
The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

author:Zhang Shu talks about current affairs and life encyclopedia
The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

The beautiful girl Chen Yuanyuan - the picture comes from the Internet

In the history of our country, there have been several times when wars have been waged directly or indirectly for women. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty in China, Wu Sangui, the chief soldier of the Ming Dynasty town guarding Shanhaiguan, "rushed the crown and became angry and turned red" was one of them.

In the last years of the Ming Dynasty, when the government was corrupt and the world was in chaos, the Dashun army led by Li Zicheng conquered Beijing, and the Chongzhen Emperor hanged himself on the coal mountain. Li Zicheng's general Liu Zongmin (劉宗敏) forcibly plundered Wu Sangui's concubine Chen Yuanyuan. Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty town guarding Shanhaiguan, originally planned to surrender to Li Zicheng, but because his concubine Chen Yuanyuan was forcibly occupied by Liu Zongmin, he felt great shame and humiliation, and could not help but be angry. Enraged, he led the Qing army into the pass, and after a bloody battle with Li Zicheng's Dashun army in a piece of stone, Li Zicheng's general Liu Zongmin was seriously wounded, and the Dashun army was defeated. Li Zicheng had no choice but to withdraw from the city of Beijing, and Wu Sangui recaptured Chen Yuanyuan. This war, indirectly triggered by Chen Yuanyuan, caused Wu Sangui to lure the Qing army into the pass, causing the Ming Dynasty to collapse rapidly, and also caused Li Zicheng's Dashun army to fall apart and collapse, leaving China under Manchu rule for nearly 300 years. In later history, as long as Chen Yuanyuan is mentioned, people will think of the story of "rushing the crown and turning a red face".

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

Chen Yuanyuan - The picture comes from the Internet

Chen Yuanyuan (1624-1681), courtesy name: Yuanyuan, Qifang, Liyuan courtesan. His original surname was Xing Mingyuan. He was originally a famous prostitute of Gusu and was known as one of the "Eight Yans of Jiangnan". A native of Jinniuli, Wujin County, Changzhou, Jiangsu (present-day Benniu Town, Xinbei District, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province). Born into a family of cargo men, his mother died early and his family was poor. She grew up in her uncle's parents, so she followed her uncle's surname "Chen" and lived in Taohuawu, Suzhou (now Taohuawu Street in Suzhou and its surrounding areas). Chen Yuanyuan has been ice and snow smart and stunning in the countryside since childhood, and when he arrives at the age and age, he has become a beautiful lady with peach blossoms, bright eyes and bright teeth, and Ana's many variety. Later, when Jiangnan suffered a disaster and the grain was not harvested, life was even more difficult, and his uncle, who was heavy on profit and light on righteousness, sold Yuanyuan to Suzhou Pear Garden as a prostitute. Chen Yuanyuan not only looks like a flower and a moon, but also plays a drama of Yiyang Cavity. When she first appeared on stage, she played the red lady in "The Tale of the West Chamber", she was as beautiful as a flower, like a cloud out of the clouds, a warbler swallow, a six-horse back, and the spectators under the stage were all holding their breath, as if they were fascinated by the magic. Anyone who has seen her acting will surely see her again, and her fame is getting bigger and bigger, and many dignitaries, rich businessmen, talented poets, rich children, etc., have come to praise her scene, watch her plays, and be proud to get to know her. Soon she was named ZhenJiangzuo and became one of the "Eight Yans of Qin Huai", and many people did not hesitate to come from other places to see Chen Yuanyuan's appearance.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

As a prostitute in the pear garden, Chen Yuanyuan could not escape the fate of the Israelites. Once she met the first man she really fell in love with from the heart, Zou Shu. Zou Shu is a relatively famous poet in the Wujiang area, looking like a jade tree Linfeng, there is a depressed temperament that the poet was born at the wrong time and did not meet with talent, he took good care of Chen Yuanyuan, so that Chen Yuanyuan fell deeply in love with him from his heart, and once fantasized about staying with Zou Shu for life. However, the ideal is very full, the reality is very bone, and the poor Zou Shu has no economic ability to redeem Chen Yuanyuan and live a normal life. The love that was once the oath of the mountain and the sea and the qingqing and myself was shattered in the face of the cruel reality of life. They slowly became estranged, and later the two people did not communicate, which belonged to the first love in Chen Yuanyuan's life, and it ended in vain.

Gong Ruofu, the son of Gong Xiuling in the Jiangyin region of Wuxi, once ransomed Chen Yuanyuan as a concubine with heavy gold. Unexpectedly, his father Gong Xiuling was shocked when he saw Chen Yuanyuan, saying that this woman was a natural nobleman. He said to Gong Ruofu, "If you go away, you will not be held responsible for the ransom." "It means letting her go, you don't deserve her, as for the ransom, don't do it." Regardless of whether the real history has this matter for the time being, this record at least shows that Chen Yuanyuan should be a beautiful and dignified person with a beautiful and dignified appearance.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

Statue of Mao Xiang - The picture comes from the Internet

In the spring of the fourteenth year of Chongzhen (1641 AD), when the late Ming and early Qing dynasty literary scholars and one of the four princes of the late Ming Dynasty, Mao Xiang ((April 27, 1611 – December 31, 1693), the character Pujiang, the number of Chaomin, and the southern direct subordinate to Yangzhou Prefecture Taizhou Rugao (now Rugao City, Jiangsu Province)) went to Hengyue to visit his relatives on his way to Suzhou, and through the introduction of friends, he became acquainted with Chen Yuanyuan, and Chen sang the Yi cavity opera "Red Plum" for him, and the song was like a cloud out of the clouds, like a pearl on the plate, which made people want to die. The two of them admired each other, and when they parted, they reluctantly pulled Chen Yuanyuan's clothes and set a date for the after-meeting meeting of the goodbye in August of that year. In August of that year, When Hexiang moved to Gusu to meet Chen Yuanyuan again, when passing through the West Lake, he heard that Chen Yuanyuan had been plundered by Dou Huohao's family, and it was tragic to smell of Xiang. Later, after hearing that Chen Yuanyuan was fortunate enough to get out of the tiger's mouth, he arrived in Suzhou and saw Chen Yuanyuan again at the gate in the west of Suzhou City, as if he had lost and recovered, so in the autumn of the fourteenth year of Chongzhen, he made a "marriage contract" with her in person, and the next year he would definitely choose a day to marry. However, after that, due to family affairs, he was unable to go to Chen Yuanyuan's appointment. During this period, Chen Yuanyuan repeatedly sent letters to MaoXiang, urging him to fulfill his contract, and Maoxiang could not reply. In the mid-spring season of February of the fifteenth year of Chongzhen (1642 AD), when Mao Xiang visited Chen Yuanyuan again, he learned that ten days ago she had once again been abducted by the guerrilla general of the imperial court, the commander of Jinyi Wei, and the governor of Zuodu, Tian Qiqiang.

In the fifteenth year of Chongzhen (1642 AD), after the death of Tian Guifei, the favorite of the Chongzhen Emperor, the Chongzhen Emperor was extremely sad and frowned every day, and none of the concubines around him could relieve his boredom. At this time, his cousin Zhou Kui sent Tian Fei's brother, Guo Uncle and Zuo Du Governor Tian Qi to go down to Jiangnan to choose beauty to relieve the emperor's worries about Missing Tian Fei. After Tian Qi brought Chen Yuanyuan back to Beijing, he recognized Chen Yuanyuan as Concubine Tian's younger sister, played the emperor, and waited for her to be sent to the palace. The Chongzhen Emperor thought that Tian Qi was also a piece of beauty, and could not bear to push him too much. He then summoned Chen Yuanyuan into the palace and summoned him at the Ben Temple. When the Chongzhen Emperor saw Chen Yuanyuan who was following tian Qi, Chen Yuanyuan's appearance of sinking fish and falling geese and closing the moon and shy flowers immediately made the Chongzhen Emperor fascinated and happy.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

Emperor Mingsizong Zhu Youjian (Chongzhen Emperor) – Image from the Internet

Chen Yuanyuan knew that the middle-aged man on the throne in front of him, who was extraordinary and proud of all things, was the current great tomorrow who had the dignity of the Ninety-Five and the Nine-Five Emperor, so he immediately knelt down on the ground, cried out three times, and buried his head in waiting for his will. The Chongzhen Emperor was very pleased, and the word told her to flatten herself and come to the throne. The Chongzhen Emperor sat Chen Yuanyuan in his arms, stroked her delicate jade hand, and sighed: "It is really pleasing to see you as a rare beautiful person in the world, and your beauty and virtuousness are comparable to those of concubines in the palace." Yuanben wanted to make you a concubine, thinking that he would relieve his worries and depression. However, the country is now in the midst of external insults and internal troubles, and the national affairs are in danger, so why should we have the heart to seek happiness when we are worried about the daily night? From now on, your voice and smile will be hidden deep in the heart of Yuan. Wouldn't it be sad for you to waste your time in the deep palace and always hold Nagato's regrets? Restless! This is a special favor, let you go back, find another person of comparable age to match, and forever with the luan fengqinser good. It is not easy to think that you enter the palace, and you must not be allowed to go back empty-handed. The Chongzhen Emperor immediately issued a decree and ordered the eunuch to award many pearls and jade treasures in the palace and give them to Chen Yuanyuan. Chen Yuanyuan's eyes were filled with tears, Xie En had finished, and Tongtian Qi returned to the palace.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

