
How many people know about the talent of the Republic of China, Su Manshu

author:Zhao Hanqing
How many people know about the talent of the Republic of China, Su Manshu

Zhao Hanqing Liu Xinhua

Su Manshu (1884-1918) was a modern writer, poet, and translator from Xiangshan, Guangdong (now Zhongshan, Guangdong). The original name was 戬, Zigu,and the legal name Manshu. Born in Yokohama, Japan, his father was a Guangdong tea merchant and his mother was Japanese. In 1903, Sumanshu studied in Japan, and worked at the preparatory department of Waseda University in Tokyo, leaning toward the democratic revolution. After completing his studies, he returned to China and worked as an interpreter for the Shanghai National Daily, and soon became a monk in Huizhou. In 1907, he went to Japan to organize the Asian Peace Association, actively participated in the anti-imperialist patriotic movement, and later co-founded the magazine "New Life" with Lu Xun and others, but was unsuccessful, and then went to Java. After the Xinhai Revolution, he returned to China and was pessimistic and disappointed in reality. On May 2, 1918, Su Manshu died of illness in Shanghai at the age of 35.

When Manshu was alive, he repeatedly lamented that his life was "indescribable". This kind of "intimidation" first came from his special status as a "Sino-Japanese bastard". Manshu's father, Su Jiesheng, a native of Xiangshan, Guangdong, went to Japan to do business at the age of eighteen, and initially camped Su Hangpitou, and was later hired as a comprador by a British businessman Bandung Tea Shop in Yokohama. Because of the good management, the family road is rich; At the age of forty, he had married three wives and concubines, the Huang clan of the main chamber, the great Chen clan, and the xiao Chen clan were concubines respectively, and none of them were childless. In order to inherit the ancestral lineage, Su Jiesheng also married Kawai Sen, who was new and widowed but gentle and beautiful, as a concubine in Japan. Kawai Sen has a younger sister, named Ruozi, who is a pure maiden in a waiting girl, her charm and beauty, like a red lotus, burning and moving. Ever since Sophie First Met Her Gaze, The Gaze could no longer be taken away from her; Soon after, he seduced Wakako, made her pregnant, and gave birth to Manju. Su Jie was afraid that the affair with Ruozi would be revealed, so he transferred the infant Manshu to HeheXian to raise. Therefore, manshu was born less than three months ago, and Ruozi was forced to wean the child and forced him to return to the village with a weak body. And for the ingenious Manshu, it is nothing less than planting the seeds of tragedy; Because since then, he has been almost neurotically obsessively tracing back to the first moment he came to this world.

When Liu Yazi, who had a deep relationship with Su Manshu, mistook him for a Japanese when he wrote the "New Biography of Manshu", he was corrected many years later. For his own life, Su Manshu has been secretive. Liu Yazi once asked him about his origins in person, and Su Manshu said lightly, "What is the point of talking about these things?" What is the point of true or false? There is no need to talk about it at all. ”

Liu Yazi had no choice but to say: "Su Manshu is a romantic writer, and even the transmission of his family lineage is also very romantic. He never told anyone clearly. After Su Manshu's death, after the examination of Liu Yazi and Liu Wuji's father and son, Su Manshu's biological mother was HeheRuo.   

At the age of 4, Sumanshu lived in Tokyo with his adoptive mother, Kawai-sen. He was gifted and talented, and "painted lions on the ground with frequent stretches and lifelike desires". In that year, a passing Xiangshi saw Manshu by chance, and couldn't help but stop and stroke his head and sighed: "It is a high resistance, when escaping Zen, otherwise, non-Shou Zhengye." This incident was later written by Sumanshu himself, so it has always been cited as first-hand information.

This sentence is translated by someone on the Internet as follows: "This child is lonely by nature, precocious and resistant, and should take refuge in Buddhism." "My writing is not satisfactory, but I always feel that it is not such a taste." But in any case, this is the so-called Buddha's edge, the heavenly opportunity leaked, a word into a slur, but no one at that time understood. When he was 6 years old, his father took Kawai Xian Su Manshu back to his hometown in Xiangshan and lived with his mother-in-law Huang and Da Chen. Soon, Kawai-sen, unable to stand the snub of his family, returned to Japan alone. Later remarried to someone else. Adults are like this, let alone a child?

Because of the relationship of half of the Dongying bloodline, Su Manshu has been living in the discrimination and humiliation of the family, there is no normal warm love, and su Manshu said as an adult, "Although family affairs are not enough for outsiders, every thought, sadness is endless." After his father Su Jiesheng went to Shanghai to do business, su Manshu, who was weak in health, lost his only dependence, and once he was seriously ill, the fierce and mean Da Chen not only did not give nursing treatment, but abandoned the dying Su Manshu in the firewood room "to wait for death". But Su Manshu's life should not be extinguished, a few days later the illness naturally improved, looking at the cold face and white eyes around him, the young Su Manshu felt that there was no place to stand, and in desperation, he had to follow the occasional monk Zanchu all the way to the fate and go all the way to the Changshou Temple in Guangzhou. (Also said to be the Six Banyan Trees Temple in Guangzhou) For the young Su Manshu, the human world is a red fire pit, and the Buddhist Gate is a pure place. However, the life of the Buddhist monks was too simple and plain, so that the young Su Manshu had faded out of his mouth, so he grabbed a pigeon and hid in the courtyard to make five-spiced pigeon meat to eat, committing the precept of killing, so he was expelled from the temple by the "sue people".

