
From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

author:Professional walking

In the countryside, the crops in the field and the mountain goods on the slopes are generally stacked in the courtyard dam after they are recovered, sorted, picked, dried, collected, and the granules are returned to the warehouse. As a result, the small courtyard dam has become the busiest place for a family in autumn.

We searched for families in the mountains, but most of the time, we just stopped in each other's yards. While watching the master work, while pulling with each other, the time is gentle and gentle.

This article tells the story of two families in the qinling ditch who met in the courtyard dam.

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

The two courtyard dams have their own characteristics, one of the courtyard dams is covered with blue plastic sheets, and the bottom hides mountain goods that you will not guess, and the other courtyard dam is full of bags of grain, some of which are still rare old varieties.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5">-1-</h1>

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

Is this lush Qinling Mountain beauty? Or is the old house with gray tiles and white walls more beautiful? In front of you, bright red, golden yellow, pure white, gray black and emerald green, five colors are combined. The picture is just right, not much, not much.

People living in such an environment, of course, there will be endless hardships, but it must also be enviable leisure. How many people have tried to get out of here and always come back here in their dreams. When he left, he was resolute, but when he came back in his dream, he was in tears.

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-
From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

On the small ditch in front of the first family's house, a convenient bridge was built, the bridge was made of wood, and the bridge deck was paved with soil, and the soil was already covered with grass. After crossing the bridge, the path into the house is thin and thin, and it is also full of weeds, and it seems that there are not too many people coming in and out.

Most of these families in the Qinling Mountains now live in the old couple, and the young people either go out to work or move to the town for their children to go to school.

The string of grains facing the entrance path is hanging from under the tiles to the ground. Approximately how many? 1000? How many pounds? 500 pounds? The yield of one acre of land? Or the yield of two acres of land?

In fact, even if you ask the owner, I am afraid that the other party may not be able to say it clearly. After all, who cares about these details? Remind readers that friends need to pay attention to the fact that the light next to Bao Gu is very strong.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12">-2-</h1>

The hostess of the family was chopping firewood at the edge of the vegetable patch. This small vegetable patch was fenced with nets on one side and a wooden fence on the other.

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

"Great aunt! What about chopping wood? We passed by and came in to have a look. "There are few people in the mountains, and when they appear in the courtyard of the people's homes, they always have to explain what they are here to do, so we usually take the initiative to tell the reason for the visit."

"Sit! sit! sit! I'll pour you a glass of water! "People in the mountains are very enthusiastic, probably not many people are passing by, even if they pass by, I am afraid that not many people will walk into the courtyard dam like us."

"Thank you! Just you're at home alone? "Pulling homely words, generally can be asking people, asking for directions, asking for life, what to say is actually not important, the key is to make people feel that you are non-toxic and harmless!"

"My old man went to help people repair the house, in the ditch!" The host's answer is generally one to say and one, and there is no perfunctory.

After three or five sentences, the master's vigilance was eliminated. The guests and hosts stand in the courtyard dam, and the conversation will be more in-depth, and the things they talk about will slowly become more detailed.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19">-3-</h1>

I looked under the eaves and saw that there were several large and small backs there.

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

"Made up yourself?" We asked, with questions in our words.

"I made it myself!" The aunt replied, her tone full of affirmation.

"The strap is also bamboo?" We continued to ask, the doubts in the tone heavier.

"The strap is bamboo!" The aunt answered seriously, and the confidence in her words was a little more.

This aunt does not seem to be a particularly good talker, and she usually uses the same sentence for our questions, and replaces them with affirmations and repeats them, even if it is an answer.

We are strangers to The Southern Gully of Qinling, and the people of Nangou are even stranger to us.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="27">-4-</h1>

In the courtyard of the aunt's house, there is a large blue plastic sheet. No wonder I just saw from a distance that the light next to the Bag Valley was so strong, it was originally caused by the reflection of light from this plastic sheet.

"Auntie, this plastic sheet is used for drying the grain?" We asked.

"No, you can unveil it yourself!" A mysterious smile loomed on the aunt's face, and it seemed that there was a secret under the plastic sheet.

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-
From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

"Walnuts?" I reached out and peeled the plastic sheet, and sure enough, I found underneath the peeled, half-dried walnuts.

"Why are they stacked here?" Not afraid of the rain falling heavily, the rain flowing in? "There was a lot of rain in the mountains this year, and we asked worriedly.

"It's okay, it's okay if it doesn't rain much." It's raining heavily and it's definitely going back into the house! "We are a little worried, think about it, the rain is heavy, people will definitely be transported to the house, will they be foolish to watch the rain water it wet?"

