
Chinese Surname Totem and Birthplace Encyclopedia, See Where Your Surname Originated (27)

author:Obscure film and television

Chinese Surname Totem and Birthplace Encyclopedia, See Where Your Surname Originated (27)

Exploring the Origins of Chinese Surnames: Who are you a descendant of an ancient sage? Come and Find your ancestors (XXVII)

(Volume 27)

Introduction to this section: This section updates the last name

Kuang Guo Wen Kou Que

Chinese Surname Totem and Birthplace Encyclopedia, See Where Your Surname Originated (27)

Kuang's totem interpretation

【Interpretation】 Kuang, the original meaning is the round utensils for serving rice, that is, "筥". In ancient times, it was originally a "basket" character with a bamboo character. Kuang, by extension, has the meaning of helping, rectifying, and saving.

Ancestor of the surname: Jushu (Lu Guo dafu's courtier)

Ancestral land: Changyuan, Henan

Gunwangtang No.: Jinyang, Chisel Wall Hall, Anle Hall

Current ranking/population: 261st/ about 320,000

Song version of the hundred family names in order: 353rd place


Kuang surname, mainly originated in the ancient period there was an ancient Kuang state, the original site at the foot of Kuang Mountain, the Han Dynasty called Guangji, that is, the area of Wuxue City in the Huanggang area of Hubei Province. Later, from the Spring and Autumn Period, the Lu State Grand Master Shi Xiaoquan's family of courtiers, Itsu, belonged to the clan with the name of Fengyi. His descendants are the Han Dynasty Minister Kuang Heng.

1. Originating from the ancient Kuang Kingdom, it belongs to the clan named after the country. King Wodin of the Shang Dynasty enfeoffed his son Yang to a tribe called Kuang Guo (kuangguo) (present-day Dabie Shanxi, eastern Hubei Province) and established the hou state as the marquis of Kuang.

In ancient times, there was an ancient Kuang state, the original site was at the foot of Kuang Mountain, called Guangji during the Han Dynasty, that is, the area around Wuxue City in the Huanggang area of present-day Hubei Province.

When King Wu of Zhou destroyed the Shang, the ancient Kuang kingdom was also destroyed, so the seven Kuang brothers, descendants of the Kuang Marquis, moved to Lushan (present-day Lushan Mountain, Jiujiang, Jiangxi) and settled in Lulu. Among the descendants of the seven Kuang brothers, most of them take the name of their homeland as their surname, called Kuang, which has been passed down from generation to generation, and is the Kuang clan of Lushan, and it is also the earliest Kuang clan member in historical records. In the Dabie Mountain area, most of Jiangxi, central and eastern Hubei, southern Henan, south-central Anhui, southern Jiangsu, most of Hunan, eastern Sichuan, many Kuang families and names with Kuang characters, such as Kuangzhai, Kuangjiazhuang, Kuangyingzi, Kuanghe Township, etc., but most of the folk are nianpiang, and in modern times, the Kuang clan is correctly pronounced as kuāng.

2. From the Spring and Autumn Period, the Lu State Grand Master Shi Xiaoquan's family of subjects, belongs to the clan with the name of Fengyi.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Shi Xiaoquan, the Grand Master of the State of Lu, had a courtier named Jushu, who later served as Kuangyi Zai (匡邑宰, in modern Changyuan, Xinxiang, Henan, in modern Kuocheng, Shandong), the supreme administrator of Kuangyi, known in history as Kuangjusu. The grandson who reached Jurchen took the surname of his grandfather's official place and called him Kuangshi. In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Kuang clan changed the Kuang clan to the main clan in order to avoid the name of Zhao Kuangyin, the grandfather of the Song Dynasty. During the reign of the Song Dynasty, Emperor Huizong of Song thought that there was a "Lord" clan among the common people, which was very inappropriate, so he ordered all the main clans to be changed to the Kang clan, which was for the Hunan Maoheng Kang clan.

After the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, some Kang clan people reverted to their ancestral surnames, which are still Kuang clans, which have been passed down from generation to generation. The source of this branch of the Kuang clan is recorded in the "Genealogy of the Ten Xiu Clans of the Kang Clan of Heng Heng" in Hengshan, Hunan. Most of the people of the Present-day Kuang clan revere Kuangju as the ancestor of the surname. His descendants are the Han Dynasty Minister Kuang Heng.

3. Derived from the place name, from the early Spring and Autumn Period Zhengguo Kuangyi, belonging to the name of Juyi as a clan.

In the early Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Zheng had a land called Kuangyi, which was fugou County in present-day Zhoukou City, Henan Province, and among the local residents at that time, there were many people with the name of Juyi as their surname, called Kuangshi, which has been passed down from generation to generation and is for the Kuang clan of Henan. The branch Kuang clan is correctly pronounced kuāng.

4. Derived from the place name, from the Spring and Autumn Period of the Wei State Kuangyi, belongs to the name of Juyi as a clan.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Wei also had Kuangyi (睢县西, Henan Province), and the local residents mostly took the name of Yi "Kuang" as their surname, also known as Kuang. In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, in order to avoid the secret of Taizu Zhao Kuangyin, the surname of Kuang was changed to the main surname. During the Political And Political Period, the imperial court considered that the main surname of the people was greatly inappropriate, so it was changed to the surname of Kang. After the Northern Song Dynasty, some Kang surnames reverted to their ancestral surnames and remained Kuang.

5. Originating from the official position, from the Shang and Zhou period officials Wu Kuang, it belongs to the clan with the official title.

Wu Kuang, also known as Wu Kuang (巫㑌) and Wu Jia (巫尩), was a witch doctor during the Shang and Zhou dynasties who specialized in the treatment of difficult and complicated diseases. Among the descendants of Wu Kuang, Wu Que and Wu Yue, there are those who take the title of the ancestor official or the title of the profession as a surname, called Wu Kuang, Wu, Wu, and the later provincial text is simplified to a single surname of Kuang, 㑌, 尩, Wu, etc., which have been passed down from generation to generation. The branch kuang clan is correctly pronounced wāng.

6. Originating from the official position, from the official Kuangren in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, it belongs to the clan with the official title.

Kuangren (匡人) was an official position personally set up by King Wu of Zhou in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, who was in charge of the "Princes of Yifa Kuangzheng" and was under the jurisdiction of the Xia Guanfu Division. Under the Kuang people, there were sergeant Si Kuang, Si Kuang Zhengshi, And Corporal Si Kuang.

Among the descendants of Kuangren, Sergeant Sikuang, Si Kuang Zhengshi, And Corporal Si Kuang, there are those who take the title of ancestor official as a surname, called Kuang Ren Clan and Si Kuang Clan, and then there are provincial simplified to a single surname Kuang Clan, which has been passed down from generation to generation and is one of the very old surnames.

The branch Kuang clan is correctly pronounced kuāng.

7. Originating from the official position, from the Western Zhou Dynasty official Tuoren, belongs to the official title as a clan.

