
Jia Baoyu's two love realizations

author:Dream of the Red Chamber Research
Jia Baoyu's two love realizations



Grass is green because of spring, flowers are red because of spring, and people are mistaken because of spring color. In a world of youth, Jia Baoyu came to the green and went looking for flowers, was Xue Baochao good, or Lin Daiyuqiao, Xue Baochao charming, or Lin Daiyumei, thinking of Fu Qiufang's Zhishu Dali, thinking of Miaoyu's high purity and coldness, thinking of Shi Xiangyun's delicacy and cuteness, nostalgic for the warblers and swallows in the flowers and grasses, Jia Baoyu was still wandering in the flowers and grasses, still drunk and self-obsessed in "unsympathetic", which can be described as "spring hate and spring sorrow are self-provoking". The two setbacks before and after, one for the beating of the love and the other for the poison of the rush, let him have a deep understanding and understanding of love and marriage.


The first time, it was in the 36th time, "Recognition of The Love of Pear Xiang Yuan".

After Baoyu was beaten, both Dai Yu and Bao Chao came to visit, and Dai Yu cried tearfully in front of Bao Yu, "two peaches with swollen eyes", and advised Bao Yu that "you can change from now on", but Bao Yu's answer is still the same, obsessive and difficult to change, "just die for these people, it is also willing."

Just at this time, Sister Feng came to visit Baoyu, and Daiyu went out of the backyard to hide. She knows Baoyu's temperament and personality, and he has equal respect for his daughters and a sense of fraternity. Baoyu when Dai Yu is a confidant, Tuo Qingwen brought two old veils, Dai Yu will be aware and deeply moved, Zhi Bao Yu regards himself as a confidant, so he has a feeling, and made three inscriptions of Pa poems, which are for "love because of emotional sister".

The old pa has at least three meanings, the first layer talks about the surface acacia (the handkerchief is a silk fabric, "silk" and "si" harmonic sounds), the second layer of Baoyu shows Dai Yu that he is not a person who likes the new and hates the old (Dai Yu stayed in Jia Fu before Bao Chao), and the third layer counterattacked the gold lock, golden qilin and other relics. Deeply moved by Yu Daiyu, he wrote a poem with a pen and shed tears.

Jia Baoyu's two love realizations

After Bao Chao was beaten by Bao Yu, he listened to the attacker relay the words of Bao Yu Xiao Wei Bao Ming, saying that Xue Pan was instigating behind his back and turning his anger on Xue Pan, xue Pan was angry, and he broke Bao Chao's mind, and Bao Chao was even more angry and ashamed. Baochao has feelings for Baoyu. Whether it is Aunt Xue or Aunt Xue and Lady Wang's sisters spreading the fatalism of marriage in Jia Province, the hearts of the budding young girls have ripples and reverie.

On this day, BaoChao, Dai Yu, etc. ate watermelon at Madame Wang's place, Bao Chao asked Dai Yu to go to lotus Champs together, Dai Yu replied that she would take a bath immediately, and Bao Chao came to Yi Hong Courtyard alone, making needlework next to Bao Yu in his sleep - embroidered Mandarin ducks, showing this love unquestionably.

"How can the words of the monks and Taoists be trusted?" What is the marriage of gold and jade, I prefer to say that it is a marriage of wood and stone", Baochao "shy", she finally understands Baoyu's heart, Baoyu's heart is in Daiyu, not in her. The personality of her retinue was also revealed later, and she understood that Baoyu was fond of Daiyu, and did not resent and envy Daiyu because of this, but chose to reconcile with Daiyu. From summer to autumn, to the 45th time, "Jinlanqi mutual dissecting Jinlan language", Chao Dai mutual complaints to each other, ice release of previous suspicions, the past quarrels of jealousy, quarrels disappeared.

Jia Baoyu's two love realizations

A few days after Baochao embroidered mandarin ducks next to Baoyu's bed, Baoyu strolled to Lixiangyuan, where he felt that fate was destined and applied to love. The little drama Lingguan in the Lixiang Courtyard was the little girl who had drawn "Rose" under the rose trellis a few days ago, Baoyu went forward to inquire and wanted to talk to him, and came to sit down next to Lingguan, but Lingguan lifted up to avoid, and did not put the rich and noble brother in front of him in his eyes, Baoyu was snubbed, and went to the side to talk to other small dramas.

At this time, Jia Qiang came from outside carrying a cage of birds, and in front of the Ling Guan, she was gentle and flattering. Ling Guan ignored it, Jia Qiang circled around, saying all kind words; Ling Guan was angry, saying that Jia Qiang was carrying the bird cage to tease her, and there was no freedom in the "prison pit", Jia Qiang opened the bird cage and released the bird. Bao Yu had an epiphany, it turned out that Ling Guan had a crush, and with a crush, he would no longer be enthusiastic about himself, and would no longer laugh and speak in front of him. When a person has a crush, he should be single-minded and single-minded, and put his mind and emotions on one person.