This is the first time that SuManshu has experienced the empty door.

In 1898, the 15-year-old SuManshu could not bear the discrimination of his family and went to Yokohama, Japan with his cousin. At that time, the education of overseas Chinese in Yokohama was quite developed, and Xu Qin and Tang Juedun, disciples of Kang Youwei, the leader of the Restoration Movement, founded the Datong School here, and Su Manshu entered this school to study. In his spare time, Su Manshu often painted the statue of the monk and took pleasure in chanting the sutra, and was laughed at by his classmates as "Su Monk". However, his paintings with good brushwork are amazing, at that time, the school lacked art teachers, so he also taught art classes, and liang Qichao and various teachers compiled textbooks, and most of the illustrations were also from his hands.

In 1899, SuManshu followed his adoptive mother Kawai-sen to visit his grandfather in the village of Sakurayama, where his first love met. Legends about his first love vary, but the most basic is that SuManshu fell in love with a neighbor, a Japanese girl, Kikuko. (There is also Shizuko's account) Later, due to the rough interference of ben's uncle, he beat the Mandarin duck with a ruthless stick, and the Kikuko girl actually jumped into the sea and died. Love stories that swing back and forth are often set off by death. Su Manshu was overwhelmed, interrupted his studies, and returned to China to become a "disciple monk" at Pujian Temple in Baiyun Mountain, Guangzhou. In order to show his sincerity and determination, he threatened the abbot to shave his head with "self-destruct" and "retreated" for three months to devote himself to cultivation.

This was Sumanshu's second ordination.

A wandering monk often saw the sadness piled up between Su Manshu's eyebrows, so he asked, "Since the shaving, how much sorrow has xi been lamenting?" Sumanshu's answer was: "Although I am a monk today, I seek the Word with affection, but I am worried." "Ask for the Word with affection! Or the root of love has not been broken. Buddha: The dust is not yet over, and you can't practice. Sumanshu did not stay long at Pujian Temple, then quietly left and returned to Yokohama, Japan, to continue his studies. 

A few years later, Su Manshu wrote an autobiographical novel based on his premature first love, "Broken Hong Zero Goose", which is a love novel that hurts through the bone marrow and soft intestines, which was popular for a while, causing many infatuated men and women to tear up and wet cardigans, and some people actually committed suicide after reading this novel, just like the legendary murderous song "Black Friday", so someone kindly reminded that Su Manshu's novel, people with weak will can not read.

In 1902, Sumanshu graduated from the Datong School and entered the Advanced Preparatory Department of Waseda University in Tokyo. Waseda University was a place where anti-Qing revolutionaries gathered, and Su Manshu joined the Youth Association of patriotic organizations such as Chen Duxiu and Jiang Baili, with the revolutionary aim of overthrowing the manchu feudal rule. This year, Chen Duxiu was 24 years old, and Su Manshu was only 19 years old. Sumanshu also used his vacation to travel to Thailand, Sri Lanka and other Buddhist countries to learn Sanskrit.

In 1903, under the escort of Yokohama overseas Chinese merchants, Su Manshu transferred from Waseda University to the Seijo Military Academy to study the army major, and Cai Yi was successively alumni, determined to serve the motherland as a soldier. At this time, Su Manshu's revolutionary ideas gradually matured, and he joined the "Anti-Russian Volunteer Brigade" and the Military and National Education Association, and the main revolutionary organizations before and after the Xinhai Revolution, Su Manshu basically participated, and sometimes even the main planners and organizers. The cousin who had been tasked with guarding him knew that after he joined the revolution, he was worried that he would not be able to answer to his father, so he cut off the 10 yuan a month of funding, and in the case of food and grass, Su Manshu had no choice but to return to Shanghai. Before returning from Japan, Manshu left a fake suicide note for his cousin, indicating that he would commit suicide by jumping into the sea. Later, Su Shaoxian recalled that Su Manshu "hated this matter and gave up the heart of the world, but decided to do so." After returning to Shanghai, Su Manshu briefly taught at Wuzhong Public School in Suzhou, and then returned to Shanghai as a translator for the National Daily. With Chen Duxiu, Zhang Xingyan, He Meishi and other colleagues. During this period, Su Manshu insisted on asking Chen Duxiu to teach him to learn to write ancient poetry.

