fighter-bomber. It was produced in 1932 by the Curtis Aircraft Company of the United States, with a speed of 304 kilometers per hour, a ceiling of 7750 meters, a range of 460 kilometers, and two 7.6 mm machine guns. Such aircraft were obsolete in the early days of the National War of Resistance, with only 12 more of the Twenty-eighth Squadron of the Fifth Brigade and the independent Twenty-ninth Squadron. On September 21, 1937, Japan's famous "King of Expulsion" SanwaKushi Kansasa was shot down by Chen Qiguang, the captain of the 28th Squadron of the Chinese Air Force, during the air battle in Xinxian County, Shanxi Province.

Hawker-2 fighter-bomber flying in the sky

Comparison of the strength of the Sino-Japanese Air Forces before the War of Resistance Against Japan

Hawker-3 fighter-bomber. This is an improved version of the Hawker-2, the main difference being that the landing gear can be stored on both sides of the front fuselage. The aircraft has a speed of 387 kilometers per hour, a ceiling of 7864 meters, a range of 625 kilometers, is equipped with two 7.6 mm machine guns, and can carry a 500-pound bomb under the fuselage and eight 18-pound bombs under the two wings. Therefore, such aircraft are used not only in air combat, but also in bombing or fire reconnaissance missions. The aircraft was an export version of the BF2C-1 fighter-bomber produced by the American Curtis Aircraft Company. On March 19, 1936, the first one was imported from the United States, and by 1939, the Shaoguan Aircraft Factory had copied a total of 44 aircraft, including 110 purchased, becoming the main force of the Chinese Air Force in the early stage of the All-out War of Resistance, and some of them were still in service until 1940.

Hawker-3 fighter-bomber

Comparison of the strength of the Sino-Japanese Air Forces before the War of Resistance Against Japan

Boeing 281 fighter. An export version of the Boeing P-26, america's first all-metal monoplane fighter. In June 1934, the Guangdong Air Force of China had 11 aircraft, and in the early stage of the all-out War of Resistance, it was incorporated into the 17th Squadron of the Third Brigade, and successively stationed at Jurong and Nanjing bases to serve as air defense missions in Nanjing. The aircraft has a speed of 378 kilometers per hour, a ceiling of 8600 meters, a range of 620 kilometers, and is equipped with two 7.6 mm machine guns. On October 12, 1937, during the air battle in Nanjing, Huang Panyang, the squadron leader of the 17th Squadron of the Third Group, flew a Boeing 281 fighter jet to shoot down a Japanese Type 96 fighter at Longtan.

Northrop-2E light bomber. Originally a single-engine eight-seat civil aviation airliner developed by the Northrop Aircraft Company in 1933, the company changed it to a light bomber because the relevant U.S. civil aviation regulations prohibited passenger transportation of single-engine civil aviation aircraft. The aircraft is an all-metal structure with a two-seat crew and a retractable reconnaissance and bombing observation cabin under the rear seat. Except for a small number of the whole aircraft purchased, most of them are imitations or assemblies of the Hangzhou Central Aircraft Factory, with a total of 45 aircraft, which are used by the first and second teams. In the early stage of the All-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, this bomber played a great role in the bombing of Japanese troops and Japanese ships in Shanghai.

Sherrec A-12 attack aircraft. An all-metal open-armed lower-wing attack aircraft developed and produced by the Curtis Aircraft Company in 1934 can also be used as a two-seat fighter or reconnaissance aircraft. The aircraft was fitted with four 7.6 mm machine guns, as well as a rotating machine gun for rear shooters. In 1936, China purchased 20 aircraft, most of which were assembled at the Hangzhou Central Aircraft Factory. At the beginning of the all-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, this aircraft was used by the 26th and 27th Squadrons of the Ninth Brigade, and participated in many low-altitude attacks on Japanese ships on the Yangtze River and bombing the Japanese Huishan Pier in Shanghai. On August 15, 1937, 20 Japanese aircraft attacked Cao'e, Zhejiang, and 5 Sherrock A-12 aircraft of the 26th Squadron took off to meet the battle, shooting down 4 Japanese Type 96 bombers.

