
In late summer and early autumn, how to drink the soup (Li Qiu) bitter melon stew ribs mung bean barley duck soup Chuanbei Sydney pear pork lung soup bitter melon black fish soup

author:Rock sugar with pears

After the summer, the time sequence reaches the beginning of autumn, usually around August 7 of the Gregorian calendar every year. In the sense of the season, autumn means that autumn begins on this day.

Be careful ⚠️ about your diet

It is advisable to eat more bean foods, such as red beans, mung beans, eyebrow beans, red adzuki beans, lentils, etc., bean foods have the function of strengthening the spleen and dampness, which is in line with this solar term. There are also some foods such as wheat, black rice, lotus seeds, etc. that are very beneficial to this solar terms.

After a long summer, people's body consumption is very large, many foods such as duck, loach, American ginseng, fish, lean pork, seafood, soy products, etc., both to cool down the heat and tonic effect, can be assured to eat.

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, you can meet the nutrients needed by the human body, and you can supplement the potassium lost through sweating.

<h1>Bitter melon stewed ribs</h1>

In late summer and early autumn, how to drink the soup (Li Qiu) bitter melon stew ribs mung bean barley duck soup Chuanbei Sydney pear pork lung soup bitter melon black fish soup

Ingredients 500 g of ribs, 1 bitter melon.

Seasoning 1 tbsp cooking wine, 1 tsp salt.


Wash the ribs, blanch in boiling water to remove the blood, put them in a stew cup, add water and cooking wine, and steam for 20 minutes.

Wash and cut the bitter melon, remove the seeds, cut into large pieces, put in a stew bowl with ribs and steam for another 20 minutes.

Season with salt and serve when tender.

Small tips

Ribs have the effect of nourishing and strengthening the body, replenishing the heart and calming the spirit, nourishing the blood and aphrodisiac, benefiting the spleen and appetizing; bitter melon is healthy and moist, has the effect of nourishing the heart and preventing heat, and is a good food therapy product in early autumn.

<h1>Mung bean barley duck soup</h1>

In late summer and early autumn, how to drink the soup (Li Qiu) bitter melon stew ribs mung bean barley duck soup Chuanbei Sydney pear pork lung soup bitter melon black fish soup

Ingredients 2 duck legs, 25 grams each of barley and mung beans, aged

A small amount of skin.

Seasoning salt

Blanch the duck legs with water and rinse them; wash the barley, mung beans and tangerine peel.

Place the blanched duck legs in a casserole dish along with barley, mung beans and tangerine peel and add plenty of water.

Cook for 20 minutes on high heat, skim off the oil slick and cook for 2 hours on low heat.

Season with a pinch of salt before cooking.

Duck meat is cold, in addition to making up for fatigue, nourishing the yin and nourishing the stomach, it can also disinfect heat, facilitate urination, and get rid of boils. Therefore, eating old duck in early autumn has the most nourishing effect on yin and heat, and has the effect of reducing swelling.

<h1>Chuanbei Sydney pork lung soup</h1>

In late summer and early autumn, how to drink the soup (Li Qiu) bitter melon stew ribs mung bean barley duck soup Chuanbei Sydney pear pork lung soup bitter melon black fish soup

Raw materials 120 grams of pork lung, 1 sydney pear, 10 sichuan shellfish


Wash and slice the pork lungs, boil in boiling water for 5 minutes, and then wash with cold water.

Wash and break the sichuan shellfish, wash the sydney pear with the skin, remove the stem and the pear core, and cut the pear meat into small pieces.

Bring water to a boil in a pot, add all the ingredients when the water is boiling, and cook for 2 hours on low heat.

Add salt to taste.

Dryness is the main qi of autumn, the lungs are easy to be hurt by dryness, this soup moisturizes the lungs, autumn can eat 2 times a week, very beneficial.

<h1>Bitter melon blackfish soup</h1>

In late summer and early autumn, how to drink the soup (Li Qiu) bitter melon stew ribs mung bean barley duck soup Chuanbei Sydney pear pork lung soup bitter melon black fish soup

Raw materials 1 blackfish, 1 bitter melon, green onion, ginger


Seasoning Salt, cooking wine, pepper each appropriate amount.

Wash the blackfish from the five organs, add green onion and ginger to the belly of the fish, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine to marinate and set aside; bitter melon to remove seeds, wash and cut into slices.

Put the oil in the pan, fry the blackfish slightly, add the right amount of water, and cook the bitter melon together.

When the fish is cooked, season with salt and pepper.

After autumn, although the temperature difference between day and night is large, it is still hot during the day, especially when there is no rain for a long time after autumn, the heat is more compelling, and the folk are known as "autumn tigers". Bitter melon cools down and can subdue the "autumn tiger".

ps: I am for reference only, if you have any questions, please contact the author, if there is a similarity, it is purely coincidental.