
The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

author:Smile de gourmet
The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

My son mysteriously ran to me in the morning when he got up and told me he had been woken up by the fried chicken fillet in his dream. "Oh, isn't it fried chicken fillet, this is too easy to do, today will be arranged!" Listening to my affirmative answer, my son happily kissed me and ran away.

The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

Fried chicken fillet seems to be quite difficult, in fact, the method is very simple, and only need a piece of chicken breast can be fried out of a large plate, do it at home is both affordable, clean and hygienic, and do it for children to eat, we can also control the intake of salt and frying time, make the chicken fillet outside the crisp soft, than go outside to buy back to eat more delicious, let's take a look at how I did it, learned not to go out to buy Oh!

The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

& Fried Chicken Fillet &

Ingredients required: 1 piece of chicken breast, breadcrumbs, corn starch, 1 egg, 3 slices of ginger, 1 piece of green onion, 1 tablespoon of fresh soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of cooking wine, salt, white pepper

The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

1, we first prepare the required ingredients, a piece of chicken breast can make a full plate of chicken fillet, eat fresh fried taste is the best; bread crumbs have light beige and dark yellow two, generally speaking, dark yellow breadcrumbs fried out of the color is more beautiful, this has no hard requirements, feel free to prepare on it; eggs to prepare one, and then prepare onion white and ginger and other seasonings can be, as shown in the picture above.

The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

2, Then we cut the chicken breast into thick slices of about 1 cm, and then cut into long strips of about 1 cm, all cut and then plated for later, as shown in the picture above.

The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

3, then we season the chicken breast, add the appropriate amount of ginger slices and green onion, then add 1 tablespoon of fresh soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of cooking wine, the right amount of salt and white pepper, grasp and mix well by hand, seal and marinate for 15 to 20 minutes, as shown in the picture above.

The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

4, after the chicken breast is marinated, put in the cornstarch, beat in an egg, stir well, as shown in the picture above.

The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

5, the amount of corn starch should be determined according to the amount of chicken breast, after stirring evenly, each chicken breast will be wrapped with a thin layer of starch paste, as shown in the figure above.

The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

6, then put the chicken breast wrapped in corn starch paste into the breadcrumb strip, with the help of the starch paste, the bread bran is easy to stick, but you can not pour all the chicken breast into the breadcrumb, it will become a big lump, it is difficult to separate, as shown in the picture above.

The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

7, ignite the pot, pour in the wide oil, when the oil temperature is 50% hot, turn the heat to a low heat and then put in the chicken breast wrapped in bread chaff and then put it in the oil pot with chopsticks, here to remind everyone, must turn to a small fire and then put the chicken breast, otherwise the chicken breast meat is burned first, and then put in the shape, don't ask me how I know, it is the experience of tear transformation, as shown in the picture above.

The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

8, chicken breast into the oil pot will bubble up on it, all put away after turning to the high heat slowly fried, chicken breast just put in the temporary do not move it, because it has not yet been fixed, the surface of the breadcrumb is also easy to fall, as shown in the picture above.

The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

9, wait for about 1 minute and then gently stir them so that they are heated evenly, as shown in the picture above.

The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

10, because the gas fire is different, there is no way to give a specific frying time, pay attention to observation when frying, when the surface of the chicken breast becomes hard and fixed, the color is golden, you can fish out the oil control, as shown in the figure above.

The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

11, after controlling the oil, you can put it on the plate to eat, whether it is to choose to dip the tomato sauce or dip the pepper salt is very delicious, the soft fried chicken fillet on the outside is ready, learned not to go out to buy again, the next door children smell the fragrance to knock on the door, hurry up and do it.

The home-cooked fried chicken fillet is soft on the outside and soft on the inside, which is not worse than buying, and it is economical and affordable to make it yourself

& Smiling Broken Thoughts &

1, do not wait for the chicken breast in the oil pot color is too golden and then fished out, because the oil temperature is very high, after fishing out will continue to color, in the oil control at the same time the color will become darker.

2, because the breadcrumbs are wrapped, so it can be fried once, and there is no need to re-fry.

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