Chen Yuanyuan said to Tian Qi: "Concubines have received the emperor's excessively considerate Hong's grace, and they cannot repay them in this life. The concubine swore: After seeking a son-in-law, she must choose a hero of the world, who must bring 100,000 armor to be loyal to the emperor, and who can do whatever it takes to do so. Otherwise, concubines are willing to cut their hair and become nuns, and they will never easily do things for themselves!" Tian Qi saw that Yuanyuan's will was so resolute, and he also thought that as Chongzhen's favorite, he also knew best that the national situation was now in danger! Li Zicheng's Dashun army was approaching Gyeonggi day by day, and he was a relative of the emperor and the state, and if the country changed, he could not save it. After Tian Guifei's death, Tian Qi lost his internal support and felt even more isolated. It is better to attach to a powerful general as soon as possible, and if there is an accident in the future, you can also rely on his protection. He finally thought that Wu Sangui (Wu Sangui , the current commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan ( ( June 8 , 1612 – October 2 , 1678 ) , was a native of Guangning , Liaodong Province , a native of Guangning , Liaodong Province , whose ancestral home was Gaoyou ( present-day Gaoyou , Jiangsu Province ) . Political and military figure in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, son of Wu Xiang, the chief soldier of Jinzhou. Young and promising, he was also valued by the Chongzhen Emperor, so he had the heart to befriend him and wanted to make him his protector. Therefore, he said to Chen Yuanyuan: "What Er said today is reasonable. Fang's hero today is Wu Sangui, the chief soldier of the mountains and seas. This person is a general door tiger, good at riding and shooting, strong in martial arts, Chongzhen years in the examination of martial arts, has the courage of ten thousand unstoppable, at the age of 27 became the regimental training chief soldier, both literary and martial arts are famous in the world. Now that he has a heavy army in his hands and has received the favor of the emperor, he often thinks of repaying the imperial court. If you can get this man as your son-in-law, you will not waste your efforts. Chen Yuanyuan heard this and bowed to Tian Qi, "If this is the case, the concubine is willing to do it." "Tian Qi was overjoyed. He was ready to invite Wu Sangui to the palace when he entered Beijing to win his favor.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

General Soldier Wu Sangui - The picture comes from the Internet

One day, Wu Sangui was ordered to enter Beijing, and Tian Qi invited Wu Sangui to his family for a banquet. After Wu Sangui received the invitation, he gladly went there. Because Wu Sangui felt that he could get it, Tian Qi, a powerful imperial relative, favored him, and his heart was also honored. What's more, Wu Sangui has been living in the Military Brigade outside Guanwai for a long time, and now when he is in Beijing, he takes advantage of this opportunity to make friends with powerful people and watch songs and dances. After Wu Sangui finished his official business, he came to the Tian Mansion as a guest. Tian Qi personally descended the stairs to welcome wu Sangui into the luxurious banquet hall, and all kinds of delicacies were placed in the banquet room, which was really pleasing to the eye. During the banquet, Tian Qi was even more polite and appeared very pious, frequently toasting to Sangui. When the wine was hot, in order to please Wu Sangui, Tian Qi called out a group of singers and prostitutes raised by his family to come out to sing and dance. The singers and prostitutes are all dressed up gorgeously, as beautiful and moving as the water hibiscus, with the melodious sound of silk and bamboo, the singers and birds sing and dance, a thousand delicate postures, all kinds of changes, like a peacock opening the screen, and like a lotus blooming, Wu Sangui is dazzled, the soul is not guarded, and can't help but clap and applaud! Suddenly, in the midst of a multitude of flowers, there appeared a beautiful woman dressed in plain and elegant light makeup, this beautiful person was born beautiful, her face was like a peach blossom, a thousand delicate, her manners were thousands of, and her temperament was pure, she tuned the silk bamboo, made orchestras, gently opened her lips, and the melodious singing voice resounded throughout the hall, and the song suddenly sounded like a soft whisper, suddenly crisp and loud, like an empty valley youlan, and just like a nightingale crying, soft heart, sweet as honey, listening to Wu Sangui like intoxication, heart full of flowers and feeling comfortable, relaxed and pleasant The lady danced again with her own natural voice. Its dancing posture, light posture, fluttering. Seeing Wu Sangui's eyes staring directly at the beauty, he was already shaking his heart and could not help himself. This generation of heroes Wu Sangui, the best of the generation, is Chen Yuanyuan.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

Wu Sangui had been stationed in the Guanwai Military Brigade for a long time, and he was either busy with military affairs all day or marching and fighting. All he heard was the peculiar sound of the golden drum and trumpet in the army; all he saw was the wolf smoke that alarmed the alarm on the high mountains and rivers and the top of the mountain; what could stimulate him was to fight among thousands of troops and horses; most of the people who accompanied him were spirits, horses, and women; he was accustomed to eating and drinking, and was born into death in the military career. At this moment, in this bustling Beijing division far away from the battlefield, in the luxurious mansion of the powerful courtiers, I heard a completely different sound from the sound of the golden drum and trumpet, and in front of me was the beautiful woman who fell into the country in the world! The young general, who was in his early thirties, reveled in unprecedented happiness.

Wu Sangui's gaffe had long been seen by Tian Qi, and he held the wine glass and shouted several times: "General Wu, please!" Only then did Wu Sangui come back to his senses. Wu Sangui "moved his heart" and bowed his hand to Tian Qi: "Dare to ask Tian Dou, the light makeup person who unifies all the beauty and precedes the voices, but Chen Yuanyuan, one of the "Eight Yans of Qin Huai" and now known as the Master of Manjing? Tian Qi said, "Exactly! Wu Sangui once again bowed his hand to Tian Qi: "I don't know if Tian Du can cut love?" The eldest uncle was willing to pay a big price and pleaded with The Governor of Tian to give in. Seeing that the fish had been hooked, the old treacherous and slippery Tian Qi pushed the boat along the water to approve Wu Sangui's request, and gave Chen Yuanyuan to Wu Sangui without taking anything. However, Wu Sangui did not want it in vain, and he took out thousands of gold from the reward given to him by Chongzhen and paid it to Tian Qi. Since Wu Sangui's family was not in Beijing, and his father had not yet entered Beijing to serve at this time, he was unable to marry Chen Yuanyuan for a while, and it was inconvenient to take her to the fiery Guanwai. Therefore, Tian Qi let them live in his own home temporarily, bought a rich dowry with thousands of gold given to him by Wu Sangui, and held a grand wedding for them. When Wu Sangui and Chen Yuanyuan were happily married, the Chongzhen Emperor specially arranged for the eunuch Wang Cheng'en to convey to Empress Zhou to send him rich gold and silver jewelry to Chen Yuanyuan, who was still deeply in love with him, so that Chen Yuanyuan and Wu Sangui could bathe in the emperor's grace. After Wang Cheng'en returned to the palace to report, the Chongzhen Emperor knew Wu Sangui and Chen Yuanyuan, and he was grateful for the love he had given them, and he did not feel sorry for it. Wu Sangui unexpectedly won a generation of beautiful people, and naturally he was overjoyed. Although he had married a wife of the Zhang clan in Liaodong, he was still very fond of Chen Yuanyuan.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

Wu Sangui and Chen Yuanyuan - the picture comes from the Internet

As for Chen Yuanyuan, it goes without saying much, because in her heart Wu Sangui is a young and promising general with both talents and talents, who has the talent of fixing the country and the state, and can grow old and live with such a hero for life, and he can also be regarded as a bitter and willing person, and his merit is complete! After marriage, the two of them are entangled in love, needless to say. (According to the poet Lu Ciyun in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, in the "Biography of yuanyuan": "Out of the group of Ji tune silk bamboo, all are special shows.") A light makeup maker, unified beauty and first voices, love and beauty. (Surprised by Chen Yuanyuan's beauty, "I don't feel that his mind is moving.") (According to Liu Jian of the Qing Dynasty, vol. 6 of the Records of the Court, "Miscellaneous Records": Although Sangui had married his wife Zhang shi of Liaodong, Yuanyuan could only be his concubine, which was also an unattainable thing for a young woman who had fallen into the wind and dust.) ))

However, soon, because the military situation in Liaodong deteriorated, the Qing army gathered in Jinzhou, Ningyuan, and Tieling, and the situation was precarious, and the Chongzhen Emperor had to issue an order to urge Wu Sangui, who was still immersed in the joy of the new marriage, to go to Guanwai to defend the Qing army. On the day before Wu Sangui's departure, the Chongzhen Emperor specially set up a banquet at the Qianqing Palace to entertain Chen Yuanyuan and also went out on a campaign for Wu Sangui. To Wu Sangui's surprise, the Chongzhen Emperor loved him so much in front of his concubine Chen Yuanyuan. He crawled on the ground with gratitude and thanked the Chongzhen Emperor for his trust and grace. Chen Yuanyuan and the Chongzhen Emperor both had that lingering feeling of pity in each other's hearts, which belonged to a secret that could not be revealed, so she could only endure the surprise in her heart and pray to the Chongzhen Emperor according to the etiquette, so as not to be seen by Wu Sangui. Wu Sangui, who was still immersed in the joy of his new marriage with Chen Yuanyuan, was still kept in the dark and did not know the inside story, and brought Chen Yuanyuan to pay homage to the Chongzhen Emperor again and again. After returning home, Wu Sangui reluctantly bid farewell to Chen Yuanyuan and was ordered to go to Ningyuan. The late Ming and early Qing poet Wu Weiye ((June 21, 1609 – January 23, 1672 AD), courtesy name Jungong and Meicun, was a Han Chinese from Taicang, Jiangsu. He once served as the editor of the Hanlin Academy of the Ming Dynasty and Zuo Shuzi. In the tenth year of Qing Shunzhi (1653 AD), he was forced to go north at the request of the edict, and the following year he was awarded the title of Secretary of the Imperial Household, and later Sheng Guozi supervised the sacrifice of wine. There is a passage in his "Yuanyuan Qu" that vividly conveys Chen Yuanyuan's ardent expectations when Wu Sangui and Chen Yuanyuan were separated:

White through the least year, picking flowers and branches repeatedly reviewed.