Sherrec A-12 attack aircraft

Comparison of the strength of the Sino-Japanese Air Forces before the War of Resistance Against Japan

Martin-139WC bomber. An all-metal twin-engined monoplane bomber developed by the American Martin Aircraft Company, with a speed of 343 kilometers per hour, was comparable to the fighter of the time, and was considered one of the best bombers in the world at that time. China ordered nine of these aircraft in 1935 and all arrived in August 1937. At the beginning of the all-out war, six were incorporated into the 30th Squadron of the 8th Brigade (later changed to the 14th Squadron) to escort Boeing 281 fighters to participate in the bombing of Japanese ships in Shanghai, and the remaining two were moved to Chengdu. On May 19, 1938, Xu Huansheng, captain of the 14th Air Force, and Tong Yanpu, deputy commander of the 19th Squadron of the 8th Brigade, flew two Martin-139WC bombers on an expedition to Japan, scattering more than one million leaflets.

In addition, China also has Italy's Breda-27 fighter, Fiat CR-32 biplane fighter, Fiat BR-3 light bomber, Capolone 111 bomber, Savoy S-72 bomber; Germany's Hengel-111A twin-engine bomber, Focker waffle FW-44 biplane trainer, Rox K-47 two-seat fighter; American Cossey reconnaissance aircraft, Douglas biplane light bomber, Voltaire V-11 light bomber; British Linkkirk-III fighter, De Havilland-Moss trainer aircraft; French Breguet-27/3 light bomber, etc. Some of these aircraft were gradually phased out due to poor performance, some were transferred to the interior, some were changed to trainer aircraft, and some were changed to transport aircraft, such as the Capolone-111 and the Savoyard S-72.

Before the all-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the people of the whole country made a lot of efforts to develop China's air force, and from 1933 onwards, they began to issue "aviation lottery tickets", each issue of 5 million yuan, a total of 30 issues, a total of more than 100 million yuan. From 1935 to 1936, the "Dedication to Life" campaign in the name of wishing President Jiang a happy birthday was launched, and a total of more than 3.5 million yuan was donated. In addition, there are donations from overseas Chinese to the one-county one-machine movement, charity performances, etc., and a lot of the money was used to establish an aircraft engine manufacturing plant in Dading (now Dafang) in Guizhou. Some of the money was also used to buy aircraft and replenish the air force.

Due to the rapid development of aircraft manufacturing industries in various countries in the world at that time, the update of aircraft model performance was very fast, and Song Qingling, who served as secretary general of the Aviation Committee, proposed to suspend the purchase of aircraft and deposit the funds for the purchase of aircraft into banks in Hong Kong, and then purchase them when needed in the future. After the July 77 War, China urgently needed to replenish aircraft, but at this time Japan blocked most of China's territorial waters, and the transportation routes of foreign-purchased aircraft were cut off. It is difficult for the Chinese Air Force to replenish new aircraft and other aviation equipment.

Before the outbreak of the National War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Chinese Air Force had about 620 pilots and more than 600 aircraft, including 305 combat aircraft. There are four aviation terminals in Nanjing, Nanchang, Luoyang and Guangzhou, and more than 100 other airports. At that time, Chinese pilots lacked air combat training, most of the field and station equipment was not perfect, material support was insufficient, and the ground command ability was poor.

In this situation, when there was a huge disparity in the strength of the Chinese and Japanese air forces, the Chinese air force athletes, with full hatred for the Japanese aggressors and their absolute sincerity in serving the country with their loyalty to the country, composed a brilliant song in the War of Resistance.

Comparison of the strength of the Sino-Japanese Air Forces before the War of Resistance Against Japan

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