
The cause of death of Wu Sangui, a gestapo, was revealed: stroke plus diarrhea did not stop

author:Movies look at history
The cause of death of Wu Sangui, a gestapo, was revealed: stroke plus diarrhea did not stop

Birth, old age, illness and death are inevitable things in life, and death is the end of life. As a person, Wu Sangui will inevitably die in the end, there is no doubt about it. There are all kinds of deaths in human death, some died heroically, some died tragically, some died peacefully and happily, and so on. Some died on the battlefield, some died on the sickbed, some died in the rivers, lakes and seas, and some died in unexpected places. The cause of his death varies widely, and so on. Regarding Sangui's death, we have to start from the beginning here.

The cause of death of Wu Sangui, a gestapo, was revealed: stroke plus diarrhea did not stop

Wu Sangui's life is indeed vigorous and extraordinary. Thinking back to that year, he was full of vigor, heroic and handsome, galloping in the land of western Liaoning outside Saiwai, charging for the Ming Dynasty, without any fear; leading the Qing soldiers into the pass, north and south, unstoppable, accompanied by the galloping sound of horses' hooves, he quickly walked to the peak of the power of the people! He is radiant, brilliant, like a dazzling star, as expected by the people of the time! His whole life was inextricably linked to war, and the military battlefield was the stage of his life activities. He played a role that could not be replaced by his contemporaries, which made his life's experience full of thrilling legends and even a little romantic. However, when his death came, it was in stark contrast to his colorful and majestic life. He died a miserable death, a death of undesirable and extraordinary sorrow, or rather, he died with remorse.

The cause of death of Wu Sangui, a gestapo, was revealed: stroke plus diarrhea did not stop

After Wu Sangui ascended the throne, he did not bring him any hope and confidence. The irreversible deterioration of the military situation, political turmoil and gradual changes in the hearts and minds of the people have led to a growing sense of disappointment. At the beginning of the army, the brilliant future that had once been unfolding in front of him had now become bleak, and hope had become more distant and distant than ever. Because he had seen all the Qing troops shouting and approaching him, in the north, east, and south of Hengzhou, hundreds of miles away, and more than a hundred miles near, it was already full of Qing troops, and he felt that his emperor's throne was violently shaking and shaking! He tried to struggle, to do what he could, to fight against fate, to save his doom. However, all his efforts proved futile. He was exhausted, could not sleep peacefully at night, and was often in a state of panic. The beautiful clothes and delicacies he possessed could no longer arouse his slightest joy, sorrow, sorrow, like a magic shadow that accompanied him all the time.

Nevertheless, he is not willing to succumb to bad luck, he still has to live tenaciously and fight. Just two months before his death, that is, in early June of the seventeenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1678), he personally ordered Ma Bao in Hengzhou, and instructed tens of thousands of people to go south to attack Yongxing, the strategically important place where soldiers must fight, two battles and two victories, the Qing army was greatly created, the first battle killed the capital YiLibu, the protector commander Hakesan, and captured the Qingbing Hewai camp (Yongxing was standing on the water, which connected Hengzhou, Xiatong Chenzhou, and yizhang by the dry road); in the first world war, the forward commander Shuo Dai, the deputy capital Tongtuo Dai and Yi Sixiao led reinforcements, and the camp was overwhelmed. The south bank of the river fell, and the Qing army was forced to retreat to Chenzhou. This military blow caused a great shock to the Qing army up to The Holy Ancestor. Saint Zu said: "Recently, the march has caused the death of a minister, and it is impossible to mourn. Ma Bao continued to attack Yongxing with all his might, directly endangering Chenzhou, immediately disrupting the deployment of the Qing army and falling into a very passive situation, causing Shengzu and the front-line generals Mu Zhan and Prince Jian Tobu to scramble, and hastily readjusted their forces to strengthen the defense of Chaling, Youxian, and Anren, fearing that they would be attacked. If we lose these more than ten counties, we will abandon our previous achievements, Jiangxi will be in danger of gaining and losing again, and the situation may have a major reversal, and the consequences will be unimaginable. The Qing soldiers finally resisted Ma Bao's attack for the time being. Ma Bao is extremely strong and will definitely want to capture Yongxing. Seeing that he was about to attack, Sangui was dead, and Ma Bao was forced to abandon the attack and quietly return to the army.

