
"The Wizard of Oz" will be remade, will it be made into a horror movie this time?

author:Mi Tao Tao Film and Television

The 1939 version of The Wizard of Oz is one of those unshakable classics in the history of cinema.

"The Wizard of Oz" will be remade, will it be made into a horror movie this time?

This film and the original novel are childhood memories for many of us. The Scarecrow, Tin Iron Man, and Lion come alive in the play, and their journey with Dorosi is also a lesson that many of us need to go through.

Although the classic is insurmountable, the plan to remake the work has never stopped — even if any remake will be compared to the original. Recently, a studio announced plans for a remake.

"The Wizard of Oz" will be remade, will it be made into a horror movie this time?

According to foreign media platform Deadline, New Line Film Company is planning to remake "The Wizard of Oz". The remake will not continue the musical, but will be shot in the form of a popular commercial blockbuster – similar to Alice in Wonderland.

Nicole Kassell, director of the American drama "Watchmen", will be in charge of directing the film. She said, "It's an honor for me, but I'll conceive of how to re-present this fairy tale." Still, the theme of finding love, wisdom, and courage won't change. ”

"The Wizard of Oz" will be remade, will it be made into a horror movie this time?

However, Watchmen is a superhero series, and I don't know if the style will continue into her films.

There's reason we're worried about the quality of the remake of The Wizard of Oz. In 1985, there was a remake of "Return to the Country of Oz", and as a result, the film directly became a horror film, and everyone felt the painting style:

"The Wizard of Oz" will be remade, will it be made into a horror movie this time?
"The Wizard of Oz" will be remade, will it be made into a horror movie this time?
"The Wizard of Oz" will be remade, will it be made into a horror movie this time?

In 2003, a remake of the animation was also released, but it did not cause much repercussions.

Now that the work is being remade again, what do you think the quality will be?

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