
Mineral water, pure water, natural water, distilled water, which can be drunk for a long time? 1. Mineral water 2, pure water 3, other water

author:Daddy Reviews

Walk into the supermarket and walk to the shelves selling water and you'll find:

Hey? How can there be mineral water, mineral water, pure water, natural water... So much water?

These waters not only have different names, but also have many differences in connotation. It is also said that pure water does not contain minerals and cannot be drunk for a long time, otherwise it will lead to the loss of minerals from the human body.

So, which is more suitable as long-term drinking water?

We went to the supermarket to buy 10 bottled water, ready to make a popular science for everyone:

Mineral water, pure water, natural water, distilled water, which can be drunk for a long time? 1. Mineral water 2, pure water 3, other water

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > mineral water</h1>

Mineral water refers to "drinking natural mineral water".

It must be a source of water that "naturally emerges from deep underground or is drilled and contains a certain amount of minerals, trace elements, or other components."

Others, whether it is groundwater, surface water, tap water, or mineral water with additional minerals, are not called mineral water.

If you can't identify, look directly at whether the bottle has both "mineral water" and "water source" written on it, and if there is, it is like fake mineral water.

Mineral water, pure water, natural water, distilled water, which can be drunk for a long time? 1. Mineral water 2, pure water 3, other water

For example, the three types of Bai *Shan, Tong *Love*, and Nong** Spring that we bought this time must be natural underground deep water.

However, due to different water sources, the content of minerals is also different.

Mineral water, pure water, natural water, distilled water, which can be drunk for a long time? 1. Mineral water 2, pure water 3, other water

Seeing so many minerals, do you think the mineral water you drank before is worth it?

Sorry, no. This amount is a drop in the bucket for the minerals our human body needs.

Taking The Hundred* Mountain as an example, the maximum value of various minerals, the maximum amount of drinking 2L of water per day, can be ingested:

Mineral water, pure water, natural water, distilled water, which can be drunk for a long time? 1. Mineral water 2, pure water 3, other water

When you drink 2L of water, others can easily eat a piece of meat and drink a glass of milk, and the minerals obtained are more real:

Mineral water, pure water, natural water, distilled water, which can be drunk for a long time? 1. Mineral water 2, pure water 3, other water

Another more intuitive data, take the calcium content of nong**springs (≥4 mg/L) as an example:

To replenish the calcium you need every day, you need to drink at least 200L of water, which is probably about a bathtub.

Mineral water, pure water, natural water, distilled water, which can be drunk for a long time? 1. Mineral water 2, pure water 3, other water

However, some people will say that mineral water is different from other waters, and the taste is very good

It's true that the mineral content mainly affects the taste.

There is a very intuitive data to feedback this, that is, the solubility total solids (TDS) of water.

The level of TDS value is related to the content of minerals and trace elements in the water, the lower the TDS, the purer the water, but it is not the higher the better, too high will have a bad taste.

So TDS is better within a certain range. For example, Japan's national drinking water standard stipulates that water with a TDS concentration of between 30 and 200 tastes better.

We used TDS pens to test the TDS of each brand of water:

Mineral water, pure water, natural water, distilled water, which can be drunk for a long time? 1. Mineral water 2, pure water 3, other water

Does the tested value match how you actually feel when you drink it? Welcome to leave a message to talk about ~

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="41" >2</h1>

Pure water is the best understood, that is, through distillation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis and other processes, most of the substances are removed, almost no mineral water. TDS is both 0.

In this batch of water that we bought back, Yi *, Wa*Ha, and Qu*'s belong to pure water.

Mineral water, pure water, natural water, distilled water, which can be drunk for a long time? 1. Mineral water 2, pure water 3, other water

Among them, Waha and Qu*'s are relatively good at "purity" and are used directly as distilled water by many laboratories.

Speaking of which, many people are worried that there are no minerals in pure water, and long-term drinking without nutrition will lead to the loss of minerals from the human body.

