
Color the grapes, understand the principles, know yourself, don't copy the way the old king next door

author:Grapes together

This year's temperature difference came early, the early nutritional level of High Corexen grapes were colored early, many friends have begun to spray colorants, and some friends say that they are too anxious, they need to color 10% and then spray, when to spray colorants?

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First, understand a rough truth

1. Coloring is the dry matter stored in the fruit grains first slowly converts the fruit sugar, reaches a certain degree of sugar and then slowly appears in color.

2. During the coloring process, the pulp cells are still slowly processing dry matter, that is, there is still a need for a steady stream of raw materials.

3. The raw material is the "semi-finished product" processed by photosynthesis of the leaves, and the quantity and quality depend on the light, leaf area and root absorption (cannot be understood as feeding).

Color the grapes, understand the principles, know yourself, don't copy the way the old king next door

In one sentence, it is:

Coloring like buying a house, the down payment is more repayment is easy, the down payment is not enough to repay the pressure is large, the down payment is not enough, don't lie to yourself, how much money you earn must be counted.

Color the grapes, understand the principles, know yourself, don't copy the way the old king next door

We judge the coloring conditions mainly look at two aspects:

Is there enough money saved for a down payment?

This spring rainy, the ground temperature has been low, which in the spring and early summer will reduce the amount of absorption, but in the middle of summer is good news, reasonable ground temperature so that the absorption of summer has not been greatly affected, so the properly managed garden is basically long enough, head up into the coloring period.

Some gardens do not grow tall enough, most of which are for the following three reasons: small horse-drawn carts, diseases and new shoots in the high temperature zone, previous articles and videos have talked about a lot of details of these three aspects of control, and will not be repeated.

2. Is it enough to make money to pay off your mortgage?

How much money is earned depends on the young roots, leaf area and light, and the light in autumn is definitely not as good as a day, so leaf function and young roots have become the key.

Updating the root system needs to be done during the high temperature period, and the late really affects the amount of absorption.

Replenishing the leaf area also needs to be done in the high temperature period, the temperature drops late, the grapes have no desire to dissipate heat, and new shoots cannot be extracted.

If there are no new roots and leaves everywhere in the summer and autumn, don't ask the teacher what to do? Should I ask myself what I did earlier?

Second, how to color?

We should know that not all fruit grains are colored at the same time, the same bunch of grapes is difficult to color uniformly, when the skin of the fruit is scattered, some fruits are still growing, even all green. If you take a bunch of fruit and pull down the fruit grains one by one, you will find the following pattern:

1. Sporadic colored strings (coloring 10--15%), most of the fruit grains can not meet the coloring conditions, or even not long enough.

At this time, all the coloring means are early, strengthen the reserves, consolidate the foundation, accumulate thick and thin, and the coloring can be achieved naturally.

Even for early maturing varieties, at this time, they can only apply beta or potassium dihydro, rather than rushing to spray colorants.

Color the grapes, understand the principles, know yourself, don't copy the way the old king next door

2. The basic color of the yang side of the string (coloring 30%), in fact, only half of the fruit grains began to color, the rest of the fruit grains basically met the coloring conditions but not all.

Early maturing varieties can be sprayed with colorants, after all, there is no good price after night.

Late maturing varieties spray colorants early at this time, if the temperature is above 25 degrees, it will be slowed down for a few days, if the temperature is below 25 degrees, spray it. Potassium dihydro will be very effective when used at this time, and it is important to pay attention to the salts in the roots.

Color the grapes, understand the principles, know yourself, don't copy the way the old king next door

3. The yang side hangs the color of the yin side of the sporadic hanging color string (coloring 50%), the vast majority of fruit grains meet the coloring conditions.

At this time, all coloring means are available, but it should be noted that the continuous spraying of ethylene colorants or the concentration is too high will soft fruits and grains, and the nutritional coloring products are much better.