Take the bird out of the cage early, how long will you stay in the Milky Way?

Hate to kill the military book to resist the urge to die, and after the bitter stay, the covenant will be mistaken.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

Wu Sangui in his youth - the picture comes from the Internet

It means that Wu Sangui, who has a white face and is handsome and handsome, has made great contributions to the Ming Dynasty, and after he got me like a flower, he frequently looked back and was full of infinite attachment. I hope that he will release my caged bird as soon as possible, and when will we be able to meet happily together like a cowherd weaver girl? Hateful military orders, desperately urging you to go out, although we left a bitter covenant, but it will also miss you and my beautiful life!

  Poetic mourning, poignant, and full of grievances, it should be said that it is a true reproduction, the longing for the time and after their separation.

But Wu Sangui could not have imagined that when he went, it was actually his farewell to the Chongzhen Emperor, that the Ming court he was serving was about to collapse, and that his concubine Chen Yuanyuan would also suffer all kinds of hardships...

Externally, with the deteriorating situation in Eastern Liaoning and the surging peasant revolts on the inside, the Ming Dynasty facing the fate of collapse, the Chongzhen Emperor bet on Wu Sangui, who had a heavy army in Ningyuan. He ordered Wu Sangui's father, Wu Xiang (1592-1644), whose ancestral home was Gaoyou, Jiangnan (present-day Gaoyou, Jiangsu). At the end of the Ming Dynasty, he was the commander-in-chief of Liaodong and the father of Wu Sangui. During the Battle of Dalinghe in the fourth year of Chongzhen, Wu Xiang fled to the rescue, resulting in the total destruction of the army, so he was convicted and sentenced to prison, and later released and dismissed from his post. Take all the family members to live in Beijing, and Wu Xiang will wait for them.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

Wu Sangui's father, Wu Xiang, came from the Internet

Before Wu Xiang entered Beijing, as a dismissed "general soldier", he had retired and been idle at home for many years, and even "Feng Lu" was gone. In November of the sixteenth year of Chongzhen (1643 AD), after the request of Wang Yongji, the governor of Jiliao, and others, Chongzhen approved the restoration of Wu Xiang's Feng Lu. After receiving the Holy Will, Wu Xiang brought all his family members into Beijing at the beginning of the first month of the seventeenth year of Chongzhen.

Soon, Chongzhen granted Wu Xiang the important post of Imperial Governor, which apparently reused him. Chongzhen knew very well in his heart that Wu Sangui had a heavy army in Liaodong, and the defense outside Guanwai would depend entirely on this person. In order to win over Wu Sangui, Chongzhen had to reuse his father. Chongzhen also understood in his heart that now that most of Wu Sangui's relatives had been degraded, it was difficult to ensure that Wu Sangui would not be tempted by him, and that he might be cleared at any time. Chongzhen transferred his father and his family to Beijing and asked him to throw a rat trap in order to achieve the idea of restraining him from surrendering. It should be said that this strategy of Chongzhen, at least psychologically, had a certain impact on Wu Sangui. After Wu Xiang's family settled in Beijing, Chen Yuanyuan also moved from Tian Qi's family to wu mansion.

The military situation in Liaodong, which the Chongzhen Emperor was worried about day and night, for many reasons, finally slowly calmed down after Wu Sangui arrived. The Ming Dynasty temporarily stabilized the defensive posture outside the Guan, which made the Chongzhen Emperor breathe a slight sigh of relief. At this time, in his eyes, Wu Sangui, who had a heavy army outside the Guanwai, was now in the heart of the imperial court, and he had already left behind the Chongzhen Emperor's ardent expectations and instructions, and also violated in his heart the promise he had made to Chen Yuanyuan: He would not hesitate to repay the Chongzhen Emperor and be loyal to the imperial court. He regarded the imperial army stationed in Ningyuan as his own political capital and chip.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

Li Zicheng, the king of the breakers - the picture comes from the Internet

At the beginning of the seventeenth year of Chongzhen (1644 AD), Li Zicheng (22 September 1606 – 17 May 1645), originally known as Hongji, with small characters Huang Lai'er. The leader of the peasant rebel army at the end of the Ming Dynasty, also known as Li Chuangwang. Establish the Dashun regime and overthrow the Ming Dynasty. Later, under the joint attack of Wu Sangui and the Qing army, he was forced to withdraw from Beijing and fight in various places to resist the Qing. On May 17, the second year of Qing Shunzhi (1645 AD), he was killed by a vigilante group at Jiugong Mountain in Tongcheng County, Hubei Province. The Dashun army led by the leader attacked the city and approached the Capital Division like a bamboo, and the Chongzhen Emperor was deeply worried, and in the early dynasty, he sighed unceasingly at the ministers and said: "Now that the country has reached the most dangerous time, the imperial court has become destitute, can not raise a penny, and has been unable to pay salaries, can you share some worries for the country?" Most of the army is also underused and unusable. The Chongzhen Emperor said these words to his ministers, indicating that the regime had indeed reached the point of exhaustion. (According to the "Chronicle of the Ming Dynasty", vol. 79, p. 1369, "The Change of Jiashen", it is written that the Ming court had no pay, "the internal debts were washed, and there was no way out", and "the people were exhausted".) Liu KouZhi, vol. 9, p. 137: Insufficient and unusable soldiers. )

In March of the seventeenth year of Chongzhen (1644 AD), Li Zicheng's Dashun army had already approached Xuanfu City, which was only five or six hundred miles away from the Beijing Division and could be reached in a few days. Urgent documents flew like snowflakes, full of panic. At this time, the Chongzhen Emperor thought that only by transferring heavy troops and Wu Sangui on the eastern side of the Liaodong Province could he resolve the crisis in front of him. Therefore, Wu Sangui was named: Ping Xibo. When Wu Sangui received the good news of the seal, he was extremely happy. At the age of 33, he was named Pingxibo, which was undoubtedly a major breakthrough in his career path, and he developed an unprecedented sense of accomplishment. However, after a short period of excitement, he calmed down and thought, he felt that Chongzhen's reward this time was something unusual, what did this mean? With his many years of military career, he was keenly aware that Chongzhen's generous sealing this time would be useful to himself. Thinking more carefully about the current situation inside and outside Guan, he felt that the Ming Dynasty had reached the brink of being very dangerous. Otherwise, Chongzhen would not have suddenly added the title of "Ping Xi Bo" to his head. He had been in the Liaodong Shubian for a long time, and Chongzhen did not add the words "Zheng liao" or "Pingliao" to his title, but added the word "Pingxi", which was not a clear statement that he was asked to conquer the Dashun army in the west? Sure enough, Xie Wenju, a eunuch sent by Chongzhen Qin, soon rushed to Ningyuan in the night to give him a decree, asking him to receive the order, and then dispatched his troops and horses to quickly enter the King of Jingqin.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

Wu Sangui, who has a heavy army in his hands - the picture comes from the Internet

Wu Sangui's army had 40,000 elite soldiers. At this time, if he was anxious about the country, he should choose an elite branch like Yuan Chonghuanchi did when he went to Beijing and relieved Jin Zhiwei, personally led them to gallop day and night, and was completely able to arrive in Beijing at an early date. However, Wu Sangui only led with a part of the infantry and cavalry, while he himself led the elite troops to the rear of the palace, deliberately delaying the slow march of time. He did not want to go to the first step, his intention was to let the soldiers and horses of the other towns go to Beijing first to fight with the Dashun army, and after they were both defeated and injured, he would go to reap the benefits of the fishermen. In this way, he not only protected his strength from being lost, but also shared the merits of the "King of Diligence" with the general soldiers of each town. From Ningyuan to Shanhaiguan is only two hundred miles, the cavalry can travel more than one hundred miles a day, if you travel day and night, you can reach Shanhaiguan in one day and night. Wu Sangui did not do this until the sixteenth day. By this time, the vanguard of the Dashun Army had crossed Changping and entered the outskirts of Beijing. At this time, Wu Sangui was still not in a hurry to enter Beijing, but asked the imperial court military department to "ask for ten thousand horses and rest in peace for five days." "Zhang Jinyan (1600-1672), also spelled Lianyuan, was a native of Xinxiang, Henan. A minister of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, he served as a shangshu of the Ming Dynasty's military department, and later descended to the Qing Dynasty. In the first volume of the Yishuiyuan Anthology, volume 2, "Chronicle of Guanning's Transfer of Aid", it is recorded as March 13, and it is also pointed out that Sangui asked for "five days of rest in jiakou" and that the salvation of the Beijing division "did not reach out". After the general Gao Di received Wu Sangui into Shanhaiguan, he "hesitated to advance" at Shanhaiguan, but in the end he was forced to disobey the king's orders, so he had to lead his troops to continue to slowly march to Beijing. Saving soldiers is like putting out a fire, and although Chongzhen at this time is anxious, there is nothing he can do!