卝人, also known as 丱人,眻人, was a special industry official name set up during the Western Zhou Dynasty, who was in charge of mining affairs full-time, and later generations simply called him "miner", which was under the jurisdiction of the Prefectural Government Department. In fact, the position of the three people existed during the Yin Shang period, which was called "Si Zheng" at that time, and was renamed "Three People" according to its functions in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and was renamed "Miner" in the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period. Among the descendants of the Porphyry people, there are those who take the title of the ancestor official as a surname, called the Porren clan, the Kouren clan, the miner clan, and the later provincial Wenjian changed to the single surname 卝氏, 丱氏, 眻氏, mining clan, etc., and then there are those who take the harmonic Chinese character as Kuang clan, which has been passed down from generation to generation and is one of the very ancient surnames. The Kuang clan was first pronounced kuàng.

8. Originating from the Manchus, it belongs to the Sinicization and changes the surname to a surname. According to the historical book "Qing Dynasty Tongzhi Clan Luo Manchuria Eight Banners Surname":

The Manchu Tara clan, Manchu for Tara Hala, Han Yi "wilderness", Shiju Neyin (present-day Fusong Songhua River upper reaches of Jilin Basin).

Later, the Xibe people cited as surnames.

The number of people in the Tara clan is huge, and the later multi-crowned Han surnames are Kuang, Bai, Tang, etc., which are now distributed throughout the country.

Manchu and Xibe Kuang clans, pronounced kuāng.

Chinese Surname Totem and Birthplace Encyclopedia, See Where Your Surname Originated (27)

Guoshi totem interpretation

【Interpretation】 Guo, "Bangye". The state is called the country, and the boundary of the frontier is called the domain. The original meaning of the country is to be the capital.

Ancestor of the surname: Qi Qingguo's clan of the father, the Binmei people

Ancestral place: Zibo, Shandong

Gunwangtang No.: Xia Pi; Gong Jian Tang

Today's ranking/population: 287th/about 250,000

Song version of the hundred family names in order: 354th

The national surname is mainly derived from: Jiang surname, Ji surname, And Yu surname.

【Origin】Guo surname, one of the Chinese surnames. In modern times it is an extremely rare surname

1. It comes from the surname Ji and takes the ancestral character as the surname. The "Yuan He Surname Compilation" records that in the Spring and Autumn Period, Gongzi Fa, the son of Zheng Mugong, the monarch of the Zheng State, was a ziguo. The son of the Ziguo, Gongsun Qiao Zicheng, ruled the Zheng State for more than thirty years and was a famous politician in the Spring and Autumn Period. The sons of the sons of the son are known as the Guo clan after their grandfather's character.

2. From the surname of Jiang, with the surname of Zhi as the surname. According to the "Guangyun", "Surname Examination" and "Surname Yuan", in the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Qi had the Shangqing Guo clan, which was originally the Grand Master of the Qi Marquis Clan, who was personally appointed by Zhou Tianzi as the Auxiliary State Zhengqing, and the King of the State of Qi gave him the surname of the State, which means the surname of the noble supremacy of the state, and then called the Guo clan.

3. Originating from the Jing clan, it comes from the National Family of the Ministers of baekje state on the Korean Peninsula during the Tang Dynasty, and belongs to the clan named after the ancestors.

According to the History of the Three Kingdoms, a Korean historical book written by the Goryeo dynasty historian Kim Fu-shi in the fifteenth year of Song Shaoxing (1145 AD), in the second year of the Western Han Dynasty Yuan Emperor Liu Yi Jianzhao (37 BC), a branch of the Guyi Lou clan (formerly the Sushen clan), a clan member of the Buyeo clan (formerly the Sushen clan), a clan member of the chieftain Wei Qiutai, was persecuted by his clan, and Emperor Cang, who left his wife Li and his son Gao Zhili, fled the Buyeo state (present-day Buyeo, Jilin) to the area of Buyeo (present-day Hunjiang, Liaoning), Later, he married Zhao Xinu, the daughter of the local leader of the Guilou tribe, Yan Tuobo, and founded the Goguryeo Kingdom with the Guiloubu as the core, becoming the founding monarch of the Goguryeo State, Dongming Shengwang.

When Jumong's son Goguryeo in buyeo kingdom arrived in Goguryeo, Jumong was overjoyed and made him crown prince, the future King of Liuli. The two sons born to Jumong and Chosinu, Boiling Liu and Wen Zuo, realized that in the future, when King Liuli succeeded to the throne, they would not be able to gain a foothold in Goguryeo. So the two brothers decided to leave Goguryeo and migrate southeast with a group of followers. In the third year of the Western Han Dynasty (18 BC), King Wenzuo, the son of Ju Meng, led a group of Goguryeo people south to establish the State of Baekje in the Han River Basin. Wen Zuo founded the city at Weili City (present-day Asan, South Korea) and established the state as "Ten Ji". However, his brother Boiling Stream thought it would be better to live by the sea, so he went to Mizou to build a castle (present-day Incheon, Korea). Since the salt water and swamps of Mizoku were unbearable for most people, but the people of Weili City were living in prosperity, everyone wanted to go to Weili City, so they went to Weili City and asked his younger brother Wen Zuo to cede the throne of Shiji to himself. Wen Zuo disagreed, and Boiling Stream went to war against Wen Zuo, but was soon defeated by Wen Zuo. Shamed to commit suicide, Mizoku's people moved to The City of Weili, and Wen Zuo accepted them, and changed the name of the country to "Baekje", and enfeoffed eight close clans as hereditary ministers, namely: Guoshi, Sha, Jiao, Yan, Xie, Zhen (贞氏), Mushi, and Fu (Yi miao).

The Baekje kingdom, which lived in the city of Wai Li, was often invaded by the Mahan people because it was surrounded by the Mahan tribe at that time. Therefore, the Baekje Kingdom continued to move its capital on both sides of the Han River, so Seoul in Korea still has the ruins of North Hansan Castle and Dream Village Tucheng on both sides of the Han River. At the time, they called the two banks of today's Seoul "Hebei" and "Henan". To this day, Gyeonggi Province still retains the name "Henan".

Around the second year of the founding of the new dynasty of Wang Mang (10 AD), the gradually powerful baekje state annexed Mahan. During the reign of King Guer of Baekje from the second year of the reign of Emperor Cao Ruiqinglong of cao wei to the seventh year of sima Yan Taikang of the Western Jin Dynasty (234-286 AD), the state of Baekje consolidated the state system.

In the first ten years of the reign of Cao Fangzheng (249 AD), the State of Baekje extended eastward into the Valley of the Luodong River and adjacent to Gaya, and by the second year of the Reign of Sima Yantai of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (367 AD), the State of Baekje sent diplomatic missions to the Uighur State for the first time.

