
Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread

author:Play the art of cooking

<h1>Low-fat yogurt fruit tart for multi-fibre whole grain toast, exclusive to the queen</h1>

Don't "show off" anymore! Spring is coming, and winter clothes can't cover it. Do your friends have the same troubles as I do?

Cold appetite is super good, in order to resist the cold to eat a few bites, and spring warm flowers blooming season, winter clothes gradually collected, put on spring clothes, oh hey, is the zipper broken? Click, what a situation, the original winter "collection" is all here.

Don't be sad, experts have said, adjust the three meals well, eat more fiber and low fat, plus go outdoors to walk, slowly you are not a "rich woman" Beloved spring and summer clothes, you can also easily wear the upper body.

Low-fat diet, not to eat starchy food, but to eat whole grain staple food, whole grain staple food than the general delicate grain more digestible, nutritional comprehensive, so that the feeling of fullness is stronger, hunger tolerance. Giving the body the necessary nutrients is the way to be friendly to the body.

Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread

Making toast at home will feel too difficult, since the use of this sprouted grain flour with spontaneous flour, it is much easier, first use the bread machine to knead the dough, roll up and bake a toast is toast, do not mind the shape of the small partner, directly in the bread machine in one go, is also appropriate.

The prepared toast bread, in addition to being sliced and eaten alone, can also be "dressed up" like this. Toast is made into a tarpy, roasted, yogurt and a variety of fresh fruits are added, and when it is afternoon tea or weekend brunch, it is excellent, beautiful and low-fat.

There are so many yogurts in it, is it still called low fat? Hey, don't worry, this yogurt is the only truly sugar-free yogurt I've tried, and it's best for low-fat, low-sugar drinks that want to stay in shape.

The queen's exclusive brunch, of course, should invite girlfriends to share together. Refreshing and non-greasy, colorful and balanced collocation, visual effects first open the mobile phone "eat" and then we savor, and sure enough, we won the love of senior beauties and got a happy morning mood.

Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread

<h1>Cereal toast bread</h1>

〔Material Purchase〕

Sprouted grain self-powder 430 g, milk 260 g

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Jane Eyre 0 Adds Sugar-Free Naked Yogurt ¥34.9 Buy

Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread

〔Specific Method〕

Step 1

Put all the ingredients in the bread machine and knead them to remove.

Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread

Step 2

Remove the dough, place on the board and gently pat off the air.

Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread

Step 3

The dough is divided into two halves, rolled out into the shape of a beef tongue, and rolled back from one end.

Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread

Step 4

Put the rolled toast embryos into the toast box and let them ferment for about 40 minutes, then put in a warm place or in the oven on a cold day and turn on the fermentation mode.

Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread

Step 5

When twice as large, bake in a 210-degree preheated oven for 40 minutes. As for the problem of brushing oil on the surface of the toast, leaving the small partner to choose freely, what I do is not brush oil.

Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread
Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread

Step 6

After baking, take out the toast box and shake it first, haha, say hello to it, it's going to come out! After cooling, tear open the middle, the drawing effect is quite satisfactory, the toast bread is completed here, followed by a change of cooking.

Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread

<h1>Yogurt fruit tart</h1>

The main soul of the material is yogurt, fat losers choose sugar-free, there are children can choose the original low-sugar model, can be exactly what you need. There is no restriction on the fruit, what you have at hand can do, consider the figure can choose less sugar fruit, on the contrary, durian is also OK, haha.


Strawberries and blueberries are the most friendly to girls, add some flour to soak for half an hour, rinse, and then use cold boiling water again, drain and set aside.

Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread

Slice the toast, cut one knife at each edge, at a depth of 1/2.

Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread

Fold and put into a paper cup to set, put into the oven at 210 degrees, bake for about 5 minutes, the edges can be slightly scorched.

Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread
Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread

Dig up a large spoonful of yogurt, pour it into the tarpy, and mix the fruit in it, so that the heroic person can fill it all.

Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread
Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread
Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread
Low-fat yogurt fruit tower for multi-fiber whole grain toast, low-fat yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive multi-fiber whole grain toast, yogurt fruit tower for queen exclusive grain toast bread

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