
A story more beautiful than a fairy tale: Madame De Brunin and her sonnets

author:Read Dongshan

A story more beautiful than a fairy tale: Madame De Brunin and her sonnets

fairy tale

Sleeping Beauty is a classic in European fairy tales. The beautiful princess, who was as beautiful as a flower, was cursed by witches and never woke up again. One day a young prince came, impressed by the beauty of the princess, and with a gentle kiss he woke her up. The princess smiled, and the prince proposed to the princess, who married the prince, and they lived happily ever after. Sleeping Beauty is the Princess Rose in Grimm's Fairy Tales, a fairy tale with several adaptations, the most famous of which is included in the French writer Charles Perot's 1697 edition of The Tale of Mother Goose, as well as the version in Grimm's Fairy Tales. The origins of Sleeping Beauty can also be traced back to the earlier medieval novel The Legend of Péseforé. Prince Troyles fell in love with Zelandina, who was cursed by the goddess Themis to sink into a deep sleep one day, and the curse was later fulfilled. Troyles found Zeelandina and intercourseed with her, making her pregnant. Zelandina's baby then sucked the linen from her fingers. Through the ring Zelandina, she learns that the child's father is Troyles and eventually marries him.

In our country, the story of love has been spoken from ancient times to the present, from generation to generation. Tang Xianzu's Du Liniang was also revived because of Liu Mengmei's deep love. Tang Shi also left behind "I don't know what to do, and I have gone deeper." The living can die, and the dead can live. Those who are born and cannot be with death, and those who are dead and cannot be resurrected, are not the most affectionate" quote.

A more beautiful story than a fairy tale

This love story that exploded into the dust of the British literary world is undoubtedly romantic from the current point of view, a talented female poet, a handsome and affectionate man, five hundred and seventy-four letters, and an elopement for love, which is enough to make ten romantic literary and artistic films. (Barrett's father, who did not condone his daughter's rebellious behavior until his death.) The gate at 50 Wemble Street in London is forever closed to daughters). The fact is that the biopic "Spring Grudge in the Red Chamber", directed by Sidney Franklin, which tells the story of the famous British poet Mrs. Browning and her husband met and fell in love, was nominated for an Academy Award.

It was a wedding with no blessings, no witnesses from friends or family, not even the bride wearing a wedding dress, which lasted only a few minutes, but it was more touching than those grand and dignified weddings: "Every letter, every silence, you are completely perfect to me, I do not want to change a word, an expression, I am full of gratitude, full of pride, proud of my life to be crowned by you." 」 ”

"Even to descend the stairs, I need my brother's back to hug, but I dare to explode a dust on the British literary scene with a foreign elopement ('Three Kinds of Love)""

The book in his hand is Fang Ping's Translation and Sichuan People's Publishing House's "Lyrical Sonnets of Madame Browning" published in April 1982. The binding designer is Cao Xinzhi.

The author of the book, Madame Browning, and her story are the best examples of the triumph of love over death, which has resounded throughout the main theme of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign human literature history. Moreover, the true story in this reality is far more moving and wonderful than a fairy tale: believe in love, love is the miracle of life's miracle.

In 1889, shortly before his death in Venice, Browning entrusted his son with a wooden box of inlays, which contained all the letters between him and his wife. In 1898, the love letter between the two poets was published, that is, the two-volume "Browning - Barrett Epistles", which is a "love letter literature" from real life with more than a million words rarely appears in the world, it is deep and sincere, poetic, loved by readers, and reprinted six times in just fourteen years.

The hometown of the sonnet is in Italy, it was originally an Italian folk song style with the tune, and later evolved into a lyric poem written by the literati, with Shakespeare achieving the highest achievement, and important poets in each period of English literary history such as Milton, Shelley, Byron, and Keats have written sonnets.

The Portuguese Sonnets are Madame Blannin's masterpiece and have long been considered a treasure in the history of English literature, comparable to Shakespeare's Sonnets.

This touching collection of poems is a true portrayal of the love life of the Browning couple, and is one of the treasures in the history of English literature. Its beauty is moving, even more than Shakespeare's sonnets.

Madame Blannin (Illissa Bai Barrett) first began writing these fourteen-line poems, probably after she agreed to Browning's marriage proposal. It was not until they lived in Pisa after their marriage that Browning read the book of poems. He did not dare to leave this priceless treasure of literature to him alone. In 1850, Madame De Brunin published a volume of poetry, including this group of sonnets, a total of forty-four, and also took a general name, called "Portuguese Sonnets", to disguise the author's identity, because Madame Browning was reluctant to publish personal love poems.

Elizabeth Browning was a famous Nineteenth-century English poetess, born on March 6, 1806. At the age of fifteen, he unfortunately lost his spine on horseback. For more than twenty years, she spent more than a hospital bed. She was paralyzed, and many unfortunate things happened to her family. Her mother died and her brother drowned. Immersed in grief, she began to write poetry, which was her pain and the only ray of sunshine in her life.

At the age of 38, her poetry collection was published. It was also at this time that she became acquainted with another poet, Robert Browning.

Browning admired her poetic talent so much that he began to write to her. From the letter, Barrett reads Browning's admiration for her and his request to visit her.

