
Henan is called stew, Hebei is called pi slag, this kind of appetizer is unique, and northerners especially like it

author:Gourmet workshop

Everyone says that when drinking alcohol, you can't drink it on an empty stomach, which hurts the liver and stomach. Therefore, many people like to prepare some appetizers when drinking, and eat vegetables while drinking, so that the stomach will not be uncomfortable because of the stimulation of alcohol. There is a special appetizer in the north, the older generation loves to eat it, but now basically no one uses it to drink, replaced by peanut rice, brine beef and other dishes, because I think this appetizer is too ugly and too earthy.

This kind of appetizer that makes people like and "dislike" is Henan stew, the traditional stew is made of vermicelli, pork, sweet potato starch and some seasonings, spices together. The stew needs to first boil the meat into a broth, then put the noodles in, cook through the broth, mix in the appropriate amount of sweet potato starch, steam through the pot, at this time the stew can not be eaten, to wait until it is cool before cutting into pieces to eat.

Henan is called stew, Hebei is called pi slag, this kind of appetizer is unique, and northerners especially like it

The following gourmet Jun will explain in detail the preparation method of stewing, first of all, we must choose a piece of good fresh pork, or ribs, minced meat can be, pork and ribs stewed out of the broth clear, minced meat stewed out of the stew there is minced meat in it, you can choose at will.

The broth is boiled with spices such as star anise cinnamon to remove the fishy, skimmed off the foam, cooked for about half an hour, the meat is cooked thoroughly, the meat flavor is cooked, the condiments and meat are fished out, leaving the soup.

Henan is called stew, Hebei is called pi slag, this kind of appetizer is unique, and northerners especially like it

Pour the soaked noodles into the pot and season them with salt, soy sauce, soy sauce, etc., cook the noodles and dry the soup. Sweet potato starch is hydrated into a viscous slurry, poured into the vermicelli and stirred well, put into the pot and steamed. The steamed stew is still soft and needs to be cooled to make it solidify and harden, at which point it can be cut into pieces and eaten.

Henan is called stew, Hebei is called pi slag, this kind of appetizer is unique, and northerners especially like it

The stew can be cut open to make the appetizer to eat, because it has been seasoned in advance, it is very Q-bomb refreshing to eat, there is sweet potato starch, vermicelli in it, and when drinking, eating stew can also cushion the stomach, so that drinking wine will not feel uncomfortable. The stew is made of broth, and it is full of meat flavor, if you use minced meat to boil the broth, you don't have to filter it, let the minced meat mixed in the stew, so that you can eat meat when eating the stew.

The stew can also be cut into slices and cooked again, directly fried until golden brown or stir-fried with green vegetables, garlic sprouts and the like. The texture of the stew is flexible and flexible, and it is not easy to scatter when stir-fried again, and it is a favorite dish of the farmer family.

Henan is called stew, Hebei is called pi slag, this kind of appetizer is unique, and northerners especially like it

The stew can be made more at a time, put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration, and cut some when you want to eat it, and fry it, which is very convenient. Although there are many delicious dishes now, the older generation still can't let go of this traditional taste, and they will make it once every now and then.

The gourmet jun thinks that the stew is ready, and it is very delicious to take it directly to the cold mix. Mixed with salt, soy sauce, sugar, aged vinegar and oily spicy seeds and minced garlic into a cold sauce, mixed into a sliced stew, the stew will absorb the taste of the cold sauce, which is particularly fragrant to eat in summer, and it is more refreshing than the cold skin. The stew has the toughness of fine vermicelli and is very tasty.

Henan is called stew, Hebei is called pi slag, this kind of appetizer is unique, and northerners especially like it

The gourmet has also seen people use sesame sauce to mix with stewed seeds to eat, sesame sauce, garlic and coriander mixed with stew is also particularly fragrant, for people who do not like to eat spicy, this is also a good choice. The tahini is very flavorful, and the sauce is so rich that it hangs firmly on top of the stew.

As far as the gourmets know, many provinces in the north will make stews to eat, and the stews and names made in each place have subtle differences. In your hometown, will you also make stews to eat?

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