In the second year of the Eastern Jin Dynasty's Mu Emperor Sima Yonghe ii ~ the eastern Jin Dynasty Xiaowu Emperor Sima Yao Ningkang III (346 ~375 AD) Near the reign of King Xiaogu, the Baekje state expanded its territory northward through a war with the Goguryeo state, while eliminating the remaining Mahan tribes to the south. During the reign of King Xiao, the Baekje kingdom reached its heyday, and its territory encompassed the present-day northwestern Korea region except for North Pyongan Province and South Pyongan Province.

In the sixth year of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (371 AD), the Baekje state defeated the Goguryeo state in the Pyongyang region and killed the former king of the Goguryeo state. During this period, Baekje actively absorbed advanced Chinese culture and technology. In the ninth year of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (384 AD), Buddhism became the state religion of Baekje. At the same time, Baekje also developed into a maritime power and developed good relations with the Uighur state, and Chinese characters, Buddhism, pottery technology, and other cultures were introduced from Baekje to the Uighur state during this period.

During the Southern Dynasty and song liang, the Goguryeo state began to invade the south. Under the military threat of the Goguryeo state, the Baekje state began to lose its northern lands. In the third year of the Southern Song Dynasty (475 AD), the Goguryeo state captured present-day Seoul. In the third year of the Southern Dynasty Song Dynasty and the fourth year of the Southern Dynasty Liangwu Emperor Xiao Yan Datong (475-538 AD), the Baekje state was forced to move its capital to Xiongjin (present-day Gongzhou, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea). Kumazu was located in the mountains, so it could effectively defend against attacks from the Goguryeo state in the north. Since Kumazu was closer to the Silla kingdom, the threat of the Goguryeo state led to a military alliance between the Baekje state and the Silla state.

In the fourth year of the Southern Dynasty (538 AD), the King of Baekje moved the capital to Siyu (present-day Buyeo County, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea) and re-consolidated the king's power, changing the name of the country to Nam Buyeo from then on. With the development of Buddhism in Baekje, Baekje culture flourished during the Silan period. Due to the threat of the Goguryeo state in the north and the Silla state in the east, the Baekje kingdom began to strengthen relations with China. Since the new capital is located along the Jinjiang River, the Baekje state also provides convenience for exchanges with China. From the Southern Liang Dynasty to the early Tang Dynasty, baekje's trade and exchanges with China developed vigorously.

In the early Tang Dynasty, as the influence of the Silla State grew in the southern and central parts of the Korean Peninsula, the Baekje State began to decline. In the sixth year of Emperor Gaozong's reign (655 AD), when the goryeo kingdom joined forces with baekje and the kingdom of Jin to invade Silla, king Jin Chunqiu of Silla sent envoys to Tang Gojong for help.

Emperor Gaozong of Tang sent Cheng Mingzhen, the governor of Yingzhou, and Zuo Wei Zhonglang to lead an army to attack the Goguryeo state; in the third year of Tang Xianqing (658 AD), Cheng Mingzhen conquered the town of Chifeng in the Goguryeo state (present-day Haicheng, Liaoning) and beheaded 3,000 people; in the fourth year of Tang Xianqing (659 AD), the Tang Dynasty's right-hand leader Zhonglang defeated the Goguryeo army at Hengshan (present-day Huabiaoshan, Liaoyang, Liaoning), and then in the seventh month of the lunar calendar in the fifth year of Tang Xianqing (660 AD), Su Dingfang led a large army from Chengshan (present-day Rongcheng, Shandong) from the sea to baekje. Sail thousands of miles, go with the flow to the east. King Wulie of Silla led an army of 50,000 to join the Tang army, and the Tang-New Coalition army immediately launched an attack on the Baekje state, and soon surrounded sijak castle, and the king of Yici led the remnants to the city of Kumajin, and then could not fight anymore, so they surrendered, and a group of Baekje nobles fled to the Uighur state.

The Tang Dynasty split up the baekje state's homeland, placing the Xiongjin Governor's Mansion, the Mahan Governor's Mansion, the Dongming Governor's Mansion, the Jinlian Governor's Mansion, and the De'an Five Governor's Mansions, with liu Ren willing to stay in Siyu with 10,000 soldiers, and Su Dingfang taking King Yici, Crown Prince Buyeo Xiao, And Prince Buyeo Long, as well as 93 ministers, generals, and more than 12,000 people to luoyang, and then King Yici died of illness in Luoyang, giving him the title of "Shao" and buried him in BeiqiShan.

After the destruction of Baekje, the nobles of Baekje tried to restore and rebuild Baekje. The former Baekje royal family made The Onifushi Fukushin crown prince Buyeo Feng as king and asked for help from the Uighur Kingdom. Buyeo Feng sneaked back to his hometown of Baekje from the Uighur Kingdom with 5,000 troops. In the third year of Tang Longshuo (663 AD), the combined forces of Baekje Andu and the combined Silla of the Tang Dynasty fought a war on the sea around the baekjee (present-day Jinjiangkou, Korea), known in history as the "Battle of Baekjeongkou". After four engagements, the Uighur Navy was defeated. Buyeo Feng first guarded the shore, and after seeing the defeat of the Uighur army, fled to Goguryeo on the occasion of the rebellion, and the Baekje princes Buyeo Zhong and Buyeo Shengzhong, who were stationed at the upper reaches of the Baekje River estuary, led the defenders to surrender. The Baekje kingdom was completely destroyed.

After Su Dingfang released a group of civilian and military generals such as King Yici who returned to China, they later stayed in the Central Plains and gradually became Han Chinese, including the Guo clan, which has been passed down from generation to generation, and is the Heluo Guo clan.

4. The "eight surnames" of Baekje - Sha, Yan, Xie, Guo, Zhen, Miao, etc.

5. It comes from the history of the official state in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and belongs to the clan with the title of official. Guoshi (国史) is an official position set up during the Western Zhou Dynasty, who is in charge of recording the history of the state full-time, and is divided into five levels, namely: major history, small history, foreign history, imperial history, and dispatch history, each with its own duties.

Dashi is specifically responsible for recording the major events of the Zhou Dynasty, including the change of military kings, the division of royal princes, the appointment and dismissal of officials, the division of boundaries, the course of war, the sacrifice of state codes, astronomical geography and so on.

Xiao Shi was specifically responsible for recording many administrative, indoctrination, merchants, farming, production and other affairs inside and outside the dynasty, and Bing was responsible for managing the classics.

Foreign history, mainly diplomatic affairs such as large and small.

The imperial history mainly records the life and life of the kings of various generations, their deeds and speeches, and their handling of the government, and later evolved into advisors.

The history of dispatch is mainly the canonical history assigned by the Zhou royal family in the various princely states, that is, the national history of the princely states.

In the classic book "Preface to the Book of Poetry", it is recorded: "The history of the country is clear, and the duty is lost." The history of the country, the great history of the Zhou officials, the small history, the foreign history, the imperial history, etc. are also. In the historical book "Spring and Autumn Preface", it is also recorded: "As a national history, if you read the books, you must remember them widely." ”

Among the descendants of these great histories, minor histories, foreign histories, imperial histories, and dispatch histories, there are those who take the official titles of their ancestors as their surnames, called the Guoshi and Shi clans, which have been passed down from generation to generation.

