
Private dishes to share: spiced braised beef brisket, spinach mixed with chicken nuggets, thousand island juice chicken balls

author:Sunny Kitchen
Private dishes to share: spiced braised beef brisket, spinach mixed with chicken nuggets, thousand island juice chicken balls

Spiced braised beef brisket

Ingredients: 500 g beef brisket; Seasoning: 4 g salt 1 piece of ginger 2 pieces of cinnamon 3 slices of raw soy sauce 1 tsp of bean paste 1 tsp of licorice 4 slices of five spice powder 1 tsp of sugar 2 pieces of orange peel 1 can of beer


1. Beef brisket is bought to cut quickly, soaked in water for an hour, during which the water is changed several times, soaking in bloody water, so that it is more useful to go fishy

2. Soak the controlled dry water, then put in a can of beer to soak for about half an hour, fish out the control dry water; wash the seasonings and control the dry water

3. Put the brisket and the seasoning together into the pot, put in a sufficient amount of water at one time, turn the heat on high heat and turn to medium heat; note, about half an hour or so, tangerine peel, licorice should be fished out, otherwise the taste is too heavy. The whole boiling process is to boil, turn off the heat and simmer, then boil, and then simmer, so on, with chopsticks to poke soft

Private dishes to share: spiced braised beef brisket, spinach mixed with chicken nuggets, thousand island juice chicken balls

Spinach tossed with chicken nuggets

Ingredients: spinach, chicken, soy sauce, garlic, green onion, salt, vinegar, tempeh hot sauce


1: Wash the spinach, blanch the water and then rinse the water and cut into inches.

2: Boil 1/2 chicken in white water, break into large pieces, mince the garlic and green onion.

3: Pour chicken and spinach onto a plate, add salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tempeh sauce, minced garlic and chopped green onion and mix well

Private dishes to share: spiced braised beef brisket, spinach mixed with chicken nuggets, thousand island juice chicken balls

Thousand Island Juice Chicken Ball

Ingredients: 450 grams of chicken thigh meat, 11 mustard hearts, 10 grams of Thousand Island juice, 2 grams of minced garlic, 5 grams of chicken powder, 1 gram of pepper, 5 grams of salt, 1 g of sesame oil.

1. Slice the chicken thigh, add salt, monosodium glutamate, corn starch, food powder and water for 20 minutes, and slide into a ball in 40% hot oil.

2: Leave the bottom oil in the pot, put a little garlic and Thousand Island juice, then put the chicken balls in, add the soup, salt, chicken powder, sesame oil, pepper, hook the pot and put it on the plate.

3: After blanching the mustard hearts, leave a little bottom oil in the pot, put the mustard hearts cooking wine and stir-fry the soup slightly, and start the pot yard on the side of the chicken balls

Private dishes to share: spiced braised beef brisket, spinach mixed with chicken nuggets, thousand island juice chicken balls

Hibiscus perch

1. After slaughtering and purifying the sea bass, take the head and tail of the fish and taste it first, and then put it into the cage together with the egg liquid that is mixed and mixed, steamed and set aside.

2, the net fish meat into a large piece, sizing into the oil pot slippery oil, fished out and then add corn kernels, green and red pepper grains, fresh soup seasoning and smooth cooking, and finally put on the steamed tender eggs, that is