However, it was not until the early morning of March 19 (April 25) of the seventeenth year of Chongzhen (the first year of Dashun Yongchang, 1644 AD) that Zhang Jinyan, the head of the Ming Dynasty's military department, took the initiative to open the Zhengyang Gate to greet Li Zicheng's "General Quan", Liu Zongmin (1607-1645), the Marquis of Ru, who was a native of Lantian, Shaanxi. Originally a blacksmith, he revolted from Li Zicheng. In the eleventh year of Chongzhen (1638 AD), he accompanied Li Zicheng to break through Tongguanyuan and hide in Shangluo Mountain. Chongzhen helped Li Zicheng break through the mountains of Brazil and the fish belly for thirteen years and enter Henan, and the momentum was greatly enhanced. He served as a general of Quan for sixteen years, and the following year, he was made the Marquis of Ru in Xi'an. The Dashun army under his command entered the city. At noon, Li Zicheng was guided by the Ming eunuch Wang Dehua to enter from the Desheng Gate and enter the inner hall of the palace through the Chengtian Gate. At this time, the Chongzhen Emperor did not expect a branch of Qin Wang's soldiers and horses, and the desperate Chongzhen Emperor took the eunuch Wang Cheng'en and stayed at the eastern foot of Jingshan: "Seventeen years after he ascended the throne, although Bo De was a bandit and the heavens were angry, all the ministers were mistaken, causing the rebels to directly approach the Capital Division. Death, faceless ancestors in the ground, to remove the crown, to cover the face. Let the thief split the corpse, and do not hurt the people alone. After his last words, he hanged himself and the Ming Dynasty collapsed.

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The Chongzhen Emperor hanged himself in Jingshan – the image comes from the Internet

After Li Zicheng led the Dashun army into Beijing, all the towns and towns surrendered their generals, but Wu Sangui, the chief soldier stationed at Shanhaiguan, did not surrender. This caught the attention of Li Zicheng, a tyrant who had been fighting on horseback for half a lifetime, realizing that Wu Sangui, who was stationed at Shanhaiguan, would play a crucial role in the Dashun regime. Li Zicheng knew very well that Wu Sangui was also a young general who had been in the battlefield for a long time and fought in blood and fire, and all he led were elite generals, which was really a fierce enemy of the Dashun army. The Shanhaiguan where he was stationed was seven hundred miles away from Beijing, and it was only one pass away from the Qing soldiers, so it could be said that it was close at hand. Therefore, Wu Sangui could threaten Beijing by advancing; retreating, he could rely on the danger of Shanhaiguan to hold on; and if he fled, he could raise his legs and go to the Qing barracks. If Wu Sangui's two moves were to join forces and walk together, it would put the Dashun army in a situation of utter danger. Occupying Shanhaiguan, Li Zicheng felt that it was inevitable. He sent the Ming generals Tang Tong and Bai Guang'en to lead their troops to attack Luanzhou (滦州, in modern Hebei Province) in the east, under the administration of Tangshan City. ), as the first step in the battle to capture Shanhaiguan. On March 20, Wu Sangui arrived in Fengrun and encountered the generals Bai Guang'en and Tang Tong sent by Li Zicheng to attack Luanzhou, and Wu Sangui defeated the two men and surrendered 8,000 of them. The news of the fall of the capital and the martyrdom of the Chongzhen Emperor soon came. In addition to being shocked, Wu Sangui felt that there was no practical significance in entering the capital "King Qin", so he turned the horse's head and led his troops back to Shanhaiguan. (Ming Ji Beiluo, vols. 20, 368: When the news of the fall of Beijing came, Wu Sangui, after being shocked, felt that the "Qin Wang" in Beijing had no practical significance, so he turned his horse's head and returned to Shishan Customs.) )

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Wu Jun returned to Shishan Customs - the picture comes from the Internet

Wu Sangui's "King of Diligence" ended in vain. At this time, where should he go, Wu Sangui is facing a very difficult choice. He was so anxious and bored that he couldn't believe what was happening. Yesterday, he was also the commander-in-chief of Pingxibo and Ningyuan in the Ming Dynasty. Today, the king is dead, the country is destroyed, and he himself has become a vassal of the country. At this time, what he was most worried about was his home in beijing, and his concubine Chen Yuanyuan who stayed at home, and his parents, sister and other relatives, more than thirty people in the family were still in Beijing, and now his life and death were unknown, and the auspiciousness was uncertain. When Wu Sangui thought of this, he couldn't help but feel dazed and sad. But he did not think of death, he would not go to martyrdom, he was only 33 years old, which is the golden age of life. Moreover, as the commander of the First Army, he also possessed a powerful armed force of 40,000 people, of which 3,000 or 4,000 people and horses were Wu's disciples who could follow him from birth to death, and they were the elite of the elite in the army, known as the "Guanning Iron Horse". With these capitals, Wu Sangui is confident that he will still make a difference. But what do you do now? He was wandering, bitter and unusual. Go to cast clear? Looking back at his consistent tough attitude towards Qing in the past, and his basic ideas of resisting Qing over the years, he temporarily ruled out this idea; did he go to join the Da Shun Army? Who knows if Li Zicheng will be able to become a climate and establish a new generation of dynasties? Besides, he still doesn't know Li Zicheng's attitude towards himself, and this road can't be considered at the moment. Wu Sangui was at the crossroads of the Ming and Qing regimes changing dynasties, and he felt that the situation in front of him was unpredictable, and he could not yet draw an accurate conclusion on who would die. At this moment, what he most desperately wanted to know in his heart was the whereabouts of his concubine Chen Yuanyuan and his family. After fierce ideological struggle and hesitation and reflection, He decided to first remain stationary at Shanhaiguan, not to take any action for the time being, and to wait and see how the situation changed. To find out the whereabouts of his concubine Chen Yuanyuan and his family, and to wait for the situation to be clear and stable before making plans, he felt that this was a relatively safe and comprehensive strategy. But at this time, what worried him the most was his concubine Chen Yuanyuan.

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Li Zicheng sent people to summon Wu Sangui - the picture comes from the Internet

Sure enough, as Wu Sangui expected, Li Zicheng took the initiative to send him a message of appeasement. On March 23, the fifth day of the Dashun army's entry into Beijing, Li Zicheng personally summoned Zhang Ruoqi and others, who had been demoted to the former Ming Dynasty military department, and asked them to come forward to persuade Wu Sangui to surrender. This once played a certain role in promoting Wu Sangui's desire to surrender Li Zicheng. Then, at the end of March, Li Zicheng sent Tang Tong and his troops to Shanhaiguan with 40,000 taels of silver to reward Wu Sangui's troops. He also specially appointed Zuo Maotai, a ming dynasty official, as the left attendant of the military government, and assisted in the defense of Shanhaiguan with Tang Tong. At the same time, he also sent a general to carry a silver ten thousand two, a golden thousand two, and a brocade silk thousand horses to reward Wu Sangui, and another edict to seal Wu Sangui as a waiter. When Wu Sangui received Li Zicheng's edict and reward, he was still hesitating in his heart. (According to Pingkou Zhi, vol. 10, p. 228: Then, at the end of March, Li Zicheng sent Tang Tong to lead his troops, with 40,000 taels of silver, to Shanhaiguan to reward the Liao soldiers.) At the same time, zuo Maotai, a specially demoted official of the Ming Dynasty, was appointed as the left attendant of the military government, and tang tong cooperated in guarding Shanhaiguan, and sent a general to each carry silver ten thousand two, gold thousand two, and brocade thousand ends to reward three gui, and another edict and a letter of edict, and sealed three gui as hou. )

After Li Zicheng's Dashun army occupied the city of Beijing, it marked the overthrow of the Ming Dynasty's rule. However, the victory in the capture of the capital was like a glass of wine, and the generals of the Dashun regime were drunk and dazed. After the "Quan General" Liu Zongmin entered Beijing, he occupied the brother of Tian Qi, the left capital of the Ming Dynasty, and was a man of great voice and extravagance and extravagance.

