
Hebei is called pi slag, Henan is called stew, this unique appetizer, many southerners do not know one, Hebei Dingzhou two, Henan Yuzhou

author:Cooking Life

China is the world of food, and in this 9.6 million square kilometers of land, there are too many foods that we have not tasted. We watch "China on the Tip of the Tongue" to know a place with a special feature, and the delicious food makes people hungry when they look at it.

Among the many delicacies, there is a unique appetizer, which is mostly called pi slag in Hebei and stew in Henan. It is a specialty snack belonging to the north, and many southerners say they don't know what it is.

Hebei is called pi slag, Henan is called stew, this unique appetizer, many southerners do not know one, Hebei Dingzhou two, Henan Yuzhou

The different names of this dish also make the materials of this dish different, today we will explore the skin residue and stew in Dingzhou, Hebei and Yuzhou in Henan.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >, Dingzhou, Hebei</h1>

The skin residue in Dingzhou, Hebei Province, is made of lean pork and yam flour noodles or sweet potato dough.

Pork is selected from the farmhouse coarse free range pork rich taste, eat the meat delicious, tender and delicious.

Like Xinzong's sweet potato peel residue is selected from the selection of high-grade pork supplemented with a small amount of starch, the net content of sweet potato peel residue per bag is 500g, vacuum packaging gives you a different taste bud experience, fragrant and delicious.

Hebei is called pi slag, Henan is called stew, this unique appetizer, many southerners do not know one, Hebei Dingzhou two, Henan Yuzhou

It can be fried or stewed, stir-fried vegetables for soup, all of which are delicious and delicious. You can make skin slag buckle bowl, skin slag stew, cold naughty slag, raw fried skin slag and so on. But the most representative is the raw fried skin residue.

Ingredients: vermicelli, corn starch, green onion, dried shrimp, garlic.

1. Cook the noodles in boiling water and put the prepared ingredients in a pan of oil.

2. Add oil to the oil pan and press the vermicelli into a round cake shape.

3. The vermicelli absorbs water fiercely, to prevent the paste pot, to keep shaking. You can also sprinkle oil on the wall of the pot to increase lubrication.

4. After the above work is completed, it should be fried on both sides, fried and then put out, which can be cut into diamond-shaped garlic to eat.

Hebei is called pi slag, Henan is called stew, this unique appetizer, many southerners do not know one, Hebei Dingzhou two, Henan Yuzhou

In life, only good food can not be disappointed. If you haven't eaten this special snack yet, don't miss it, click on the link below and you'll love its taste.

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Dingzhou stewed original pork intestines 3 kg Dingzhou specialty bacon stew ¥89 purchase

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >2, Yuzhou, Henan</h1>

Stewed vegetarian in Yuzhou, Henan, it is made of vermicelli made of special sweet potato starch.

Stew is a common flavor snack in farmhouses around Henan. It is made by putting the vermicelli and sweet potato noodles together in a frying pan, adding the right amount of water, and then marinating over a medium-low heat, so it is called "stew".

Hebei is called pi slag, Henan is called stew, this unique appetizer, many southerners do not know one, Hebei Dingzhou two, Henan Yuzhou

Stewed seeds are made of sweet potatoes, so they have the nutritional value of sweet potatoes: dietary fiber, carotene, vitamins A, B, C, E, etc., with high nutritional value.

More like stew is: fried stew.

Ingredients: braised seeds, soy sauce, rice vinegar, salt, garlic, a little MONOS glutamate, green and red pepper to taste

1. Cut the stew into domino pieces, cut the green and red pepper into pieces, mince the garlic, soy sauce, rice vinegar, salt and MSG into a small bowl and mix well.

2. Heat the pan and add a little oil, put the stew into the pan piece by slice and fry on low heat until yellowish on both sides.

3. Pour in the prepared sauce, add ingredients and stir-fry evenly.

Hebei is called pi slag, Henan is called stew, this unique appetizer, many southerners do not know one, Hebei Dingzhou two, Henan Yuzhou

Henan Yuzhou stew is a fusion of softness and strength, the traditional handmade sweet potato noodle stew, making the taste strong, smooth and tender in the mouth.

With the rich potato aroma of sweet potatoes, the stew made from sweet potatoes to sweet potato noodles to vermicelli condensed is made layer by layer, which is actually a green ingredient.

Braised is a common food in Henan families and is a unique appetizer. Also recommend stewed seeds produced in Yuzhou for you, take you to appreciate different snacks, click on the product card below, you can buy yo.

Sweet potato stew 400g *6 bags Yuzhou sweet potato noodle stew Henan Xuchang specialty Peel slag flat stack ¥38.8 purchase

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