
These new place names in Changsha are not clear to the old mouth (Yuhua District)

author:Yuhua released

I used to live in Yaoling, which belongs to the East District, and I always thought that after the zoning adjustment, it should be Furong District, until I changed the second-generation ID card, I didn't know that this place belonged to the new Yuhua District. A little confused for a while – shouldn't the Yuhua District be the original suburb?

These new place names in Changsha are not clear to the old mouth (Yuhua District)

In 1996, when the administrative division was adjusted, The Yuhua District was newly established, which undertook the team of the original suburban government, which can also be said to be rebuilt on the basis of the original suburb, but in fact it is a new zoning.

The original suburbs surrounded the urban area of Changsha, bordering Wangcheng County to the west and northwest, and Changsha County to the east, south and north. Before the Republic of China, most of the land in the suburbs was a small piece of land on an unspecified scale, but after the founding of New China, the suburban land was centrally managed, and "nine townships, one town and ten fields" were established successively. After the abolition of the suburbs, the original "nine townships, one town and ten fields" was assigned to the newly established five districts nearby.

These new place names in Changsha are not clear to the old mouth (Yuhua District)

The northern end of Yuhua District, south of Renmin Road and east of Furong Road, was originally the territory of the East District. My family's old house is here, and the name of this piece of land has not changed much.

The main east-west road in the central region naturally runs from Guihua Road to the east, connecting Changsha Avenue of the Airport Expressway. In fact, when this road was first pulled through, it was called Yuhua Avenue, and the name of "Changsha Avenue" still belongs to today's Furong South Road. In order to reflect the length of Furong Road (all the way to Xiangtan), Changsha Avenue was renamed. And today's Yuhua Avenue has reached farther east.

The name of Yuhua District comes from Yuhua Pavilion, which is the center of Yuhua District from the south and east of Yuhua Pavilion to the Second Ring Road. Yuhuating originally belonged to the suburban Yuhuating Township, which is one of the larger townships in the suburbs closer to the old city. There used to be a pavilion called the Yuhua Pavilion, but now it no longer exists, but a pair of stone elephants carved from granite have been fortunately left behind, and they are stuck in a nearby building.

These new place names in Changsha are not clear to the old mouth (Yuhua District)

Source: Changsha in old photos

From the Yuhua pavilion to the south, is the famous new road, this peculiar road name is not old nor new, built after the founding of the country, may not be lazy to name, the newly built road is called new road. There is also a saying that the newly opened shop leads to the Architectural Design Institute.

The road from Qili Temple to Yuhuating is called Qilimiao Road in the front and Yuhua Road in the back, which is the same name as Yuhua Avenue.

Further south across the Second Ring Road, there is a slightly potholed path on the east side called Stone Road, which is a stone horse shop. During the Republic of China period, it was the largest cemetery in Changsha. At that time, the wind of guarding the spirits of the ancestors with stone carved animals was prevalent, and the stone horse was the most agile, so it was named "stone horse". There is still a golden stone horse more than two meters high at the intersection today, but it is not an old stone horse. The iconic "Old Stone Horse" of Shimapu was destroyed in the Battle of Changsha. Now this stone horse was born in 1984, by the then suburban Shima Village to invest more than 10,000 yuan, asked the Mashi production base Wangcheng Dingzi Town teacher Fu carved.

When I was in middle school, there was a classmate who lived in ShimaPu, and I went to his house to play, and I thought it was amazing. At that time (in the 1980s), between the paddy fields and vegetable fields, a dirt road winded into a small hill, and the hills were full of graves. A huge hillside with lush trees and overgrown grass on the slopes, and behind the hillside there are many small hills, collectively known as Chigang ridge. From the end of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, this has been the largest grave hill in Changsha.

We often go to the surrounding cemeteries to explore, the most interesting thing is to find a large tomb in a compound, surrounded by stone railings, and the words "Xiangshui Zhao Danxin" are faintly visible on a stone railing. The tombstone was buried in half by weeds, and only the words "Shaanxi Zhong" were revealed at the upper end. The two of us fought for the owner of the tomb for half a day, I think this is a person named "Shaanxi Zhong", and my classmates think that there is no surname of "Shaanxi", it should be a martyr from Shaanxi. At one point, we planned to clear the weeds to the end, but the grass was too dense, and there was too much garbage around the cemetery to smell and give up. Until I watched the news ten years ago, I learned that this is a cultural relics protection unit, and the full name of the tomb is "Shaanxi Zhongyi Guan Ben Bing Fu He Tomb".

These new place names in Changsha are not clear to the old mouth (Yuhua District)

Buried here are more than 200 Shaanxi officers and soldiers killed when Xiao Chaogui, the Western King, attacked Changsha in the second year of Qing Xianfeng (1852). After the government funded the restoration of the tomb, it was opened as a leisure spot and a pavilion was built with newly carved reliefs on the walls. Of course, it is good to keep the ancient tomb, but the yin house and the yang house coexist in one place, and it always feels a little awkward. It is said that there is a larger tomb nearby, with more than 700 people buried, which I did not find.

Further south is Jingwanzi, I took it for granted that it should belong to the Tianxin District, the previous boundary of the south of Changsha, since the southern district was changed to Tianxin District, it was of course in the Tianxin District.

How the name of Jingwanzi came to be unknown, there is a joke that in ancient times there was a good well here, and later here built a road, because I did not want to bury the good well and turned the road a 90-degree bend, so it was called Jingwanzi. Of course, this is just a legend, Jingwanzi is changsha to the south to Zhuzhou, Xiangtan traffic artery. Jingwanzi is unknown in the history of Changsha, before the Ming and Qing dynasties were barren mountains and wild mountains, and there was only one mountain path leading to the area around Dongjingpu. When the Changtan Military Road was built in the early days of the Republic of China, it chose to enter Xiangtan from Xinkaipu, Datuopu and Duyun City, and did not take the line of Jingwanzi.