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Ruhou Liu Zongmin - the picture comes from the Internet

After Li Zicheng also stayed in the Forbidden City, he was flattered by the former Ming Dynasty's demos, and he was so dazed that he could not find the north, and he lacked a clear understanding of the Manchu Qing iron horse that was eyeing the tiger outside the Guanwai and the hidden danger near the elbow; wu Sangui, the chief soldier of Shanhaiguan, who was also an enemy and friend, and wavered, did not attract enough attention and lacked effective countermeasures. The generals of the Da Shun Army occupied the residence of the high-ranking officials "in the huge room of the rich people", and the military discipline was so corrupt that it could not be repeated. Li Zicheng, Liu Zongmin, and their generals were all intoxicated by the temporary victory. (According to the Chronicle of Jiashen: "Soldiers cut through the door and plundered gold and silver slave women, and the people began to suffer.") ”)

After occupying the capital, Li Zicheng sent the "quan general" under his command, Liu Zongmin the Marquis of Ru, to restrain the civilian officials and presided over the torture and plundering of the officials of the former Ming Dynasty. Liu Zongmin was the first fierce general under Li Zicheng's command, and in August of the thirteenth year of Chongzhen (1640 AD), the Ming Dynasty's Four-Way Army besieged Li Zicheng and Liu Zongmin and others in the mountains of Brazil and Yubei in Western Yunxi (belonging to Hubei Province). In order to save the peasant rebel army, Liu Zongmin resolutely killed his wife and concubine and broke through with Li Zicheng. This time, he was ordered to ask for pay, and asked people to make five thousand pairs of clamping sticks, which had edges on them and iron nails connected to them, so that they could not break the bones of the people. Using it to force the officials of the Ming Dynasty to pay money will surely break their hands and feet. Liu Zongmin also felt that the strength was not fierce enough, and ordered people to erect two pillars at the door as ling chi.

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Liu Zongmin chased after the salary - the picture comes from the Internet

Beginning on the 27th, Liu Zongmin began to torture former Ming officials, who raided their homes everywhere, stipulating that the amount of assistance was: "100,000 in the Middle Hall, 70,000 or 530,000 in the Jingtang Jinyi of the Ministry, 530,000 in the Daoke Officials, 321,000 in Hanlin, and 1,000 in the subordinates." "The atmosphere of terror in the city is becoming more and more solemn, and people are afraid." Whoever tortures and clamps a hundred officials, or more than a million family assets, overcrowds twenty or thirty thousand, is slightly dissatisfied with the number, and then performs strict comparisons, clamps and cannons, prepares extremely cruel poison, does not die endlessly, and the daily screams are endless. The remand resulted in the deaths of more than 1,600 people. "A total of 70 million taels of silver were asked, and then tens of thousands of silver cakes were cast and transported to Xi'an by mule truck. (According to the late Ming and early Qing dynasty historian Ji Liuqi's "Ming Ji Beiluo", Liu Zongmin tried a new clamp stick with a person, and clipped the two of them to Tianjie.) He died the next day. The wood has edges and iron nails, all of which are made in Beijing. Zong Min's gate stands two pillars, and there is no false day for the people. )

After the DaShun army entered Beijing, the arrogant and fierce Liu Zongmin occupied Tian Qi's brother, and after he heard about the beautiful woman Chen Yuanyuan, he led people to rush into the palace of Wu Sangui's father Wu Xiang, and was not polite at all, driving all the people of the Wu family out to stand in the courtyard and copying the Wu family to the sky. Liu Zongmin's gaze searched among the old and young wu family, and finally found a beautiful woman in the crowd, this beautiful woman was Wu Sangui's concubine Chen Yuanyuan. The arrogant Liu Zongmin not only severely punished Wu Xiang, but also forcibly took Chen Yuanyuan and took him for himself. (The Chronicle of Luqiao by Wu Weiye in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Xiping Beggar Master" contains: According to the thief Jingshi, Liu Zongmin lived in Hongxing's death, because of his reputation as the capital of erji color and the master of skill, Zong Min then tied Xiang Suoyuan. When Sangui heard about it, he also returned the army to Shanhaiguan, tortured the cattle and allies, and swore to restore the Ming Room. (According to another famous historian and writer in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, yang Wan, who was robbed by Liu Zongmin with Chen Yuanyuan on the same day, said: "The same as Yuan is related to Liu Zongmin, and yuan was carried by ZongMin, and he does not know where he went.") ”)

After demanding Chen Yuanyuan, Liu Zongmin raided Wu Jun's home and tortured him to demand his salary. He also asked him to write a letter to his son Wu Sangui and ask Wu Sangui to surrender, but Wu Jun did not dare not obey, so xiushu praised the holiness of Emperor Dashun Li Zicheng, and also taught Wu Sangui to know the current affairs as Junjie, and advised him to surrender early in order to receive a reward; if there is a slight delay, the life of the whole family will be difficult to protect, and so on. After repairing the book, he sent a domestic slave to send Pegasus to Wu Sangui's army. The demise of the Ming Dynasty forced Wu Sangui to find a new master, and in the time that followed, Wu Sangui acted like a wall-headed grass, speculating among various political forces. I have to admit that in the special historical period at that time, Wu Sangui and the Guanning Iron Horse he held in his hands, if he was loyal, he would exist; if he helped Li, then Li Xing; if he helped Qing, he would win.

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After much thought, Wu Sangui decided to accept the surrender of the Dashun regime – the picture comes from the Internet

When Wu Sangui received his father's letter, after much thought, decided to accept the surrender of the Dashun regime. Wu Sangui made this important decision, first of all for the sake of his personal future, although some of his relatives were surrendered, but his concubine Chen Yuanyuan and his parents and other immediate family members still lived in Beijing and were under the control of the Dashun regime. He was afraid that if he did not surrender to the Dashun regime, the lives of Chen Yuanyuan, his parents and other relatives would be in danger. Second, because he learned that a large number of Ming dynasty civil and military officials were attached to the Dashun regime, and many of them (such as Tang Tong, Bai Guang'en, etc.) had also worked with Wu Sangui in the past wars in Liaodong. Seeing that the Dashun regime is already the result of everyone's expectations, it has the potential to unify the world. Third, Wu Sangui felt that the Dashun regime, like the Ming Dynasty, was a regime with the Han nationality as the mainstay, and Wu Sangui and other Liaodong officials and gentry were more acceptable in their hearts; second, WuBu's Guanning Iron Horse had always been in a state of confrontation with the Qing army, and li Zicheng's Dashun army did not have much resentment, as the historical records said: "With the Qing soldiers killing many times, they do not want to return to their faces, but repair their appearances to return to Li Thief." Moreover, Bai Guangen, Tang Tong, Ma Ke, Jiang Ou, and other generals who had now worked with him in Liaodong were already among the nouveau riche of the Dashun regime. In particular, Tang Tong's military strength was far inferior to his, and he only surrendered to Li Zicheng in March, and he was given the title of DingxiBo. He came forward to persuade Wu Sangui to surrender, and the conditions of "boasting of self-esteem and becoming a lixian and sealing the marquis with father and son" were very attractive to Wu Sangui. For these reasons, Wu Sangui decided to defect to the Dashun regime and entrust the defense of Shanhaiguan to Tang Tong, who was sent by Li Zicheng, to take over.

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The Ming Dynasty descended to Tang Tong - the picture comes from the Internet

On March 22, Wu Sangui posted a notice at Yongping Province (永平府, in present-day Lulong County, Hebei Province) with the words "The town led its troops to see the new lord, and there was no offense in the autumn, and the people should not be alarmed." It was proved that he had indeed led his troops to Beijing and was ready to accept Li Zicheng's appointment. Around March 26, Wu Sangui's army, carrying a white flag, arrived in Luanzhou (now a county-level city directly under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province, under the administration of Tangshan City). At the same time, he met wu jun's family slaves who had come from Beijing to report the news. Wu Sangui asked about the situation at home, and the slave cried back: "The old and young people in the palace have been detained by Li Thief. Wu Sangui interrupted with a smile: "No problem, they will be released when I arrive in Beijing." The slave added, "The old general was tortured and tortured by them for pay." Wu Sangui frowned and said, "When I go to Beijing and hand over the surrender form, they will definitely return the property of wu province." The slave was still waiting to say anything more, and Wu Sangui interrupted impatiently: "Little long-winded, I only ask you if Lady Chen is okay?" The slave said, "A thief named Liu Zongmin has already plundered Lady Chen." When Wu Sangui heard this, he was furious, and when he boarded, his eyes widened, and he grabbed the slave's chest with his sharp hand and yelled, "Is this true?" You say it again, dare to talk nonsense, Lao Tzu stabbed you. The slave cried, "Major General, the slave does not dare to talk nonsense." Lady Chen did let Liu Thief plunder. Wu Sangui roared, threw the slave on the ground, drew his sword and slashed it on the rocks beside the road, and shouted: "The eldest husband was born in the world, and even his beloved woman cannot protect him.

