
Paintings by Qing court painter Feng Xi will be unveiled at sotheby's Spring Auction in Hong Kong with an estimated value of HK$80 million

author:China News Network

Hong Kong, April 9 (China News Service) -- Sotheby's Hong Kong held a media preview of the spring auction of ancient calligraphy and painting on the 9th, exhibiting a number of rare works of the Qing Palace, and two Group paintings created by the Qing Dynasty court painters Shen Yuan and Li Shikuo on the orders of the Qianlong Emperor were unveiled, with an estimated value of 50 million to 80 million yuan (Hong Kong dollars, the same below).

There are a total of 121 works in this ancient calligraphy and painting spring auction, the creation period is mainly concentrated in the Ming and Qing dynasties, among which the most eye-catching is Shen Yuan's "Imperial Title "Lamp City Line" Poetic Intention" and Li Shizhuo's "Imperial Title "Mouth Number Porridge Line" Poetic Intention" group painting, these two works are the highest valuation, reaching 50 million to 80 million yuan.

Zuo Xinyang, director of sotheby's Ancient Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Department in Asia, introduced in an interview with a reporter from China News Agency that these two paintings are the second of the ten-axis group paintings of "The Poetic Intention of the Imperial Title "Fan Chengda Layue Murata Lefu", which was painted by 10 court painters ordered by the Qianlong Emperor to refer to the poems of the Southern Song Dynasty poet Fan Chengda. Seven of the works are now in the National Palace Museum in Taipei, and one is missing, the remaining 2, all of which bear the inscription of the Qianlong Emperor and the imperial seal of the Jiaqing Emperor.

Zuo Xinyang said that these two paintings depict the New Year customs in jiangnan, and Shen Yuan's "Imperial Title "Poetic Intention of the Lantern City Line" depicts the scene of the people of Suzhou City gathering in the Lantern Festival in a simple pen and ink, which is lively and interesting. The composition of Li Shizhuo's "Imperial Title "Mouth Number Porridge Line" is roughly similar to the composition of the former, depicting two peasant families of old and young sitting around eating porridge, showing a frank and simple aesthetic interest.

In addition, this spring auction also has a private collection album, including Cao Zhongying's "Silent Zhai" collection of ancient calligraphy and painting album. This album has a total of 29 works of calligraphy and painting, the author covers the representative calligraphers and painters of the late Ming Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty, among which the highlights are the "Four Monks of the Early Qing Dynasty" Hongren's "Book of Calligraphy and Painting", which is estimated at 45 million yuan to 55 million yuan. (End)

Source: China News Network