6. Derived from the surname of Yu, from the spring and autumn period of the Qi State Shangqing State Zuobin Meiren descendants, belongs to the official title as a clan. The Binmei people, whose ancestors were the subordinates of shenjian houyi, the leader of the Dongyi tribe, that is, Sikong Binyuan (1905 BC to 1884 BC to be examined) during the reign of Shaokang of the Xia Dynasty. There is a poor surname as a concubine surname, which is a surname given by Tang Yao.

7. Originating from the official position, from the Warring States period official Guo Wei, belonging to the official title as a clan. Guo Wei was a military general position set up by the Qin state and the Zhao state during the Warring States period, and was a general who commanded a thousand infantry, and his position was lower than that of a general, equivalent to a regimental-level officer and a department-level cadre in today's military system.

8. Originating from the official position, from the Warring States period official Guo Dafu, belongs to the official title as a clan. Guo Dafu (国大夫) was an official title set up by the State of Wei during the Warring States period, which actually did not refer to a specific official position, but a kind of title that rewarded meritorious ministers, and was a high lord.

In the classic "Han Feizi Neichu Said", it is recorded: "Tomorrow when you attack the pavilion, you can have the first to ascend, the Doctor of the Kingdom of Shi!" This title was used until the early Han Dynasty, as recorded in the "Book of Han and the Biography of Fan Duo": "Bestow the title of Grand Master of the Kingdom." Among the descendants of Guo Dafu, there are those who take the title of the official title of the ancestor as their surname, called the National Clan, which has been passed down from generation to generation.

9. From the Song Dynasty period, the general of the Red Jacket Army, Guo Yong'an, belongs to the name changed to a surname given by Wang Hou.

National Security, EP? ~1235 to be examined, real name bite, no surname, Zizhou people (present-day Zichuan Town, Zibo, Shandong).

In the early thirteenth century of the Song and Jin dynasties, the territory under the jurisdiction of the Jin Dynasty was gradually reduced under the blows of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Mongols, and the exploitation and oppression of the peasants by the Jurchen nobles and the landlord classes of various ethnic groups became increasingly serious, thus provoking peasants in the Shandong and Hebei regions of northern China to revolt. At that time, the larger rebel army had Yang An'er in Yidu, Shandong, Li Quan in Weifang, Shandong, Liu Erzu in the Yimeng Mountains, Zhou Yuan'er in Hebei, and so on. Because the rebels were all wearing red jackets as a mark, they were called red jackets in history.

He joined the Weizhou Red Jacket Army led by Li Quan, took the name An Yong, and later returned to the Southern Song Dynasty with Li Quan. In the first year of the reign of Emperor Lizong of Song, Emperor Yizong of Song, Emperor Yizong of Jin, emperor Shouxu Zhengda, died in 1228 AD), and An Yong honored Li Quan's wife Yang Miaozhen as the main leader, and led his subordinates to surrender to Mongolia together, and was appointed as the marshal of the capital by TheokanaYan Khan, and went to Shandong Road Shangshu Province.

In the fifth year of Song Shaoding (the first year of Jin Tianxing, 1232 AD), An Yong killed the Mongol generals Zhang Jin and Yang Miaozhenbu Marshal Tian Fu of Haizhou, and then surrendered to the Jin Kingdom, and Emperor Aizong of Jin also made him the King of Yan, giving him the title of "Heroic Martyr and Difficult Bao Festival Loyal Subject", and gave the female true surname Of the Complete Yan clan, a subsidiary nationality, changed the name to "National Use An", Kaifu Yi Tongsan Division, Pingzhang Political Affairs, Marshal Of The Capital, Jingdong Shandong and other road travel Shangshu Province, and also gave him gold and silver plating, Camel New Gold Seal, Golden Tiger Symbol, Hereditary Thousand Households Declaration, Edict, Tablet, Tablet, Tablet, Imperial painting body xuan, empty head Heshuo Shandong pardon, cheap engaged and so on.

However, the Jin Dynasty did not give this Completed Yan Guo any military food, and the Completed Yan State used An to beg for grain from the Southern Song Dynasty, and Emperor Lizong of Song promised it, so he changed his clothes from the Song Dynasty and privately interacted with the Southern Song Dynasty. However, soon the food ran out, and due to lack of food, the soldiers and civilians fled, and The Yan Dynasty used An Nai to order Xiao to severely punish the dead, and the blood flowed all over the road. Later, the Mongol Dongping Wanhu Uyan Chala led the Mongol army to Lianshui (涟水, in present-day Huaiyin, Jiangsu), and Guo Yong'an defected to Uyan Chala. Later, Wuyan Chala led his army across Lianshui and went straight to Cai Prefecture (蔡州, in modern Runan, Henan) where the remnants of Emperor Jin Aizong's forces were holding, and Guo Yong'an returned to Lianshui by trickery, rebelled against the Song Dynasty, and was appointed by Emperor Lizong of Song as the governor of eastern Zhejiang and an envoy to the Zhongzhou regiment, subordinate to Huaiyan, and then went to the surname of "Guanyan" and was called "Guoyong'an".

In the first month of the lunar calendar in the second year of The Song Dynasty (1235 AD), the Mongols attacked the Southern Song Dynasty, and Uyan Chala led the Mongol army to surround the Song army in Pei County (沛郡, in present-day Pei County, Jiangsu Province, around Xuzhou), and Guo Yong'an led his men to rescue it, only to retreat to Xuzhou in a big defeat. Uyan Chala moved his troops to attack Xuzhou again, the city was destroyed, and the state committed suicide by throwing water with security. Among the descendants of Guo Yong'an and their people, most of them take the ancestral name as a surname, called the Guo clan, which has been passed down from generation to generation and is the Guo clan of northern Jiangsu.

10. Originating from the country, from the social orphans, scattered, disabled, abandoned children, belongs to the surname for some reason. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Central People's Government actively rescued orphaned, scattered, disabled and abandoned children in society, and were raised and educated by the civil affairs welfare institutes in various localities, and unanimously named them by the "state" and "party", with the intention that when these children grow up, they should not forget the sincere concern of the Communist Party of China and the people's government for them. Until the Spring Festival in 2006, there were about 90,000 orphaned, scattered, disabled and abandoned children in the country who were named the Guo clan and the Dang clan respectively, and were distributed throughout the country when they grew up. This kind of surname, this book is really difficult to belong to what kind of blood surname source, can only be said to originate from the national civil affairs policy, from the policy, for some reason the surname is a surname.

11. Originating from the Manchus, it belongs to the Sinicization and changes the surname to a surname. According to the historical book "Qing Dynasty Tongzhi Clan Luo Manchuria Eight Banners Surname":

(1). Manchu Guo Lashi, also known as Guoluo clan and Gu nongshi, Manchu pinyin gulo hala, Hanyi "guo, tribe", shiju Changbaishan River (present-day Jilin Shuangyang River Basin), Hada (present-day Liaoning Xifeng Xiaoqing River Valley) and other places, once changed the Chinese character surname to Li in the early Ming Dynasty, and later changed the Chinese character surname to Guoshi.

