
Zero carbon town beautiful happiness double boost

author:Nine factions view the world

Reporter Tang Yan

Turquoise waters, retro houses, winding and colorful bicycle tracks... The reporter took an electric bus and visited the zero-carbon town of Steep Water Along the "Drunken Beauty" shoreline of the South Lake in Shangyou County. Outside the window, the idle clouds are rolling and picturesque.

Focusing on the goal of beauty and happiness, in recent years, Shangyou County has continued to deepen the construction of zero-carbon towns, and through the "combination fist" of pollution reduction and carbon reduction action, carbon neutral forest construction, water environment governance, industrial structure optimization, etc., it has continued to expand environmental capacity, continuously reduced pollutant emissions, transitioned production and lifestyle from low carbon to zero carbon, and transformed ecological value and high efficiency to achieve double improvement of beauty and happiness.

Forest oxygen bar is popular

Yangming Lake Bay is natural and natural, and the air full of negative oxygen ions is refreshing.

Due to decades of closed mountains and forests, the coniferous mixed forests and evergreen broad-leaved forests on both sides of Yangming Lake are evergreen and green. "Urban life is fast-paced and stressful, and it is very pleasant to come out on holidays to relax and get close to the landscape." Zhang Hui, a self-driving tourist from Guangdong, has come to Yangming Lake Scenic Area for the second time.

In order to further improve the quality of the ecological environment, in recent years, Shangyou County has taken the "three cleaning and four rectification" work as the starting point, continued to promote the rectification of water resources, implemented special treatment during the fishing ban period, and adopted measures such as artificial breeding and stocking, continuously optimized the structure of aquatic species groups, and the clean water of a lake is clearer and more beautiful. Steep Water Town has also vigorously carried out land greening actions, widely planted carbon neutral forests, transformed low-quality and inefficient forests, and continued to expand the forest stock, with the town's forest coverage rate reaching 86%, and the capacity of forest carbon sinks has been continuously expanded. Optimize the industrial structure, strictly control the settlement of "two high" industrial projects, focus on the development of selenium-rich rice, lotus industry and other ecological agriculture, as well as modern service industries focusing on eco-tourism.

Zero carbon homestay drunk tourists

A few days ago, the second Hakka Cup Design Competition of "Into Yangming Lake - Zero Carbon Homestay Town Design Summer Camp" was successfully concluded, exploring more Internet celebrity punch points and new tourism landmarks for Steep Water Town. Characteristic town formats attracted by characteristic homestays, low-carbon energy saving, and historical culture are constantly enriched, and tourists are endless.

Based on ecological advantages and fertile selenium-rich soil, Steep Water Town vigorously implements the rural sewage purification system and clean small watershed treatment, promotes the ecological purification project of tea pits, builds Changkeng Rural Forest Park, develops and expands green industries such as Changkeng Lotus Industry and Tea Pit Selenium-rich Rice, and creates zero-carbon villages such as Changkeng and Teakeng.

In autumn, the characteristic homestay group located in the zero-carbon town of Steep Water is outlined as a "paradise". In the "Letter from the Mountains" homestay, you can see the mountains in the distance, and you can see the lake nearby; in the "Mu Xin Ji" homestay, maolin xiu bamboo is hidden; in the "Mirror Twin Cities" homestay, full of old style... "Drive more than 400 kilometers to come here, push the window to see the green, full of scenery. "When I woke up, Mr. Zhang, a tourist from Shenzhen, went for a walk in the garden next to the homestay and changed the scenery, which was very comfortable.

Relying on the existing natural landscape and old buildings, Shangyou County revitalizes idle asset resources such as Shangyoujiang Power Plant and Yujiang Forest Farm, transforms and upgrades the natural environment, and creates a zero-carbon homestay town integrating landscape culture, hydropower culture and fishing culture.

【Source: Jiangxi Daily】

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