
There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

author:There are books to read together

There is a book jun said

Sometimes we like a song, not just because it sounds good, but because of the meaning it brings us.

Or bring tears to our faces, or go straight to the depths of the soul, or heal our fragile hearts.

And that's the charm of music.

Today, our new column [Song List] is meeting you again!

"A song, a story, a life."

Today, let's enjoy the song "Summer Wind" together

As the shadow of the epidemic slowly dissipated, the hot summer came with May.

On a lazy evening with the air conditioner on, the song "Summer Wind" is played softly in the speakers.

Melodious singing accompanied by a brisk melody filled the room.

The summer wind is blowing warmly

Wear hair through your ears

You and my summer wind whispered

I leaned over the window and looked down and saw the grandchildren downstairs chasing and fighting.

The little grandson's giggling voice was crisp and loud, and the grandfather looked at the little grandson with a smile and satisfaction.

I watched them stunned, and my thoughts suddenly pulled back to the summer when I was a child.

I still remember that at that time, in the summer evening, I often followed my grandfather to the village path to walk and play...

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

Robert Walser wrote in Summer:

"In the summer, we eat mung beans, peaches, cherries and melons.

In every sense it is long and pleasant, and the days make a sound. ”

In the summer when I was a child, there was no air conditioning, no refrigerator, not even an electric fan.

However, the days are indeed pleasant and long.

In childhood, most of the hottest times were spent under the old banyan tree in my hometown that was more than three hundred years old.

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

After lunch, the people of the hometown, adults and children, gathered under the banyan tree in groups of three or five.

From time to time, there were birds chirping in the trees, and the sunlight passed through the gaps in the leaves, forming a patch of light on the ground.

As soon as the breeze blows, the light spots are large for a while, and the shadows are particularly interesting.

At that time, there were no summer classes, and the main task of the children was to play.

Girls jumping leather bands under banyan trees, jumping field character grids;

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

The boy lay on the ground and played with glass balls, otherwise he would climb up the banyan tree and catch it.

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

Often play to forget the time, and then dirty little face by the parents called home to eat, inevitably another meal dropped.

The adults of the village casually laid out a few mats under the trees, and everyone sat up and began to nag.

Uncle Xiaowu likes to ask people to play poker together, and Uncle Jianshun carries an old-fashioned radio all day long, which will release all kinds of funny stories;

Adults talk about the world under the tree, talk about the past and the present, and when the children hear that they are fascinated, the saliva will flow down;

And the old people, often shake a fan, there is a fan without a fan, they are sleepy under the tree is particularly interesting...

At that time, there were no night markets, KTV, and no square dances;

After dinner, the neighbors came out to cool off under the banyan tree and chat.

There were many mosquitoes under the tree, there was no electric mosquito liquid at that time, there was no mosquito repellent bracelet, if you were bitten by mosquitoes, you would apply a little wind oil essence and cool oil.

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

When I was a child, summer was accompanied by that cool and comfortable taste.

At that time, even if it was hot during the day, the wind at night was exceptionally cool.

We lay on the mat under the banyan tree, looking at the stars, singing songs, and listening to the adults tell stories.

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

The lush branches of the banyan tree hung in front of his eyes, staring at the leaves and counting a few pieces, and his eyelids fell into a deep sleep as soon as he fought.

Roland's "Summer Nights of Stars" reads:

"Just as you counted the stars, the night quietly painted the space, and the sky turned a thick black and blue.

The stars are scattered in the black and blue of its sea, and you can no longer count how many of them there are. ”

Yes, how can you count the stars in the sky of the child's Chinese New Year's Eve?

Sometimes when we wake up halfway through sleep, we hear the adults still talking in the confusion, and when we see that the moon in the sky is still guarding us, we roll over and go to sleep again.

The memories of my childhood are so beautiful.

Life is so simple, but it's a lot of fun.

That kind of happiness, the summer wind must remember it!

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer
There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

Gentle lazy sea breeze

Blow to the high peaks

The windy edge of the windy mountain

Blowing into a mountain wind

In the comments section of this song, see a message like this:

"When I was a kid, there was only one old-fashioned electric fan in the house.

In the summer, this electric fan plays a huge role.

My favorite thing is to make an "ah" sound in front of the electric fan, open my mouth, and then listen to the sound of being twisted by the wind, and giggle at it with my belly. ”

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

Have you ever done such a stupid thing?

A friend said that when he was a child, the happiest thing to do every summer was to go with his grandmother to herd the ducklings.

In the summer, Grandma would hatch a nest of ducklings from duck eggs.