(2). The Manchu Guo Luo clan, also known as Guo Er Luo clan, Guo Luo Luo clan, Guo Bo Luo clan, with the land as the clan, Manchu pinyin as Gorolo Hala, the Chinese character meaning "hook", "bow" or "indulgence", Shiju Neyin (present-day Jilin Fusong Songhua River upper reaches of the river basin), The Dipper River (present-day Jilin Shuangyang River Basin), Macha (present-day southwest of the Hun River in Jilin Province) and other places, later cited by the Xibe people as surnames. After the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Han surnames were changed to Guoshi, Guo, Gao, Yang, Da, Chang and so on.

Some of them have the surname Ancestor

Guo Yizhong, Bin Meiren (国佐), Zi Guo (Gongzi Fa), Zi Chan (Gongsun Qiao), Baekje Minister, Guo Yong An (Bite, An, Finish Yan Guo Yong An), China.

Chinese Surname Totem and Birthplace Encyclopedia, See Where Your Surname Originated (27)

Wen's totem interpretation

[Interpretation] "Shuowen": "The text is an interlaced pattern". Text can also be interpreted as "tattoo". The text in the oracle bone and gold text is more like a human figure standing on the front, with a pattern on the chest, which is the impression description of the ancient "tattoo" custom.

Ancestor of the surname: King Wen of Zhou (姬昌)

Ancestral places: Xi'an, Shaanxi, Xuchang, Henan, Puyang

Gunwangtang No.: Yanmen, Xinguotang, Zhengqitang

Today's ranking/population: 122nd place/about 1.8 million

Song Dynasty hundred family name ranking: 355th

【Origin】The Wen surname is mainly derived from: Ji surname, Yao surname, Jing surname, Jiang surname, concubine surname

1. From the surname Of Ji, it is a surname named after a courtesan. According to the "Customs and Customs" and other relevant materials, in the last years of the Shang Dynasty, the Zhou people living in the Wei River Valley gradually became stronger, and the Shang king Wending felt the threat of Zhou, so he found an excuse to kill the leader of the Zhou people (Surnamed Ji) Ji Li. After Ji Li's son Ji Chang ascended the throne, he worked hard to govern and won the support of the people of the country, and was crowned as Xi Bo by the King of Shang. Because Xi bo's reputation was too high, the king found an excuse to imprison Xi Bo and then released him. After Xi Bo returned to the Zhou Dynasty, with the sage Jiang Shang as his assistant, he successively annexed the states of Yu, Rui, Li (southwest of present-day Changzhi, Shanxi), and Chong (present-day northern Song County, Henan), and built Fengyi (west of present-day Fengshui, Chang'an, Shaanxi) as the capital, forming a situation of "three divisions of the world", which surpassed the Shang Dynasty in strength. Xi Bo reigned for 50 years, and after his death, his son King Wu of Zhou inherited his legacy, completed the great cause of destroying the merchants, and established the Zhou Dynasty in the 11th century BC, with the capital built at Ho (in present-day Chang'an, Shaanxi, east of Fengshui), and posthumously honored Xi Bo as King Wen of Zhou. Ji Chang's eighth generation grandson had a famous prayer and was enthroned as the Gate of The Wild Goose. Pray to take Zu (姬昌) 谥 (文) as the surname, which is the ancestor of the wen surname.

2. After Wenzi, a General of the Wei State of the Zhou Dynasty. According to the "Surname Examination Strategy" and other records, the Wei state established in the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty (the Princely State of Ji surnamed Zhou Fenfeng, which was initially established in Chaoge < >, present-day Qi County, Henan, and then moved to Chuqiu < >, present-day Huaxian County, Henan, and later moved the capital to Emperor Qiu <in present-day Puyang >, Henan, 209 BC), and by the time of Wei Xiangong in the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a general named Sun Wenzi, who was a very prestigious figure, and Sun Wenzi's descendants had ancestral characters as their clans, called Wenshi.

3. From the surname Yao and the surname of Concubine. He was a descendant of Emperor Shun. The Southern Song Dynasty's "Tongzhi Clan Sketch" said: "Yu has two surnames, known as Yao Yuefei." Because of Yao Xu's birth, his surname is Yao, and his surname is Yao because of his residence in The Water. Therefore, history refers to Concubine, Chen, Tian, Yao, and Hu as the "Five Surnames of Concubines". "妫汭", the ancient water name, also known as "沩汭", in present-day Yongjinan, Shanxi, originated from Alexandria and flowed into the Yellow River in the west. Emperor Shun was originally surnamed Yao, and because of his residence, he got the surname of Concubine, and the surname of Yao: "YuanHe Surname Compilation" says: "Yao, Emperor Yu was born in Yao Ruins, and his descendants took Yao as their surname. "The New Book of Tang Dynasty and the Lineage of the Prime Minister" says that Shunhou Hu Gongfei was full of chen, and he respected Zhongshi qi and was also the Tian clan. Wang Mang made Tian Feng the Marquis of Dai, and later Feng Zi Tian, in order to avoid Wang Mang's rebellion, crossed the river and moved to Wu County, changing his surname to Concubine. His fifth generation grandson, Concubine Shiki, was changed back to the Yao clan. Emperor Shun's main branch, through Yao - Concubine - Chen - Tian - Chen, changed many times, and divided into many branches. The Book of Han and the Biography of Wang Mang records that Wang Mang, when discussing his own lineage, said: "The ancestor of the Yu clan was named Yao, who was in Tao Tang, in Zhou Yue Chen, in Qi Yuetian, and in Jinan. "A brief overview of the change of the surname of Emperor Shun's family. According to the "Zuo Biography", when Shun was a Shuren, the second daughter of Yao's wife lived in Concubine, and later because she thought that her surname was Concubine. Shunbeng, Chuanyu Tianxia, and Shunzi were all feudal states. King Ke Yin of Zhou Wu ( 周武王克殷纣 ) , after fu suing Shun , was given the title of Concubine Man and sealed in the State of Chen to honor Emperor Shun. During the Spring and Autumn Period, Chen Guo had a son named Concubine Wan, the tenth grandson of Concubine Man, who fled to the State of Qi in the twentieth year of king Huan of Zhou (700 BC) due to the change of court. Gongzi thanked Jiang Xiaobai, the Duke of Qi Huan, for bestowing tiandi Yicheng's virtue, and then changed Tian's surname to Tian. After that, the tenth generation of Sun Tian and "Tian Dai Qi Jiang" were appointed as the Marquis of Qi by the Zhou royal family in the sixteenth year of king An of Zhou (386 BC). After the death of Gongzi, the King of Qi gave him the nickname "Jing", and the history called Tian Jingzhong finished. "Tongzhi? Clan Sketch: Tian Clan is both Chen Clan. Chen Li's son was finished, the character Jingzhong, Chen Xuangong killed his crown prince Kou, Jingzhong feared disaster Ben Qi, so he hid his clan as Tian. Chen Tiansheng was close to Chen Guye, and after The King of Qi Xiang, the Honda clan, later changed to the Fa clan. Fa, surname also, after the Qi Xiang King Fa Zhang, Honda surname, Qi perished in Qin, the descendants did not dare to call the Tian surname, so they took the fa as the surname. Respectful, surname also. Gongzi's descendants have four surnames: Chen, Tian, Fa, and Jing.