Color the grapes, understand the principles, know yourself, don't copy the way the old king next door

Third, colorants and coloring fertilizers

Many friends ask me what coloring fertilizer is good, what coloring agent is good, to be honest, the situation in the vineyard is very different, the standard is not uniform when three knocks and nine prayers, it is really difficult to copy the last of the old king next door, my demonstration shed coloring this year only needs to be applied more than once, a time dihydro potassium, a Mid-Autumn Red can be, the reason is very simple, usually accumulated enough, this year's temperature difference is good.

Color the grapes, understand the principles, know yourself, don't copy the way the old king next door

Well-managed Corexon has a lot of options this year, if you want to catch the Mid-Autumn Festival (there are still 5 weeks) time is enough. First hoe the ground to take root and apply more, 7--10 days after spraying Mid-Autumn Red to start nutritional coloring.

Color the grapes, understand the principles, know yourself, don't copy the way the old king next door

When the yang side is full color and the yin side is slightly red, and then the potassium dihydrogen and trace elements are applied, and the color between bright red and jujube red can become a Mid-Autumn Festival gift.

Color the grapes, understand the principles, know yourself, don't copy the way the old king next door

If you want to enter the cold storage, then the time is more relaxed, the leaves spray slowly colored natural red fungus agent, while unilateral trenching to feed potassium sulfate + organic fertilizer, flushing potassium carbonate, so that you can keep the color bright red, trenching is to delay coloring, while making the root system as deep as possible, late autumn absorption will be better than simple hoeing;

Color the grapes, understand the principles, know yourself, don't copy the way the old king next door

White dew before and after the application of potassium dihydrogen, autumn equinox spraying of mid-autumn red nutrition coloring,

Color the grapes, understand the principles, know yourself, don't copy the way the old king next door

Before and after the National Day, the large string of yin side spray Mid-Autumn Red No. 3 to check the leakage and fill in the gaps.

Color the grapes, understand the principles, know yourself, don't copy the way the old king next door

The whole coloring process is flowing in one go.

Corexon, who was not managed enough in the early stage, will be adapted to local conditions, no matter how long enough to say, there is no chance of making mistakes at this time.

1. Nitrate nitrogen, potassium content of 20--30, young roots, control shoots are essential, high temperature period to reserve these things, wait for the temperature difference. There is already a temperature difference and there is no reserve, just mess around, I can't help you.

Color the grapes, understand the principles, know yourself, don't copy the way the old king next door

2. After the fruit grains are long enough, start spraying slow-on natural red fungus agents to accumulate nutrients, and at the same time apply alkaline potassium sulfate water-soluble fertilizer to improve soil nutrient levels. Pay attention to salt at any time, once the ground is white, immediately apply humic acid and microbial fungal agents from the source of the mine, and be sure to achieve the best soil quality and nutrient level before the autumn equinox.

3. The load is too large to hang on the sunny side sporadically (coloring 10--15%) to start applying potassium dihydrogen, half a month after the second flush, after the ground temperature recovery spray mid-autumn red, do not be picky about the color shade, can be on the color is good, very difficult there are extraordinary means, but also to pay a very high price.

The basic hanging color of the yang side with a reasonable load began to apply potassium dihydrogen, and the mid-autumn red was sprayed after the ground temperature was restored, and the problem of managing a healthy jujube red was not large at this time.

Color the grapes, understand the principles, know yourself, don't copy the way the old king next door

Keeping an eye on the white dew festival, the whole process is basically between the white dew and the autumn equinox.

4. After the autumn equinox, the time is not waiting for people, no matter what the color is, it is necessary to spray mid-autumn red, the load is large, and the coloring difficulty should also take the initiative to reduce the load.

Wait until around the National Day, the ethylene should be on it. At the same time, tear open the lower mouth and inner mouth of the bag, ventilate and color, do not idle during the National Day holiday, spray Mid-Autumn Red No. 3 on the shady side, and try to make the color uniform.

Color the grapes, understand the principles, know yourself, don't copy the way the old king next door

This wave of operations must learn to observe the color, but also learn to think and judge, and any venture and hesitation will have no chance to be saved.