On this point, Chen Duxiu himself also said: "He (Su Manshu) has not read Chinese books well since he was a child, and when he first arrived in Shanghai, the degree of Chinese was really not very clever. He suddenly wanted to learn to make poetry, but he didn't understand pingshu and rhyme, and often asked me to teach him, and he made poems and asked me to change them, and after changing them a few times, I was gradually able to do them. "Su Manshu was talented and intelligent, and he could work hard, and with the careful guidance of chen duxiu and Zhang Taiyan and other masters, the poetry of the poems gradually reached a good state, and he began to publish articles in the press, and soon after he dominated the people of Nanshe with clear words and elegant rhymes. Liu Yazi once said: "Manshu's literary talent is not read by dead books, but all depends on his genius." ”

Many of the aspects of Manju's life are far from the interests of ordinary people. His career matched his unique vision, interests and talents, which no one could imitate. Manju, who is also a poet, a novelist, a translator, and a painter, is by no means a source of water, no matter how many elements of genius are involved in the process of creating texts. Its indispensable reliance is the cultural vision that complements its creation and translation practice – that is, the huge amount of reading and the immersion, interpretation and reference in this vast and profound world. The reason why he himself has been able to show his talents in many fields is that he has built a solid literary and artistic foundation in the broad vision of Chinese and Western cultures. As a genius, Manshu is not only good at "writing", but also "translating", and he is one of the founders of cultural exchanges between China and the West in the early 20th century. He was proficient in several foreign languages, such as English, Japanese, French, and Sanskrit, and had published Literary Causes (1907) and Shio Yin (1911) in Japan. Later, he compiled the "Collection of Chinese and English Samadhi" (1914), which is a companion piece to "Literary Causes", and the compilations are all English translations of classical Chinese poems, a total of seventy-one poems; Two more articles. Manshu is not only good at translation, but also good at "examination" and "editing". Due to his extraordinary talent, coupled with his inability to slacken off, the sound of spring encroachment on leaves day and night, Manshu's creative achievements are rich and amazing, which can be seen at a glance only from an advertisement in the No. 6 of the "Republic of China" magazine - "Taixi Qunfang Spectrum", Luo Feng and Manshu are the same, each priced at eight yuan. Egyptian Ancient Teachings Examination", the original work of Dr. Bedeley in the United Kingdom, translated into Chinese by Aurora ShiManshu, each price is two yuan. Selected Poems of Byron, compiled by Shi Manshu, each priced at five corners. The Cantonese-English Dictionary, co-authored by Luo Feng and Man Shu, is priced at four yuan per part. "Chinese and English Samadhi Collection", Shi Manshu, each priced at one yuan.

Not only that, But Manshu was also the earliest compiler of the Great Dictionary of Chinese and English; At the age of twenty-three, he also compiled a Sanskrit text. In August 1907, Manshu Chi wrote to his friend Liu San, in which he mentioned: "Man Chunjian wrote a copy of the Sanskrit Classic, and the public life of the Emperor will be paid quickly, and then the Indians demanded too much luxury (there is no such letter in Japan, but europe has it, and there is an English insertion, so it is difficult). It is still tied to the bottom. "The Sanskrit Text, due to printing difficulties, was shelved for a long time, and the whereabouts of the original manuscript are unknown.

In summary, with manju's unique vision, interest and talent, his creative achievements are indeed beyond ordinary people. This is rare in the early 20th century when "the last days of the Han Dynasty were long-lived, and the literary affairs were relaxed for a long time"; For this reason, Liu Wuji praised it as "the prophetic foresight of Cultural Exchanges between China and foreign countries", which is not a false reputation. Not only that, the reason why Manshu has an irreplaceable position in the history of Chinese literature is also due to his outstanding achievements in poetry creation. In this regard, Professor Xie Mian clearly pointed out in "1898: A Hundred Years of Sorrow" that Su Manshu "can be called a powerful poet full of expectations in Chinese poetry of this century." And throughout the 20th century, none of the people who wrote poetry in the old style had the same achievements as the poet who died young. ...... Su Manshu is undoubtedly the last poet in the history of Chinese poetry to achieve the ultimate in old style poetry, and he is one of the last peaks of classical poetry. ”

In his spare time, Sumanshu loves French literature and is even more fond of Dumas's "La Traviata". Although at that time, There was already Lin Shu's translation of "The Testament of the Traviata in Paris", but Su Manshu felt dissatisfied after reading it, so he planned to re-translate "La Traviata", Chen Duxiu suggested that instead of translating "La Traviata", it would be better to translate Hugo's "Les Misérables", because "Les Misérables" is the most characteristic and socially significant work of the times in French literature, and the humanitarian spirit and utopian socialist ideas revealed in the novel are precisely the ideological weapons that their Group of Chinese intellectual elites who stand at the forefront of the times want to explore. Because Su Manshu's ancient Chinese literature skills were very shallow at that time, he cooperated with Chen Duxiu to translate "Les Misérables", renamed "Miserable Society", and serialized it in the "National Daily" in the form of a literary article back to the novel. Similar to most Chinese translations at that time, "Miserable Society" was not faithful to the original work, in this translation, Su Manshu borrowed the original character story to recreate, he created a revolutionary chivalrous warrior Ming male virtue and chivalry, through the protagonist's behavior to express his love and hatred expectations, becoming a representative work of the Republic of China's "Haojie Translation". Nowadays, many film subtitle groups are also becoming more and more likely to have the style of Republic of China translation. "Miserable Society" made the readers of the Republic of China who were in a miserable society at that time almost have a strong resonance. When the novel was serialized 11 times, the National Daily was banned for promoting progressive ideas. Su Manshu refused chen Duxiu and Zhang Shizhao's kindness and went to Hong Kong alone. It is said that because there was no travel fee, Su Manshu opened Zhang Shizhao, Chen Duxiu, and He Meishi, who lived with him, stole 30 yuan from Zhang Shizhao, left a farewell letter, rolled up the roll, and traveled south to Hong Kong via Changsha. Before leaving, Su Manshu left two poems for Chen Duxiu, one of which was later considered to be a portrayal of Su Manshu's life:

Qi Kuo died and lived a question, and walked in the clouds and flowed water to a lone monk.

