
The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

author:A world of dogs and love

Before we die, each of us hopes to return to the roots of the fallen leaves and spend this last moment with our loved ones.

But dogs are the exact opposite of humans...

When they die, they will not only be far away from their owners, but will also find ways to escape from their homes.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

Recently, Shovel Brother saw such a dog.

Netizen @ Kern's dog is 20 years old this year.

In 20 years, it has changed from a small milk dog that is alive and bouncing to an old dog that is hobbling.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

The little guy has always been very well-behaved, but recently, he has become very stubborn...

Because it always wants to run outside, even if it can't walk anymore, it doesn't stop, and every time the owner carries it back to the yard.

A few days ago, the netizens came to the family, the family is busy in the yard, after the busy found that the dog lying at the gate did not move.

Walking over to see, it was no longer breathing.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

Through monitoring, netizens saw that the dog was almost dead at that time, but it was still dragging its weak body and shaking to get out.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

But halfway there was no strength left, and he looked up at the home with difficulty, and then closed his eyes forever.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

Compared with the lively atmosphere at home, the lonely figure of the dog is so out of place.

Netizens have never understood: why do dogs have to leave, or have to leave home...

The old man in the family said:

Dogs are creatures like that, dutiful and loyal when you need them;

Leave quietly when you don't need it, and don't give you any more trouble.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

Hearing this sentence, netizens instantly burst into tears...

It is not difficult to find that there are many such examples in life.

Netizen @ Li Si raised a pastoral dog and is 16 years old this year.

Some time ago, the dog suddenly stood up and circled around the owner, and then reluctantly walked out of the house.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

Netizens chased it out, but the dog obviously didn't want him to follow...

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

Finally, the owner found its body under a tree not far from home.

The dog below is named Hua Hua, who is also a Chinese pastoral dog.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

Hua Hua is 19 years old...

In 19 years, its companion has grown up, but it has become a "shadow" in itself.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

In the past, every time she went home, Hua Hua would be the first to run to greet her, even if she was old, she would try to get up like an "old servant" and let the master touch his head.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

But some time ago, the flowers suddenly changed...

It no longer has intimate relationships with its family and has begun to "hide" from people frequently.

Seeing the owner close to him, Huahua got up and walked outside, even if he heard the shout, he did not look back.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

The owner of the flower said: It runs out during the day every day, but it comes back at night.

However, it no longer enters the house, it lies on its stomach in the yard, and someone will pass by and make two whimpers...

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

It never came back until one day after going out.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

Many people don't understand: why do dogs have to run away from home before they die?

In fact, this is a "return to the ancestors" phenomenon.

The ancestor of the dog is a wolf, the wolf pack system is strict, the sick or injured wolves in it do not drag the team back, will choose to stay away from the group, find a hidden and quiet place to hide.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

This instinct is already deep in the bones, even if it has been domesticated into a dog, it has not changed...

Many shovelers in the countryside have experienced the experience of returning home after their dogs disappeared for a few days.

In fact, most dogs run away from home are sick or injured, and if they are cured, they will return home.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

Of course, there is the most important one: I just don't want to make the owner sad...

Dogs and humans have lived together for tens of thousands of years, loyal, intelligent, and spiritual, not only capturing the emotions of their owners, but also predicting their own death.

They know that their departure will bring sorrow to their masters, so they will deliberately avoid their masters, find a secluded corner, and wait quietly for death to come.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

But usually the place is not too far from home, because they still want to guard the home.

Even if it is locked in the house, it will find a corner or leave with its back to its owner, because it does not want the owner to see what it looks like.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

There is no creature in this world that can be as loyal to people as a dog...

It is hard to imagine how reluctant they will be when they are going to leave one day, and how deep the memories they leave us are.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

Everyone will get old, and so will the dogs...

If you also have an old dog at home, please be sure to take good care of it and let it feel the warmth of its owner in the last hours of your life.

If one day you suddenly find that the dog has become grumpy and unwilling to be close to you.

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

Be alert, they are likely to be sick, please take them to the hospital for examination immediately.

If it wants to run outside when you are not paying attention, please don't blame it, it is actually more upset than you...

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

Someone once asked: Why can people live for 100 years, while dogs can only live for a short period of ten years?

The 20-year-old dog secretly ran away from home, and after the owner saw the surveillance... Tears in an instant

The best answer is:

Because dogs know what love is from birth, they don't need to live that long.

We humans, on the other hand, need to spend more time learning to love and be loved...

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