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

"How long has it been in the sun?" Pretty good, right? "I pinched the walnut with my hand, and I couldn't feel the moisture anymore.

"It's been more than half a month, and it's almost dry!" The aunt replied.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="36">-5-</h1>

I have mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, and when I see something that can be counted, I always want to count it, but this time, I really don't have the courage to count them one by one, after all, there are too many walnuts...

Resisting the desire to count walnuts is too "south" for obsessive-compulsive disorder sufferers. I was afraid that if I kept staring, my aunt would mistakenly think I wanted to eat. So, I had to turn my attention to the flowers and plants next to the courtyard dam.

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-
From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

"What is that purple plant?" We asked.

"Perilla, medicinal herbs, can also be eaten!" The aunt said.

Next to the perilla, this lilac blossoming shrub is probably hibiscus, right? There are six flowers in full bloom, each with five petals on it. Although the petals are lilac, a little dark purple-red appears near the middle.

This flower grew very healthy, completely unpruned, and the flowers blossomed and fell, all willfully and casually, because the aunt was afraid that she did not have the heart to take care of it.

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

It wasn't early, we were ready to go, and my aunt had been standing at the intersection, just watching us leave. After walking far, looking back, there was already a faint smoke wafting from the roof, and the aunt should have turned back and added a handful of firewood to the kitchen stove.

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44">-6-</h1>

After leaving the first aunt's house, we continued to walk towards the depths of the South Ditch. Soon after, I saw a house in the distance, which looked quite large, a bit like a school.

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

The "Chronicle of Ningshan County" records that at the end of 1987, there were 228 primary schools in Ningshan County. There are 7 Zhushan Townships where Nangou is located, namely Xinpu, Ship Machine, Qili, Dazhu, Hongxing, Miaogou and Nangou Chuxiao.

Unfortunately, 20 years ago, that is, around 2000, Nangou Chuxiao was removed. The school was removed, but the original site of the school must still be there, is the house really Nangou Chu Primary School?

The house was located at the foot of the mountain, a rare flat land in the mountains. In the field in front of the house, a large field of soybeans is planted. In the past few days, there has been a lot of rain, and the soybean seedlings have sucked up the rain and are whizzing upwards.

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49">-7-</h1>

Between the house and the main road of Nangou, there is a small road more than two meters wide. Approaching, I found that the old house was completely symmetrical to the left and right, with two doors and four windows.

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

Among them, the man of the family on the left is sitting in front of the gate tearing the chaff, and the gate has been completely blocked by the chaff.

The grains that had just been peeled off and had a little shell on them were bundled with kudzu vines and were already on the shelves under the eaves. Before long, the shelf should be full.

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-
From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

"Is this the former primary school in Nangou?" We were straightforward and asked from school.

"No, the school is still inside, halfway up the mountain." The man replied.

"How many families live here?" Seeing that the house was so much, we asked instead.

"In the past, it was two households, but now if you want to count the household registration book, it should be five households." The man answered in detail.

"Obviously, there are two gates, why are there five households?" This makes us very confused!

"'The tree is big and the tree is big, and the people are divided into families,' and the younger generations have many children, so they are divided into five households."

From one family, to two brothers, and then to five families, this is the whole story of three generations of this old house. Look closely at the wooden structure under the eaves, the carvings on it, although rough, are thick and rustic.

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="60">-8-</h1>

Inside the courtyard dam, which is divided into five families, a small piece of very colorful bao grain is dried.

"What variety is this?" Feeling that they were different, we asked the host.

"This is the local old Bao Valley, and it is estimated that you have rarely seen it before." Because most of the seeds planted in the field now are hybrid varieties. ”

"Why pick them out on purpose?" We continue to inquire.

"Keep it, what else can you do, look different, pick it up and put it together." Many behaviors in life actually have no reason.

From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-
From dividing into two, and then dividing into 5 households, this is the whole story of three generations of a family in the Qinling Mountains-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-

Local county records: Ningshan County's Baogu, originally there were 171 varieties, which mainly include glutinous baogu and burst baogu two categories, are ancient farm varieties, in addition to glutinous millet seeds, etc., they have a long history in the local area, comparable to glutinous rice.

"In our place, the terrain is not too high, and the crops planted in the field are mainly grains. Previously, grain production could account for about half of the total autumn grain production. ”

"That's right! How far is it inside? Does anyone else have it? "Intending to leave, specifically asked the host.

"Are you going to go inside?" There are less than 4 miles left inside, and there are still three or four families living there. "The host reminded.

About the Author

Professional walking, walking in Qinling for more than ten years, while walking, while shooting, while writing, self-created "walking body" prose, online reading of 100 million, authored a collection of essays "Far Village Walking".

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