Laughter and unprovoked crying, even if there is joy is like ice.

The first sentence of "Qi Kuo Dead and Alive" is from the Book of Poetry: "Death and life Qi Kuo, and Zi Cheng said." Holding the hand of the son, growing old with the son. These four poems are also Zhang Ailing's favorite verses in the Book of Poetry, saying, "It is a sad poem, but its attitude towards life is so affirmative." Later, Chen Jingquan, the owner of The Shanghai Jingjin Bookstore, said to Chen Duxiu: "It is a pity that your novel has not been published, if you are willing to publish a single book, I can serve as a printing house." Therefore, Chen Duxiu took on the work of sorting out and editing the translated works, and from the 12th to the 14th translation, the title of the book was changed to "Tragic World", signed su zigu (Su Manshu) and Chen Youji (Chen Duxiu) co-translated. After Su Manshu's death in 1918, when the Shanghai Taidong Book Bureau reprinted the book, in order to highlight the commemoration of Su Manshu, it changed the title of the book to "Les Misérables", and deleted Chen Youji's name, so that the translation became Su Manshu's posthumous work, so that many people later thought that the translator of "Les Misérables" was only Su Manshu. Although Sumanshu was a child, he was fluent in Japanese, Sanskrit, English, and French. (I was curious about where Su Manshu came from, I had been studying English seriously for several years since I was a child in a space of plenty of time and stability, and in the end I only mixed up with an English level 4 certificate, and genius is really a genius.) In addition to translating Victor Hugo's Les Misérables, Sumanshu also translated for the first time poems by Byron, Shelley, Goethe, and others, and also translated the Indian female poet Toru dora's Leyuan in Sanskrit. In 1908, he published China's first Byron poetry album "Selected Poems of Bai On", which established his "chief position" in the history of Cultural Exchanges between China and foreign countries.

Su Manshu, together with Yan Fu and Lin Shu, was called the three major translators of the late Qing Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty.

After Su Manshu arrived in Hong Kong, he was introduced to stay in the "China Daily" museum in Hong Kong and got to know Chen Shaobai and others. At this time, the uprising led by Huang Xing failed, and Kang Youwei, who was also in Hong Kong, vigorously advocated the constitutional monarchy, raised sponsorship four times, but privately used funds, and at the same time, Zhang Taiyan and Zou Rong, who were familiar with Su Manshu in Shanghai, were sentenced to life imprisonment by the authorities for publishing articles in the "Su Bao" advocating revolutionary ideas. Su Manshu, who witnessed all this, was doubly discouraged and opened his mouth to borrow a pistol from Chen Shaobai, claiming to assassinate Kang Youwei alone. Under Chen Shaobai's vigorous obstruction, the assassination operation was finally canceled. During this period, Su Jiesheng's father, Su Jiesheng, chose a wife for him in his hometown, and personally went to Hong Kong to find Su Manshu to return to his hometown to become a relative, but Su Manshu avoided seeing him. Soon, Su Manshu and Chen Shaobai were at odds with each other, so they left Hong Kong and moved to Huizhou. One day in a street bookstore, I happened to see an anthology of Tang poems, and when I flipped through it, I saw a poem by Wang Mojie:

Su Xi Zhu Yan became a twilight tooth, and his white hair became droopy.

A few sad things in a lifetime, where to sell to the empty door?

A word awakened the dreamer, so Su Manshu went to a dilapidated temple in the countryside of Huizhou and decided to "sweep the leaves and burn incense and send me to the past year." ”

This is Sumanshu's third ordination.

A few days later, Su Manshu returned to Hong Kong and said to Chen Shaobai: "But the place is barren, and the income is always insufficient." Manshu knew that he could not stay, so he took the master to him one day, so he stole the late master's brother's degree and the only remaining silver and ocean horn of his division to escape. When the trip to the provincial capital, by ship to Hong Kong, silver and ocean two corners, only enough to charge the fare. "Degree: In the old days, the official government issued a document to the monks and nuns to prove their identity, also called "ordination", similar to today's professional title certificate, which must be obtained after two years of monastic practice. Xiao Shami Su Manshu has no Dharma name, and the Du Mu he stole is the late master brother Bo Jing, so for a while he appeared in many places under the name of "Bo Jing", and Man Shu was the Fa name he gave himself, calling himself Man Shu Monk.

Manjushri: The name of a Buddhist bodhisattva. The Sanskrit transliteration, or Manjushri, is also transliterated as Manjushri. It is translated as Miaode, Miaojixiang, etc. One of the Four Great Bodhisattvas of Chinese Buddhism. Legend has it that the dojo of his apparition is in Wutai Mountain, Shanxi. With Puxian around the attendant Shakyamuni, Si Zhi. The top knot is five buns, holding a sword, indicating wisdom and sharpness. The statue rides a lion, indicating wisdom and might. With a common surname in front of the Dharma name, it became Su Manshu, which was customary according to the conventions of the world, and there was a feeling of non-monk and non-vulgarity, just like Zhang Bodhisattva King Guanyin Li Tom.

