
Tianjin: Live Preview Explore Tianjin Eighteenth Street Twist Flower "Those Things"


Every city

All have their own taste

There is a feeling behind every dish

A culture

Tianjin: Live Preview Explore Tianjin Eighteenth Street Twist Flower "Those Things"

Speaking of food

Many foreign friends call Tianjin people "wei zuizi"

This does not only refer to the population of Tianjin

It also represents that Tianjin people have a good appreciation of food

In the "picky" taste buds of Tianjin people

There is a traditional delicacy that is loved by everyone for its crispy and sweet taste

It is the taste of Tianjin that has been passed down for nearly a hundred years

Gui Fa Xiang Eighteenth Street Twist Flower

Eighteenth Street Twist

Gui Faxiang Eighteenth Street Twist Flower was born in 1927, when in the East Building Eighteenth Street on the west side of the Haihe River, there was a shrewd and neat businessman Liu Laoba, born in a pastry family, deeply rooted in the ancestral true tradition, with noodle skills, especially his fried twist flowers are very popular. When it was first known, it was gradually revealed, and the people of Jincheng frequently patronized it, and they loved it, and the small shop name was called "Gui Fa Xiang", because it was located on "Eighteenth Street", so it was named "Eighteenth Street Twist Flower".

Tianjin: Live Preview Explore Tianjin Eighteenth Street Twist Flower "Those Things"

As one of the "three musts" of Jinmen cuisine, the Eighteenth Street Twist Flower,

How was it made?

How to ensure fire safety in the production process?

Tomorrow (January 2)

Tianjin Fire Will Lead the Majority of Netizens

Let's explore the taste of this Tianjin people's "Pirane"

Jan. 2 at 10:00 a.m

Tianjin Fire Live Broadcast Room

"Exploring the Twists and Flowers of Eighteenth Street" Fire Live

(Live content: Lecturer on fire safety management in sales places, fire safety in twist production line process)

Looking forward to seeing you

What the?

No prizes?

A large wave of Tianjin fire cultural and creative products are waiting for you to get!

Hand cramps of the kind oh ~

Tianjin: Live Preview Explore Tianjin Eighteenth Street Twist Flower "Those Things"

▲There is still one day before the start of the Tianjin fire live broadcast