Before Sangui died, he also personally deployed a large-scale attack on Guangdong and Guangxi. He sent Hu Guozhu and Xia Guoxiang to lead tens of thousands of horses, broke into Liangguang, and won several times, especially in Guangxi, and made greater progress, except for Wuzhou, almost all of which were recaptured by the Wu army! Before the work was completed, Sangui died, so the attack came to a halt.

Sangui made progress on the southern front, while Yuezhou was in jeopardy in the north. Yuezhou is the barrier of Hunan, and if the barrier falls, the gateway to Hunan is opened, and the Qing soldiers cross the river, the situation will be unmanageable. Therefore, Sangui was happy and worried about the north for a while, and the most important thing was the gains and losses of Yuezhou. He had already opened up two battlefields, and then went south to Yongxing, feeling powerless to go north to help Yue. He had to resign himself to fate, and everything was presided over by his nephew Wu Yingqi. He kept an eye on Yue Zhou, and his heart was full of worries. The victory on the battlefield to the south gave him a little comfort, but he was not happy. Soon, the Wu army's attack in Guangdong was pushed back; Yongxing could not be attacked for a long time; the little comfort he received disappeared in an instant!

The cause of death of Wu Sangui, a gestapo, was revealed: stroke plus diarrhea did not stop

To make matters worse, the hearts of the people and the hearts of the army were changing, and his subordinates betrayed him one after another and threw themselves into the camp of his enemies. At the beginning, his men and horses were majestic, and wherever they went, who did not raise their hands to greet the king!! But in front of him, his people quietly left him; in the past, the money and grain were abundant, and he spent money like an earth-fed man, but now, the old teachers and old grains are scarce, the treasury is empty, and it is difficult to live a difficult life. All kinds of troubles plagued him, and only then did he really feel "really hard to support", always talking to himself, lamenting: "What suffering! why bother! [630] At the height of his defeat, his self-lament may reveal regret for what he has done? He summed up his life, the southern conquest of the northern war, in the life vanity fair non-stop chasing, ended up in this ending, how can he not realize himself, a little show of his repentance! It was too late, and time was running out for him. When the great river goes east, it is gone and cannot be returned, and everything is irretrievable. Geng Jingzhong, Sun Yanling, and Wang Fuchen, a number of leading figures, all fell one after another, leaving him as a lone tree, which was also difficult to support independently. He was under a great siege of hundreds of thousands of Approaching Qing troops. Before him, there were only two paths, either surrender or die. He understood that in his position, he could never surrender, and even if he surrendered, the court would never forgive him. There is only one way, waiting for death!

The cause of death of Wu Sangui, a gestapo, was revealed: stroke plus diarrhea did not stop

In June, Wu Sangui suffered another mental blow: his wife, Empress Zhang, fell ill and died. Although Zhang Shi had no posture, after all, he was a married wife, so he ascended to the throne as empress. Zhang's death brought him infinite sorrow, which is self-evident. He fell into lonely melancholy again. He was depressed, unsympathetic, and his face was getting haggard.

