
Kongfu one-pin pot

author:Russi Adon
Kongfu one-pin pot

"Kongfu Yipin Pot" is a famous dish of Confucius given by the emperor. It is said that the emperors of the Qing Dynasty often went to The Confucius Palace, and the Confucius House often brought chefs into the palace to make Confucius cuisine for the empress dowager, the emperor and the lady to taste. Kongfu Yipin Pot, given by the Emperor. It is said that the emperors of the Qing Dynasty often went to Kongfu, and Confucius often sent chefs into the palace to make Kongfu JiaKongfu Yipin Pot

Please taste the empress, the emperor and the queen concubines. The Qing Dynasty inherited the Ming Dynasty's grade system of pin officials, with official titles from one to nine pins, one pin being the highest, and nine pins being the lowest, and the Qing Dynasty listed Kong Fu as the official of the first pin official of the dynasty. Therefore, the emperor gave the soup dish cooked by KongFu with various precious raw materials such as chicken, pig's trotters, duck, sea cucumber, fish belly, etc., the name "Dangchao Yipin Pot", which became the famous dishes of Kongfu and all the Yipinguanfu, which was passed down from generation to generation.

Kongfu one-pin pot

This dish was still served in some high-end restaurants in Shandong, Jiangsu, Shanghai and other places before 1949, but was interrupted for a while. Now it has been restored with the excavation and sorting of the special dishes of each gang. The name of Yipin Pot originates from Kongfu, a famous dish of Kongfu given by the emperor, whose descendants inherited the Yanshenggong and were knighted as "Yipin of the Dynasty" in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The Qianlong Emperor gave the Largest piece of silver tableware in the "Manchu Han Quan Seat" of the Confucius Palace, called the Dang Dynasty Yipin Pot. In addition, there is a kind of round unpaid one-mouth pot, called "Zhong Ding One Mouth Pin Pot". Later, due to the different pots and pans, there were swallow vegetables a pot, shark fin pots, sea cucumber pots, assortments, vegetarian pots and so on.

Traditionally, it is steamed with sea cucumbers and fish maws. The soup is rich and fresh, the ingredients are precious, and the flavors are different.