(1) It is a surname named after a courtesan. During the Warring States period, there was a nobleman Tian Wen in the State of Qi (now part of Shandong), who was the grandson of King Wei of Qi, known as Meng Yijun, with thousands of diners under his door, and was a famous politician at that time. Later, the Qi nobleman Tian Jia rebelled, and Meng Yijun fled to the State of Wei (a vassal state in the Western Zhou Dynasty, north of present-day Ruicheng, Shanxi), where he served as xiangguo in Wei and was posthumously given the title of Wenzi. Later generations also had the clan name "Wen".

(2) Change from the honorific surname to avoid the surname. "Shi Song? The Biography of Wen Yan Bo states, "Wen Yan Bo Zi Kuan Fu, Fenzhou JieXiu people. During the Jin Dynasty five generations later, Wen Yanbo's great-grandfather Jingshi split the jingzi in two to avoid the name of the Jin dynasty's high ancestor Shi Jingyao. Those whose surname is Jing should either change their surname to Wen or surname Gou. After about 947 AD, the Jin Dynasty was destroyed by the Later Han Dynasty, and the Jing clan did not have the suspicion of avoiding secrecy, and some descendants of the Gou and Wen clans successively reverted to the Jing clan, and some did not return to their original surnames. In 960, Zhao Kuangyin launched the Chen Qiao Mutiny and established the Northern Song Dynasty, and Zhao Kuangyin became the Taizu of Song. Since Zhao Kuangyin's grandfather's name was "Zhao Jing", the Jing clan had committed another imperial crime, and Wen Yanbo's grandfather Wen Yong (号挺之) had to change to Wen Shi or Gou Shi again.

4. From the surname Jiang. After Jiang Wenshu, a descendant of Emperor Yan, at the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty, King Wu of Zhou, a Miao descendant of Emperor Fengyan's descendant Sun Taiyue, was born in Xu (in present-day Xuchang, Henan), and established the State of Xu as a princely state surnamed Jiang. During the Spring and Autumn Period, xu guo was forced by Zheng Chu to move the capital four times, in 576 BC (southwest of present-day Ye County, Henan), in 553 BC to chengfu (southeast of present-day Bozhou, Anhui), in 529 BC to Baiyu (present-day Xixia, Henan), in 506 BC to Rongcheng (southeast of present-day Lushan County, Henan), and in the early years of the Warring States period to Chu (which is said to have been destroyed by Wei), and his descendants scattered. In addition to the original name of the country "Xu" as the clan, there are also the characters of Wen Shu, the founding monarch of the Xu Kingdom, as the surname of Wen.

5. Change the surname or the literary surname of the minority ethnic group. (1) The Mongol Wen clan originated from the Eyirot tribe of the Mongol Qiyan part, and was stationed in Yunnan and Guangxi with the army during the Yuan Dynasty.

By the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming army Mu Guo Gong Mu Ying and the QianGuo Gong Mu Sheng conquered the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Mu Ying led the town to guard Yunnan, Mu Sheng Town to guard Guizhou, the family changed the Chinese characters to Wen, Yin, Yu, Tie, Jin, etc., panic and pretend to call the Han nationality to avoid disasters, and then assigned to Mu Sheng Town, moved to the Changshun area of Guizhou, generations called Wen shi to this day. The Wendur clan of the Xibe tribe changed its surname to Wen.

(2) Tujia, Li, Zhuang, Buyi, Hui and other ethnic groups all have literary surnames.

6. Derived from the surname Ji, from Fan Xie, the son of Fan Wuzi, the shangqing of the Jin Dynasty, during the Spring and Autumn Period, it belongs to the clan name of the ancestor. Fan Xie, the son of fan wuzi (士会), also known as Shi Xie (士燮), also known as Shi Xie (士燮), was known as "Fan Wenzi" (范子), referred to as "Wenzi" (文子), "Fan Uncle" (范叔), and was the heir of the head of the Fan family in the Jin Dynasty.

This is in the historical book "Jin Language" Wei Zhao's note: "Wenzi, the son of Wuzi Xieye." ”

7. The same as the first three, derived from the Yao surname and concubine surname, specifically from the Warring States period Qi Wei King Tian Yinqi's grandson Tian Wen, belonging to the ancestral name as the clan. During the Warring States period, there was a nobleman of the Tian clan of qi named Tian Wen, who was the grandson of tian Yinqi, the "blockbuster" king of Qiwei, with the title of Meng Yujun (孟試君), and his food was in Xue (薛, in present-day southeastern Tengzhou, Shandong).

8. The same as the first three, derived from the Yao surname and the concubine surname, specifically from the descendants of Chen Ligong's concubine Tuotuo in the Spring and Autumn Period, and belonged to the surname that was changed to a surname. According to the historical book "Customs and Customs", "During the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Qi had a jingjun, and the son of the former Duke Li of Chen, Zhong, was honored, and his descendants took the title of emperor as their clan. ”

9. Originating from the Manchus, it belongs to the cultural Sinicization and change of surname to surname.

According to the classic book "Qing Dynasty Tongzhi Clan Luo Manchuria Eight Banners Surname":

(1) Manchu Hitara clan, also known as Chita La clan, Hitara clan, Hitara clan, Manchu pinyin: Sitara Hala, Chinese character meaning "nail" or "pipe inserted with peacock plume". The Russian scholar Shi Luguo believes that the surname belongs to the same part of the Guarjia clan as "Koyari Manchuria". In addition, in the Korean historical book "Dragon Fly Royal Heavenly Song", it is recorded that the Harandudauru Huachi surname "Xitan", is the Jurchen Wang clan during the Ming Dynasty, once changed the Chinese character surname to Liu, so some scholars believe that the Xita Lama clan is its evolution. After the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Xita Lama clan lived in Niya Manshan (present-day Xinbin, Liaoning), Yuyoucheng (present-day Goryeocheng Village, Sanjiazi Township, Hunchun, Jilin Province), Gaiji in Changbai Mountain (in the area around present-day Changbai Mountain), Fokeshun (present-day Xinbin, Liaoning), etc. After the middle of the Qing Dynasty, they changed their Chinese character names to Wenshi, Guanshi, Zhao, Tushi, Zhushi, Qi, Sun, Xi, Xi, Xian, Xian, Qi, and so on.