In August of the seventeenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1678), Wu Sangui suddenly suffered from "stroke and hiccups". This is the name of the disease in Chinese medicine. According to chinese medicine, stroke refers to symptoms such as sudden fainting, crooked mouth and eyes, difficulty speaking, or half-body failure. Even if you do not pass out, the above conditions may occur. Stroke also refers to the external feeling of wind evil, but also appears symptoms such as crooked mouth and eyes. "Choking" is another disease, according to the clinical interpretation of Chinese medicine, its symptom is, "choking" is swallowing infarction, water can not drink, food is difficult to enter. "Hiccup" refers to narrowing of the esophagus, and the refusal of the ingestuary to make pain, or the refusal to refuse to descend. The two are collectively called "choking burps". Modern medical knowledge tells us that it is very troublesome for elderly people to get this disease. Under the medical conditions at the time, it was difficult to cure. Getting this disease is probably related to emotional discomfort. Stroke is mostly caused by insufficient liver yin, hyperactivity of liver and yang, internal movement of liver wind, or anger and injury to the liver, or gluttony, phlegm fever, yangsheng wind, or loss of qi and blood, virtual wind internal movement. "Choking" is mostly caused by major damage to qi and blood, drying up of jin liquid, depressed qi machine, and sputum stasis. [633] Obviously, these two diseases are due to uncomfortable mood, excessive anxiety, exhausted heart, lack of qi and blood, and excessive liver fire, and have become the internal causes of this disease.

In ancient China, there was already a saying that "life is seventy years old". Wu Sangui lived in the south for a long time, withstood the extreme heat and humid climate, and lived to the age of sixty-seven, which was also a high lifespan. This is still due to his good physical fitness. He learned martial arts from a young age, studied military affairs, and his physical fitness turned out to be excellent. After a long time, although long-term running, eat a lot of hardships, experienced a lot of hardships, but also exercised the body to adapt to a variety of living environments, coupled with the diet has always been good, to Yunnan, and lived a comfortable and comfortable life, the body has been well maintained. Therefore, he did not have the common disease of the elderly, but suddenly suffered from the "stroke hiccup" disease. This disease is possible in people of other ages. However, because of the relationship between old age and being in a very special living condition, people like Wu Sangui who are already elderly, I am afraid it is easier to get this disease!

As emperor, Wu Sangui would naturally receive the best treatment that the conditions at that time could allow. Although it did not see great good, it also maintained it and did not see deterioration. Unfortunately, one day, suddenly a dog sneaked up on several of his cases and sat peacefully. Sangui was startled at first, and immediately realized that it was an ominous omen for the dog to sit a few times. He was very superstitious, and after being frightened by the dog, his spirit collapsed at once, his condition deteriorated rapidly, and his mouth could not be opened. It shows that when he first got the disease, his mouth could still open and close, but at this time he could not open his mouth. Then, he added the disease of "diarrhea", which chinese medicine calls dysentery, and diarrhea does not stop. Please ask Lang Zhong to do everything he can to cure it, but it will not work. Sangui knew that he was no longer able to do so, and instructed his confidante to quickly order his grandson Wu Shipan (i.e., Wu Yingxiong's son) to come to Hengzhou and entrust the aftermath.

The cause of death of Wu Sangui, a gestapo, was revealed: stroke plus diarrhea did not stop

In addition to this will, Wu Sangui probably did not leave any important words for future affairs, which was discussed by the generals after his death, each holding a word, and seeing that Sangui had not given instructions for the future way out before his death. It seems that he does not want to say what he does not want to say, and everything is left to his fate, and he is left to their presidency. He knew he was a dying man, and he was disheartened, so what more could he leave them? Maybe you can't open your mouth and can't speak? Maybe he wanted to wait for his grandson to come to Hengzhou from Yunnan and say it together? Anyway, he didn't leave any last words, to be sure.

The messenger traveled from Hengzhou to Yunnan, and then from Yunnan to Hengzhou with Shipan, how far away! Sangui's illness continued to worsen, and before Shi Fan arrived, he died on August 18 at the age of sixty-seven. This year was the seventeenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the fifth year of the Reign of The Kangxi Dynasty, that is, 1678 AD. Sangui passed away with his legacy. His vigorous life ended in misery. At this point, his personal history is over. He did not leave a rich legacy to his descendants and subordinates, but a mess, a mess that needed to be cleaned up, and passed on to them the inevitable scourge of annihilation!

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