
Make shredded meat with beans, master three tips, beans are not yellow meat shreds are not chai, teach you the correct method

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: Make beans fried shredded meat, master three tips, beans are not yellow meat shreds are not chai, teach you the correct method

At this time of year, there are tons of beans on the market, fresh and cheap, don't miss it! There are many ways to do carob, such as steamed beans, dried dried beans, pickled capers, as well as the most common cold mixed beans, fried beans, very delicious. I believe that many people like fried beans and think it is so simple, but how can a simple dish make the best look? You also need to master some tricks to make the most ordinary fried beans delicious.

Make shredded meat with beans, master three tips, beans are not yellow meat shreds are not chai, teach you the correct method

Usually fried beans, can be stir-fried, can be fried with ingredients, of which with shredded meat is the most popular, rich in meat aroma to make beans more delicious, beans fried shredded meat is a very good next meal.

Some friends do not do well, common these failures, beans are yellow and not emerald green, beans taste is not tasteful, beans are too soft and not crisp and tender, meat is not flavorful, meat is not soft and very woody, fried meat sticky pan, I don't know what kind of situation you encountered? If you want to make this dish, it is not as simple as stir-frying beans and shredded meat together.

Make shredded meat with beans, master three tips, beans are not yellow meat shreds are not chai, teach you the correct method

Make beans fried shredded meat, master the three tips, beans are not yellow meat shreds are not chai, teach you the correct method! You can't cook a dish without mastering the tricks.

Come and see, follow this method to do, make sure you can also make delicious, do not have to go to the restaurant at home to eat the same delicious, may wish to try it.

Steps to prepare for sautéed shredded meat with beans:

Make shredded meat with beans, master three tips, beans are not yellow meat shreds are not chai, teach you the correct method

Prepare a handful of crisp and tender beans, here the beans refer to cowpeas, long beans, with it fried meat shredded is the best, I now here a piece of more than a pound, quite cheap, I have recently used it almost every day to cook, change the pattern of cooking, family love to eat, ordinary beans are also rich in a variety of nutrients, remember to eat often.

Pork with tenderloin, if you want to spend less money, you can also use ordinary lean meat, but the taste is slightly worse.

Make shredded meat with beans, master three tips, beans are not yellow meat shreds are not chai, teach you the correct method

Pork wash and cut into strips, shredded meat with water to grasp and wash it, add a few drops of cooking wine, a little pepper, soy sauce after squeezing the water, and then put a few drops of soy sauce, stir evenly with chopsticks, with the color of the old soy sauce, the shredded meat will not be white, add according to their own preferences, put less closer to the primary color, put more shredded meat color dark.

After stirring, add a little cornstarch and cooking oil, continue to stir with chopsticks, let the shredded meat wrapped in a very thin pulp, and put it aside to marinate.

Make shredded meat with beans, master three tips, beans are not yellow meat shreds are not chai, teach you the correct method

The shredded meat is processed, and then the beans are processed, and some of the beans are removed at both ends, and then the worms are removed, broken into small sections by hand, washed in water, and then cut small pieces with a knife after cleaning.

Add water to a pot, bring to a boil over high heat, add a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of cooking oil, pour in the beans and cook until it is broken.

After cooking, remove the water from the tap to cool down quickly, and then put it aside to control the water.

Make shredded meat with beans, master three tips, beans are not yellow meat shreds are not chai, teach you the correct method

Prepare a little ingredient, garlic is essential, peel and crush, like to eat spicy, you can prepare a little dried pepper segment.

Make sure the wok is clean, heat over high heat, pour in cooking oil to turn the pan, pour out the oil after it is hot, immediately pour in the cool oil, then pour the shredded meat into the pan and quickly slide and stir-fry.

When the shredded meat changes color, it is put out and ready to use. Leave the bottom oil in the minced garlic and stir-fry, then pour in the beans and stir-fry, a few clicks on it, because it is cooked and do not fry for too long.

Make shredded meat with beans, master three tips, beans are not yellow meat shreds are not chai, teach you the correct method

Stir-fry a few times, pour in the shredded meat, then add a little salt, chicken essence, sugar, pour a little water on the side of the pot, stir-fry evenly on high heat.

Such a plate of beans fried shredded meat is ready, the beans do not turn yellow and change color, but look more emerald green and bright, the meat is not woody at all, it is very tender and fragrant to eat.

Stir-fried shredded meat with beans, master 3 tips:

Make shredded meat with beans, master three tips, beans are not yellow meat shreds are not chai, teach you the correct method

First, the beans are crisp and tender, and do not directly fry, you need to blanch the water first. The surface of the beans is very hard, directly fried, it is not easy to fry, after extending the frying time, it is easy to fry the beans yellow, the taste will become worse, and the boiling water can solve this problem very well, add salt and cooking oil when boiling water, the beans will not change color, and the frying after the break does not have to be fried.

Second, the shredded meat can not be directly fried, add seasoning and starch marinade, the shredded meat is more flavorful and no fishy, and it is more tender and delicious after frying.

Third, learn the operation of hot pan cold oil, so that the meat shredded after the pot is not sticky, easy to fry, fried out of the tender and smooth feeling.

Make shredded meat with beans, master three tips, beans are not yellow meat shreds are not chai, teach you the correct method

In addition, the shredded meat and beans have a bottom flavor, so pay attention to the amount of salt when you finally come out of the pot to season.

Have you learned the method of stir-frying shredded meat with beans? Make a quick one for your family to try, and make sure it tastes good. Sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.

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