(2) Manchu Wendu clan, also known as Wendu clan, originated from the Jurchen Wendu clan in the Jin Dynasty, with the ministry as the clan, Manchu pinyin as Wendu Hala, Shiju Neyin (present-day Jilin Fusong Songhua River upper reaches of the river basin), Suifen (present-day upper reaches of the Suifen River at the junction of China and Russia), Varkha area, now south from Changbai Mountain, north of the Tumen River, north of the lower reaches of the Heilongjiang River, north of the Uzala region of the lower reaches of the Heilongjiang River, east to the eastern section of the Waixing'anLing Mountains, the lower reaches of the Heilongjiang River, around Vladivostok, the Ussuri River Basin, etc., is one of the oldest surnames of the Manchus. Later, the Chinese characters were changed to Kong, Wen, Du, Wen, and Wen.

(3) Manchu Wenche Hengshi, also known as Wincher Hengshi, Wenchi Hengshi, Manchu Pinyin Wenceheng Hala, Chinese character meaning "Shengu". Shiju Wula (present-day Yongji Ula Street, Jilin to Huifa River Estuary, Lafa River Valley, Shuangyang County), Yehe (present-day Jilin Pear Tree) and other places, later changed the Chinese character surname to Wen and Wen.

(4) Manchu Wenda clan, Manchu pinyin: Wenda Hala, Shiju Yehe (present-day Pear Tree, Jilin), later changed the Chinese characters to Wenshi, Da, etc.

(5) Manchu Wende clan, Manchu pinyin: Wende Hala, Chinese character meaning "not yet", Shiju Takshi (present-day Heilongjiangkou south bank of the original Tuke inscription Tun), later changed the Chinese character surname to Wenshi.

(6) Manchu Wenzha clan, Manchu pinyin: Wenja Hala, lived in the Changbaishan area, and later changed the Chinese characters to Wenshi.

(7) The Manchu Ningguta clan, originating from the ancestral residence of the Qing Dynasty, with the land as the clan, the Manchu pinyin is Ningguta Hala, the Chinese character meaning "six", the Han surnames are Ning, Liu, Ai, Wen, etc., Shiju Ningguta (present-day Ning'an, Heilongjiang), Suifen River Valley), Hunchun (present-day Jilin Hunchun), Neyin (present-day Fusong Songhua River basin in Jilin Province), Tong Ji (present-day southern Jilin Dunhua) and other places. The ancestor of the Wen clan is Ningguta Wentai, a Manchurian red flag man, Shiju Neyin, who died from the conquest of Kaldan, posthumously awarded the hereditary Yun Knight, and his descendants have descendants who have the harmonic Chinese characters with the first sound of the ancestor's name as their surname, and have been called Wen for generations.

10. Originating from the Xibe ethnic group, it belongs to the cultural Sinicization and change the surname to a surname. According to the historical book "Qing Dynasty Tongzhi Clan Luo Manchuria Eight Banners Surname":

The Wendur clan of the Xibe people, who lived in the upper reaches of the Suifen River), the area around Varkha, is now from the Changbai Mountains and the tumen River in the south, from the south of the Uzala region in the lower reaches of the Heilongjiang River, and to the east to the eastern section of the Waixing'anling Mountains, the lower reaches of the Heilongjiang River, around Vladivostok, the Ussuri River and other places, and later changed the Chinese character single surname to Wen.

11. Originating from the official position, from the official literature of the Han Dynasty period, it belongs to the clan with the title of official. Literature, also known as literary history, is an official position set up by Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao.

12. Originating from other ethnic minorities, it belongs to the Sinicization and change the surname to a surname. Among the ethnic minorities such as the Tujia, Li, Zhuang, Buyi, Hui, and Koreans, there are All Wen clans, and most of their sources are in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, which implemented the policy of bondage and the movement to change the land and return to the stream, and the flow has been changed to the Chinese character surname Wenshi, which has been passed down from generation to generation.

The surname Wen is part of the ancestor

King Wen of Zhou, Sun Wenzi (Sun Lin's father), Xu Wenshu (Jiang Jingchu, Fu Father Yi, Xu Xingong), Fan Wenzi (Fan Xie, Shi Xie, Fan Shu), Tian Wenzi (Tian Wen, Meng Yijun). Wen - Xi Bo posthumously honored King Wen of Zhou, and shusun took the title of Wen Shichang.

There is a story of "Tong Ye FengDi" in the "Records of History": "King Cheng played with Shu Yu, and cut the Tong Ye as a Gui to be with Shu Yu Yue: 'Seal ruo with this', so he sealed Shu Yu Yu Tang." "Tang Hou changed his name to Jin. King Cheng and Shu Yu were both grandsons of Ji Chang (King Wen of Zhou) and Ji Fazi. Ji Changbang, Ji Fa Xingguo, and his father "Wen". Shu Yu's sixth generation grandson, that is, Ji Chang's eighth generation of grandsons, was a famous prayer, and was enthroned as Caiyi Yanmen. The prayer was changed to Zu (姬昌) 谥 (文) as his surname. For the origin of the Yanmen text. It was in the Western Zhou Dynasty, three thousand years ago.

The "Wen Genealogy" records that the Wen surnames of Tanghe County and Sheqi County in Nanyang, Henan Were moved from Hongtong County, Shanxi to Tanghe County, Henan in the early Ming Dynasty.

Chinese Surname Totem and Birthplace Encyclopedia, See Where Your Surname Originated (27)

Definition of the Kou totem

[Interpretation] Kou, whose original meaning is "violence", is extended to force, coercion and hegemony. The upper part of the oracle bone is a closed, tall house, from the "宀", and on the right side of the house there is a hand holding a stick, as if the hand is reaching out and beating a person on the left, from "person", from "hand". This kind of robbery, murder and looting in the house is called "Kou", and Kou has the intention of actively violating others.

Ancestor of the surname: Su Yisheng

Ancestral places: Shangluo, Kaifeng, Wenxian, Qixian

Junwangtang No.: Henan, Feng Yi, Shangdang; Yuntaitang

Today's ranking/population: 279th/about 270,000

Song version of the hundred family names in order: 356th

【Origin】The surname Kou is mainly derived from: Ji surname, sub-surname

Kou surname, a multi-ethnic, multi-origin ancient surname.

1. Take the official name as a clan. During the ancient Zhou Dynasty, Su Fusheng, a descendant of the Kunwu people, was born as Si Kou the King of Zhou Wu, and his descendants took the official name and surnamed Kou.

2. From the surname Ji. It is also named after the official name. In the early years of the Zhou Dynasty, Wei Kang's uncle was Zhou Sikou, and his grandson took the official as his surname, which was also said to be surnamed Kou. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the descendants of Duke Wei Ling's son Gongzi Yin (公子郢) were Wei Guo Si Kou (衛国司寇), and his descendants took Kou as their clan.

3. It comes from the surname of an ancient ethnic minority.

(1) During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Xianbei clan of the Northern Wei Dynasty evolved, and there was an ancient kou yin clan in the Xianbei clan, and when it entered the Central Plains, the similar pronunciation of the word "Kou" was taken as a surname.

(2) The Wuhuan people of Liaodong have the surname of Kou.