Mineral water, pure water, natural water, distilled water, which can be drunk for a long time? 1. Mineral water 2, pure water 3, other water

But we drink water, either to supplement other nutrients, or to replenish water. Water itself is also a nutrient needed by the human body.

In terms of the effect of hydration, mineral water, pure water, boiled water, etc., there is no difference. Whichever you like to drink, you can use as long-term drinking water.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="53" >3</h1>

In addition to mineral water and pure water, other waters are collectively referred to as "other waters".

The water source of this type of water is not as strict as that of mineral water, which can be tap water, groundwater, surface water, water in lakes, water in rivers, etc., as long as it meets sanitary standards. Let's talk about the common types in categories.

1. Mineral water

It also begins with "mine", but mineral water and mineral water are not the same. In the samples we bought back, it represents Kang *Fu, Bing*, pure*.

They do not have a source of mineral water, generally add some potassium chloride and magnesium sulfate to pure water, adjust the taste of pure water is not very good, and by the way can also be associated with minerals.

But from the outer packaging, in addition to Kang *Fu, ice* and pure * did not indicate how many minerals were added.

We measured the TDS, all below 30, or relatively low.

Mineral water, pure water, natural water, distilled water, which can be drunk for a long time? 1. Mineral water 2, pure water 3, other water

Speaking of ice*, when it first appeared, it was obvious that it was very full of gas, but the bottle was very soft after opening, which was very different from the common drinking water bottle.

In fact, this is a deliberate design, after drinking it is easily twisted into a small lump, easy to recycle.

2. Natural water

This kind of water is considered to be the best in other waters. Of the samples we bought back, another agricultural spring fell into this category.

I believe there is an advertising slogan that everyone is familiar with: we are the porters of nature.

The water carried here is actually the water of Qiandao Lake, which is processed and sold under the name of natural water.

We compared the mineral content of nong**springs (natural water), which is lower than mainstream mineral water.

Mineral water, pure water, natural water, distilled water, which can be drunk for a long time? 1. Mineral water 2, pure water 3, other water

In addition to the natural water of the agricultural spring, there are also many main "weak alkaline water" selling points on the market, and the sales are good.

But is weak alkaline water really better?

Mineral water, pure water, natural water, distilled water, which can be drunk for a long time? 1. Mineral water 2, pure water 3, other water

The pH of the human body is between 7.35 and 7.45, which is weakly alkaline. But the body can regulate itself, and even if you drink vinegar, it won't change much.

If you drink weak alkaline water... The body indicates that not a single change in acid and base is felt.

If there is a problem with self-regulation, the blood pH is out of balance, which will cause acidosis or alkali poisoning, which is useless by drinking water, and going to the hospital to see a doctor is the solution.

3. Other water in other waters

The "baby water" that was fried very hot in the past few years, I believe many parents have heard of it.

We have also written a popular science before, interested partners can click the following link to view:

Isn't baby water worth buying? Did your baby drink "baby water" today?

Finally, we tried a lot of small partners to pay attention to the ba * water and Lao * hundred flowers * grass water.

Mineral water, pure water, natural water, distilled water, which can be drunk for a long time? 1. Mineral water 2, pure water 3, other water

Although they are also called water, they are actually sparkling water, and people who have drunk it understand it, and the taste is difficult to describe. Lao * Hundred Flowers * grass water is more like salt soda, the little partner drank the taste of "boiled grass mat".

After drinking so much water down, Dad Review only wants to say:

Regardless of mineral water, boiled water, pure water, what can replenish water is good water. As long as you love to drink, the water in this is very suitable as long-term drinking water.

China's nutritional dietary guidelines recommend that adults drink 1500 to 1700 ml of water per day, instead of focusing on what water to drink, it is better to calculate whether you have drunk enough water today.

See here, warm reminder, you should drink water ~ ~ ~

Finally, I believe some friends will ask:

Now there is still the kind of expensive glacier water, hydrogen-rich water, etc. on the market, what about it?

Welcome to the message area to express their opinions~

Mineral water, pure water, natural water, distilled water, which can be drunk for a long time? 1. Mineral water 2, pure water 3, other water

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