From Furong Road (zizhiling) to Xinzhong junction, dongtang and Jingwanzi, which are traditionally developed areas of commerce and trade south of Yaoling, are divided into the southern district, which gives Yuhua District a commercial heritage. In addition, the four villages of May Day, Flame, Friendship and Gaoqiao, which are included from Mawangdui Township, are the location of the famous Gaoqiao Grand Market, and the Changsha Cigarette Factory, the largest profit and tax household in the Yuhuating area, is included in the bag, which makes the newly established Yuhua District have the courage to call the big brother.

The Gaoqiao Grand Market covers the former Mawangdui Township of Gaoqiao Village, Friendship Village and Flame Village. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was basically a barren mountain range with many wells and ponds, and the so-called "high bridge" referred to a small bridge near the dam in the past. The small bridge was built on the Guitang River, the last tributary of the Liuyang River into the Xiang River, and the only urban inland river in Changsha, running through the whole territory of the present-day Yuhua District from north to south, stretching for 28.3 kilometers, is a river with a thousand-year history, but it was gradually blocked in the late Republic of China. After the founding of New China, the construction of water conservancy here was great, and in the 1970s, an irrigation canal around the mountain was built, dredging the Guitang River, and the millennium water conservancy project died and revived.

The Guitang River passes through this place at a dam with a cement bridge tens of meters downstream. Because the lower reaches of the dam are much lower than the upstream of the dam, coupled with the connection between the Guitang River and the Liuyang River, in order to prevent the flood period, the embankment of the Guitang River in this section is very high, making this bridge also appear higher, so this area is called Gaoqiao. Later, the Guitang River was reconstructed, the bridge was demolished, and the dam was also demolished, but the place name of Gaoqiao was left.

In the new place names around Gaoqiao, "Dongjin Road" and "Zhaohui Road" are easy to understand, after all, in the eastern part of the city, "Xizi Street" is not innocent, neither in the west, and Xishi is not a Changsha person. There is actually a "West Lake Road" here, which is exactly the same as the name of the one by the river. Minzhu Road has nothing to do with Democracy East Street and West Street. It is not as straightforward as place names such as the first and second streets of the Takahashi Grand Market.

These new place names in Changsha are not clear to the old mouth (Yuhua District)

There are also good place names, such as Jiayu Road, Xinya Road, Jiazhi Road, and Holly Road.

To the south, south of Yuhua District, part of the original Southern District, and the former suburban Dongjing Township. It was changed to Shaoshan Road as the boundary, the west belongs to the Tianxin District, and the east belongs to the Yuhua District. Dongjing Township was once the largest township in the suburbs, with 48 square kilometers, far from the city.

Mulian Road is named after Mulian Chong; Jingwan Road was formerly known as Jinggui Road, from Jingwanzi to Guitang; Jinglian Road is well understood from Jingwanzi to Mulianchong.

There is a small road on Zhenhe Road called "Five Bureau Road", which is not well understood, and it is estimated that the Fifth Bureau of China Construction is here, but I am afraid that except for the locals and the staff of the Fifth Bureau, everyone else is innocent.

After crossing Xiangfu Road is the Red Star Market, the name of the road in the market is simple and direct, that is, Red Star Road 1st, 2nd And 3rd. There is also a nongbo road that advertises for the agricultural fair.

I have to say that most of the names of the new roads in the south of Yuhua District are not bad, such as Gaosheng Road, Wanfu Road, Huanggu Road, Jinhai Road, Zhenhua Road, Zhengda Road, Xing'an Road, Baiqiu Road, Zhixin Road, etc. Of course, there are also road names such as BYD Road.

Although the "Dongzhu Road" from Dongjing paved to Zhuzhou is normal, it still sounds a bit strange, there is a spider in the cave?

Then to the east of Yuhua District, it is mainly included in the former Lituo Township. After the previous east-west main road was renamed Changsha Avenue (the east end was connected to the Airport Expressway), a new north-south avenue was built, which got the name of Yuhua Avenue and could lead to the South High-speed Railway Station.

Although "Huahou Road" is not good, it is also understood that the road from Huaqiao to Houzhao is understood. There is also a "Red Flag Road", which is easy to mislead people into thinking of the Red Flag District.

Tanbai Road, Jiangrong Road, Duhua Road, Xiangxiu Road, Pingyang Road, Chuanhe Road, Xianglian Road are all very good. However, there is an "old ancestral hall road" near the sports courtyard road, and I don't know how old or famous the ancestral hall can get this name.

In general, among the newly built road names in the five districts of Changsha, the new road name in Yuhua District has been the best, and it is only hoped that this tradition will be maintained when the southernmost vaulting horse is developed in the future. Vaulting horse originally belonged to Changsha County, after merging into Yuhua District, because of its unique geographical environment, is the "green heart" of Changsha City, but there is no large-scale development, nor the construction of large trunk roads, I hope to develop the road in the future to name the long snack.

About the Author

Born in Changsha at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, He worked as a worker, accountant and financial director. He is currently a senior accountant.

Source 丨 Story Changsha

Responsible editor 丨 Huang Jingkang Editor 丨 Guo Ling

Deputy Editor-in-Chief on Duty 丨 Li Lei

Duty Editor-in-Chief 丨 Xiong Qiyu

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