Wu Sangui was forced by the situation to ensure the safety of his concubine Chen Yuanyuan and his parents, and had to accept Li Zicheng's surrender, and now that his concubine Chen Yuanyuan was forcibly occupied and his parents were suffering, Wu Sangui's belief in reluctantly surrendering was shattered. Thinking of the hatred of the country and the family, he couldn't help but burn with anger, and he could no longer suppress his extreme hatred for the Da Shun army, and he said to his subordinates: "I am disloyal, filial piety, and injustice, and what face still stands in the heavens and the earth!" "When he had finished, he wanted to raise his sword and kill himself." The generals hurriedly hugged him and dissuaded him, saying, "Why should the general be like this?" We should fight to the death for the generals! Wu Sangui swore to "please the thief" and would not be at odds with the Da Shun Army! Concerned about the lives of Wu Xiang and his wife, he said to the slave, "You should go back quickly and find a way to know the old general, saying that loyalty and filial piety cannot be both." I Wu Sangui, who received the favor of the former emperor, today's country is broken and the family is dead, only know that once I die to repay the country, I am not at odds with the oath of rebellion, and I really can't take care of his old man's home. Please also ask the old man to find convenience early, and do not call the insult of the thief. After saying this, he ordered to return to Shanhaiguan, and the slave saw that the situation was not good, and knew the temper of the major general, so he did not dare to stay, and immediately returned to Beijing and reported the details to Wu Xiang.

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Wu Sangui launched a surprise attack on Tang Tongbu – the picture comes from the Internet

After his concubine Chen Yuanyuan was plundered, Wu Sangui returned to Shanhaiguan with full anger and launched a surprise attack on Tang Tongbu. Tang Tong did not expect that Wu Sangui would change his mind in the middle of the way, and had no defenses but to rush to the battle, and after only a few moments of fighting, Tang Tong was killed and turned upside down, leaving only eight horses to flee back to Beijing, Shanhaiguan was once again occupied by Wu Sangui, and Wu Sangui was determined to recruit Li Zicheng.

After a brief surrender, Wu Sangui quickly turned to rebellion, which was a major turn in his life path, and there were many reasons that prompted him to surrender and re-rebel. However, there is no doubt that Chen Yuanyuan's forcible occupation is an important factor that cannot be ignored. When Wu Sangui was at the crossroads of choosing the path of life, his feelings were both complicated and turbulent. Psychologically, emotionally, and in personality, all of them affect the choices he makes. When he surrendered to Li Zicheng unexpectedly, he suddenly learned that his concubine Chen Yuanyuan had been robbed and occupied by Liu Zongmin, and he could not but be violently stimulated emotionally, and as the commander of the First Army, he deeply felt greatly humiliated. He went from emotional trauma to anger, and anger turned into revenge. As he said, "The great husband cannot protect a woman in the world, but what face stands in the world!" "That's his true psychological portrayal. As a result, Wu Sangui's political attitude changed suddenly in an instant. It can be said that Chen Yuanyuan's plundering and forcible occupation played a great role in catalyzing and provoking anger in his feelings.

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The tomb of the poet Wu Meicun in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties - the picture comes from the Internet

Late Ming and early Qing dynasty poet Wu Weiye (21 June 1609 – 23 January 1672), courtesy name Jungong and Meicun, was a native of Taicang, Jiangsu. In the "Yuanyuan Qu", it is said that Wu Sangui "rushed to the crown and became angry and red-faced", which is a satire on him for the sake of a woman. However, this sentence shows that the fact that Chen Yuanyuan was robbed and forcibly occupied had a huge emotional stimulation for Wu Sangui. Needless to say, Liu Zongmin's robbery and possession of Chen Yuanyuan could only arouse Wu Sangui's hatred for the Dashun regime, and once the hatred arose, it would no longer be able to bridge the rift between him and the Dashun regime. In order to possess Chen Yuanyuan, Liu Zongmin did not hesitate to torture Wu Xiang, completely disregarding Wu Sangui's importance to the Dashun regime, which was a typical self-destruction. Chen Yuanyuan and Wu Sangui can be said to have a clear understanding of the importance of the Dashun regime. Liu Zongmin's possession of Yuanyuan cannot be said to be just a woman's problem, but on the contrary, it is a major policy and tactical issue of principle of the Dashun regime. Li Zicheng and Liu Zongmin made small mistakes on major issues of principle in policy and tactics, and eventually pushed Wu Sangui to the side of the Qing Dynasty, resulting in the rapid defeat and collapse of the Dashun regime.

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Wu Sangui and his Guanning Iron Horse - the picture comes from the Internet

Liu Zongmin's forcible occupation of Chen Yuanyuan shows that Chen Yuanyuan, a poor and chaotic red-faced and weak woman, was coerced by fate during the special era of great chaos in the world at the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, and that among the Chongzhen Emperor, Wu Sangui, Li Zicheng, and Liu Zongmin, the emperors, tyrants, and gangsters who influenced Chinese history, they helplessly tossed and turned, indirectly influencing the direction of China's history, and their bumpy fate was also lamentable.

Wu Sangui's act of surrendering and rebelling was a serious consequence of Liu Zongmin's (or Li Zicheng's) plundering and forcibly occupying Chen Yuanyuan. And this evil result quickly and directly led to the tragic end of Li Zicheng's failure. When Li Zicheng received that Tang Tong had been attacked by Wu Sangui and his own envoys had been killed, he couldn't help but be furious, and just as he was about to attack, there was a report from the military government that Wu Sangui had led his troops to invade, and had already set out from Shanhaiguan, and the momentum was very huge, please decide and so on. Li Zicheng immediately ordered a military conference to be held at WuyingDian to send the general Liu Zongmin to shanhaiguan to suppress the rebellion. But Liu Zongmin was used to enjoying himself in the capital and did not want to go to Shanhaiguan to charge the front, so he actually confronted Li Zicheng in public and said: "Everyone is a thief, why do you enjoy it in the capital, let me go to the front line to sell my life?" Li Zicheng had no choice but to lead the team himself. Liu Zongmin saw that it was not good to push back, so he had to follow Li Zicheng to attack Wu Sangui. (According to pages 100 and 6065 of the Guoyu, Li Zicheng was shocked to hear that his envoys had been executed by Sangui, and became furious, and on April 9, he received a letter from Sangui's father, and immediately "lost his senses of trepidation.") )

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Li Zicheng and Liu Zongmin led the Dashun army to attack Wu Sangui - the picture comes from the Internet

On April 13, just after dawn, Li Zicheng officially dispatched a division with a total of 60,000 horse infantry, plus the remaining 23,000 troops of Tang Tong and Bai Guang'en sent to Shanhaiguan, which was nearly 100,000. Li Zicheng personally led 7,000 elite troops, surrounded by the general Liu Zongmin and a number of other generals, first out of the East Chang'an Gate, and then through the Zhengyang Gate, Niu Jinxing, Song Xiance and other officials who remained in the Beijing Division were sent to Jinshui Bridge. When the people of Beijing heard the news, most of them ran to the east and west Chang'an Avenue to watch the liveliness. Behind Li Zicheng and them were the three sons of the Chongzhen Emperor: the crown princes Zhu Cixiu, Yong Wang, and Ding Wang, and Wu Sangui's father, Wu Xiang, who each rode a horse and then went on. There are also Wu Chen clan, Wu clan, Wu clan, Wu Li clan, and harem concubines are all subordinate. The Wu Chen clan is Chen Yuanyuan, and the two Wu clans are both wu Sangui's sisters, and they also followed. Li Zicheng took them to Shanhaiguan in order to let Wu Sangui see with his own eyes that Chen Yuanyuan and his father Wu Xiang were still firmly in his hands, and if Wu Sangui remembered the love of father and son and husband and wife, it would not be too late to surrender. At the same time, he also hinted to Wu Sangui that if he still knew it, the Da Shun army would execute his relatives at any time.

Li Zicheng led the Dashun army through Tongzhou, to Miyun, and to Yongping, and marched towards Shanhaiguan. A great decisive battle concerning the fate of Li, Wu, and Qing is getting closer and closer. Faced with the Dashun army several times larger than himself, Wu Sangui repeatedly asked the Manchu Qing for help, and the Qing commander Dolgun did not believe Wu Sangui. After several and three requests for help, Dolgun inquired in many ways, knew the truth of Wu Sangui's request for help, and agreed to help Wu Sangui after careful consideration.

