
"Great Qin Empire" will pick gan mao shoulder to shoulder, why did he end up hiding the end of the Chu state? "Great Qin Empire" Reading Notes Day 54: Gan Mao, who will pick up one shoulder, why did he end up hiding the end of the Chu Kingdom?

author:I love to get to the bottom of it

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > The Great Qin Empire Reading Notes Day 54: Gan Mao, who will pick each other on the shoulders, why did he end up hiding the end of the Chu state? </h1>

"Great Qin Empire" will pick gan mao shoulder to shoulder, why did he end up hiding the end of the Chu state? "Great Qin Empire" Reading Notes Day 54: Gan Mao, who will pick up one shoulder, why did he end up hiding the end of the Chu Kingdom?


This article "Great Qin Empire" reading notes series by I love to plan the original, today is the fifty-fourth day to share.

"Great Qin Empire" will pick gan mao shoulder to shoulder, why did he end up hiding the end of the Chu state? "Great Qin Empire" Reading Notes Day 54: Gan Mao, who will pick up one shoulder, why did he end up hiding the end of the Chu Kingdom?

Great Qin Empire

According to Mr. Sun Haohui's book "The Great Qin Empire", the second part of the "National Destiny", the second volume of the "National Destiny", chapter 14 "A Hundred Years of Chaos", it is confessed: Qin Huiwen Wang Yingsi chatted with Zhang Yi at a normal time when his mind was normal, and Zhang Yi did not know anything because he had been busy with major events in diplomatic relations for many years. It wasn't until King Huiwen of Qin himself mentioned Gan Mao that Zhang Yi realized that he was so unfamiliar with Gan Mao.

Gan Mao, a Cai person under the Chu Kingdom. Recommended when Zhang Yi handled diplomatic relations, he was recommended to King Huiwen of Qin to do the Right Long History through Li Li. Later, after the inspection of King Huiwen of Qin, he became the teacher of Prince Yingdang as the right changshi.

After a while, Gan Mao had a great influence on the crown prince, and King Huiwen of Qin was satisfied. So on his deathbed, he asked the minister Zhang Yiganmao where he belonged.

Qin Huiwen died, and shortly after King Wu of Qin ascended the throne, the general Sima Cuo and the chancellor Zhang Yi fled the Qin state one after another, and Gan Mao was deeply affected by the King of Qin Wu, and the general finally shouldered him.

For foreign ministers (even if they are in high positions), according to the laws of the Qin State, there is no corresponding performance plus body, and there is no corresponding strength in the government and the opposition. In order to consolidate his power, regardless of whether there was such a strength at home, no matter how the situation between the states and the state changed geometrically, Gan Mao agreed with King Qin Wu to "conquer Yiyang, open up Sanchuan, and march into Luoyang in May."

Fortunately, due to the activation of the Baiqi plan and the activation of himself, the Qin State unexpectedly fought a big victory.

Later, The King of Qin Wu, Luoyang, died unexpectedly, and on his deathbed, he appointed Gan Mao as a minister of gu orders, and Ying Ji, who was still a hostage in the Yan kingdom, as his successor.


After a little calculation and painstaking operation, King Huiwen of Qin and Empress Xuan finally arrived safely in Xianyang, the Qin state, and after strict deployment and operation, the domestic situation gradually became clear. In the new ministers, the ministers arranged it like this: Wei Ran was the chancellor, Li Li was still the right chancellor, and Bai Qi was the left minister. As a great hero who took back the mother and son of Yingji, Gan Mao, but in the end was excluded from the core power layer of the Qin State, Gan Mao dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and was extremely disappointed, and finally fled to the State of Qi under the pretext of going to the State of Qi to solve the problems of the State of Qin and fled to the State of Qi and never returned.

Gan Mao returned to the State of Qi as a minister to solve part of the problem of the State of Qi and to return to the State of Qi, seeing that the King of Qi was uncertain, killing people at every turn, and eventually escaping to go abroad to hide.

"Great Qin Empire" will pick gan mao shoulder to shoulder, why did he end up hiding the end of the Chu state? "Great Qin Empire" Reading Notes Day 54: Gan Mao, who will pick up one shoulder, why did he end up hiding the end of the Chu Kingdom?

Ganmao fled

In the history of the Qin State, why did Gan Mao, the only one who would shoulder each other, eventually flee to the Chu State and hide? In the end, was King Qin Wu's love for Gan Mao good or bad?

When Gan Mao was doing the right long history, he worked diligently and qualified. However, when Gan Mao was promoted to the rank of general, Gan Mao, who was thoughtful and did not ask the facts, looked at the camp with two black eyes, encountered the advance deployment of the Six Kingdoms, and precisely suppressed Qin, and the generals of the Headquarters of the Qin State joined forces to oppose, both helpless and temperless, and had to say over and over again that it was the king's intention. When stabilizing the situation, it was basically Wei Ran and Bai Qi who planned and executed.

In the end, the most discerning Empress Xuan and the new JunYi ji finally excluded Gan Mao from the core power layer.

As a leading general, the quality of the general himself is to be familiar with the enemy situation and our situation in advance and comprehensively, so that he has a bottom in mind, and then "knows himself and knows the other, and wins every battle." Achieve victorious deployment and rational planning of the war, and then go to war. However, the fact is that Gan Mao is only a puppet, and the war policy was put forward by Bai Qi, and Gan Mao only practiced it as it was, and even won a big victory. So that later, as a minister of honor, when he welcomed the return of the mother and son of Eun Ji to the country and stabilized the situation, Gan Maoquan was on the outside.

Being in a high position and not fulfilling his responsibilities is the decisive factor in Ganmao's final outcome. Is it that Gan Mao does not want to do things and does not want to do things? Of course not, he dreams of doing things and stabilizing himself. However, he did not have the corresponding qualities. In terms of fighting wars, there is no leadership; in terms of government and politics, there is no participation.

Who can make him in a high position again? The normal ending is to put it on the shelf. However, Gan Mao's desire for power was heavy, and he could not stay in the Qin state, looking at the powerful State of Qi, and fled here.

In the State of Qi, the King of Qi reluctantly completed a mission to join forces with the State of Chu, returned to the State of Qi, and immediately planned to hide the State of Chu to ensure his own safety.

Having no corresponding ability, but being promoted to the position he wanted by King Wu of Qin was an accident of Gan Mao's ending. This is both the glory of Ganmao and the lead for Ganmao's ending. If Gan Mao is only a long history, then he will most likely die in the Qin Kingdom. Instead of ending up hiding the tragic end of the Chu state.

Foreshadowing what will happen next, please see tomorrow's "Great Qin Empire" reading notes fifty-five.

Author: Wang Yueying, love to think, love to act! Laugh and go for a lifetime!

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