One sunny morning, the young man quietly walked into her ward. Browning's heart was beating faster, and she wanted to get up to meet him and hug him. However, she could only look at him in a daze. On the third day after this visit, Barrett again received a letter from Browning, in which he proposed to her. Barrett couldn't believe her eyes, and she read it several times before finally confirming. She was unusually agitated, but soon she calmed down again. She had been a crippled patient, and her life was left with only a long list of joyless days; youth, eclipsed on the brink of life and death. Now, in the twilight years, I have caught up with the love of the early years. However, she could only shed tears and answer a call for love with a merciless silence. She knew that she was 39 years old, and this handsome man, 6 years younger than herself, and more importantly, his future was full of hope, and she was a person without hope.

So she rejected him. This summer, Browning would bring a beautiful bouquet of roses to Balette every day. Coupled with their uninterrupted exchange of letters, Barrett's heart opened again. One day, Barrett was intently reading Shakespeare's poems when someone suddenly picked her up from behind. Before she could turn back, the man rushed outside with her in her arms, the first time she had "walked into" a sunny world since she was 15 years old. She couldn't take care of anything else, just squinted at the sun, and then quietly breathed in the fresh air.

She could smell the fragrant roses wafting in the sunlight. Only then did she pay attention to the person who was holding her, and this person was None other than Browning.

Browning said, "My angel, marry me, I am willing to carry you to see all the flowers in the world." Bareett looked at the man silently, and she felt that her body was like a dead tree, struggling to open new branches. She couldn't help but nod her head gently.

Miracles were really born. This winter, Barrett actually walked down the stairs and down the reception room with his own footsteps. At this time, all the people present were stunned. No one dared to believe that this was true. She began to have confidence in life and developed a crush. The happiness of the future is no longer a strong illusion of light, so that she does not dare to force her eyes, does not dare to reach out and touch it. She dared to repay love with love. The following spring, she was able to go for a walk in the park and see the train she had always wanted to see.

One day in 1846, Barrett walked out of the house with trembling legs, went to a nearby church, and quietly married Browning. From that day on, her name was Only Madame Browning. She stood up, twenty months, five hundred and seventy-four letters. There is also "the best sonnet since Shakespeare", each of which shows traces of their love. In the third year of their marriage (1849), Madame Blannin gave birth to a lovely son, Bernini, and the family was filled with indescribable joy. Bernini was not only intelligent, but also artistically gifted. Under the education of his mother, he learned English, French and Italian from an early age. His father had a high musical attainment, taught him music, and at the age of eight or nine, Bernini was able to play Beethoven's sonatas and later became an artist.

During the fifteen years together, elizabeth browning and her husband settled in France, Italy, Switzerland and other countries. Visited countless places she longed for. In 1861, Madame Browning snuggled into her husband's arms and died peacefully, and before she died, she said to him: "Dear, thank you, for showing me the scenery that I thought I would never see again." ”

On her face, she kept a girlish smile. Her countenance, like a maiden, was smiling and happy.

Pick some of her poems:

Please say again I love you

Say it again, please say it to me again,

Say "I love you!" Even if it is repeated over and over again,

You'd think of it as a "cuckoo song";

Remember, in the midst of the green mountains and the green woods,

In that valley and field, if she is missing the syllables of that string of cuckoos,

Even if the fresh spring comes in a green coat,

It's not perfect, either.

Love, so dark all around, only heard in the ear

The throbbing voice of the heart, in the midst of the painful uneasiness,

I shouted, "Say it again: I love you!"

Who would think that there are too many stars, each star rotates in space;

Who would think that there are too many flowers, and every flower is full of spring.

Say, you love me, you love me, ringing the silver bell!

Just remember, you have to love me with your soul, in silence.

The sea cannot change us, the storm cannot shake us, but on the contrary, our hands will cross all the mountains and touch together, and one day the sky will roll between us, and we will swear to the stars, so that our hands will be held tighter and tighter.

I can't tell your silhouette, just because you are around me, my eyes are full of your love, my heart becomes soft and trembling, only because you are everywhere.


Track 14:

If you love me with all your heart, then don't do it for anything.

Just love me for love. Don't say this:

"I love her, for her smile, for the way she looks,

She spoke softly; for her feelings

Exactly to my heart, that day, indeed

Bring me full of joy and comfort. ”

Honey, none of these benefits can be sustained,

It will change because of you, and the love song sung like this

It will also be so dumbfounded. Don't love me because of you

Pity and pity to dry my cheeks,

A person will forget to cry when she suffers from you for a long time

Gentle comfort - but because of this, you have lost your love.

Love me, please just for the thought of that love,

Then you can continue to love, love me like the deep sea.

Song 38:

The first time he kissed me, he just kissed me

In the hand that wrote this psalm, my hand has come more and more from then on

The whiter and purer the crystal, the less good at making worldly greetings,

And Sensitive called: "Ah, listen, listen."

Angels are talking! "Even if you put one on there

The Purple Jade Ying ring will not be better than that first kiss

It appeared more clearly in my eyes.

The second kiss, rising high, it found

Forehead, but a little skewed, half

Print on hair. What a reward,

It is the holy oil that Eros rubs! --Before the love of God

A gorgeous crown. The third one, so wonderful,

Just pressed against my lips, and from then on I was

Proud and daring to call: "Love, my love!" ”

Track 44:

How do I love you? Let me do the math one by one.

I love you as best my soul can

Deep, broad, and high—just as I seek

The presence of God and the deep grace of God in the occult.

I love you as much as the sun and the candles

That need not be said every day. I didn't bother

Love you like men fighting for justice;

I love you purely, as they bow their heads before praise.

I love you with my childhood faith; I love you

With enthusiasm, like the bitterness of the past;

I love you for the saint who seems to disappear

And the fading love. I love you for the rest of my life

Breathing, smiling and tears – if it were God's

Will, then, I will love you even more when I die!

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