After Su Manshu returned to Hong Kong, he still stayed in the China Daily. Lu Danlin wrote in the article "Remembering Manshu's Renunciation and Wanting to Shoot Kang Youwei": "Manshu lived here when he arrived in Hong Kong with Feng Zizhijie, his temperament was lonely, he did not leave his home, and he rarely spoke with people after eating and sleeping. Ignoring Mr. Chen, he said that he had decided to become a monk and wanted to go to the provincial capital to be ordained. Chen Chaqi's primitive nature is strong and there is no way to keep it, but he sends dozens of gold to fund his deeds. After going for a few months, he returned, and the monks were actually dressed in monks' shoes, covered with thin cotton and blue cloth and long shoulders. Inquiring about his situation, he said to himself: After going out, he didn't know anything, and even though he was exhausted, he recommended that he go to a temple in Huizhou. The temple is a broken temple, presided over by one of its old monks, that is, its teacher. During this period, Su Manshu met a fellow villager one day and learned that his father Su Jie was seriously ill, and he hoped that he could go back. However, due to the severed relationship between Su Jiesheng and Su Manshu's adoptive mother, Hehe Xian, Su Manshu was very dissatisfied with his father, so he said, "I am a poor monk, what am I going back to do?" Soon after, Su Jiesheng died. Su Manshu refused to run to the funeral, but chose a path to go straight to Shanghai.

Since then, Su Manshu has completely severed contact with the Su family. This year he was exactly 20 years old, a bowl of thousands of meals, a lone monk traveled thousands of miles, began to wear a robe as a half-monk and half-secular in the deserted world, wandering north and south of the river, China, Japan needless to say, his footprints all over Thailand, Myanmar, India, Malaysia, Java and Vietnam and other countries. Liu Yazi's son Liu Wuji said: If Su Manshu's friends are arranged one by one, it will almost become a miniature picture of the literati and celebrities since the Republic of China. Sun Yat-sen, Huang Xing, Chen Duxiu, Liao Zhongkai, He Xiangning, Zhang Shizhao, Zhang Taiyan, Liu Yazi, Chen Tianhua, Chen Qimei, Chen Guofu, Song Jiaoren, Chiang Kai-shek, Hu Hanmin, Shen Yinmo, Lu Xun, Cai Yuanpei, Zhou Zuoren, Bao Tianxiao, Ma Junwu, Wang Jingwei, Liu Bannong, Liu Jiping (i.e. Liu San), Yu Youren, Ye Chuling...

These influential figures in China's modern history have all led the way in a certain field or several fields, and their light has illuminated for a century, and to this day, there are still people who use their candles to crack the mystery to eliminate the shadows, and they were all guests of the Sumanshu monk. Not only that, Su Manshu's list of friends also included Sai Jinhua, Xiao Yangyuelou, Hua Xuenan and Jin Feng, who were social flowers, celebrities and singers at that time. Liu Yazi once said that Manshu himself was "extravagant and hospitable, and his liver and gallbladder were shining", "a man of wisdom in the sea, a man of great wisdom, a man of great scales, everyone is willing to swim from Xuanying, thinking that it is too late to meet." "There's a law of vignette in psychology—to recognize people from his friends. I want to know and understand a person, to see the people around him, the so-called "things are clustered, people are grouped." This is also one of the standards of recognition advocated by many people. Looking at these friends of Su Manshu, who dares to say that Manshu is just a passer-by monk in the past? Qian Zhongshu borrowed dong Xiechuan's mouth in "The Siege of the City" and said: "Eastern students praise Su Manshu, and Western students praise Huang Gongdu." International students do not know Su Dongpo and Huang Valley, and there is only this pair of Su Huang in their eyes. This sentence tells a literary phenomenon in the Republic of China: Su Manshu, together with the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming dynasty poet Huang Zunxian and called Su Huang, in the 1920s and 1930s, was the most sought after literary object for international students. Hangzhou writer Shi Jingcun later recalled that when they were young, they were very obsessed with Manshu's writing, and the literary and artistic youth at that time regarded Su Manshu as an idol, and Manshu's photos were often hung at the head of the bed, just like The current Liang Chaowei Jay Chou. Lu Xun once called this phenomenon "Manjushri." So now it is not surprising to see "so-and-so hot", this statement has a history. Except, of course, for the "Tokyo fever".