Jia Baoyu's two love realizations


The second time, in the 58th time, "Akane screen window true love is obsessed".

The 57th time, "Hui Zi Juan love words try to busy jade". As Daiyu's personal big man, Purple Crane understands Daiyu's inner world, and Daiyu sends people to the fence, and the only thing she relies on is her grandmother, who loves Baoyu. The old lady is here, Dai Yu may have something to rely on, someone speaks for Dai Yu, if one day, the old lady is gone, who can speak for their own miss? Therefore, Hui Zijuan used Dai Yu Nangui as an excuse to try Bao Yu's true heart.

At this moment, Bao Yu's "dementia" and "dementia" were provoked, and jia fu also understood that Bao Yu loved Dai Yu inside and out, up and down, and effectively impacted the theory of "golden and jade good fortune" scattered in Jia Fu. The Purple Crane is not unwise! Spoke for my own lady and spoke! Aunt Xue saw that the theory of "golden jade good fortune" had been strongly impacted, and the future young grandmother of Jia Fu would be Daiyu, but there was nothing she could do, and the marriage was not forced, so she and Daiyu pushed their hearts and confessed Daiyu as a dry daughter. It is for "Aunt Xue's love words to comfort the idiots".

Jia Baoyu's two love realizations

Because there were funerals in the imperial court, it was stipulated that the people were not allowed to marry within three months, and the family of the lord was not allowed to feast music for one year. The small drama troupe of Lixiangyuan was dismissed, and most of them did not want to go home, and were assigned to each room as a maid, fangguan was assigned to Baoyu, lotus official was assigned to Daiyu, and Ruiguan was assigned to Baochao.

Under the Qingming Festival, the lotus officials burned paper money at the rocks of the Daguan Garden, and were found by the dry lady Xia Pozi, who wanted to take it to report, the grand view garden was a quiet and quiet place, where the daughters lived, and it was not allowed to have haunted filth. Baoyu appeared in time, snatched Bai Xia's mother-in-law, and saved the Lotus Official.

When Bao Yu asks who is burning paper money, The Lotus Official, grateful for Bao Yu's protection, tells Bao Yu that only Fang Guan and Rui Guan know this story, and asks Bao Yu to go back to the room to ask Fang Guan. After Baoyu returned to Yihong Courtyard, when Qingwen and The Raiders went out to eat, Fangguan left Fangguan in his eyes, and Fangguan told Baoyu the inside story:

"He sacrificed the dead Gongguan, saying that he was Xiaosheng, and That Gongguan was Xiaodan, and often acted as husband and wife, although it was false, and the daily song and pomp were all really gentle and considerate things, so the two of them went crazy, although they did not do drama, they usually ate and sat up, and the two people were actually you and I loved." As soon as The official died, he cried dead and came back to life, and he still does not forget it, so he burns paper every section. Later, when we made up ruiguan, we saw his gentleness and thoughtfulness, and we also asked him if he had to abandon the old and the new. He said, 'There's a big truth to that.' For example, if a man loses his wife, or if he has to continue the string, he must also continue the string. If you just don't throw away the dead and don't mention it, it is a deep feeling, and if you blindly cling to the death because of the unsustainability of death, it hinders the big festival, and it is not reasonable, and the deceased is uneasy. You say you're crazy and stupid? Ridiculous? ”

Jia Baoyu's two love realizations

When Bao Yu heard this, he was overjoyed and sighed, saying that he was amazed, "Since heaven has given birth to such a person, why should he use my beard and eyebrows?" He also asked the Fangguan to tell him that in the future, he should not burn paper money, set up a case to burn incense, offer a flower or a fruit, regardless of anything, and be sincere and pure. Baoyu is extremely recognized by the behavior and handling of the Lotus official, and in this regard, Baoyu also expresses his concept of marriage.

In fact, this remark by the Lotus Official alludes to the storyline of the following article, explaining Baoyu's marital behavior - after Daiyu's death, Baoyu married Baochao. Although there are "wooden and stone former alliances", they ultimately cater to the worldly "golden and jade good fortune". But what Bao Yu always remembers in his heart is Daiyu, just like the love of the Lotus Official for the Official, Bao Yu will definitely have a storyline of honoring Dai Yu after marrying Bao Chao.


It is worth noting that Baoyu's two love realizations are derived from small dramas, one is a senior official, interpreting the concept of love, and the other is a lotus official, interpreting the concept of marriage. Although the drama is meaningless, they are sincere in the face of their feelings, and there is still something remarkable and admirable!

There is no one right or wrong in love, it is love to cherish the common time, even if it is not connected in the end, there are also you who are concerned about your stomach in my life, giving the memories of youth and the beauty that was once owned! There is no one right or wrong in marriage, since we are walking together, we will cherish the rest of our lives, understand tolerance, and support each other! So, all right!

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