When the ducks are older and the weather is good, they will take them to the small river, and watching the clumsy ducks fall into the water one by one is his happiest childhood.

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

When the ducks returned, Grandma would cut him a large watermelon, and he would sit under the tree and dig the watermelon with a spoon to eat.

Wang Zengqi wrote in "Grass and Trees on Earth":

"Watermelons are hung in the well with ropes, eaten in the afternoon, a knife down, clicking, full of cool air, even the eyes are cold."

When we were young, we didn't have a refrigerator, so my grandmother would put the watermelon in a small wooden barrel, soak it in a deep well, and catch it when it was cold.

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

Cut it with a knife, dig it in with a spoonful, and eat it in your mouth.

It's a high-grade ice cream that can't replace the sweetness.

The icy watermelon makes the whole summer enjoyable.

Except for watermelons, it's popsicles.

When I was a child, popsicles were sold in foam boxes, pushed on trolleys, and boxes containing popsicles were covered with thick quilts.

As soon as the popsicle vendor shouted on the side of the street, a group of children flocked to it.

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

At that time, there was no Haagen-Dazs, a popsicle was enough for five cents, and the expensive one was only 2 cents.

Usually save up two days of pocket money and buy a popsicle to try.

When I was a child, there was no Coke and no Sprite.

Buying a bottle of Arctic Soda is already a big deal.

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

After drinking, remember to return the bottle to Aunt Ali at the commissary.

Hot summers are always accompanied by thunderstorms.

Whenever there was a thunderstorm, we closed the doors and windows and hid in the house.

With the rumbling of thunder, lightning bolts through the walls pierced through the windows, followed by rolling thunder, and the heavy rain began to crackle and pour down.

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

At night, the rain stopped, the stars came out, and the frogs began to bark.

Dad just put a deckchair in the yard and let us lie on it and watch the stars.

The stars are so bright, like eyes, that they illuminate the sky and the yard.

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

Then with a chill, we quickly fell into a sweet sleep.

Zhang Jiajia wrote in "There is a commissary by the clouds":

"The moonlight washed everything away, and the mountainside in the middle of the night was bright and clear.

The water was calm, the motor struggled to cheer up, and two lines of water paddled backwards on the side of the boat.

The reservoir has been deserted for many years, the water and grass are shaking, the small fish and shrimp inside are quietly moving, and the bubbles bubble up from time to time and quietly break.

It was the most moving summer night, and no one wanted to talk.

The water filled the pot, the blue flame of the alcohol stove licked the bottom of the pot, and the gas can sizzled. ”

In such a dream, I really don't want to wake up.

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

I will always remember the summer wind

Say it clearly that you love me

I see your cool smile

There are also times when it is shy

There is a very sad message in the comment area:

"I remember that in the evening of summer, I used to hurry up and finish a bowl of rice and change into a beautiful dress to see you, when the evening breeze was so gentle."

Every summer is always on schedule, is the person you want to meet still around?

I remembered that when I was a teenager, in the early morning of a summer, the sky was just dark, I woke up from sleep, and I heard this song for the first time in the courtyard of my hometown, from my grandfather's radio.

At that time, the breeze was blowing and the air was exceptionally fresh, which was the best memory of the whole youth summer.

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

But now, with a heavy workload, Grandpa has left the world, and he can't go back that summer.

Now we go out early and return late every day, and from the early morning we begin to hide in the company's cubicle.

After a busy day, I walked out of the company after work, and it was already dark.

There was no summer wind, no chilled watermelon from childhood, and no 5 cent popsicles.

We stood at the window and looked up at the starry sky of the city, and the stars in the sky were not as bright as we had seen under the banyan trees when we were children.

Wang Shuo said:

"Now when I think about the human world, I can remind me that the light is like rain, when people are together, parents are young, children are short, and today they are still far away."

It doesn't matter what clothes you wear, good feng shui can be seen in what should be there. ”

Friends who used to say forever seem to have slowly dispersed after many years.

There was no air conditioning 20 years ago, and that's how we spent the summer

Relatives are also slowly getting older:

Mom is becoming more and more nagging, and Dad's movements are getting slower and slower;

Uncle Xiaowu started a business and didn't have time to play poker anymore;

Uncle Jianshun was busy with the farm and did not listen to the radio anymore;

The old people with white hair under the banyan tree have long gone one by one;

Even the old banyan tree looked a little old...

At that time, we under the banyan tree looked forward to growing up every day, but now that we have grown up, we have begun to miss the time when we were young.

Many years ago, we splurgeed and enjoyed ourselves, thinking that it was just the most common summer.

Many years later, we found that the time that could not go back was the most precious nostalgia.