In 1906, after Lu Xun, who was 3 years older than Su Manshu, dropped out of sendai Medical College in Japan, he planned to start a literary magazine "Xinsheng", and Su Manshu was one of the partners, but for various reasons, this plan could not be realized. Lu Xun said in a letter to a friend: "The Japanese of the manshu monk is very good, I thought it was almost like the Japanese. Sumanshu lived in Japan for several years, but he never spoke Japanese, preferring to go to great lengths to find an interpreter. I don't go to the hospital when I'm sick because I don't want to speak Japanese. Lu Xun also said: "Monk Manshu is a strange person, gold and silver, casually dissolved, the Tao is that there is money to drink and scenery, no money to go to the temple to hang orders." He is not so much a nihilist as he is a decadent one. In Lu Xun's recollection of "New Life", su manshu is rarely mentioned, and only once is written: "When Su Manshu and Byron were still related, he also translated several poems. But the translation is very ancient, perhaps once polished by Mr. Zhang Taiyan, so it is really like an ancient poem, but it is not widely circulated. Later, it was included in the "Literary Causes" signed by himself in green-faced gold signatures, and now even this "Literary Causes" is rare. "A few strokes have passed, hiding a lot of past events that I don't want to say more." Some people are friends for life, and some people can only walk together. A few years later, Su Manshu was buried in Gushan, Hangzhou, and a teacher in Hangzhou, who impersonated Lu Xun, inscribed a poem next to Su Manshu's tomb in Gushan:

I have come to the Jun's Lonely House to awaken the soul of whom?

Piaoping Mountain Forest Trail, stay until he went with his father.

After Lu Xun learned about it, he wrote a special article for this purpose, "Lu Xun Notice in Shanghai", stating that he was not the Hangzhou Lu Xun. I once saw a saying: sweets such as candy can increase people's sense of happiness. Later, I saw a sentence: people who like to eat sweets are generally bitter. Su Manshu was a man who ate sweets and died, and once called himself a "sugar monk". Wujiang native maltose cake, ordinary people eat three or four pieces is enough, Manshu can eat as many as twenty in one go. SuManshu's favorite is a kind of foreign candy, called Western Molden candy, which is said to be the heroine of the French Dumas novel "La Traviata" that the heroine likes to eat, and Sumanshu especially loves to eat this kind of candy because he loves la Traviata. Every time I had a little money, I ran to buy a few bottles of "Molden" and eat a big meal. Once, I wanted to eat "Molden", but my pockets were empty, and I had no money, so I ran to knock down the gold teeth and sell them for sugar. Zhang Taiyan's "Manshu Testament Painting Benyan" records that Su Manshu "drank five or six pounds of ice a day, and could not move later than night, people thought they were dead, they regarded it as if they were angry, and they drank ice again tomorrow." Hu Yunyu's "Order of Manshu Wen Banknotes" records that Su Manshu was "good at sex, and when he gets money, he cures food, and when he runs out of money, he can't afford to lie down." Taste the gold teeth that are inlaid and knocked down, easy to eat sugar, called sugar monk." Zhou Nan coughed in the "Notes of Qilan Jingshe" wrote: "Especially good to eat Suzhou crispy sugar, dozens of packs a day, and good sugar fried chestnuts." When studying in Japan, Su Manshu once wrote a letter to Liu Yazi, and when he dropped the money, he signed that it was "written on the bank of braised beef chicken slices and yellow fish", which made Liu Yazi laugh. Once, when Sun Yat-sen learned of Su Manshu's poor life, he sent Liao Zhongkai (also said to be Song Jiaoren) to send him two hundred yuan of silver yang, and Manshu was ecstatic, and immediately issued a large invitation to invite friends around him to dinner at a restaurant. Sun Yat-sen and Liao Zhongkai cried and laughed after receiving the invitation, and then Sun Yat-sen smiled and said, "This is Manshu, go, let's go to the banquet, let him be happy and happy..." When Su Manshu was in Tokyo, he once wrote a banner for Fei Gongzhi's family, and when he ate lunch, he said that he wanted to eat abalone, and Fei Gongzhi ordered someone to buy a plate to come back. That night, he had a lot of abdominal pain, diarrhea all night, and rested for several days. In Su Manshu's own "Essays on the Swallow Niche", he recorded his interaction with the revolutionary Zhao Sheng (Zhao Boxian), and every time Zhao Sheng ordered soldiers to bring pots to buy duck yellow wine, Zhao was "proud of drinking", and he was "stronger than food". Once Zhao Sheng teased Manshu and said, "Is it against the Buddhist precepts for a monk to eat meat with his mouth?" Manjushri, who was well-mannered and serious, said, "The Buddha said that everything is empty, and now it is listed in the former, that is, the dust of his day. ”

It is really wine and flesh that has passed through the intestines, and the Buddha's heart has remained.

As Chen Guofu later said in his recollections, everyone "knew that he was a strange monk and a monk of wine and meat." Once Su Manshu went to Yibaisha as a guest, and ate a bowl of fried noodles, two plates of shrimp, ten spring rolls, and many sweets for a meal. Yi Baisha thought that Manshu was strapped for money and starved for many days, so he would swallow like this, so he warmly invited him to come back tomorrow. Manju shook his head and said, "No, eat too much!" Tomorrow must be sick, and the next day will be sick. Three days later when I come back to bother. In a letter to a friend, Su Manshu wrote: "Only beef and milk are advised not to eat more." People who do not look at the young people in recent days like beef and milk, so their temperament is like cattle, and they must not be careless. If the king says that he does not eat meat and milk, then the bread will not be swallowed, but he can go to the grocery store opened by the Middle-earth people to buy the top curd milk, the red one buys ten yuan, the white one buys ten yuan, coats the bread, chews it slowly, and will get the best product. ”