4. Derived from the sub-surname, from the Spring and Autumn Period song dynasty Grand Master Gongzi Scale, belongs to the official title as a clan. Gongzi Ling (公子矔), courtesy name 矔, was a member of the Song Dynasty during the Spring and Autumn Period, the seventeenth grandson of the founding monarch of the State, And the younger brother of The Son of Song Xiang (子子甫), whose elder brother was the famous statesman and military figure Dazai Zi (字鱼).

5. Originating from the Manchus, it belongs to the Sinicization and change the surname to a surname. According to the historical book "Qing Dynasty Tongzhi Clan Luo Manchuria Eight Banners Surname":

(1). Manchu Kode clan, Manchu Kode Hala, Shiju Yehe (present-day Jilin Pear Tree), houduoguan Han surname is Kou shi, koshi.

(2). The Manchu Kouhou er clan, also known as the Kouhou clan, Manchu Kohor mongu or Koholo mongu, Han yi "hook, bend, bow", the number is small, in the Yaohun area (now Heilongjiang Heihe Yaohun Town area) there are four branches, the later multi-crowned Han surname is Kou.

(3). Manchu Kola clan, Manchu Kora mongu, Han yi "around the garden of the canal", a large number of people, the world lived in the Area of Yaohun (now Heilongjiang Heihe Yaohun Town area), after the multi-crown Han surname for Kou, Guan, etc.

(4). Manchu Kodaji clan, Manchu Kodaj mongu, Hanyi "sacks, small warehouses, storage bags", the number is small, there are four branches, Shiju Yaohun area (now Heilongjiang Heihe Yaohun town area), houduoguan Han surnames for Kou, Kong and so on.

6. (History of the Balhu Banner and Weng Kuote Kou clan in Liaoning Province) records that many Kou surnames in Liaoning Province, such as Xiuyan and Zhuanghe in Liaoning Province, Antu, Wang Qing and Tumen in Jilin Province, Wangkui in Heilongjiang Province, and Weihai in Shandong Province, are from the Mongolian Balhu Banner Weng Kuote (later changed to the Han surname Kou).

Chinese Surname Totem and Birthplace Encyclopedia, See Where Your Surname Originated (27)

Que totem interpretation

【Interpretation】 Que, the original meaning is the platform on both sides of the palace gate, and there is a road in the middle. By extension, it is a place where two mountains are like a double que facing each other.

Ancestor of the surname: Que Tongzi

Ancestral land: Qufu, Shandong

Gunwangtang No.: Shimopi, Quanxiantang, Samhando

Current ranking/population: 312th place/about 220,000

Song version of the hundred family names in order: 359th

1. Que DangYi

From the Xia Dynasty, the descendants of the doctor Guan Longqi, after guan Longqi's death, his descendants moved into the Que Dang, belonging to the clan with the name of Juyi.

According to the historical book "Customs and Customs", after the Que clan inherited the Que Dang Boy (also known as the "Que Dang Boy"), during the Eastern Han Dynasty, the name of "Que Dang" was changed to "Que Li"

2. Que Gong Guo

From the Shang Dynasty princely state "Que Gong", it is famous for producing high-quality armor "Que Gong's Armor", and the royal family and people of this country take "Que Gong" and "Que Men" as their surnames, which are later simplified to a single surname Que surname.

"Zuo Chuan Zhao Gong Fifteen Years": "Que Gong No Jia, Wu So Ke Shang Ye." ", "Wu Junfu": "Armor is East Hu Que Gong, Bai Lian Jinggang." ”

3. Xianbei people

From the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Xianbei tribe "Que Ji" (also known as "Que Ji") and "Que Ju" department, the leader of the adult as the name, such as: "Murong Lord", "Tuoba Lord", etc., gradually formed a tribal name surname, such as Murong, Mu surname.

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Xianbei Biography, "Twenty YuYi, whose adults are Mika, Que Ji, Su Li, and Huai Tou." From the west of Right Beiping to the middle of Shanggu, Shiyuyi, whose great lords Ke Zhi, Que Ju, Murong, etc., were the grand marshals, from the west of Shanggu to Dunhuang, and west of Wusun as the west."

"Su Li, Mi Jia, and Que Ji (阙機) are all adults, and outside the Liaoxi, Right Beiping, and Yuyang Sai, Daoyuan was not a border problem at the beginning, and there were many species in Binengye. After that, the sons fought for the throne, the people were scattered, and the lords of the various departments, Murong and Tuoba, were even more prosperous. ”

4. Turkic peoples

From the Sui and Tang dynasties, the Turkic Ashina department. Originally originated in Pingliang, Gansu, it belonged to the Bactrian regime, so it was a Miao descendant of Youxia.

The Western Turk "Que Dadu", Ashina clan, Sui general, half-brother of Luo Khan in the mud, born of the Han Xiang clan, the Sui Emperor left the Turks weak and weak, so that Que Dadu was placed in Huining County. He once ordered him to attack Tuguhun and make the tribe rich, and the Emperor rewarded him greatly. #人生 #

The Western Turk "Que Si Zhongjie", Ashina clan, Tang general (Wu Zhou), was given the title of "Great General of the Right Guard of Chang'an", "Duke of Binguo", and "Zhongjie" given the name by Tang, and together with "Wang Xiaojie", he broke the four towns of Tubo, Kefu Guizi, and Khotan, and regained the "Protectorate of Anxi Capital", and guarded the town of Anxi. #国学 #

The Western Turk "Que Lu Si", Ashina clan, Tang general, was awarded the title of "Right Guard Outer General" by Tang. Xie Yue: "Born in the wilderness, the country is in turmoil, and he is even more attacked and slaughtered." Lai Tianzi sent Jiayun to rebuke the soldiers and save the danger, and he wished to receive the holy face of the head of the audit, attach the tribe to Anxi, and always be a foreign minister. "#国风大典 #

Post-Turkic: "Que Te Qin", Ashina Clan, Later Turkic Zuoxian King, Vijaya Khan's half-brother, Rong Masheng, Yu Kaiyuan 19th death, Tang sent envoys to sacrifice, carved fine statues for him, erected ancestral monuments, and the current inscriptions and stone statues have been excavated.

5, from the Manchu flag, the Manchu has que te clan, according to the "Shaanxi Tongzhi" record, a woman of the Que te clan, married into the zhenghuang banner, observed the festival until the age of fifty, in the forty-third year of the Kangxi Dynasty. #国学经典 #

6. Others

During the period from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Yongjia Rebellion, the Que clan crossed south to the land of Jingchu and Baiyue on a large scale, and gradually merged with the local residents, and there were adoptions, inheritances, and entry, surname change and bondage policies, and the change of soldiers and returns to the stream. #姓氏 #

"Surname totem and origin" reflects the history and development of surnames to a certain extent, although it cannot be fully taken seriously, but it can learn a lot of knowledge.

Thanks to the support and attention of the family, Xiaobian will make more efforts to consult relevant literature and continue to update the totems and origins of more than 400 surnames in China for the family

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