
Eight days to play two final victories, what surprises can Wonder Girl bring this time?

author:ONE Championship

Last August, Wonder Girl shocked the world with two wins at the ONE Championship and set a record for two consecutive (T)KO games in eight consecutive days. On February 26, "ONE: Fist of Flames", Wonder Girl returned to the ring after half a year, this time facing the teammate of atomic weight kickboxing world champion Janet Todd, IKF California women's champion Jekylo Bontan, what kind of surprise will she bring us?

Eight days to play two final victories, what surprises can Wonder Girl bring this time?

After Stamp-Phelts lost two gold belts and focused on mixed martial arts, many boxing fans are expecting the 22-year-old Wonder Girl to become the next Muay Thai world champion at Phil Tees. Born into a Muay Thai family, Wonder Girl, whose real name is Nate, is a former professional Muay Thai boxer who has encouraged her daughter to practice Muay Thai since she was a child. She has been training in Muay Thai since she was 6 years old, but at first she did not want to become a professional boxer. When she was a child, Nate was shy and taciturn, because she was tall and had a boxing gym at home, so she encountered many provocations, which also made her start to practice Muay Thai seriously.

Eight days to play two final victories, what surprises can Wonder Girl bring this time?

When she stepped onto the Muay Thai arena, she changed her name to "Wonder Girl". "Dad suggested I punch in the name Wonder Girl. The name comes from a Korean idol group, and Dad thought it would be easier to remember one day when I went on the international stage. I didn't like it at first, but after a while, Thai fans began to remember me for the difference in the name. ”

Eight days to play two final victories, what surprises can Wonder Girl bring this time?

Magic Girl's height of 168 cm combined with the long-range attack of the left and right straight punches, the high knee strike of the close body, and successfully won the 2-time PAT Thai Muay Thai Championship. In order to have a better performance on the international stage, Wonder Girl joined the PhilThis Boxing Gym and became Stamp's sister. Wonder Girl hopes to become a new generation of female fighting idols in the future. 'I came to one championship to become a world champion, but until then, I'll play a few more games and try to stay unbeaten."

Eight days to play two final victories, what surprises can Wonder Girl bring this time?

In the "ONE: Never Give Up III" match on August 21, Wonder Girl made her debut perfectly, slamming WBC Muay Thai Oceania champion Brooke Farrell with a straight punch from left and right, knocking down her opponent twice in one round, koing for 81 seconds. Just a week later, she played Against Chalong boxing champion Kristin Carlos in "ONE: Everything Is Born I" on August 28. This time, the magic girl showed her full-fledged skills, using leg sweeps, knee strikes to launch a three-dimensional attack, and injured the opponent with sharp elbow strikes, and won the second round by 1 minute 06 seconds TKO.

Eight days to play two final victories, what surprises can Wonder Girl bring this time?

PhilTheath Boxing Gym's coach, Prem, is very optimistic about the future of Wonder Girl, and the 4-ounce glove makes her heavy punch sharper. "Fantastic Girl is the strongest Muay Thai boxer in the grassweight today and we are helping her to further improve her technique, especially her boxing skills."

Eight days to play two final victories, what surprises can Wonder Girl bring this time?

On February 26, Wonder Girl hopes to win the 36th game of her career, winning three straight in the ONE Championship. Jekylo Bontan, as Janet Todd's teammate and also from the championship team, also hopes to make a start in his debut. Narrow Road Meets Brave Wins, and this match will determine who is the top contender for StrawWeight Women's Muay Thai.

Eight days to play two final victories, what surprises can Wonder Girl bring this time?

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