In the spring of 1911, Sumanshu returned from Java and, because he still had hundreds of dollars on his body, he bought all the money and took it on board. During the two-week voyage, he ate all the candy, much to the surprise of the people in the same boat. Su Manshu is a frequent visitor to the Baiyun Nunnery in Hangzhou's West Lake. Legend has it that when he lived in the nunnery, Manju often slept during the day, and at night he was shirtless, his feet dragged clogs, and the lone star accompanied the moon to walk along the Su Causeway and the White Causeway, and walked all night until dawn. Baiyun'an has a shrine for the old man under the moon, and there is a joint at the door of the temple: "May all lovers in the world become dependents; it is destined to be a marriage before death." The monk of Baiyun An Yi Zhou once remembered the situation when Manshu lived here: "Su Manshu is really a strange person, coming and going without a trace, he came suddenly, and went quietly. While you were eating, he sat down and walked away after eating. He often seemed embarrassed, borrowing money from the nunnery and remitting it to a brothel in Shanghai. After a few days, someone brought a lot of foreign candy and paper cigarettes from Shanghai, so he didn't want to eat. Alone upstairs, eating candy and smoking. ”

In November 1916, Su Manshu wrote to Liu Bannong in Hangzhou: "The chest is always in pain... Cigars are used for a month. "A year or two before Sumanshu's death, he was so depressed in Tokyo that he sometimes pawned off his remaining clothes and could not see guests in red stripes." If you are poor and hungry, you will sleep all day. (Liu Yazi), Su Manshu was living in Shanghai Baochang Road Hospital due to gastrointestinal diseases in his later years, and the president forbade Su Manshu to eat sugar and fried chestnuts, but he secretly hid three or four packs of sugar fried chestnuts and stole them when people did not pay attention. Later transferred to Guangci Hospital, the doctor still took sugar as a precept, but the habit was difficult to change, and it is said that Su Manshu found a lot of candy under his pillow after his death.

It's sweet as life.

At that time, the famous serial novelist Bao Tianxiao (a native of Wu County, Jiangsu Province) once had a poem ridiculing Su Manshu's sugar-thirsty stubbornness:

Pine sugar orange cake and rose, sweet crisp smile open;

I think that the master is bitter in his heart, and he wants to get from the bitterness.

These few ridiculous poems are poignant, and I can only say one sentence: Manshu is sugar, sweet to sadness. Regarding Manshu's gluttony, Chen Duxiu commented: "Everyone is also cited as a laughing stock, in fact, it is his suicide policy. He saw that the whole world was dirty, and his world-weary heart was very warm, but he could not find another way out, so he ate and drank randomly in order to die quickly. Among many old friends, an innocent person like Manju is really rare. According to liu chengyu's "Miscellaneous Memories of Shi Zai Tang" of the Republic of China, when Su Jiesheng's father Su Jiesheng was alive, he had set up a family affair for Su Manshu very early, and the other party was a girl from a large family, virtuous and talented, and the two sides were very compatible.

When Su Manshu was 15 years old, because he could not stand the discrimination of his family, he wanted to travel east to Japan to study and search for his birth mother, but he did not have entanglement, so he had to sell flowers on the streets of Guangzhou with his nursing mother every day, so as to save money as a travel expense. One day, Su Manshu sold flowers through a large mansion, and there happened to be a maid to buy flowers, who knew Su Manshu and was surprised by his downfall, so he secretly called the young lady who had been related to Su Manshu to inquire about the reason. Su Manshu covered his face with a bamboo kasa and wept, saying: "After the tragic family change, I have no intention of talking about red dust love anymore." He also told the other party that he wanted to go east to Japan to study and find his mother, and advised the other party to find another good family and stop thinking of him. When the young lady heard this, she burst into tears and swore, "I will definitely wait for you to return." He also took off a piece of jasper he was wearing and gave it to Su Manshu, so that he could find a pawnshop to sell it as a coil for Dongdu to study and find his mother.

Sumanshu then went to Japan with the money from the sale of jade. When he returned from Japan, the woman had fallen ill and died. Hearing the bad news, Su Manshu was both sad and sad. In honor of his unmarried wife, Sumanshu plans to write a novel with a total of 100 times, with an illustration attached to each time, and has drawn 30 of them. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the revolutionaries gathered in Shanghai, and Su Manshu and Xiao Shuqiu shared a room, so they told Xiao Shuqiu about this matter and asked Xiao Shuqiu to ask Sun Yat-sen to fund the cost of printing books. Later, Song Qingling gave Su Manshu 80 yuan, but unfortunately failed to print the book for publication.

When Su Manshu was dying, he wrote a letter to Xiao Xiuqiu in Guangzhou, and drew a chicken heart pattern on the letter, next to the words "don't want chicken heart style". Everyone couldn't understand what it meant, and Xiao Xiuqiu pondered for a long time and said, "Monk Su probably knows that he has died not long ago, so he asked me to buy him a piece of jasper, and he will take it to see the unmarried lady underground." Therefore, Xiao Xiuqiu bought a square piece of jasper in Guangzhou and asked Xu Jilong to bring it to Shanghai. After Xu Jilong arrived in Shanghai, he rushed to the hospital to visit Su Manshu, who was critically ill. At this time, Su Manshu had not eaten or drunk for three days, lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed, as if he was waiting for something. The nurse at the hospital leaned in and told him that a friend in Guangzhou, surnamed Xiao, had brought a piece of jasper. Su Manshu opened his eyes, reluctantly took the jade with his hand, put it to his lips and kissed it lightly, and smiled happily. When Su Manshu was 13 years old, he followed his father, Su Jiesheng, to learn English from the Spaniard Pastor Luo Bizhuang Xiang in Shanghai. Zhuang Xiang has a daughter Xuehong and Su Manshu are similar in age, the two children have no guess, Xuehong once belonged to Yi Manshu, zhuang Xiang also wants to use his daughter Xu with Manshu. But this foreign-related marriage eventually failed.

