
Tanabata Festival・ Food | Plum

author:Xinmin Evening News

Talk plum is a kind of sour and salty snack, the taste is sour, sweet, salty, sweet; benefits: stomach, warm spleen, stop bleeding phlegm, raw and thirsty. It's one of my favorite snack foods to eat, not one of them.

Tanabata Festival・ Food | Plum

  Originally, the plum was used by Mr. Storyteller to moisten the mouth, because the time of speaking was long, the mouth was dry, and it contained a salted plum in the mouth (at that time it was not as convenient as this, drinking water came), the sour and salty taste stimulated the taste buds, so that the saliva secreted jin liquid full of liquid, you can continue to speak. It is said that Mr. Storyteller's "book" is called "talking book", and his plum is also called "talking plum".

  When I was a child, in the era of the planned economy, many goods had to be purchased with tickets. Food stamps, meat tickets, cigarette tickets, egg tickets and other tickets have always surrounded everyone's life. However, to buy a plum, you do not need to present a ticket. Occasionally on the way home from school, passing by the South Goods Store, spending a few cents to buy a bag of plums wrapped in a kind of yellow paper is the most luxurious consumption. If parents are on a business trip or are coming back from outside and ask what they want to eat, they will talk about Plum.

  After work, there is money, often buy more words plum to put, when you feel dry mouth, mouth has no taste, take a word plum in your mouth, fully experience the sweet and sour of the words plum. Sometimes, when sitting in a car and getting motion sickness, you can also not get motion sickness with a word in your mouth.

  After starting a family, the needs of Dialogue Mei have reached a new level. The cooking of various dishes at home is inseparable from the plum. All kinds of cold dishes require the participation of Shumei. After the cuttlefish is grilled and cooked, the plum juice is made of sweet and sour plums, which is really delicious. Cold pot words plum white lentils, need to use the best words plum, low heat slow tuk for 3 hours, the taste is thick, crisp, melt in the mouth.

  With the improvement of living standards, the price of plums is also rising in the elevator (of course, it is a high-class plum). At present, if the plum is delicious in Shanghai, the price is basically about 180 yuan at 500 grams. I have been buying in Sanyangsheng at Jing'an Temple, where Aunt Mei counter already knows me and often says that I pick her business.

  For me, in daily life, the words mei absolutely can not be without. (Yuan Lixin)