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Fierce Battle at Shanhaiguan - The picture comes from the Internet

(According to the Ming Shi Liukou, "In the beginning, Sangui was ordered to enter Shanhaiguan, and the beijing division fell and hesitated to advance.") Zicheng robbed his father Xiang, wrote a book to recruit, Sangui wanted to surrender, to Luanzhou, Wen Aiji Chen Yuan was plundered by Liu Zongmin, indignant, rushed back to the mountains and seas, attacked the thieves. Angered by himself, his relatives thief more than 100,000 people, wu xiang yu jun, attacked Shanhaiguan in the east, and did not cross the border from a piece of stone. Sangui was afraid and begged to surrender to me. )

On April 22, the Dashun army stormed Shanhaiguan, and after several fierce battles, the Wu army gradually felt helpless, at which time a Wu army defending the northern wing surrendered to the Dashun army. Wu Sangui led people to the Qing camp to urgently ask for help, and Dolgun watched the battle on the Weiyuan Platform in HuanxiLing, so he ordered the Qing army to enter the pass from the South Water Gate, the North Water Gate, and the Guanzhong Gate. The Dashun army was unable to capture Shanhaiguan for a day and night, so it threw all its troops from Jiaoshan to the Bohai Sea, changed to field warfare, and formed a long snake array in a decisive battle. Dorgon, who had been fighting for many years, took Wu Sangui's troops as the right wing to meet the battle, and lined up the heavy troops in the weak place at the end of the Dashun army on the Bohai coast, looking for opportunities to attack, and strictly ordered all the troops not to advance lightly. The Da Shun army still did not have the intention of the Ming army, and still pressed against Wu Sangui's troops according to the original plan, repeatedly charging and killing the Wu army back and forth. Wu Sangui was eager to take revenge and personally went out on the horse, seeing that the Dashun army was extremely red-eyed, and at this moment, with the Qing soldiers as a backup, he was brave and multiplied, and he clamored for the whole army to attack and kill the enemy bravely. Wu Guogui, the general of the Wu army, raised his sword and prancing horse, fell into the battle first, and fought hard in the battle, and the soldiers who were inspired by Wu Sangui and him were all fighting with the DaShun army with one hundred.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

Blood Battle Mountains and Seas - The picture comes from the Internet

At this moment, the strong winds suddenly rose, the dust covered the sky, such extreme weather, not conducive to the Dashun army, which was not familiar with the geographical environment of Shanhaiguan, they and the Wu army began to flesh, the Dashun army disregarded casualties, surrounded the Wu legion and fought hard, and the bloody battle was until noon, both sides were exhausted and suffered heavy casualties. Seeing this, Dorgon ordered Azig and Dordor to lead 20,000 elite horses, ride the wind, wave the white flag, and face the Dashun army. At this moment, the wind gradually stopped, ten thousand horses galloped, flying arrows like locusts, after a long bloody battle, the Already exhausted Dashun Army suddenly saw the Qing army suddenly arriving, caught off guard, and the position gradually became chaotic. And the Iron Horse of the Qing Army is waiting for work, charging bravely with exuberant vigor, and its momentum is like "the wind and the tide", and the iron horse is invincible. After Wu Sangui's army received reinforcements from the Qing army, it was immediately invigorated and launched a joint operation with the Qing army, and the situation on the battlefield quickly changed. At the beginning of the bloody battle (after 15:00), the Dashun army was defeated, Liu Zongmin was wounded by an arrow and fell on his horse, and the Dashun army died tens of thousands of people, including fifteen of the marshals, the vanguard General Mo Bu was seriously injured, and the Wu army was also seriously wounded. The outcome of this bloody war changed the fate of the Qing Dynasty, Wu Sangui, and Li Zicheng, and the course of China's history changed with it. A great decisive battle indirectly caused by Chen Yuanyuan and related to the fate of all parties, the Battle of Shanhaiguan, ended tragically.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

The Great Shun Army was defeated – the picture comes from the Internet

In order to avenge Chen Yuanyuan's plunder and forcible occupation, Wu Sangui, for his own selfish interests, at the critical moment when the Qing army gathered and pressed for Shanhaiguan step by step, xianguan surrendered and then fought jointly with the Qing army, defeating Li Zicheng in a battle. After the defeat at Shanhaiguan, Li Zicheng led the remnants to flee to Yongping overnight and set up camp to rest their horses. On the same day, Wu Sangui led his troops to pursue Yongping. At this time, although the Dashun army had gathered tens of thousands of troops, after the disastrous defeat, morale was low, and after the battle with the Wu army was defeated, Li Zicheng was forced to pull up his camp and continue to retreat to Beijing. When the Dashun army marched to Fanjiazhuang, twenty miles west of Yongping City, Li Zicheng could no longer tolerate anger at Wu Sangui's betrayal, and after ordering Wu Xiang to be beheaded, he used a bamboo pole to pick his head and show it to the public. In order to abandon Wu Sangui's pursuit, Li Zicheng fled to Beijing without stopping, day and night.

The Da Shun army entered the city of Beijing from the height of its eyebrows, believing that the world was within reach, and was about to withdraw after the defeat of shanhaiguan, which was only a short month or so. The situation changed like a dream, and the consequences were so frustrating to the Dashun regime. Li Zicheng believed that all this was caused by Wu Sangui's seduction of the Qing army. He already hated Wu Sangui to the extreme, and he wanted to make Wu Sangui's rebellion pay a painful price in blood. On April 27, he executed All 34 members of Wu Sangui's stepmother, zushi, brother, sister, and his clan, and the body was left in Ertiao Hutong of the palace. Wu Sangui's wife Zhang Shi and eldest son Wu Yingxiong escaped death because they lived outside Guanwai. (According to pages 101 and 6079 of the Guoyu, the former Wu family was destroyed, and only Sangui and one of his older brothers, Wu Sanfeng, survived.) )

April 29 was Li Zicheng's last day in Beijing and the fortieth day of the Dashun army's entry into the city. The vanguard of the Wu and Qing armies had approached the outskirts of Beijing, but Li Zicheng ignored it and resolutely held an enthronement ceremony at the Wuying Hall, posthumously honoring the seventh generation of ancestral concubines as empresses, and the ceremony was performed by Niu Jinxing, a scholar of Tianyouge University. Due to the tight schedule, the enthronement ceremony was hastily concluded, and the retreat began immediately. Liu Zongmin held Chen Yuanyuan hostage and began to flee westward.

Li Zicheng and his Dashun regime came and went in a hurry, like a historical passerby. As the new master of Beijing, he only lived for a short period of forty-one days, and only became emperor for two days, and then he left forever with lifelong regrets. And this short forty-one days will forever go down in history! After Li Zicheng withdrew from Beijing, he led his army back to Xi'an and later into Huguang. On May 17, the second year of Qing Shunzhi (1645 AD), Li Zicheng was killed by the local militia at the age of 39 when he led more than 20 light horsemen to climb the mountain to reconnoiter the terrain at Jiugong Mountain in Tongcheng County, Hubei Province. In September of the second year of Qing Shunzhi (1645), Liu Zongmin encountered the Qing army while retreating through TongXian (which belonged to Hubei Province), unfortunately wounded in battle, was captured by the Qing army and refused to surrender to qing, and was strangled by the Qing army with a bowstring, at the age of 38.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

"The Great Shun Dynasty" 109. The Qing general Azig ordered the captured Liu Zongmin to be strangled with a bowstring and Song Xiance taken back to Yanjing — the picture comes from the Internet

Wu Sangui led his vanguard to the outskirts of Beijing, but Dorgon ordered him not to enter the city and ordered him to pursue the Dashun army. Dorgon was inconvenient to obviously oppose Wu Sangui's entry into the city, so he used the excuse that Dashun's army was strong and urgently needed to pursue him and took him away. On May 2, Dorgon himself, on the other hand, calmly entered the city with his troops and firmly controlled Beijing in his own hands. Because, the resourceful Dorgon saw very clearly that whoever entered Beijing first would have the advantage. If Wu Sangui entered the capital first and became the new master of Beijing, then even if the Qing soldiers entered the city later, they would be in the position of "guest soldiers", and without taking the initiative, it would be difficult for Dorgon to achieve the political goals he had set long ago.

From this day on, Chinese history entered a new era marked by the Great Qing Dynasty. On August 20, the Shunzhi Emperor Fulin set out from Shenyang and officially moved the capital to Beijing. On September 19, the first year of Shunzhi (1644 AD), the Shunzhi Emperor Fu Lin entered the city of Beijing and ascended to the Golden Ruan Hall, becoming the first emperor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

In Wu Sangui's heart, he was always thinking about Chen Yuanyuan, thinking that if he entered the city of Beijing, he could inquire and find the whereabouts of Chen Yuanyuan. But now he was looking at the city of Beijing but could not enter, and his heart was not troubled. As soon as she thought of Chen Yuanyuan, her image of a beautiful person who had fallen into the country and the city appeared in front of her, and Wu Sangui's heart to enter the city was even more urgent. But thinking of Dorgon's soft and tough orders, he understood that the king's order could not be violated, and although there were a hundred reluctances in his heart, he had to obey it. Therefore, on the one hand, he sent a few close associates into Beijing to investigate and search for Chen Yuanyuan for her; on the other hand, he did not hesitate to pursue the Da Shun army, and he estimated that Li Zicheng and Liu Zongmin might also hold Chen Yuanyuan hostage and flee, and he would want to catch up with them to rescue Chen Yuanyuan, put them to death and then hurry. Wu Sanguiqiang suppressed the hidden pain in his heart, and on May 1, he quickly crossed the Lugou River and galloped west to pursue the Dashun army. (The Qing Dynasty liu jian's "Records of the Court", vol. 1, reads: And the three Gui soldiers went to the Yu river, and the rui king chased after the thieves; please enter the capital, not allowed.) It was in the Middle Dao that he ordered people to ask Chen Yuan, and since the Lugou Bridge had chased the thieves to the west. )