In 1909, on the ship to Nanyang, SuManshu happened to meet Luo Bi's father and daughter who were preparing to return to Spain to settle down. In a letter to a friend, Su Manshu confessed his love for Xuehong: "When I met the Spanish talented woman Luo Bishi in the southern ferry boat, I gave me several volumes of Western poetry. Whenever the hammer wind and coconut rain, pick up the lamp and put on the roll, and si luozi, do not forget it." There is another theory: Su Manshu had pursued Xue Hong, the daughter of the Spanish priest Zhuang Xiang, and the big eyes of Xue Hong's typical Spanish beauty deeply attracted Manshu's easy-to-be emotional heart, and then the lust was raging all night. The next day, when Zhuang Xiang asked him, "Xuehong loves you very much, do you want to be my son-in-law?", Manshu was silent for a long time and then said hard, "Buddha's life is difficult to violate", and left with his sleeves folded. The rest of Xuehong cried out in sorrow, "Since you have decided to live forever as a Buddha, why do you still love me?" In the same year, SuManshu met the gentle and beautiful kite-playing girl Hyakusuke Kaede at a small concert in Tokyo. Because of similar bumpy life experiences, the two saw each other as usual, and it is said that they shared the same bed for several nights, but they have always been at peace with each other. To this end, Hyakusuke Fengzi asked Su Manshu with a grudge, "How is the master and me?" Sumanshu said: "I am afraid to reach the boiling point also." Soon Manshu himself wielded his sword to break the dust edge, wept bitterly, and wrote a poem:

The aviary Lingbo muscles are like snow, holding the red leaf sophistry inscription poem.

He also wept mercilessly, hating not meeting without shaving.

Su Manshu did not systematically read classical Chinese books, and after arriving in Shanghai at the age of 20, he read some ancient poetry collections under the guidance of Chen Duxiu and Zhang Shizhao. The first three sentences of this poem use the Sanskrit classics, the notes of the predecessors, and the story of Daizhu returning tears in "Dream of the Red Chamber", and the last sentence directly ignites the poem of the Tang Dynasty Zhang Yuan: "The pearl of the emperor is weeping, and hates when they do not meet and are not married." When Hyakusuke Saw the poem, she quickly left Tokyo in a sad mood. Later, Su Manshu wrote the 10 poems he recorded in love with Hyakusuke Kaede under the title of "Benshi Poem". In the whole group of poems, only two characters appear, one is a monk, and the other is a kabuki who can play the cloud kite. Two of them are widely circulated:

Jasper Mo is sad about his life, and the fairy of the same country is alone.

The robe is dotted with suspicious cherry blossom petals, half fat marks and half tear marks.

Spring rain building head shakuhachi, when to look at the Zhejiang tide.

The mangshoe was uncovered and stepped across the cherry blossom bridge.


"SuManshu Poetry Notes" by Liu Sifen Notes

Guangdong People's Publishing House Published: 1981-12

Sumanshu's Poetry collection of novels

Author, published: Chinese Social Science Publishing 1982-09

"Love Monks Pass on Hate" author: Su Manshu Beiyue Literature and Art Publishing House published in 1987

The Complete Biography of Su Manshu by Wang Changyuan Changchun Publishing House, 1998

Su Manshu's Collected Poems by Su Manshu; translated by Shao Yingwu

Beijing October Literature and Art Publishing House 2013-11

The Biography of Su Manshu, by Xu Xingping, China Youth Publishing House, 2014-08

 About the Author:

Zhao Hanqing: Male, Han ethnicity, native of Suzhou, Anhui, ancestral home of Huaibei, senior journalist, writer of literature and history, cultural scholar, doctor. Since 1992, he has successively served as the director of the Suzhou Reporter Station of Anhui Economic Newspaper, the deputy editor-in-chief of China News Magazine, and the editor-in-chief of Tianxia Times Network. President of Suzhou Baijuyi Research Association. He has published nine works, including the 200,000-word military historical novel "The Battle of Xiaxia".

Liu Xinhua: Female, Han ethnicity, native of Suzhou, Anhui, ancestral home of Bengbu, English translator, cultural scholar, doctor. He once served as the principal of a city middle school, the president of Lulu Publishing House in the United States, and the president of the Anhui Branch of the Yancheng Urban Planning Municipal Design Institute. Executive Vice President of Suzhou Baijuyi Research Association. More than 1,000 essays, essays, travelogues, and translations have appeared in various media at home and abroad. Representative works include: Autumn leaves in Maine, USA, Yuanmingyuan in the autumn wind, love for the sea, Xitang and other cages of smoke and rain.

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