
The first teacher is Yan Jianhong

author:Nursery Practice Team

With the crisp sound of birdsong, I got up at 5:30 in the morning to get ready for today's work. As captain, I had to juggle four teams and give each team the direction of its work.

After washing, I went to the market near the school with my logistics team to buy our ingredients today. Although we had already departed very early and the journey was only a few minutes short, the market was already "buzzing". After more than half an hour of "sweeping", we finally "returned with a full load".

Back at school, I found that many children had come to school. Before I had time to eat breakfast, I organized the students to start cleaning, maybe they had come to the base twice before, so the children were very obedient and cleaned the campus in less than half an hour.

The class bell rang on time, and due to the weather, we performed a simple opening ceremony in the dance studio, and then asked each primary teacher to lead the children back to their respective classes. We have a total of 4 classes. In the first class, the little teachers all carried out class meetings and elected the class cadres, although the scene was a little out of control at the beginning, but when it came to the final election, the children were competing to run for the stage, which made me feel very surprised, and at the same time, I also felt very pleased.

When I patrolled the classes, I found that there were always a few naughty students in each grade, and I adopted a "soft and hard" approach to this situation, and achieved good results. It felt like I was going through a "dark morning", and organizing the discipline of the classes really made me feel "hoarse". I have to say that this morning was indeed "difficult".

Maybe it was when I was out of school that I played a role in "chatting with the children", and the afternoon class finally had a classroom atmosphere. After class, some students will chat with the primary teachers, and even a few students will take a small book and ask the teacher for a phone and WeChat.

In the afternoon, the rain finally stopped, and the research team also hurriedly packed up their luggage and set off to "step on the point" to visit the nearby attractions related to the culture of the station, such as Guguan Road, Jinglan Pavilion and Dongpojing; the students of the news group were busy sorting out the team manuscripts; the teachers of the support group discussed the curriculum and teaching skills... Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Today is a busy day, but it is also a fulfilling day.

The first teacher is Yan Jianhong