On the afternoon of May 3, Wu Sangui pursued to Qingshuipu, ten miles north of Dingzhou (定州, in present-day Dingzhou, Hebei Province), and the vanguard troops had already seen the Dashun army in the distance rushing ahead. At this moment, Gu Dacheng, the general under Li Zicheng who was in charge of the break, also found the dust flying behind him, and gradually heard the sound of horses' hooves knocking on the earth, and after a while, he saw the traces of cavalry galloping. Gu Dacheng knew that the Pursuing Troops of the Wu Army had arrived, and in order to cover the transfer of the large troops, he turned his horse's head and ordered his troops to stop advancing and line up to meet the pursuing troops. Soon Wu Sangui arrived with his troops and immediately launched an attack on the Dashun army. After running for days and nights, the Dashun army returned to its heart like an arrow, and its morale was very low. As soon as the two armies began to engage, the Dashun army began to retreat, and Gu Dacheng shouted loudly, brandishing several people who were retreating from the front, but still did not stop the defeat and retreat of his subordinates.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

Wu Sangui then took the horse dance knife directly to Gu Dacheng - the picture comes from the Internet

Wu Sangui saw the flaws in the Dashun army, so he took Gu Dacheng directly with a horse dance knife, and the two sides fought for only three rounds, Wu Sangui roared, and swung his sword to split Gu Dacheng under the horse, and the Dashun army saw that the lord would be killed, turned around and ran, trampled on each other, and the position was suddenly chaotic. At this time, Li Zicheng's troops led Zuo Guangxian to rescue him, Wu Sangui's Prancing Horse Dancing Knife rushed to Zuo Guangxian, Wu Sangui's sword was heavy, and the battle was only a few rounds, Zuo Guang was defeated first, and was knocked off the horse by Wu Sangui's knife, spitting blood and breaking his feet. The guards surrounded and desperately resisted Wu Sangui, and the soldiers lifted Zuo Guang up first, hurriedly withdrew from the battlefield and joined the rest of the crowd, and fled to the northwest. In this battle, the Dashun army killed thousands of people. Wubu recaptured more than 2,000 women who had been plundered, and seized 720 pieces of silver and gold bricks, as well as countless mules, horses, and equipment. The combined forces of Wu and Qing pursued and killed for fourteen or fifteen miles before they returned to Dingzhou and stationed themselves. Wu Sangui, in a joyful mood, reported victory to the regent Dorgon.

At this time, Chen Yuanyuan returned to Wu Sangui's side from the chaos, and after some hardships of life and death, the two lovers were finally reunited. It turned out that after the Dashun army was closely pursued and killed by the Combined Forces of Wu and Qing, and was defeated, Chen Yuanyuan was also abandoned on the road along with other women in the chaos of the army. When Chen Yuanyuan knew that the pursuing soldiers were Wu Sangui's troops, he declared his name and was taken to Wu Sangui's side by the soldiers, and the two finally reunited on the battlefield, embracing and crying, and the joy of embracing each other could not be described in words.

Wu Weiye, a poet of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, in his "Yuanyuan Qu", vividly described the scene when Wu Sangui and Chen Yuanyuan were reunited:

If it were not for the victory of the whole division of the heroes,

   Fight for the moth eyebrow horse also?

   Moth eyebrow horse call in,

   Yun Que was not in a state of shock.

   The wax torch ushered in the battlefield,

   The makeup is covered with red marks.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

Chen Yuanyuan, who has experienced the wind and dust of war and chaos - the picture comes from the Internet

These few short poems describe the image of a woman who has experienced the storm of war and the joy of the rest of her life. Although the verses are artistically processed, they truly and vividly reproduce the moving scene when Wu Sangui and Chen Yuanyuan were reunited for a long time. When Wu Sangui learned of her return, he couldn't wait to see her. Her fright, combined with the upheavals and displacements on her way out, left her hair disheveled. She was terrified and her heart was palpitating. When Wu Sangui saw her, it was not long after the battle, under the illumination of dazzling candles and torches, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help but shed tears of joy, leaving faint red marks on her beautiful face.

Chen Yuanyuan, although not as heroic as Liang Hongyu, she dumped Wu Sangui, Liu Zongmin, the Dashun Dynasty, and countless men in the future with her beauty. Even if Li Zicheng's Dashun army was defeated by the Manchu Qing, if Wu Sangui did not surrender to Dolgun, the Manchus would be at least a few decades late. It can be said that Chen Yuanyuan has changed history by influencing others with her personal charm. After Wu Sangui surrendered to Qing, he took Chen Yuanyuan all the way to attack the city strategically, Ping Li Chuang, Ding Yunnan, and Driving Yongli, which was quite meritorious. Later, he invaded Burma, captured the Yongli Emperor of the Southern Ming Dynasty and executed him, and made many meritorious contributions to the unification of China by the Qing court, and was made a prince of the Qing Dynasty to guard Yunnan, and was called "San Fan" with Geng Jingzhong, the king of Jingnan in Fujian, and Shang Kexi, the king of Pingnan in Guangdong.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

Wu Sangui, king of Pingxi, Geng Jingzhong, king of Jingnan, and ShangKexi, king of Pingnan — the picture comes from the Internet

After Wu Sanguizuo's town of Yunnan, he once wanted to make Chen Yuanyuan a princess, but this clever woman knew that since Wu Sangui surrendered to Dolgun to lure the Qing army into the customs, his actions had left a name for thousands of years, and all this guilt would be imposed on her. Although she has received a thousand kinds of care and pampering from Wu Sangui, she also knows that these will eventually be flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water, because she understands that the man she loves deeply is not an idle person, he will definitely set off a bigger storm, and her fate is destined not to be alone. She was just a weak woman with red faces, and since she could not persuade Wu Sangui, she knew very well what her fate would be. Therefore, she later refused the glory and wealth that Wu Sangui gave her, and lived in the garden of lotus pond (An Fu Garden) to worship the Buddha. At this point, a generation of red-faced fireworks dissipated and fell silent. (The "Essays of Tianxiangge" contains his "cloth and vegetables, and the worship of the Buddha to live this life").

As she expected, Wu Sangui, a man who can be called a "generation of tyrants", did indeed do something earth-shattering later: growing hair, opposing the Qing, and claiming the title of emperor! In July of the twelfth year of the Qing Dynasty (1673 AD), Wu Sangui pretended to ask for the withdrawal of the domain, and the Kangxi Emperor agreed and ordered the withdrawal of the domain. In the early morning of November 21 of the same year, Wu Sangui summoned the general soldiers of the four towns and ten battalions to the palace to discuss the matter. Wu Sangui, dressed in military uniforms, sat on the palace and officially announced his break with the Qing court, calling himself the "Great Marshal of the Water and Land under the President of the World" and the Great General of Xingming, and rebelled against the Qing Dynasty and restored the Ming Dynasty. On the first day of March in the seventeenth year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty (1678 AD), Wu Sangui ascended the throne in Hengzhou, Hunan Province, with the state name of Great Zhou, the capital of Hengyang, and the Jianyuan Zhaowu. Late on the night of August 18, Wu Sangui, who had only been emperor for more than five months, died at the imperial palace in the capital city of Hengzhou (present-day Hengyang, Hunan Province) at the age of sixty-seven, and his grandson Wu Shipan took the throne. On September 16, 2000 of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty, the Qing army approached the city of Kunming. On October 28, the desperate Honghua Emperor Wu Shipan killed himself. On October 29, the Qing army invaded the city of Kunming, slaughtering Wu Sangui's entire family, old and young, and destroying Wu Zhou's small court.

Chen Yuanyuan, who was practicing in the temple, could not help but shed tears after learning the news. Although this infatuated woman did not accompany Wu Sangui, in her heart she missed and worried about him all the time, and from the day they met, fate had bound them closely together and could no longer be separated. Leaving Wu Sangui was really unavoidable, and in the days after leaving him, it was the bits and pieces of their love for decades that supported Chen Yuanyuan through one sleepless night after another.

After Chen Yuanyuan dried her tears, she sorted out her clothes and makeup, and came to the lotus pond silently, she thought about the man who had loved her all her life, she had loved her all her life, and now she had returned to heaven, she called his name thousands of times in her heart, and jumped into the lotus pond to die. After a circle of ripples on the surface of the water, it returned to calm, and a generation of red faces disappeared. All the prosperity is just a dream of red dust, and I hope that they can continue to the frontier in another world.

Regarding Chen Yuanyuan's death, there have always been many opinions, some saying that she died in the monastery where she practiced; some saying that she hanged herself when the city of Kunming was broken; some saying that she did not die at all when the city of Kunming was broken, but took Wu Sangui's descendants to live in seclusion in the mountains, and her descendants have continued to this day. I am sure that people would rather believe that she died for love, and that a wisp of incense had followed her lover, so that it was more in line with her legendary life.

The love affair between a pornographic woman and a troubled tyrant in a special era changed history

Statue of Wu Sangui and Chen Yuanyuan - the picture comes from the Internet

References: "Ming Shi Chronicle at the End of the Book", "Guo Yu", "Ming Shi Liu Kou", "Jiashen Three Hundred Years Festival", "Ming Ji Beiluo", "Liu Kou Zhi", "Jia Shen Chronicle", "Tianxiangge Essay", "Wujin Yinhu County Chronicle", "Ping Kou Zhi", "TingWen Record", "Yuanyuan Zhuan", "Yuanyuanqu", "Yishuiyuan Anthology", "Records of the Ancestors of the Qing Dynasty"

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